Saint Mary Church A PENNSYLVANIA CHARITABLE TRUST Established in 1854 “Built on Living Stones” 444 Glenfield Road Sewickley, PA 15143 February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~ PARISH STAFF Father David J. Jastrab, Pastor ................... 412.741.6460 Fax……….. 412.749.9271 Barbara Venturella, Coordinator for Religious Education............... 412.741.3959 [email protected] Richard Gruber, Business Manager, Director of Music Ministry..412.741.6501 [email protected] Barbara Cox, Office Manager, Safe Environment Coordinator, Wedding Coordinator…………...412.741.6460 [email protected] Finance Council, [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. Mass at Masonic Village at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. When Traveling: or 1.858.207.6277 Eucharistic Adoration—3-5 p.m., Sundays An Automated External Defibrillator or AED is located in the Church vestibule near the front door. Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline: 1.888.808.1235 Childline (Abuse) Protective Services: 1.800.932.0313 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday at noon SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION: every Saturday from 4—4:30 p.m. or by appointment. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: CCD - Grades Kdg - 5: 9-10:15 a.m. Sundays (weekly) Confirmation Class (8th Grade) 9-10:15 a.m. Sundays (wkly) CCD - Grades 6 - 7: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sundays (bi-weekly) BAPTISM: By appointment - 412.741.6460 SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Diocesan directives require that arrangements for a marriage be made at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. All couples are required to attend a Pre-Marriage Preparation Program. Please call the rectory for information or to schedule a meeting 412.741.6460. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: This program is for those inquiring about becoming Catholic or those who have not received all of the Initiation Sacraments. Those who would like to know more about their faith, please call the rectory office for more information 412.741.6460. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK/SHUT-INS: Please notify the rectory when a family member is ill or hospitalized. Ministers of the Eucharist are available to bring communion to those ill and homebound. PRAYER REQUESTS: Send an email to Carolyn Oblak at [email protected] or call 412.576.9707. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary Church welcomes all who seek to enhance their own personal, family and community relationships with God Almighty. Ours is a varied congregation open to the talents of all. Our common goal is to continue the efforts of our ancestors to provide a legacy of Faith for future generations. Page Two February 8, 2015 We Welcome You to Sunday Holy Mass—faithful and practicing Catholics attend Mass every Sunday and they bring the children too. If you are looking for a Catholic Spiritual Home, please consider joining us here at St. Mary Church. To register, simply call the Parish Office at 412.741.6460 or visit our website: and on the left side of the page see Church Registration. Vicariates—our Diocese of Pittsburgh is comprised of four Vicariates. A priest director is in charge of each of these four divisions of Parishes and Institutions within the Diocese of Pittsburgh. The Bishop of the Diocese is the Most Reverend David A. Zubik and the Vicars are appointed by our Bishop to assist him in taking care of the spiritual and temporal affairs of the six-counties that make up the local Church we know as the Diocese of Pittsburgh. The Counties are Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington, Lawrence and Greene. Our Parish has been in Vicariate 4 headed by the Very Reverend Philip Farrell. In order that our Parish might more perfectly reflect the neighborhood we are in and the Parishes we are in closest collaboration with, Bishop Zubik has placed our Parish in Vicariate number 1, District 1 and Cluster 1 with Assumption Church and Sacred Heart Church. This new configuration took effect on February 1. Our Vicar will be the Very Reverend Robert Guay who was Pastor of our Parish not very long ago for a short period of time. I am most grateful to our Bishop for making this important change. Our Bishop has been most considerate to St. Mary Parish. We owe our good Bishop our thanks, prayers and love. We will work with Fr. Guay and we are glad that he is our new Vicar. The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes—is on Wednesday, February 11 and is also the World Day of the Sick and all prayers will be offered in a special way for all your loved ones who are ill. Lent—begins on February 18, Ash Wednesday. Please refer to the Church Bulletin for details and make an effort to worthily prepare for the feast of the Lord’s Holy and Glorious Resurrection. We apologize for the icy parking lots lately. Please be careful. I am blessed with such a simply beautiful flock. You are great people. Please take care of your families and be extra caring to the children. Love, Fr. Dave Consecrated life without sacrifice is a 'caricature,' Pope Francis says Vatican City, Feb 2, 2015 (CNA/EWTN News)—Pope Francis warned consecrated men and women against reducing their religious life to a “caricature,” calling them to instead embrace a life of obedience, which in turn leads to wisdom. …“Jesus came not to do his own will, but the will of the Father”, he said. “In the same way, all those who follow Jesus must set out on the path of obedience, imitating as it were the Lord’s ‘condescension’ by humbling themselves and making their own the will of the Father, even to selfemptying and abasement” (cf. Phil 2:7-8). Progress for a religious person means following the path of Jesus who “did not count equality with God something to be grasped”, the Holy Father continued: “to lower oneself, making oneself a servant, in order to serve.” …The wisdom which consecrated persons attain through the law is “not an abstract attitude, but a work and a gift of the Holy Spirit, the sign and proof of which is joy.”…“The Lord turns obedience into wisdom by the working of his Holy Spirit,” he continued. …In this way, the Pope said, consecrated men and women “are preserved from living our consecration lightly and in a disincarnate manner.” It would thereby become reduced to a “caricature” of the religious life: “without sacrifice, a prayer that is without encounter, a fraternal life that is without communion, an obedience without trust, a charity without transcendence.” Pope Francis concluded his homily calling on consecrated men and women to “bring others to Jesus”, while allowing themselves to be led by him. “This is what we should be: guides who themselves are guided.” —Adult Education Enrichment Scripture— Psalms Class (15 hrs.) today, Sun., Feb. 8, from 9 a.m.—noon, at St. Mary Parish’s Meenan Center. Questions call Barb Venturella at 412.741.3959. Come Join Us on Tuesday, February 17 The Cluster Health Ministry is inviting anyone interested in promoting personal health to come to an informational meeting at 7 p.m., at St. Mary’s Meenan Center. The goal of the ministry is to help individuals improve their physical, mental and spiritual well-being. If any of this sounds interesting to you, please join us. Light refreshments will be served. NO medical experience is needed to be part of this ministry. Marlene Frey Replenishment Blood Drive in honor of our friend and longtime fellow parishioner, on Sun., Feb. 15 in the Meenan Center from 8:30 a.m.—noon. Please sign up today to donate at our blood drive! Visit and search with sponsor code Z0020881 or call the Church Office at 412.741.6460 Sign-up sheet is located in the vestibule. We extend our prayerful congratulations to the Gilmore Family. Through the waters of Baptism, Ryan Howard Gilmore, Jr., will be born into the life of God. Please remember this family in your prayers as they begin their faith journey. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time —St. Ursula Valentine’s Night, 3937 Kirk Ave. 15101—Feb. 14, doors open at 6 p.m., catered dinner at 6:30 p.m., BYOB (we provide the mixers and snacks) 21+ and The Funny Fundraiser show with 3 comedians at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. $25/pp; tickets available at the School office or at the door; 412.486.5511. —25th Anniversary of the Love Walk—youth and their families are invited to walk for the poor on Sun., Feb. 15. Event begins with Mass at 2 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church (310 Shady Ave.) in Shadyside (which fulfills Sunday obligation). At 3:10 p.m. the walk begins from Church to East End Cooperative Ministry (250 N. Highland Ave.) where participants will walk with their donations of baby wipes, diapers and non-perishable boxed foods. For more info, visit or call 412.456.6996. Limited parking available. Car pooling encouraged. Buses may park at Home Depot, 400 N. Highland Ave., Pgh., PA 15206. —Magnificat Prayer Breakfast on Sat., Feb. 21 from 9 a.m.-noon at the Doubletree (formerly Sheraton Four Points) in Cranberry Twp. with speaker Kathleen Beckman. Her testimony is one of transformation after long suffering. Cost is $20. Call 412.461.8906 to register by Feb. 13 or visit . —Lenten Afternoon of Recollection at Gilmary Ctr., Feb. 22. Light meal served at 3 p.m. No fee. Advance registration is necessary 412.264.8400 or —Hope & Healing 2-Day Retreat with Immaculée Ilibagiza—at St. Ferdinand Church, 2535 Rochester Rd., Cranberry Twp. with Immaculée Ilibagiza, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Mar. 20 & 21 (Fri. 4-9 p.m., Sat. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) Registration is required at, click event/retreat or contact Bonnie at 724.776-9177, ext. 313. —Divorced, Widowed, or Separated?—the loss of a spouse through separation, divorce, or death is a traumatic experience. The Beginning Experience weekend is intended to help widowed, divorced, or separated people who would like to pass through the grief and begin to move forward with their lives. Mar. 20-22 at the Gilmary Retreat Ctr. in Moon Twp., PA. Payment arrangements and possible financial assistance are available. Visit or make a confidential call to Mary at 412.523.2405 or Steve at 412.367.4948. Flower Dedications—to remember a special occasion with a flower dedication call Sue Scioscia at 412.370.2897. Please Pray for our Sick & Shut-ins Betty Adams, Baby Jaryd Boyer, Alissa Boyle, Rev. James L. Bruney, Mary Catterall, David Coyle, Mary Ann Donahue, Patrick Donahue, Marlene Frey, Doris Funderwhite, Alessandra Busatta Gruelle, Lynn Huston Holmes, Sally Houser, Verna Jackson, Davey Jones, Keitel Family, Baby Lily Lauffer, Clarence Lewis, Charles Liffert, Mary Louise Lorey, Patricia G. Lorey, Frank McClaine, Janet McGervey, Joe Miketic, Diana Mohr, Joanne & Frank Reich, Pat Rothe, Marlene Smiley, Jerry Snyder, Ann Stroyne, Dorothy Weber, Evelyn Wiley and Bill Wintermantel Page Three World Meeting of Families Congress and Papal Visit—the Diocese of Pgh. has arranged transportation and secured lodging for those interested in visiting Philadelphia, Sept. 22-27. Registration material is available at Bishop David A. Zubik will celebrate Mass on Sat., Sept. 26. The Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office has additional info on pilgrimages designed for especially for them. Questions: [email protected]. Act fast because space is limited. Seniors & disabled citizens in Allegheny County need volunteers to shovel sidewalks. Please register at Allegheny Snow Angels or visit Open Your Heart to a Senior to volunteer in other ways. A Family Bud Ozar In today’s gospel Jesus went to the “house of Andrew and Simon” to relax but discovered that “Simon’s mother-in-law was very ill. Like Jesus we come home to relax but are confronted with problems. Take a tip from Andrew and Simon who “told Jesus about it at once.” Marriage Moments—You have almost a week to think about how to celebrate Valentine’s Day. (Luckily, it’s before Lent so chocolate is a possibility.) Better yet, choose one favor a day to surprise your beloved with. Your love is a daily act, not just one day a year. ©2015 by Susan Vogt Have a Heart—the Cluster Health Ministry is collecting personal items for Catholic Charities to support individuals, families, newly arrived refugees and the homeless in need in our local area. Please place your new or gently used items in the bins provided in the back of church between Feb. 14 and March 1. Items needed: paper towels, bath tissue, toothbrushes, soap, feminine products, laundry detergent, dish soap, socks, can openers, tea towels, dishcloths, twin and full size sheets and blankets, and fire extinguishers. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Parish Poor Box—If you are aware of a parish family, or are a parishioner, in need of financial help, call the Office. Can’t think of a gift for someone? Give something really special—a Mass. If you would like to have a Mass offered: birthday, anniversary, healing or for the repose of a soul, please call the office at 412.741.6460 or complete and return the form below. The $10 donation and form can be placed in an envelope and put in the offertory basket and the card can be mailed to the recipient by the office or you may pick it up. Intention’s Name:___________________________________ Circle one: healing, well-being, death, birthday, anniversary Requester’s Name:__________________________________ Name and address to whom card will be sent: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 8 -Baptism of Ryan Gilmore, Jr. at 10:30 a.m. Mass -Eucharistic Adoration—3-5 p.m. -Children’s Choir Practice—6-7 p.m. 9 -Bell Choir Practice—5:45-7 p.m. -Exercise Class—6-7 p.m. 10 Quilters—9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.—Meenan Center Business/Music Corner: Well, this past week-end appeared to be for ‘churchwarriors’ only and for those of you who did make it to mass, the parking lot(s) were not very friendly! Historically, we have one or two weekends during the Winter when we experience consecutive snow falls and the surface of the parking lot becomes treacherous to navigate. Our contractor is very good about keeping the sidewalks and porch areas salted/clear but due to the tar-and-chip surface of the parking lot, the snowplow can only go so low before scraping off the top surface of limestone. In order to prevent that, the snowblades are sometimes equipped with skid-plates which prevent the plow from damaging the road-surface but it also leaves a an inch or more of snow that can get packed-down and eventually turn into ice, e.g., last week! I did have our contractor spread anti-skid (fine-ground limestone) on both the near and far parking lot and it is helping to break-up the ice but we are expecting some arctic weather tonight followed by light snow. Please be careful out there! Reading Reflection(s): I sometimes preface any comments about the readings with the premise that I try to familiarize myself with the focus or lesson within the readings in order to better select the appropriate musical selections. In doing so, more often than not, I discover something within the reading that perhaps I had never given much thought to or perhaps much like a child, totally misunderstood the ‘lesson’ within the reading. Of course my wife used to accuse me of that very thing when she asked me to do something and after procrastinating for a while, I would reply that I must have misunderstood or completely [conveniently] forgot about it. But back to today’s reading from Job, it is totally depressing and Job is focused on life’s futility, hopelessness and ends the reading with ‘I shall not see happiness again’. The 2nd reading is from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. What I learned in reading some of the commentary is that legally, Paul had the lawful right to charge a fee for his preaching but for Paul preaching the Gospel is a privilege and views his preaching as more of a stewardship and his mission on earth as ‘authorized’ by the Lord. Sometimes for me, I think I either make things too complicated or they are complicated and my simple mind defaults to ‘overly-simple’! My consultant Nony says that Norm is always like that – ‘simple-minded’. Collections: Offertory: $2,919; PSP: $2,455; Votive: 10; St. Anthony:$20; R.E. Regis.: $340; Church Alive: $850; Bulletins:$20;Energy Needs:$63;Souper Bowl: $613.07. Our Church Alive Campaign: Total pledged: $161,475. Collected:$56,965. Dick Gruber, Business Manager/Dir. of Music Ministries SAT. SUN. 5 p.m. 8 a.m. EDWARD LEWIS (Ernest Lescinsky) Lector —Vicki Werner; Commentator—Pat Kriger Server/s—Patrick Gannon/Mary Gannon Eucharistic Ministers—Mary Lou Coyle/Sandy Rock/ Bill Jackson Ushers—Howard Schmid/Ed Weixel/Paul Taiclet/ Eric Studebaker EVELYN UNGER (Family) Lector —Rich Joyce; Commentator—Sue Weiss Server/s—Matthew Von Kaenel/Shannon Von Kaenel Eucharistic Ministers—Kathy Leonard/Carolyn Oblak/ Rebecca Schwartz Ushers—Bud Schubel/Patrick Fairley/Tom McCluhan 10:30 a.m.FOR THE WELFARE OF ALL THE FREY SISTERS (Marlene Frey) Lector—Sandy Olenick; Commentator—Rebecca Donovan Server/s—Shayna Cunnard/Hannah Ashburn Eucharistic Ministers—Ben Barcaskey/ Doreen Carraway/tbd Ushers—David Peace/Valerie Graber/Todd Diedrick MON. 9 a.m. WELL-BEING OF MARY KAY POPPENBERG TUES. 9 a.m. EVELYN UNGER WED. 9 a.m. WELL-BEING OF WAYNE EDWARDS (Joan and Warren Fitzpatrick) (Family) (Patsy and Jimmy Bradshaw) 1:30 p.m. MASS AT MASONIC VILLAGE THURS. 9 a.m. WELL-BEING OF ALICIA RICHEY FRI. SAT. SUN. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 8 a.m. (Betty and Paul Taiclet) WELL-BEING OF ALICIA RICHEY (Betty and Paul Taiclet) SARAH “SALLY” SNEIDER (Bill and Margie Zierenberg) Lector —Vicki Werner; Commentator—Pat Kriger Server/s—Andrew Gannon/Meghan Osekowski Eucharistic Ministers—Mary Lou Coyle/Sandy Rock/ Bill Jackson Ushers—Howard Schmid/Ed Weixel/Paul Taiclet/ Eric Studebaker IN LOVING MEMORY OF KATHERINE GOLDEN (Cotter Family) Lector —Rich Joyce; Commentator—Sue Weiss Server/s—Hunter Brace/Theo Houser Eucharistic Ministers—Kathy Leonard/Carolyn Oblak/ Rebecca Schwartz Ushers—Bud Schubel/Patrick Fairley/Tom McCluhan 10:30 a.m.46th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OF LINDA AND RICH STRINGERT (Niebel Family) Lector—Don LaVoie; Commentator—Rebecca Donovan Server/s—Savannah Graber/Taylor Graber Eucharistic Ministers—Ben Barcaskey/ Doreen Carraway/tbd Ushers—David Peace/Valerie Graber/Todd Diedrick FEBRUARY 8 9 a.m.—noon 15 22 Adult Ed. Class: Psalms 6-8 p.m. Grades 6 & 7 No Religious Education Classes 9—10:15 a.m. Grades K-5 & 8 10:30 a.m. Youth Mass Grade 4 6-8 p.m. Grades 6 & 7
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