Parish Bulletin - St Louis Catholic School

St. Louis Parish
3310 S. Sherman • Englewood, CO 80113
Father Robert J. Reycraft - Pastor
Sr. Margaret Quinn, RSM - Pastoral Assistant
Office Hours: M-F 9 am - 12 pm, 12:30 pm - 3 pm
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00 pm
Neo-Catechumenal Way - English: 7:00 pm (Cafeteria)
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 5:30 pm
Holy Day Masses: As announced
Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday 7:30 am
Rosary: Monday-Friday 7:00 am
Prayer Network Rosary – Thursdays 8:00 am
Croatian Language Mass-Last Sunday of Month at 12 pm
By appointment.
Appointment required 9-12 months in advance.
Saturday: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Parish Office ..........................................................303-761-3940
Sister Margaret ......................................................303-986-1541
Ext. 6205
School Fax.............................................................303-762-0156
RCIA Director - Marilane McCarthy .......................303-232-4533
Principal-Pattie Hagen……………………………….303-762-8307
Pattie Hagen E-Mail………………… [email protected]
R.E. Director - Steven Kelly………………………….303-507-0694
Neo-Catechumenal Way-Tim & Flora Potter ……..303-587-5185
St. Vincent House -Carolyn Bauer......................... 303-781-1429
Fr. Reycraft E-Mail Address……[email protected]
Parish Office-Bulletin………………………[email protected]
Parish Website……………………
St. Louis School Web site……
Project Gabriel……………………………………...1-800-713-3021
REMEMBER – St. Louis Parish/School in your Will!
Help continue the message of the Gospel and Catholic
Education for future generations!
For information, Call the
Catholic Foundation at 303-468-9885.
Those who are sick have their names placed in the bulletin and
in the book at the rear of the Church. Specific names will be
mentioned at Mass for one week only. But all who are sick will
be included in our prayers at every Mass.
If you want someone included, please call the Parish office at
Also, if you are going into the hospital and wish to be
anointed, contact the Parish office.
When there is a parishioner in the hospital who wishes to be
visited call the Parish office.
When you have updates on the current list of those who are
sick, let us know.
Pat James, Lillian Kauffmann, Beverly Fisher, Jim Sitton (sonin-law of Marie Smolski), Dorothy Zele, Rana Rubida,
Georgia Ferguson, Eleanor Dalby
St. Louis Catholic School Is Hosting Open Houses
Every Tuesday in February, from 1:00-3:00 pm, St. Louis will hold
an Open House.
We are especially proud of our Primary program, grades K-2. The
key to academic success occurs in Kindergarten & 1st Grade. The
primary grades (K-2) are the foundation for your child’s educational
achievement. During your visit, witness our exceptional teachers,
Mrs. Gerding and Mrs. Walsh, teach exemplary programs focusing
•Phonemic Awareness
•Self – regulation skills
•Foundations in math
•Independence skills
•Early learning literacy program
For further information, please visit
or call the school office at 303-762-8307.
The St. Louis Knights of Columbus Council #14443 will be serving
breakfast on Sunday, February 8th after the 8 & 10 Masses.
The breakfast menu will be: Breakfast Burrito-Scrambled eggsPancakes-Hash browns-Breakfast sausage-Biscuits & Gravy-Green
Chili-Fruit cup-Orange juice-Coffee-Cocoa & Tea. Adults 16-59$7.00, Seniors 60 & up-$5.00, Children 5-15-$ 3.00, Free 4 & Under.
Family discounts are available. We hope you can all attend, enjoy
breakfast and spend time with your fellow parishioners.
All proceeds benefit St. Louis Parish.
Saint Louis Parish
Englewood, Colorado
Week of February 9–February 15, 2015
+Ray Lumpp
By Vince & Mary Jo Boryla
Pattie Hagan
25th Anniversary in Catholic Education
5:00pm +William J. Havlat
By Betty Adams
8:00am +Ray Lumpp
By Vince & Mary Jo Boryla
10:00am Arnold Pfeifer
By George Ann Reagan
& Robert Wood
5:30pm Mass for Parishioners
Weekday: Feb. 9 –Feb. 13, 2015
Christopher Moser and Zachary Barrios
Next Weekend: Feb. 14 & Feb. 15, 2015
Saturday 5:00 pm Hayden Johnson, Adam Scheneman
Carina Florsek, Ryan Chavez
Sunday 8:00 am Taylor Langlett, Kate Powell
Danny Fisher, Jonathan Hoopes
10:00 am Chloe Grosso, Anna Grosso
Toby Grosso, William Grosso
5:30 pm Michael Major, David Major
Katie Major, James Major
St. Louis Parish Lector and
Eucharistic Ministers Schedule Feb. 14/Feb. 15, 2015
Sat 5:00 pm
Lector– Carolyn Derrington-Tate
Eucharistic Ministers–
Mondo Montez, Vera Montez, Tracy Kelley-O’Neill
Sun 8:00 am Lector–Julie Rager
Eucharistic MinistersDalinda O’Grady, Patrick O’Grady, Lacey Fulton
Sun 10:00 am Lector–Steve Kelly
Eucharistic Ministers–
Verda Gully, LeeAnn Coffey, Adam Aluise
Sun 5:30 pm
Lector–Tom Matl
Eucharistic MinistersDottia Matl, Michael Anderson, Mladen Martinovic
February 8, 2015
Sunday-4th Theology and 3rd Theology
Monday-2nd Theology and 1st Theology
Tuesday-2nd Philosophy and 1st Philosophy
Wednesday-Spirituality Year
Thursday-College Sophomores
and College Freshmen
Friday- Vocations Ministry
Saturday-Applicants and Prospective
PRAYER NETWORK: If you have a serious Prayer
request or if you need some extra prayers said for your
Special intention, call Margaret at 303-781-3523.
The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on
February 18.
Masses with distribution of ashes will be held at 7:30 am,
9 am, and 6:30 pm. And 12 noon at Swedish Hospital
A Class for parents with children making 1st Confession this
year will be held on Monday, February 9, from 7 p.m.- 8 p.m.
in the Church.
Adoration each Friday from 3 p.m.- 6:45 p.m.
Stations of the Cross and Benediction each Friday at 7 p.m.
Soup suppers and fish fry on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. in the
Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers
We will soon be setting the schedule for Lectors and
Eucharistic Ministers for March, April and May.
Please let me know now if there are dates when you will
be unavailable, including for Easter services - Cathy Darnell,
303-744-0207 or [email protected].
Weekend of Jan. 31 & Feb. 1, 2015
Offertory Collection …………………………...…$5,155.00
Charity fund ……………. $90.00
ONLINE Donations……..$645.00
Thank you for your continued support.!
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Louis Parish will host a Bonfils Blood Drive on Sunday,
Feb. 15th from 8 am to 12 noon in the cafeteria in Cline Hall.
Please mark your calendar now and call to schedule a
donation time. We will have some walk-in spots available but
making an appointment means you have priority. Giving
blood is quick and a great way to help save lives in our
community! Contact Cathy Darnell at 303-744-0207 or
[email protected].
St. Vincent House
We will be going to Blackhawk Bull Durham Casino on
Feb. 18, 2015. Bus leaves Simon Center, 3333 So. Lincoln at
9:00 AM and leaves the casino at 2:00 PM to return to
Englewood. The bus fee is $10.00 to St. Vincent House for
upkeep of the home. You get a nice bus ride, free coupons for
food, drinks and money back when we reach the casino.
For reservations call Margaret at 303-781-3523 or Priscilla
If you are aware of a project that a prospective Eagle Scout
could accomplish at home or business, please contact the
Parish office at 303-761-3940.
there is some research being done on a better access
entrance for those who have difficulty with mobility. The
north side of the Church by the old Confessional is being
considered. More information will be coming later.
Reloadable King Soopers grocery Cards are now available.
The cost is $5.00 each and can be reloaded at any King
Soopers store.
Profit from your use of King Sooper reloadable cards:
Total profit- $2695.50
Thank you for using the cards
Spelling Bee Congratulations!
Katie Major and Edward Konizeski participated in the intermediate
spelling bee representing 5th grade. Both scholars took a written test
where Edward advanced to the oral rounds. He made the cut from
117 to 27 students. After five oral rounds, he was eliminated.
Congratulations to Katie, Edward and to their coach, Mrs. Zakovich.
Calendar of Events
Monday, February 9
7:30 am-Mass-Church
3:30 PM to 7:30 PM-Practices-Gym
Tuesday, February 10
7:30 am-Mass-Church
7:30 pm-5th Neo-Cat-Eng-Church Basement
7:30 pm-4th Neo-Cat7:30 pm-1st Neo-Cat-Spanish
3:30 PM to 7:30 PM-Practices-Gym
Wednesday, February 11
7:30 am-Mass-Church
7:30 pm-5th Neo-Cat-Eng-Church Basement
7:30 pm-4th Neo-Cat7:30 pm-1st Neo-Cat-Spanish
3:30 PM to 7:30 PM-Practices-Gym
7:30 PM-Family Basketball-Gym
Thursday, February 12
7:30 am-Mass-Church
7pm-Choir Practice-Church
3:30 PM to 7:30 PM-Practices-Gym
Friday, February 13
7:30 am-Mass-Church
3 PM- 9 PM-Widget Games-Gym
Saturday, February 14
5:00 pm-Church
7 AM-8 PM-Widget Games
Sunday, February 15
8:00 am-10:00 am 5:30 pm-Church
6 PM-Family Basketball-Gym
8am-12 noon-Bonfils Blood Drive-cafeteria
St. Louis Catholic School in Englewood
Hosting Open House
Every Tuesday in February, from 1:00-3:00 pm, St. Louis will hold
an Open House. We are especially proud of our Elementary
program, grades 3-5. This age group develops independent working
skills and higher-level thinking and processing skills that set them up
for success in middle school and beyond.
The elementary grades (3-5) are the underpinning for
comprehension, research and application of concepts. During the
elementary grades, your child’s educational competencies are further
For further information, please visit
or call the school office at 303-762-8307.
A Simple Note makes a Difference!
During Catholic schools week we ask our scholars to write thank
you notes to our community. While these notes are being written
and mailed, we often wonder does anyone really see these notes or
does it really make a difference. The answer to this questions is
YES! Our 5th grade class wrote a note of thanks to - Keep
Englewood Beautiful commissioners during Catholic schools
Week. We received a wonderful reply from the commissioners of
the committee. They were very touched by the letters they received
and posted Robert Young’s letter on their Facebook page. Thank
you Robert for representing St. Louis in such a positive light!