ST. MARY PARISH 1333 58th Street, Sacramento CA 95819 (916) 452-0296 • Fax (916) 452-3908 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm [email protected] The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples. — Luke 2:30-31 OUR MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary Parish prepares and sustains Its members and guests for a life and eternity in the presence of God. In accomplishing our mission, we proclaim and celebrate our salvation through Jesus Christ enlivened by the Holy Spirit, nourish our sacramental life especially in the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist, and demonstrate our faith worshiping, educating, serving and encouraging vocations as modeled by Mother Mary. MORE PARISH INFORMATION MARRIAGE: Contact the Parish office at (916) 452-0296 6 months prior to the wedding date. Marriage preparation classes are available. INFANT BAPTISM: Contact the Parish Office. All baptisms must be scheduled 3 months in advance. Parents and godparents must attend class. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the Parish Office regarding sick, elderly who are at home, hospitals or special care facilities. MUSIC: For Music Ministry, call Ben Billeci (916) 383-6155 RCIA: Process for adults and children of catechetical age who are interested in joining the Catholic Church and baptized Catholics wanting to complete their initiation sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Please call Shannon Blecha at (916) 452-0296 x20 or email at [email protected]. CFF: Catholic youth are formed through the Parish Faith Formation Program (CFF). Shannon Blecha (916) 452-0296 x20. PARISH HALL RENTAL: Please call 6 months prior to make reservations, contact Sandra Sanders (916) 452-0296 x24 or email [email protected]. BULLETIN: Our church bulletin is prepared one week in advance. All submissions are reviewed by the Pastor. Email requests to [email protected] no later than Friday. MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am, and 6:00 pm Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday 8:00 am Saturday 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Holy Days: As announced in bulletin CONFESSION : Satur day: 3:30 pm-4:30 pm or by appointment PASTOR: Fr . J ames Nar ithookil, CMI PAROCHIAL VICAR : Fr . J ossy Vattothu, CMI DEACONS Deacon Luigi Del Gaudio, MSW Deacon George W. Kriske Business Manager: Tr acilyn Peter s [email protected] SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Patrick J. O’Neill M.A. INFANT MARY CHAPEL Open Daily 6:30 am-5:00 pm Solemn Adoration: First Fridays 8:30 am-6:00 pm ST. MARY’S PARISH SCHOOL 1351 58th Street, Sacramento CA 95819 (916) 452-1100 • Fax (916) 453-2750 • FOLLOW OUR PARISH WELCOME! Our war mest welcome to all who celebr ate with us, whether longtime r esidents or newly ar r ived in the par ish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered, please fill out the form below and place in the collection basket or mail to the church. Name: __________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ Zip: ______________ Email:_____________________________________________________________________________ New Parishioner New Address New Phone Number Moving, remove from list Send Sunday Envelopes Electronic Tithing Information From the Pastor New Year Reflections Anewyearisunfolding—likeablossomwithpetalscurledtightlyconcealingthebeautywithin.Lord, letthisyearbe illedwiththethingsthataretrulygood—withthecomfortofwarmthinourrelationships,withthestrengthtohelpthosewhoneedourhelpandthehumilityandopennesstoaccepthelp fromothers.Aswemakeourresolutionsfortheyearahead,letusgoforwardwithgreathopethatall thingscanbepossible—withYourhelpandguidance." Recipe for a Happy New Year. Taketwelve ine,full-grownmonths;seethatthesearethoroughlyfreefromoldmemoriesofbitterness,cleansethemcompletelyfromeveryclingingpain;pickoffallspecksofpettinessandlittleness;in short,seethatthesemonthsarefreedfromallthepast—havethemfreshandcleanaswhenthey irst camefromthegreatstorehouseofTime.Cutthesemonthsintothirtyorthirty-oneequalparts.Donot attempttomakeupthewholebatchatonetimebutprepareonedayatatime.Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work, hope, ϐidelity, liberality, kindness, rest(leavingthisoutis likeleavingtheoiloutofthesaladdressing—don’tdoit),prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution.Putinaboutoneteaspoonfulofgoodspirits,adashoffun,apinchoffolly,asprinklingofplay,andaheapingcupfulofgoodhumour. MayGodmakeyouryearahappyone! Notbyshieldingyoufromallsorrowsandpain, Butbystrengtheningyoutobearit,asitcomes; Notbymakingyourpatheasy, Butbymakingyousturdytotravelanypath; Notbytakinghardshipsfromyou, Butbytakingfearfromyourheart; Notbygrantingyouunbrokensunshine, Butbykeepingyourfacebright,evenintheshadows; Notbymakingyourlifealwayspleasant, Butbyshowingyouwhenpeopleandtheircausesneedyoumost, andbymakingyouanxioustobetheretohelp. God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead. Come, Holy Spirit, SpiritoftheRisenChrist,bewithustodayandalways. BeourLight,ourGuide,andourComforter. BeourStrength,ourCourage,andourSancti ier. MaythisNewYearbeatimeofdeepspiritualgrowthforus, Atimeofwelcomingyourgracesandgifts, Atimeforforgivingfreelyandunconditionally, Atimeforgrowinginvirtueandgoodness. Come, Holy Spirit, Bewithustodayandalways.Amen. Fr. James Narithookil, CMI Pastor _________________________________________________________________________________ TV MASS: NEW TIME [CHANNEL CALL LETTERS] Heart of the Nation's TV Mass for the homebound will move to 6:30 a.m. on KSPX (ION) channel 29. When you or someone you love cannot get to church because of illness, lack of transportation, or other struggles, the TV Mass offers spiritual comfort and inspiration. For cable/satellite channels, check your TV listings for KSPX (ION). The Mass will continue to air at 7:00 a.m. on KBTV channel 8.6 (need antenna) and at 7:30 a.m. on Sacramento Faith TV. Video of the TV Mass is also available online at HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION JANUARY 1 SOLEMNITY OF MARY Thursday, January 1, 2015, is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at 6:30pm and two Masses on Thursday, January 1, 2015 at 8 a.m., and 12:15 p.m. AARP Driver Safety Program A driver safety program course is being conducted at the Nicoletti, Culjis & Herberger Funeral Home 5401 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95819 January 26 and 27, 2015, Mon and Tues. from 9:00am to 1:00pm The fee is a non-refundable $15.00 (for AARP members) * or $20.00 (for non-AARP members) for each par ticipant. To register or if you have any questions please call Jim Finnegan at (916) 804-9777. Happy New Year!!! The clergy and staff of St. Mary Parish wish you and your families a very happy and healthy 2015. Festival Co-chairs needed Are you interested in becoming more involved with your church community? We are looking for two additional people to assist in chairing the annual parish festival for 2015. It may seem like a daunting task, but rest assured, you will not be alone! Duties will include, attending a few meetings leading up to festival day and most importantly assisting on festival weekend. If you are interested please contact Susie Jackson 916-416-3303 or [email protected], she can answer any questions you may have and sign you up if you are interested. Help Us to Help Others The St Vincent de Paul Society-Sacramento Thrift Store operates to broaden the Vincentian mission by providing low-priced goods and services to our neighbors in need, so they may live in dignity. We invite all parishioners to join us in raising awareness of the Society by visiting our Thrift Store located at: 2275 Watt Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825 We serve not only our community but each other. Whether you are shopping or donating you are giving. 2015 ACA Parish Advocate Thank you to Miss Shannon Blecha who has agreed to act as our Parish Advocate for the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. St. Mary’s Mardi Gras Crab Feed Mark your calendar, January 10, 2015. This parish event is at a special date this year due to a conflict with Valentine’s Day...but not to worry, it will be back in February 2016. So come out and shake hands with Bayou Nik, taste Gator Joe's down home cooking with help from his crew of critters, and get your drink at Possum Pete's Watering Hole. We will have a great raffle and music to dance to as well. The menu includes Jumbo shrimp with Cajun cocktail sauce, salad, cornbread with honey butter, chicken and sausage gumbo served over rice, crab and peach cobbler. All this for $45 per ticket. Tickets can be purchased by calling Denise Franzoia (916) 457-5084 or the church office at 452 -0296. You can use cash, check, or credit card. If you would like to volunteer for this event and earn your parish hours then please contact Nikolaas Bos at [email protected] ....we need servers, raffle ticket sellers, getting donations for raffle prizes and putting baskets together. We also need two people to sell drink tickets and as always some people willing to set up. We need a volunteer chair to take the names of the volunteers and positions they're volunteering for. That about covers it for now. See you soon, Nik Bos, Chair; Chris Holtzman, CoChair; Joe Rovito, Kitchen Chair; Pete Piccardo, Bar Chair Parish Wish List……. There are many projects around our parish buildings that can be your gift to the St. Mary Community. Please pray about it and contact the parish office and let us know if you are able to help with your time, your talent, your treasure or all three. Our wish list is as follows: New Carpeting in the Rectory Dining Room New Carpeting on the Rectory Stairs New Carpeting on the 2nd Floor New or Gently Used Furniture for the Rectory Parlor Exterior LED lighting for Church/Hall New Sound System—Giovanni Hall Replace older components Church Sound System Repair dry rot in St. Joseph’s Cupboard Flooring in Hall Additional Metal Folding Chairs for Hall Repair sidewalk on M Street New wooden gate to St. Joseph’s Garden New Doors from Hall to Gym New HVAC system for Church and Church Offices New AC unit for Rectory Repair/Replace Canopy posts on M Street Remodel Janitorial Closet in Hall New Roof for the Rectory patio New Roof for the Church entry Your Stewardship and contributions towards maintaining your spiritual home are greatly appreciated. Mass Intentions Requested By Saturday, December 27 8:00am Raymond Clemons + Family 5:00pm Mary Andrade + Daughter Jacinta de Aguirre + Alarcon Family Sunday, December 28 8:00am Irene Manno + Harry & Regina Viani Bruna Guidotti + Harry & Regina Viani 9:30am Mario Affinito + Nancy Affinito Julie Rogado Family 11:00am Frank Manfredini + Enes Manfredini Dina & Albert Pieruccini + Enes Manfredini 6:00pm For the People Monday, December 29 8:00am Fr. Jossy Vattothu Maria, Mary & Jo Anna Ministry Breda Seymour Tuesday, December 30 8:00am Carol Suarez Klick + Ginny Suarez Klein Mary Morrissey Breda Seymour Wednesday, December 31 8:00am 6:30pm Rita Gruca + Billie McCarty 8:00am Thursday, January 1 8:00am Maria Velo + Nancy Horat 12:15pm Mario Affinito + Nancy Affinito Robert Zarick + Joan & Family Friday, January 2 8:00am Steve & Krissy Alvarez Mom Mary Velo + Frank Philipps Saturday, January 3 8:00am Mary Velo + Frank Philipps John Ciani + Ciani Family 5:00pm Archie Bugatto + Wife & Family Bob Voss + Cathie Carvalho Sunday, January 4 8:00am Robert Antonietta Fontana+ Fontana Family Mary Velo + Mary Kassis 9:30am Mario Affinito + Nancy Affinito Vinicio Guerra + Wife 11:00am Michaela Espejo + Michael & Beverly Paparella Mario Zeravica Bilandzich Family 6:00pm For the People READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Pray For… Lilian Clifford, Gene Harding, Patricia Scanlan, Darlene Claflin, Mary Katherine Long, Donna Fisher, Tracy Fisher, Carmen Quintana, Anne Horton, Rose Mary Clemons, Anna Krizl, Patricia Schiele, Jim & Amelia Vic, Melinda Riley, Janet & Steven Kwartler, Donna Kelley, Edward Kelley, Mary Halverson, Stefanie Jumper, Brent Luna, Madison Smith, Robert Rizzo, Trisha BrightBernard, Joe Rohrer, Wendy Fisher, Richard Padden, Herb Louie, Esther Latino, Candi Peters, Gary Sypnicki, Frank Roddy, France Driscoll, Richard Kelley, Rene Larkin, Clarence Jefferson, Bernadine Vessels, Joetta Conners, Elvira Falzon, Cassandra and Gigi Noble, Mary Velo, Andrea Kolstrup, Tony Costa, Matthew Herbert and Niloofar Layeghi, Harriet Coster, Joan Hanrahan, Abbas Layeghi, Elizabeth Henry, Gary Clifford, Thomas Colby, Cecil Bennett, Linda Kaeser, Pat Nulk, Robin Dunton, Loren Chelini, Rebecca Jayne and Ada Ann Scott. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Thursday is a very special feast day for our parish in particular. It is special because it is dedicated to our patroness. One of my favorite titles for Mary is from the Greek language: Theotokos. It means “God-bearer”. Try that on for the next few days. Now let’s look at the readings for this feast. The second reading is Galatians 4:4-7. It is easy to misunderstand St. Paul. That first sentence has five clauses, which can get confusing if you don’t see the main point: “God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” This is the meaning of the solemnity and of all the Christmas season. Christ’s coming through Mary transformed us from slaves to children of God. We can now call God “Abba!” which is better translated as “Daddy!” This passage is about what God did for us through Christ. I challenge you to read the Gospel: Luke 2:1621. Mary is reflecting on all that is happening in her heart. It makes us ask: if God becoming human were not a world-altering event, would it be worth the bother? God comes for our sakes to change the world forever. That is the meaning of all the amazement. That is how precious we are to God! And Mary is central to this story. She is the perfect disciple that we should emulate. From the Annunciation onward, her “fiat” is her YES to God. Unconditional! Let us follow in her footsteps by saying YES to God! Happy Feast of the Solemnity of our Mother, Mary. If you are interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith or want to finish your initiation Sacraments (first eucharist & confirmation), contact me at (916) 4520296, ext. 20 or at [email protected] for more information. -Shannon Blecha RCIA Adult and Teens Sessions Catechumenate: Sundays 10:30 am, Marian Room Dec. 28: Holy Family Jan. 4: Epiphany—Jan. 11: Dismissal Only Inquiry: Mondays, 7:00 pm, Holy Spouses Rm. Dec. 29: NO SESSION Jan. 5: Inside Church—Jan. 12: Outside Church Children’s Inquiry:Mondays, 5:30pm, Holy Spouses Dec. 29: NO SESSION Jan. 5: Relationships—Jan. 12: Church Tour Interested in joining the Catholic Church? …or just learning more about it? …or completing your initiation sacraments? …or learning more about your faith? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults team invites you to continue your journey of faith, beginning with an exchange of information meeting with Shannon. Call 452-0296, ext. 20 or e-mail to [email protected].
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