December 21, 2014 The Parish of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace & Saint Veronica 314 Chestnut Ave. Hawley, PA 18428 122 Shiny Mountain Rd. Greentown, PA 18426 Rev. Richard W. Beck, Pastor Passionist Priests of St. Ann’s Basilica Deacon Matt Lorent Anne Pacitti, Pastoral Council Chairperson Rectory Staff William Ferraro, Business Manager Frances Peters, Parish Secretary Anthony Sanseverino, Catholic Outreach Coordinator Youth Faith Formation Staff Doreen Tascone, Program Director Mary Kennedy, Secretary Anthony Kietrys, Finance Council Chairperson Parish Staff Kevin M. Palan, Director of Music Michael Wargo, Maintenance Please visit us at Rectory Office Phone: 570 226-3183 Fax: 570 226-2126 Business Manager: [email protected] Parish Secretary: [email protected] Mon-Thurs 9:00 AM - Noon & 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - Noon Saturday/Sunday: Closed MASS SCHEDULE Queen Of Peace: Daily (M-F): Sat.: Saturday: Sunday: First Fridays: Confessions: Saturday: First Friday: 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion 5:30 PM 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM &11:30AM 9:00 AM & 5:30 PM April through December 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Before Masses St. Veronica’s: Wednesday: Saturday: Sunday: 9:00 AM Rosary with Communion Service 4:30 PM 10:00 AM Confessions: Saturday: Sunday: 4:00 PM to 4:15 PM 9:30 AM to 9:45 AM Youth Faith Formation Office Phone: 570 226-2955 or 570 226-6771 Fax: 570 390-4418 Program Director: [email protected] Mondays 9:00 AM - Noon & 1:00PM - 4:00PM Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sundays 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM BAPTISMS Baptisms will be on Saturdays in Queen of Peace Church by appointment. Prospective parents must be registered parishioners at Queen of Peace or another church. They should contact the Rectory at least three months before the birth of their child so that arrangements can be made to attend the Pre-Baptismal Seminar held bi-monthly. One Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Masses at Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace Church will be at 9:00 am and 5:30 pm. Confessions will be heard before both Masses. THE ROSARY AT ST. VERONICA’S Wednesdays at 9 AM at St. Veronica’s Church there will be the praying of the Rosary with a Communion Service. FACEBOOK The Parish of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace and St. Veronica can now be found on FACEBOOK, .Please like our page and invite your friends to like us too. Go to : Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 5:30PM 10:00PM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 8:00AM 9:15AM 11:30AM ST. VERONICA’S: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 4:30PM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 10:00AM Thursday, December 25, Christmas Day Wednesday, December 24, Christmas Eve 4:30 pm SV Lector Lector Mark Graziadio John Weisenreider Ministers Altar Server Buddy Tascone Doreen Tascone Ann Monaghan Brian McCarthy Altar Servers Lector Maureen Beilman April Caplette Victoria Rojas Jean Ann Ferraro Ministers 5:30 pm QP 10:00 pm QP Joanne Pelicane Ministers Jim Beilman Connie Hawkins Altar Servers Grace Ann Olver Kayla Divenuto Lector Ministers Altar Servers 8:00 am QP 9:15 am QP Ministers Altar Servers 11:30 am QP Lector Lois Galizia John Galizia John & Judy Witte Deacon Matt Sarah & Zach Witte Lector Ministers Altar Servers 10:00 am SV Lector Minister Melissa Monte Deacon Matt Jack Monte Chris Bower Dolores Cronin Deacon John Emilio Cardona Steven Barone Dave Guccini Steve Guccini Rectory office will be closed: December 24, 2014 - Office will close at 12:00PM December 25, 2015 - Office Closed December 26, 2015 - Office Closed December 31, 2014 - Office will closed at 12:00PM January 1, 2015 - Office Closed December 31& January 1 Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God 12/31/14 Lector Frank Coffaro Minister Donnamarie Coffaro Deacon Matt Altar Server Kayla Divenuto Daphne Divenuto Lector Liz MacElear DUE TO THE FLU SEASON Minister Deacon Matt We ask you not to shake hands with the Priest, Deacons, Altar Servers and Eucharistic Ministers before Mass. During the “Sign of Peace” just use an acknowledgement to each other, like a nod or a wave. God Bless, Father Rick Altar Server Brian McCarthy Lector Joan Ruffino Minister Ann Marie Reap FATHER BECK, DEACON MATT, DEACON JOHN AND THE STAFF OF BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE AND ST. VERONICA’S WOULD LIKE TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY HOLY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS. 5:30 pm QP Vigil 1/1/15 9:00 am QP 10:30 am SV December 27- December 28, 2014 Saturday 4:30 PM SV 5:30 PM QP Lector Minister Ann Marie Reap Kathy Jerge Altar Servers Volunteer needed Arlene Battista Lector Ministers Ron Battista Connie Hawkins Altar Servers Samantha Sura Lector Sunday Mary White Ministers 8:00 AM QP Vivian Stack Ann Monaghan Altar Servers The Steffens Lector 9:15 AM QP Paul Rotella Ministers Bonnie Rotella Mary Duffin Corio Altar Servers Bill Rotella 11:30 AM QP 10:00 AM SV Lector Ministers Sionnie LeBlanc Helen Nolan Carol Mattessich Deacon John Altar Servers The Caplettes Lector Joan Ruffino Minister Deacon Matt Altar Servers Volunteer needed Keep in your Prayers Greta Flederbach Barbara Flederbach William Flederbach Conrad Deutsch Veronica Weyandt Helen Campion Lynn Sudo Gary Hluchnick Kayleigh Grace John O’Brian Victor KilPatrick Linda Walsh Diane Iannarone Ted George Jesse Clark Sylvia Parlatore Bobby & Suzie Roe Thomas Schwartz Joe Kearney Brian Decarlo Betty Klebel Leroy Gibbons Bonnie Brown Helen Barr Victoria Rojas Barbara Scholz Cathy Drexel Matthew Eisele Kathy Rezykowski Regina Stephens Susan Fisher Christie Trotta Jennifer Holmstrom Katherine Orlando Robert Ammendola Pamela Kuzma Cathy M. Terino Robert Fede Eleanor Koelling Kay Spencer Catherine Collins Lois Jean Ribner Mike Palercio Sheila Ierubino Josine Young Michael Deutsch Daniel Sincoskie Eileen Martinell June Utegg Thomas Conklin Ida Creighton Linda Arnold Alexis Semler Mom, Natalie & twin infants, Vincent & Anthony December 22– December 28, 2014 Monday 9:00 AM QP Mary Giani - John & Lois Tuesday 9:00 AM QP George Barbito - his wife Linda Wednesday 5:30 PM QP Those of Our Parish Family 10:00 PM QP Intentions of the Celebrant 4:30 PM SV Intentions of the Celebrant Thursday 8:00 AM QP Intentions of the Celebrant 9:15 AM QP Intentions of the Celebrant 11:30 AM QP Intentions of the Celebrant 10:00 AM SV Intentions of the Celebrant Friday 9:00 AM QP Liturgy of the Word with Communion Saturday 9:00 AM QP Liturgy of the Word with Communion 4:30 PM SV Victor Wishneski - Edmund Koscielski 5:30 PM QP James Grady - The Family Sunday 8:00 AM QP Those of Our Parish Family 9:15 AM QP Ethel Dooley - Father Beck, Deacon Matt, Deacon John & Staff 11:30 AM QP Milton James - John & Judy Witte 10:00 AM SV Special Intention for the Healing of Nancee Schaub - John & Helen Heron The Perpetual Candle for the Blessed Mother and Tabernacle burns this week in loving memory of Richard Braz , Fanny & Saverio Bentivegna The Family TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON, AND A TIME FOR EVERY PURPOSE UNDER HEAVEN A Time to Be Born: Salvatore Calvo A Time to Wed: Laura Contreras & Mark Bradford A Time to Welcome: Mr. & Mrs. Willie Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Colucci A Time to Die: Pauline Hiris Joseph Antenucci Joseph Hendry Conrad Liss William Joseph Creighton Peter W. Cagnacci Catherine Schuman
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