St. Liborius Church Steger, Illinois, 708-754-1363 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 28, 2014 PARISH STAFF Rev. Dennis Spies, Pastor Carole Bacon, Director of Faith Formation Craig Mazur, Y outh M inistry Margie Parks, Business Manager PARISH OFFICES Parish Office, 71 W. 35th St., Steger Phone: 754-1363 FAX: 754-7577 Hours: M-Th—8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parish email — [email protected] Parish website — Bulletin Deadline: Mondays at 4 p.m. Religious Education Office 3440 Halsted Blvd., Steger Phone: 754-3460 FAX: 754-3471 SCHOOL Mother Teresa Catholic Academy 24201 S. Kings Rd., Crete Phone: 672-3093 Website — Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Friday, January 2, 2015 5:00 p.m. HEARING ASSISTANCE SETS AVAILABLE -- CONTACT AN USHER. Page Two The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph MOTHER TERESA CATHOLIC ACADEMY 24201 S. Kings Rd., Crete Phone: 672-3093 THANK YOU FROM MOTHER TERESA CATHOLIC ACADEMY. Thank you to all those who came out to support Mother Teresa’s Pancake Breakfasts at St. Mary and St. Liborius. Delicious pancakes and sausage were served to many and a good time was had by all. Of course Santa was an even bigger hit than the pancakes at this time of year. Thank you also to all of the wonderful volunteers who without their help, this would not have been possible!! Congratulations to Frank Traina for winning the Holiday Traditions basket! ························································· MOTHER TERESA CATHOLIC ACADEMY IS HOSTING AN INTERACTIVE MURDER MYSTERY ENTITLED “BURYING THE MOB” January 9th @ 6:30 p.m. in the Gym Tickets $40.00 Cost of Ticket Includes Dinner (plus 1 beverage) & Show (Dinner catered by Glenwood Oaks) Tickets will be sold after all masses in the back of church or contact the school office at 708-672-3093. A MYSTERY GIFT AUCTION WILL FOLLOW THE SHOW. Bring a wrapped gift for others to bid on, or just have fun bidding on something mysterious that someone else brought for auction. It is sure to bring a few laughs. December 28, 2014 THIS WEEK AT ST. LIBORIUS Saturday, December 27 8:00 a.m. Rosary for Peace (Church) Sunday, December 28 9:00 a.m. Secular Franciscans (Rectory) 10:30 a.m. Family Mass 11:30 a.m. Donut Sunday (Parish Hall) Monday, December 29 6:00 p.m. Guardians @ St. Mary’s Tuesday, December 30 8:30 a.m. Quilters (Parish Hall) Wednesday, December 31—New Year’s Eve Church Office Closed 5:00 p.m. Mass @ St. Mary Thursday, January 1, 2015—New Year’s Day Church Office Closed 9:30 a.m. Mass @ St. Liborius Friday, January 2 Church Office Closed 5:00 p.m. TYG Lock In Begins 5:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry (Parish Hall) Saturday, January 3 8:00 a.m. Rosary for Peace (Church) 9:00 a.m. Outreach Food Distribution (Parish Hall) Sunday, January 4 7:00 a.m. CCW Communion Sunday 9:00 a.m. PREP Classes (Religious Ed Ctr) 10:30 a.m. Gospel Story Time during Mass 12:00 p.m. Baptisms (Church) ·························································· December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Page Three SUNDAY OFFERING December 14th Offering: $10,211.22 Children’s Offering: $99.25 The theme of family links today’s Scripture passages. In the Book of Sirach, those who honor their father are granted atonement for sin, and those who revere their mother store up riches. Those who care for elderly parents are not forgotten, and their kindness is planted as an offering against sin. In St. Luke’s Gospel, at the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus is presented to the Lord according to Mosaic Law. The Holy Family then returns to Nazareth where Jesus grows in strength and wisdom. St. Paul in Colossians discusses bearing with one another and forgiving one another in a spirit of family love and peace. The family is a “Domestic Church,” and truly the heart of the Catholic faith. May we, as faithful stewards, continue to build, to strive, and to pray for solid, Christian families in today’s secular culture that is truly antifamily. Thank you for your continued monetary support of St. Liborius Church. ························································· BAPTIZED DURING 2014? Did you have a child baptized in 2014? If so, you are cordially invited to join us as we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord on Saturday, January 17th at the 5:30 pm Mass. Your parish family would love to see how your child has grown over the past year. Following Mass, you are invited to gather with other families in the Parish Hall to meet and enjoy refreshments on the one year anniversary of their baptism. Were you an adult who was baptized or who made a Profession of Faith during 2014? We’d love to get together with you, also. Please join us at this celebration. ························································· CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday, December 29—9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 30—9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 31—Closed Thursday, January 1—Closed Friday, January 2—Closed Regular hours resume Monday, January 5, 2015 May your heart be refreshed and renewed during the Christmas Season! Jesus who is love is now with us more than ever before. I know January 1st is a major event every year. Personally it is a day of football and an opportunity to share the expression of “I cannot believe how fast this past year has flown by.” I hope you still take some time for making New Year resolutions. The more deliberate we are about setting goals and achieving them creates serious satisfaction in our daily lives; knowing we are doing and accomplishing what we are hoping to do and accomplish. One of the fruits of achieving our resolutions that we have prayerfully set is a disposition of gratitude and an increased level of meaning in our lives. It is good to know why we set the resolutions we have set before ourselves. The “why” we do something on many occasions is every bit as important as what we have do, and in some cases, the why we do something is even more important than what we have do. I know spending a day with a loved one or a family member is definitely more important than what we actually do that day. I know when we set out to do a project, calling to mind who we are serving really adds to how important our project becomes. Taking the garbage out does not seem meaningful until I realize I do not want Mom taking the garbage out. Knowing I am serving the family adds a lot of meaning and purpose to very normal activity. Doing what we normally do to serve the Lord with a lot of love truly makes what we do meaningful. Meaning is a key ingredient to a fulfilled life. When what I am doing is helping someone prepare themselves for eternal life, that is some big time meaning. May people benefit eternally when we do what we do whether we work, raise our families, love our spouse, be a true friend, minister in our parish and accomplish our projects. May we resolve to serve the Lord this year with conviction, meaning and focus. Have a prayerful New Year, all year long. ~ Your Fan, Fr. Dennis Page Four The Thirty-First Holy Family Sunday of Jesus, in Ordinary Mary &Time Joseph GIVING TREE UPDATE “Sharing the Love of Christmas” Once again, we would like to say thank you to all who so generously took tags from the Giving Tree and returned gifts. Your generosity has already warmed the hearts of so many at Beecher Nursing Home. Stay tuned for an update on the Nursing Home party coming soon. All remaining gifts for the Outreach Program (Christmas bulb tags) and Marillac Center (present shaped tags) are DUE THIS WEEKEND DECEMBER 27th & 28th. Please be sure the tag is securely attached to the outside of the package. If you have yet to return your gift, please do so as soon as possible. Gifts can be left under the Giving Tree or dropped off at the rectory during business hours. Santa’s elves are eagerly checking off the names of the pantry children as the gifts come in. We don’t want anyone left behind!! SANTA’S DRUM: We ar e still accepting new mittens, scarves, hats, and socks (all sizes), as well as gently used toys, games, puzzles, stuffed animals, classroom art supplies, crayons, markers, pencils, and coloring books. These extra gifts need NOT be wrapped. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS & PARTICIPATION IN THIS WONDERFUL “GIVING TREE” PROJECT. ·························································· SAVE THE DATE Attention Ladies of St. Liborius: The Daughters of St. Liborius will be sponsoring their second annual Chick Flick on Sunday, February 8, 2015, at 1 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for a showing of Heaven Is for Real. Watch the bulletin for more details. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Mazur at (708) 6723919 or [email protected]. December July28, 7, 2013 2014 FISH FRY The St. Liborius Council of the Knights of Columbus will be hosting their next Fish Fry on Friday, January 2, 2015, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. All you can eat Perch Dinner includes: Fries, Cole Slaw, Veggies, Bread and Butter, and Coffee Donation: Adults: $8.00 / Children (under 10) $4.00 Fish Sandwich $4.00 / Hot Dog $1.00 Desserts will be available. Carry-outs welcome. Bring the family for this special treat! ·························································· TYG LOCK-IN RETREAT IGNITE YOUR FAITH or SEVEN REASONS NOT to SHARE CHRIST (AND WHY WE SHOULD DO IT ANYWAY) Fact: Jesus' disciples weren't known for their brains or theology degrees. They were pretty ordinary guys, really. Knowing Jesus is what matters. You are smart enough to tell others about Jesus because you have a friendship with him. And the closer you get to him, and the better you know him, the more you'll have to say about him. This is the theme of TYG’s fourth annual lock-in and retreat beginning on January 2nd at 5 p.m. and concluding on the morning of January 3rd. All 9th12th grade students are welcome to join us for exciting presentations, high-energy games, great music, fun skits, uplifting prayer, and great friends! Our 6th-8th grade friends are invited for special events on the evening of January 2nd from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. A $5 donation is requested to cover the cost of food and beverages, and a signed permission form is required. For more information, contact your favorite TYG member or Craig Mazur at: [email protected] / 708-712-3989. December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Page Five NEWS FROM THE OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Carole Bacon, Director, 754-3460 Craig Mazur, Youth Minister, 754-1363 51 STUDENTS RECEIVE 1ST RECONCILIATION With the help of the children, Father Dennis demonstrated what happens when sin gets between God and us as he and three other priests prepared to hear their 1st confessions. Parents calmed anxious children as they waited for their turn to experience God’s loving forgiveness. After receiving the sacrament, parents and children returned to their pews and prayed together before taking a Christmas Angel from the tree as a memento of their 1st Reconciliation. ·························································· UPCOMING JANUARY SACRAMENT MEETINGS 1st COMMUNION PARENT MEETING (Mandatory for all parents with children preparing for 1st Communion) Thursday, January 15th, 6:30 p.m. ·························································· CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2015 Saturday, January 24th, 5:30 p.m. Mass with Session to follow in the Parish Hall Mandatory for all Confirmation Candidates, Sponsors, and Parents. If sponsors are unable to attend, a parent must attend with the candidate. P.R.E.P. CLASSES RESUME ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 4TH AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7TH AT THEIR REGULAR TIMES ························································· LAS POSADAS This year in preparation for Christmas, our Religious Education students re-enacted Las Posadas, which is a tradition taken from the Mexican culture inviting children to experience what Mary and Joseph went through as they prepared for the birth of their child. Our 1st grade students, dressed as Mary, Joseph, an angel and a donkey, journeyed from classroom to classroom asking for a place to stay. The children in the classrooms responded that there was no room, and then joined Mary and Joseph on their journey until they reached the Parish Hall, where the 8th grade students opened the door to St. Liborius, where all are welcome. Following an Advent Prayer, students listened as Grade 4 students gave the background of some well-known Christmas Carols and then joined in a singa-long with Gina Glotsen Rozicka (former American Idol star) and accompanist Mike Glowacki. All ended with refreshments and, of course, the breaking of a piñata! Page Six The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Christmas Memorial Flowers We would like to thank all who helped add beauty to our Church with their generous donations. Donations were made In Memory of or In Honor of the following people. Please remember these people in your prayers. Richard Allison Florian Anczer Joe & Ida Apponi Jerome & Rose Marie Baron Chester & Ann Bartusiewicz The Robert Bulanda Family Rose Marie Carlsson Joseph & Helen Cassiere Ruth Cassiere Paddy Comber Saul Contreras, Jr. Stephen Cortez David Robert DeFrancesco Lance Demace The DeRosa & Ferroli Families Ralph & Lucille Einhorn Herb, Emma, & Barbara Ferguson Pat Finucane Florence Foushi George Foushi Jim Goodman Thomas Gromala Robert Gromala, Sr. Mary Hayden The Deceased Members of the Hope & Agate Families Ralph & Alice Hudgin Clarence James Joseph & Patricia Jordan John & Mildred Kirincic Ted Kozlowski Chrissy Lamprect Gary LeCocq Mr. & Mrs. James Lucia Florence Luisi Dorothy Mattran The Mazur & Wydyiwski Families Joseph & Elizabeth Mazurkiewicz John, Lucille & Ronald McCarthy Tom McCarthy The Paradiso & Knoch Families Ed & Toni Pelock Hayley Pelock Rita Pich Leondina Recupito Salvatore Recupito Mr. & Mrs. JT Regan Rosario Salazar Patricia Schutz Mildred Spanier The Deceased Members of the Szelinsky & Perchinski Families Josephine Trinchine The Wolny & Bryski Families NEW YEAR’S DAY MINISTER SCHEDULE Lector—Amanda Warnke EM’s—Jeanette Dargert, Melanie Craft, David Gray, Carole Warnke Servers—Giovanni Reyes, John & David Lustyk December 28, 2014 DAUGHTERS OF ST. LIBORIUS SPIRITUAL ADOPTION UPDATE Week Twenty-One: Nourishment Evolves The fetus has grown to 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces. It is now gaining weight steadily, with fat being added to the body. The small intestine is starting to absorb sugars. Your baby's bone marrow has started making blood cells, a job done by the liver and spleen until this point. The placenta has provided nearly all of your baby's nourishment, now your baby will begin to absorb small amounts of sugar from swallowed amniotic fluid. ·························································· HERE I AM LORD VOCATIONS AND DISCIPLESHIP CONFERENCE The Diocese of Joliet is hosting the first Here I A m Lord Vocations and Discipleship Conference this year. All 7th, 8th and 9th grade students (diocesan grade school students, students who attend public schools, students in religious education programs and youth groups, home school students, etc.) are invited and encouraged to attend. This evening event will take place on March 3, 2015 from 6-9PM at St. Isaac Jogues Church and School (Hinsdale). The evening will include a dynamic talk by popular Catholic speaker Matt Fradd, a vocations fair, vocation stories, breakout sessions, praise and worship music, Eucharistic adoration, Confession, and much more. Individual students and families are strongly encouraged to take part in this exciting opportunity. Registration is available on the DOJ Catholic Schools website ( under Event Registration. Please note that parents must be in attendance with their child as a chaperone if registered individually or as a family. The cost for this evening session is $10.00 per student with no cost for chaperones. This cost includes a t-shirt. An e -mail confirmation will be sent to request the t-shirt size and it will include payment information. For questions or more information, please contact Stephanie at [email protected] or 815.729.0288. December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph MINISTER SCHEDULE January 3 & 4 LECTORS 5:30 PM Not available at time of printing. 7:00 AM Not available at time of printing. 10:30 AM Not available at time of printing. EXTRA ORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION 5:30 PM *Not available at time of printing. 7:00 AM *Not available at time of printing. 10:30 AM *Not available at time of printing. *MASS COORDINATOR ALTAR SERVERS 5:30 PM Not available at time of printing. 7:00 AM Not available at time of printing. 10:30 AM Not available at time of printing. MUSICIANS 5:30 PM Bill DeYoung, Choir 7:00 AM Bill DeYoung, Sue Mazur 10:30 AM Judy Niemeyer, Chris Prete USHERS 5:30 PM 7:00 AM 10:30 AM Bobby Tafelski, Joseph Zawistowski, James Leech, Helen Schindler, Bob Reimer, Lois Lane Collectors: James Maxwell, Barbara Tokarczyk, Alfred Kuchcik, Kathie Wandall Duties as Needed: Bernie Konzen, Ellen Hunter, Christel Baylie, Kathy Hewes Hugo Caffarini, Tom Dormady, David VanDyck, Sandra Behena, Cherrie Burger, Anna Delgado, Paul Mulder, Christel Baylie, Gemma & Roger Maghirang Page Seven MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, December 27 5:30 pm - Helen & Irving Blum Carol O’Rourke Sunday, December 28 7:00 am - Richard Rogers Deceased Members of the CCW 10:30 am - Jean Hammon Hayley Pelock Monday, December 29 7:00 pm - Mass at St. Mary Church Tuesday, December 30 8:00 am - Mass at St. Mary Church Wednesday, December 31 5:00 pm - Mass @ St. Mary Thursday, January 1 9:30 am - Mass @ St. Liborius Friday, January 2 8:00 am - Robert Kyle Cas Wison Saturday, January 3 5:30 pm - Richard & Rich Newhuis Pasquale Gazzillo Sunday, January 4 7:00 am - Rita Rogers Deceased Members of the CCW 10:30 am - Regina Alexander Rose Marie Carlsson ··························································· PRAYER REQUESTS Please remember in your Masses and prayers: Mary Mitchell, Kaye Cantway, Anthony Bravo, Bob & Lois O’Neil, Mary Davidson, Jeremy Wallace, Irene Kaim, Scott Brassea, Linda Marz, Teresa Cunningham, Pat Zawistowski, Jessica McCormick, Carlos Kaufman, Emilia Tieri, Mary Janz, Connor Keith, Sandy Prete, Dan Mulvihill, Elena Vasquez, Matthew Darnell, Joan Hope, Kathy Dirickson, Dorothy Sullivan, the Czajka Family, the Rogge Family, Albert Hartman, Mary Jo Boyd, Amanda Luft, Greg Strasser, Rozz Cappelletti, Mary Ann Demith. We also pray for those serving in our Military: Sean Motsinger, Billy Kelly, David Piattoni, Jasmine Czajka. Names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please call the Rectory at 754-1363 to add or remove names from the list.
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