Mass Intentions Sat. Sun. Espanol Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. January 18 - 24, 2015 5:30 PM Felisa Brady, R.I.P. 7:45 AM Patricia Yatsko, R.I.P. 9:30 AM Parishioners 11:15 AM Parishioners 5:00 PM Parishioners 8:00 AM Mary Catherine Stein, R.I.P. 8:00 AM Hildegard Barnes, R.I.P. 8:00 AM Nick Cassidy, R.I.P. 8:00 AM Irma Howard, R.I.P. 8:00 AM David Sanchez, R.I.P. 8:00 AM Parishioners Schedule for January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time SERVERS LECTORS E. MINISTERS 5:30 PM Kayla Brennan Lauren Brennan Cynthia Carter Gwen Haigwood 7:45 AM Alexy Fitzmyer Tino Villari Leah Woollen Anne Henninger Chuck Knapper Traci Cimini Joan Morgan Gisela Victoria Veronica Thorne Judy Fisiorek Jack Yatsko Dick Hayes Patricia Erly Tony Proulx Noah Wilson Dot Stein 9:30 AM Alicia Joseph OUR BELOVED DEAD Please remember in your prayers the following members of our community on the anniversary of their death. Jan. 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 Mary Bowen Kathryn Baldwin Julia Wallmark Ignatious Mayhew Elvin Kalina Alvin Short Mary Fritter Donald Rowe Jane Moran Victoria Brison Patrick Kelly Ella Halloran Wilhelmina Hayes Mary Beaky 1981 2008 1993 1985 1976 1982 1998 2006 2013 2013 2004 1982 1986 1987 PRAY FOR OUR SICK Edith Daly, Jessie Thomas, Jean Doran, Francis Geatley, Jeanne Prochownik, Michele Gannon, Doug Rickert, Brian Beltz, Peggy Kretz Sanders, Sandy Keyser, Kristy Nice, Charles Taylor, Sr., Raymond LeBark, Lena Jenkins, Ruth Malarkey, Emma Marshall, Carlos Machado, Barbara Gheen, Michael Puhl, Kelly Carpenter, Jimmie Gorski, Michael Tennessee, Marjorie Cleary, Matthew Worthington, Franz Paule, Darlene Morris, Joan Gallagher, Alfrita Williams, Joanne Shick, Maria Shugart, Brandon Johnson, Mary Baldo, Donna Clark, John Lagundo, Norma Garcia, Betty Granger, Grace Hunter Webb, Cindy Brown, Tracey Isaacs, Riley Bodenhorn, Joan Ellis, Juanita Wright, Aiden Fraley, Ryan Anthony DePaulo, Debbie Westcott, Twila Kopaniasz, Kaye Stein, Chris Tubbs, John Tomassoni, Eleanor Sokusky, Joy Greaff, Kathryn Weiskircher, Michael Corcoran, Mary Louise Walker, Debbie Malay, John Naddell, Simon Thomas, Noah Victoria, Frenchie Leclerc, Danny Mackey, Giovanna Hood, Danny Howells, Joe Fordham, Debbie Kustka, Frances Chaney, Kenneth Langley, Jr., James Holson, Anna Prout, Victoria Gutierrez, Richard Cozzens, Sr., Baby Charlie Rivers, Mary Claire Toomey, Gage Glass, Maggie Beckwith, Marie LeBark, Linda Chaney, Alexia Savage, Fr. Pete Alliata, Jack D’Ambrosio, Mike Haskins, Susan Krick, Buddy Echterling, babies Alex and Erik, Michael Balleaux, June Catts, Brian Pedone, Walt and Ethel Sands, Carl Passero, Jeanie Baker, Caden Ednie, Elly Elter, Aaron Bynum, Liz Arias-Snyder, Tina Newgent, Joe Mihalcik, Betty Hodges, Michelle Scaringi, Ingrid Jones, Robin White, Veronica Davis, Bootsie Stinnett, Elroy & Richele McLeod, Anna Kupka, Wendy Zurenko, Ashlyn Lanne, Bob Scott, and Mary DeRight. CNC: Bruce Olson, Arthur Thompson, and Joan Luce. 11:15 PM Dillon Burke Patrick Jenkins Phillip Jenkins Gabriel Ortiz Youth Group Youth Group Chris Wallmark Donna Wallmark Joe Stein Mary Ann Zaversnik Christa Smallwood Don Mueller Jan Pedone Bernadette Supanick Kaitlin Shaner Fred Hille Alicia Joseph Danielle Rogers OUR BELOVED DEAD Please pray for the repose of the soul of Paul Helm, Jr., son of Paul and Rosalie Helm. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION SCHEDULE Tuesdays 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Wednesdays 6:00 PM to midnight Thursdays 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Fridays 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM (except First Fridays) First Fridays All Night Adoration: (6:00 PM – 8:00 AM on Sat followed by Mass) Remember to Pray for our Service Men and Women Mary Strain-Howard Matthew Mills Patrick Mills Cody Voegtli Ryan Joseph Harding Larkin Jones Dalton Kistler Benjamin MacNamara Justin Secor Stephanie Ednie AJ Gerdes Stephen Ford Sierra Ledda ARMY USAF USAF ARMY USMC USN ARMY USAF ARMY USAF USMC ARMY ARMY Germany Qatar Nevada Fort Bragg, NC California Italy Boot Camp England Texas Afghanistan California Colorado Boot Camp–MO THE POWER OF PRAYER This is the prayer by the German mystic woman Mechthild of Magdeburg Fr. Daly read at three of the masses last Sunday. Many people asked for a copy. A great tribute to the power of prayer. That prayer has great power Which a person makes with all his might. It makes a sour hear sweet, A sad heart merry, A poor heart rich, A foolish heart wise, A timid heart brave, A sick heart well, A blind heart full of sight, A cold heart ardent. It draws down the great God into the little Heart, It drives the hungry soul up into the fullness of God. It brings together two lovers, God and the soul, In a wondrous place where they speak much of love. THANK YOU January 4, 2015 Dear Fr. Daly, On behalf of our “little family” of Little Sisters and Residents, I would like to thank you for the wonderful items you donated to our Home on December 18, 2014. We appreciate such special gifts that can meet the needs of our Residents. The items you donated are listed below: 26 Turkeys St. Jeanne Jugan began our mission of humble service to the needy elderly in 1839. In our special mission of caring for those in need, we depend greatly on the goodness of friends and benefactors to help us with the means necessary to provide quality services and care to our 100 Residents. As we head through winter, may you and your family be safe and filled with the joys that life has to offer. Our family of Residents and Little Sisters continue to pray for your intentions. God bless you always! Gratefully, Sister Jeanne Veronique,l.s.p. CHRISTIAN BEGINNINGS PRESCHOOL Registration 2015 – 2016 Jan. 26 – Jan. 28 Jan. 28 – Jan. 30 Feb. 2 until full currently enrolled students And returning families St. John Vianney parishioner Open to the public Registration will take place in the lobby of the Parish Center from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM each day and on Monday evening January 26 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The children must turn the class age by September 1, 2015 and be able to use the bathroom by themselves. Note: This year we will offer only one class per day from (:00 AM to 12 Noon. There will be no afternoon classes. The threes will attend school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the fours will attend on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. For more information, please call Marie at 410-535-0223 or 410-5862151. CHURCH PORCH CONSTRUCTION Repairs to the church porch will begin soon. Access to the porch from Holy Family Lane, the Festival Room and Chapel doors will be closed. On weekdays during work hours, Holy Family Lane will be closed to parking and vehicle traffic. MEN’S ANNUAL RETREAT All men of the parish are encouraged to take part in our Annual Men’s Retreat to be held at the Washington Retreat House on the weekend of February 13 – 15, 2015. This is a great opportunity to recharge your spiritual and physical battery, renew old friendships, make new friends and enjoy the fine food and company of the wonderful Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, our gracious hosts. The retreat master will be Fr. Don Howard. The offering for the weekend is $170. If anyone wishes to attend but cannot pay the full donation, arrangements will be made so that no one has to miss this opportunity for lack of funds. Please send payment to Mike at the parish office. For more information, please call Chris Wallmark 443-2957590 or email: [email protected]. 2015 CARDINAL’S APPEAL LITURGY OF THE WORD For Children “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD” (MATTHEW 6:33) Many of our parishioners received a mailing from Cardinal Wuerl this week. He has asked that you make a pledge to the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal. The Cardinal’s Appeal not only funds the operations of the Archdiocese, it funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our parish. This year, the theme of the Appeal is, “Seek First the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33). As we seek first the kingdom of God, we have the capability of helping it to be present in our lives and in the lives of those around us. How does this happen? Through our works of charity, our works of love, our works of love and compassion. Contributions to the Cardinal’s Appeal offers each of us the opportunity to respond to the needs of others by enabling ministries and services that touch thousands of lives. Please prayerfully consider a generous pledge to the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal. The Liturgy of the Word for Children is celebrated each week at the 11:15 AM mass on Sunday. Children between the ages of 3 years and 8 years are invited to come and hear the gospel in terms they can better understand. We hear the Gospel from the children’s lectionary and do activities to help explain the Word. The children leave as a group after the Opening Prayers. They return during the Offertory to rejoin their parents. This is not a play time. If there is a paper to take home you must pick it up after mass on the table in the Festival Room. Parents may attend with their young child if they wish. We are always looking for people to help with this ministry. Adults need to be fingerprinted and take the Archdiocesan class on Child Protection. If you would like to lead a session or just help keep order in the chapel, please call Marie at 410-586-2151 or call the parish office 410-5350223. SPIRITUAL EMERGENCY ROOM MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT MINISTRY We are pleased to announce the opening of our spiritual emergency room. This is a place where you can find spiritual healing and support while working through various problems in your life. There is an answer to your anxieties and suffering; God’s love is the medicine that can heal all wounds. If you or a loved one suffer from depression, mental illness, PTSD or other similar illness, please join us at 7:30 PM on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Family Life Center. For more information contact Deacon Joe Mills at 443-9758437. Open every Tuesday evening beginning January 13, 2015, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM at the Family Life Center. Spiritual guides will include our Deacons and Spiritual Directors. No commitments or appointments needed Drop-in as necessary 50TH ANNIVERSARY CHOIR For our Parish 50th Anniversary St. John Vianney choir plans to sing Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. We are seeking 10 Sopranos, 10 Altos, 10 Tenors, and 10 Basses. The more the merrier. All are welcome! Whatever is discussed, stays in the group This is not a substitute for therapy GOD’S GIFT SHOP Come and visit us! The hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM each Sunday. We are in the cottage across the parking lot. POLISH/ITALIAN DINNER Please join us for our Annual Polish/Italian Dinner sponsored by the Men’s Club and the Knights of Columbus on Saturday, Debruary 7, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the Vianney Room. $25 per person, $10 for children ages 8-17 and 7 and under are free. For more information call Mike Thomas 410-535-5814 or Vic Wisniewski at 410-535-8655. 50th Anniversary FILM FEST Saturdays at 7:00 PM Family Life Center January STEWARDSHIP Week of January 11, 2015 Regular Offertory: $8,123 24 Jersey Boys 31 That Darn Cat February 21 Dreamgirls 28 The Nutty Professor (Popcorn and drinks during the movie.) Our weekly average budget is $10,000 Mar. 15 – 18 Lenten Parish Mission with Todd Butler of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Ministries “Finding God in prayer, decisions and relationships” 7 to 9 PM Sun. through Wed. April 18 Banquet for the 50th Anniversary 7 PM Semi-formal dinner bar by donation – D.J. May 2 Bike Ride: Solomons/Prince Frederick. Sponsored by Boy and Girl Scouts June 5 24 hours of Adoration on Church Lawn 5PM to June 6 5PM 24 Hour Sponsored by the Youth and Eucharistic Adorers. July 11 & 12 Weekend of Service (mini work-camp for All ages). We will end on the 12th with Mass and dinner. Sponsored by the youth. We will do projects at homes in the parish of elderly or handicapped. Aug. 2 Mass of Thanksgiving at 10 AM Followed by Parish Picnic. Sponsored: Men’s & Ladies Club. Sept. 20 Church Music since Vatican II with Fr. Michael Joncas. Oct. 3 Oktoberfest - pavilion 6:30PM Sponsored by the K of C. Nov. 1 All Saints Remembering all our deceased Parishioners. Nov 21 7PM Silent Auction 8PM Drama Ministry Play MMXV Heavy appetizers and drinks Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Mass and Dance Dance in the Vianney Room. Pot Luck, B.Y.O.B. and D.J. Food Pantry Candles (The Archdiocesan Assessment is 21% of our regular offertory. This past week it was $1,706) Special Collections last week: $320 $86 Soleminty Literature Kiosk $145 $18 SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND Our goal for 2013-2014: $319,000 Received to Date: $300,439 (approx.) Received last week: $3,725 Knights Corner Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Council 11259 Business meetings 2nd Wed 7:30, Social Meeting 4th Wed 7PM. Like us on or visit our website at: Upcoming events: Jan 17-18: Membership Drive all Masses Jan 22: Right to Life March Jan 27: 1st Degree Calvert Council 7870 Jan 28: Rosary and Social Meeting Movie night Feb Polish Italian Night and more! For any event contact: Grand Knight Jerry Cleveland 410 326-9743 BIBLE STUDY Beginning Monday, January 25, 2015 we will begin a four week study of The Word of God at Vatican II. We will meet every Monday in the Parish Library of the Parish Center from 10 AM until Noon. The cost is $18 per person. Please call the parish office to register.
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