THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD - FEB. 2, 2014 (CONFIRMATION ENROLLMENT) First Reading: Malachi 3.1-4 Second Reading: Hebrews 2.10-11, 13b-18++ Gospel: Luke 2.22-40 Sat. Feb. 01, 5:00pm St. Vincent de Paul, Deseronto People of the Parish Readers – Sylvia Jackson, Stephen Byrne Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers - Pauline Milligan Magi Marlow Sun. Feb. 02, 8:45am Holy Name of Mary, Marysville Terry & John Vance Greeters/Gift Bearers - Hayes Family Readers – Gerard Farrell, Calum Kennelly Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers - Jim Kennelly, James Murphy Children’s Liturgy: Colleen Murphy 10:30am St. Charles Borromeo, Read Tom Callahan Readers – Mary Callahan, Kristen Hannafin Gift Bearers - Bell Family Children’s Liturgy: Tracy Shire Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers - Dennis Whalen, Ed Durkin WEEKDAY LITURGIES Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Feb. 04, Feb. 05, Feb. 06, Feb. 07, Feb. 08, 10:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am St. Charles Borromeo, Read - Combined School Mass Gerald Brennan Holy Name of Mary, Marysville George Wright St. Vincent de Paul, Deseronto Dec. Members of O’Neill & Oakley Families Holy Name of Mary, Marysville Michael Whalen Holy Name of Mary, Marysville Mary Ellen Vinkle 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - FEB. 9, 2014 First Reading: Isaiah 58.6-10++ Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2.1-5 Gospel: Matthew 5.13-16 Sat. Feb. 08, 5:00pm St. Vincent de Paul, Deseronto Ronald Meyers Readers – Bill Forestell, Sussanne Brownlee Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers - John Dorey, Marie McLachlan Sun. Feb. 09, 8:45am Holy Name of Mary, Marysville People of the Parish Greeters/Gift Bearers - Pat & Carrol McCambridge Readers – Emma Murphy, Jim Farrell Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers - Christine Farrell, Joe McCambridge Children’s Liturgy: Lee-Ann Hayes 10:30am St. Charles Borromeo, Read Clair Jordan Readers – Gus Cozzi, Pat Walsh Gift Bearers - Rivers Family Children’s Liturgy: Julie Kennelly Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers - Tracey Shire, Rose Enright Please Remember in Your Prayers...All those who are sick Lois Terry, Fr. Edward Keyes, Brienna Wright, Mary Williamson, Olivera Lambeta, Hudson Hicks, Anne Genovese, Dennis Purcell, Hanna Hiller, Marlow Ploughman, Fred Mahoney, Bernadette Diemert, Mary Power, Michael Baes, Carson McKenna, Alice Grady, Fr. Gerry Scanlan, John Stevens, David Casselman, Marie Walsh, Mike Walsh, Msgr. Tom Roland, Fr. David May, Fr. Pat McNulty, Fr. Robert Pelton Monthly Collections Results - Jan. 26, 2014 HOLY NAME OF MARY Weekly Collection: Weekly Goal: Shortfall : $1,162.00 $1,250.00 ($88.00) **2013 Tax receipts are now available at the back of the churches. Please contact the Parish office if you have concerns or questions, or did not receive a tax receipt. ╬MARK YOUR CALENDERS! - Sunday, Feb. 9th, 2014, 11:30 am1:30 pm. LUNCHEON - Homemade Soups & Rolls, Desserts/Tea/ Coffee/Juice. St. Charles Borromeo Church Hall, $7.00/person or $20.00/family (parents & school age children). Fundraiser for St. Charles CWL. Advanced tickets available at weekend Masses and will continue to Feb. 1st/2nd. Look for a representative at the back of each of our Churches. There are sign-up sheets at the back of St. Charles Church, if anyone would be kind enough to donate a pot of soup or dessert. Thank you so much! ╬CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE NEWS: Catholic Women’s League - Ladies all membership fees are now due, please use the envelopes provided in your 2014 box of envelopes. Envelopes can be placed in the collection. ╬Holy Name of Mary CWL: Spring is coming and so is the Archdiocesan CWL Convention, May 3 & 4. St. Peter’s, Trenton is the host council for 2014. To help with costs each parish council is selling tickets. Prizes $600, $400, $200. Cost $2 each. Thank you for helping. ╬St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Women’s League - Next Meeting, Tuesday, February 4th at 2pm at the home of Maddy Cassidy. ╬If you or any member of your family are in the hospital and would like to see Fr. Dale, please contact him at the Parish Office. Also if you wish to have yourself or someone else put onto the Prayers of the faithful, or prayers for the sick, please inform the Parish Office. Divine Mercy Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacrament Marysville *Adoration Mon., Tues. & Wed. 7 am to 10 pm.* Co-ordinator - Rosemary Buxton 613-813-3609. Adorers needed every Monday @ 5pm & Wednesday at 2pm. ╬Catholic Christian Outreach and Newman House Catholic Church present : The Seventh St. John Fisher Dinner - 27 February 2014, Ambassador Hotel and Conference Centre. Reception @ 6:00 p.m. Dinner @ 7:00 p.m. $75 per person, $525 per table. "COURAGE, CLARITY AND CHARITY: THREE POPES AND MISSION ON CAMPUS" An address by His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. ╬A Reminder from Fr. Dale -For the next few weeks, because we have entered in to the flu season, when we extend the sign of peace to each other, it will be a gesture which will not include a shaking of hands or a hug, I thank you for your patience & co-operation. ╬Food Bank News: As a result of very generous donations from people in our parish, every person who came to the food bank for help at Christmas was taken care of. The volunteers and the families who needed our help thank you. A big thank you also to the teachers, pupils & parents of Holy Name of Mary & St Mary's Schools who collected, bought & packed nine large hampers with all the food a family would need for Christmas dinner. The support we have is awesome. IMPORTANT DATES: February Sun. 02 Sun. 09 Tues. 04 Sun. 23 Confirmation Enrollment Masses 11:30-1:30 CWL Read Soup Luncheon (Read Hall) 10:00am Combined School Mass - St. Charles 1st Communion 2nd Gift March Wed. Sat. Sun. Fri. Sun. 05 22 23 28 30 Ash Wednesday 11:00am 1st Reconciliation (at Holy Name of Mary) 3:00pm Parish Confessions (@Holy Name of Mary) K of C Lenten Fish Fry 1st Communion 3rd Gift April Tues. 08 10:00am Combined School Mass ( St. Charles ) $902.00 $980.00 ($78.00) Weekly Collection : Weekly Goal : Shortfall : $285.00 $580.00 ($295.00) Thank you for your continued generosity. ╬KNIGHT’S NEWS: Annual KOC car raffle tickets for sale. $5/ticket. KOC members have tickets available. The next KOC meeting will be held on Tues. Feb. 4/14 in St. Mary’s School, Read @ 7pm. Our KOC council’s annual Lenten Fish Fry will be held Friday March 28, 2014 in Holy Name of Mary Parish Centre. Please mark your calendars. ***(Please inform the Parish Office of any changes)**** ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ST. CHARLES BORROMEO Weekly Collection : Weekly Goal : Shortfall : ╬Married Couples: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Date: February 28 – March 2, 2014. Place: Morrisburg, ON. For information and/or to register, contact Chantal and AJ Plant. [email protected]; 613 443 -8297. Spaces are limited. ╬Be inspired, encouraged and healed: Come Celebrate the 22 nd annual Lift Jesus Higher Rally Sat., March 1, 2014, 9 am - 5:30 pm Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. W., Mass (with Sunday readings) Celebrated by Cardinal Thomas Collins. Separate Youth Event (13-18 yrs) For Tickets (Adult $20/Youth $10), call: 416251-4255 or 905-270-2510, email:[email protected], visit: ╬Steubenville Toronto 2014 –Youth Conference: Fri. July, 4th – Sun. July, 6th, 2014. Location: Mattamy Athletic Centre (Maple Leaf Gardens) – Toronto, ON. Cost of the weekend is $275. That includes your registration and access to the weekend conference, six meals (one Friday evening, three on Saturday, two on Sunday), and hotel stay. Bus Travel to the Youth Conference will be covered by the Archdiocese of Kingston Youth. Any questions or info. please call Nadia at 613-4842446 or email [email protected] ╬Catholic Education Week 2014 begins on Sunday, May 4. The Catholic schools in our parish will engage in a series of events to celebrate the ongoing gift of publicly-funded Catholic education. You are invited to discover what celebrations are happening in your children’s school and if possible, attend. Publicly-funded Catholic education has existed in Ontario since 1841 and its graduates have served Ontario and Canada very well. The current generation of students in our publicly-funded Catholic schools will serve with the same spirit and generosity as their previous generations. They are already doing so. Taizé Prayer, Wednesday, February 26th at 7:00 pm, St. Mary's Cathedral: Brother Emile of the Taizé Community in France will be at St. Mary's Cathedral on Wednesday, February 26th at 7 pm. This very popular and international speaker will lead Taizé Prayer together with the Kingston Twenties and Thirties and a choir directed by St. Mary's Cathedral Music Director Catherine Helferty. Taizé Prayer is a style of prayer involving meditative songs and intercessory prayer. A reflection will be given by Brother Emile. Taizé prayer always takes place in candlelight and thus speaks to our many senses and to us on many levels of Christ our Light. Catholics and other Christians of all ages would profit from and thoroughly enjoy this beautiful manner of musical prayer. Please plan to join us. All are most welcome. Latin Mass will be celebrated February 2nd at 3 pm in St. James’ Chapel. Father Price will preside. All are welcome. " hanks to all who made my 95th Birthday a T wonderful celebration. The Mass was lovely. Father Dale -- Thank you for your kind words. To Kieran Kennelly and the choir -- Your music was beautiful, making the Mass joyous and holy. To all who were present -- Thanks for your prayers, well wishes and cards. I am truly Blessed…... Margaret Walsh
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