Saint John Vianney Parish 823 Climax Street Pittsburgh, PA 15210 Reverend Thomas R. Wilson, M.Div., Administrator Phone Fax 412 381-8300 412 431-3790 Email Web Site [email protected] Mission Statement We, the parishioners of Saint John Vianney Parish, are to be the presence of Jesus Christ, as we live out our membership in the Roman Catholic Church and the Diocese of Pittsburgh, by the example we set and by the way we worship God, spread the Gospel and serve our neighbors and one another within the neighborhoods of Allentown, Arlington, Beltzhoover, Bon Air, Knoxville and Mount Oliver. December 28, 2014 - Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sacrament of Reconciliation Parish Staff Business Manager/Director Cemetery and Maintenance Chuck Mazur, M.S. BA Maintenance: Parish/Cemetery Michael Byrne and John Neuner Cemetery Office Sue Wozny Music Ministry Mark Carver, MM, BFA, LEM Religious Education Coordinator Joseph Grusofsky III, LEM Safe Environment Coordinator Chuck Mazur, M.S. BA Parish Secretary Loretta Gonzalez Anointing of the Sick See Father before or after Mass or call the parish office. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 10:15 AM and are scheduled through the parish office. All necessary paperwork and sponsor forms must be completed and submitted to the parish office prior to the Baptism. Parents need to attend a PreBaptism class, unless one was attended within the last four years. If parents are not members of St. John Vianney Parish, a permission form is required from their parish of registration, before a Baptism can be scheduled at our parish. Sponsor Eligibility Sponsors must be actively registered in the parish for at least three months, have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, must be at least 16 years old, regularly attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation and if married, the marriage must be valid in the Catholic Church. Mass Times Saturday Sunday 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 12:00 Noon Holydays and Holidays Parish Office Hours Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM Closed Saturdays and Sundays Other Sacraments Parish Center Daily 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM For information regarding Confirmation, In Church Saturday 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM Eucharist, Marriage or RCIA, please contact the Parish Office. Weekdays Monday through Saturday 8:30 AM Weekday Masses are in the Parish Center Chapel unless otherwise noted in the bulletin. Please check bulletin for Mass times and locations. Adoration Wednesday Funerals 10:00 AM Gilmary Council #3868 9:00 AM—10:30 AM In the Chapel Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Bernard Komoroski (412-381-7175) Diocesan Abuse Hotline In the continuing effort to reach out to anyone abused in the church, our diocesan church has a confidential hotline (1-888-808-1235) for anyone who may have been abused to call for support and healing. Page 2 December 28, 2014 CANDLES HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH Reflecting on God’s Word On Christmas we celebrate God becoming human, when the face of creation was changed. We ponder that great mystery of the Incarnation: Jesus is true God and truly human. The divine has entered into communion with the human in the body and soul of Jesus of Nazareth. Christmas is not a single day, however, but an entire season. Today, the Sunday after Christmas,. We ponder the Holy Family. What difference does this mystery of the Incarnation make for families? Jesus came to bring together the children of Israel into a new family, a family united not by blood but by faith in him. So in today’s gospel we see some of the finest members of that family. Luke’s Gospel has been called the Gospel of Jesus as the compassion of God, the Gospel of prayer, the Gospel of the Holy Spirit; we can also think of it as the Gospel of family. He first introduces us to Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth’s husband, Zechariah, parent of John the Baptist. Then we meet Mary and Joseph. Today we meet two other family members, Simeon and Anna, not related by blood, but only by faith in the promises of the God of Israel.. Each sees in the child Jesus the glory of Israel and the light for the Gentiles. Christmas reminds us that by baptism into Christ we are now part of God’s family. As God’s family, “God’s chosen ones,” as Paul reminded the Colossians (3:62), we are to put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another. —James A. Wallace, C. Ss.R, Copyright © 2014, World Library Publication. All rights reserved. LIVING GOD’S WORD Spend a few quiet moments in prayer, thanking God for calling us to be part of God’s holy family, for giving us at baptism and at confirmation the gift of the Holy Spirit. This Spirit has been poured into our hearts and dwells within us, binding us together. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. FROM THE STAFF OF ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH Our most sincere wish for a new year filled with peace, good health, happiness and love. God bless you all for the generosity and support you have given to our parish during this past year and for the many other years you have been a part of our parish family. God bless you always. THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IN CHURCH will be lit this week, December 28, for Kenny, Glen and Timothy Huber, fr om their sister, Nancy. CANDLES THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO BE LIT IN SOMEONE’S MEMORY OR FOR A SPECIAL INTENTION ARE LISTED BELOW: ….. The Sanctuary Candle in the Parish Center Chapel ….. The Candles by the Blessed Mother Outside Shrine ….. Two Candles by the statue of St. Francis of Assisi in church ….. The Candle by the Book listing those buried from our parish VOTIVE CANDLES BURNING CONTINUOUSLY: There are blue votive candles in the aisle outside of the crèche which are available to be lit. Arrangement were recently made for a candle to burn during the Christmas Season … through the week of Dec. 28 … for the Family of Ronald J. Schott (recently deceased). Also by the area of the crèche, blue votive candles continue to burn for Ralph Stromple and Raymond J. Wilharm and in front of the statue of St. John Vianney in church, a red votive candle continues to burn for The Cardello, Schultz and May Families. JUST A REMINDER During this Christmas Season, please do not leave any donations at the Crèche. Donations can be put into the collection baskets at the weekend Masses. This beautiful Nativity scene will be displayed in the enclave area of the Blessed Mother Chapel for the next several weeks. When you come into church, please take a moment to stop at the Manger to meditate and pray. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK By Approval of family Rose Agosti, Catherine Aupke, Baby Anastasia Keppel, George Baldauff, Joemma Becu, Roberta Bell, Sharon Benedik, Sis Bichler, Tim Birkel, Fred Birkel, Mary Catharine/David Boerner, The Bojarski Family, Laverne Bouvy, Teresa Bright, Peggy Campbell, Regis Campbell, Phyllis and Ron Cardello, Dmetrius Charles Cicchitto...son of Carolyn Mihalik, Rita Ciesielski, Tom Coppola, Bernice and Robert Counts, Theresa Daschbach, Joanna Davis, Pat Derbish, Rita Diethorn, Chuck Donalies, Nancy Donalies, James Esser, Lorraine Fallert, Alice Frankwitt, Ralph Froehlich, Steven Froehlich, Jr., Garofalo Family, Paul Goettler, Gladys Golling, Joanne Graff, Claire Greives, Mike Grusch, Anthony Guidice III, Jan Guidice, Joann, Dorothy Knorr, Fr. Krah, “Kitty” Lacher, “Skip” LaVelle, Richard Lewicki, Patricia Lips, Alverna Lober, Patrick Malloy, Frances McClelland, Jameson McKain, Mary Marchese, Barbara Mincin, T. Nelson, Mary Lou Parker, Danica Parsons, Father Garry Patriquin, Courtney Petrov, Margaret Porter, Angela Priore, Michael Priore, Carolyn Quinn, Joan Ritter, Audrey and Tony Romaniello, Peggy Rukovena, Thomas Rudis, Alyssa Sabo, Ruth Seiler, Rose Shaw, Mary Joan Sheehan, Janet Shuminski, George and Elaine Slipko, Marlene Solimeo, Joe and Pat Spano, Margaret A. Sporter, Gerald A. Staab, Dorothy Steiner, Dougg Strott, Antoinette Tamulitis, Pete Terreri, Louise Tranter, Mary Louise Tranter, Edie Twigger, Jeanne Veze, Georgianne Webber, Mallory Weimerskirch, Jennifer Whisner, Michael Wilkes, Ray Wolowicz and Elizabeth Zavolta. Thank you Page 3 December 28, 2014 ******************** YOUR SACRIFICIAL OFFERING ALTAR MINISTERS SCHEDULE On the most recent Minister Schedule, this weekend of Dec. 27/28 was not listed. Therefore, check to see if you are needed to assist at Mass. THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEKEND’S OFFERINGS. THANK YOU ALSO FOR DONATIONS THROUGHOUT THIS PAST YEAR AND PREVIOUS YEARS AS WELL. LECTOS: Please check in the sacr isty before Mass this weekend (December 27/28) to see if you are needed. Because transmission of our bulletin copy needed to be sent early … the collection report from last weekend, December 20/21, will appear in next week’s bulletin. ALTAR SERVERS: Please check in the sacr isty before Mass this weekend (December 27/28) to see if you ar e needed to assist at the altar. Thank you for your understanding. ******************** A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR Loving God, Creator of all, We thank you for the gift of time: Time to come together in prayer Time to share the Good News of Christ Time to be with those we love, Time to cherish friends and make new ones; Time to grow in wisdom and grace, Time to suffer daily cares, Time to bring you all our troubles, Time to know your strength and comfort; Time to confess our sins, Time to be forgiven and healed, Time to be graced by the sacraments, Time to be renewed in the Spirit. May we consecrate all our days to you, Now and forever, AMEN. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Whatever Mass you attend this weekend, (December 27/28), please come forward to minister at the altar, if you see there are less than 5 Eucharistic Ministers at the altar. ____________________________________________________ NEW YEAR’S MASSES Dec. 31 Lector - Henry Hegerle 6:30 pm Eucharistic Ministers: Chuck Thompson, Bob Kolenda, George Rudolph, 2 additional Volunteers Needed Altar Servers - Steven Slipko Jan. 1 Lector - Mary Niecgorski 9:00 am Eucharistic Ministers: Rege Davis, Cindy Pawlowski, Shelly Mehrenberg, 2 additional Volunteers Needed Altar Servers - Emilie Gruendl ____________________________________________________ Jan. 3 Lector - Henry Hegerle 6:30 pm Eucharistic Ministers: Chuck Thompson, Bob Kolenda, George Rudolph, 2 additional Volunteers Needed Altar Servers - Steven Slipko Jan. 4 Lector - Mary Niecgorski 9:00 am Eucharistic Ministers: Rege Davis, Cindy Pawlowski, Shelly Mehrenberg, 2 additional Volunteers Needed Altar Servers - Emilie Gruendl Jan. 4 Lector - Mary Niecgorski 9:00 am Eucharistic Ministers: Rege Davis, Cindy Pawlowski, Shelly Mehrenberg, 2 additional Volunteers Needed Altar Servers - Emilie Gruendl WITH GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION It seems appropriate that during this week as the year 2014 ends and 2015 begins, we take a moment to appreciate each other. We are part of a great parish family and however we participate in having a presence in our parish ….. whether it is through contributions, prayers, volunteering, being part of the congregation that gathers for Mass or in any other way ….. we truly ARE the people of St. John Vianney Parish and we need to appreciate each other every day. GOD BLESS US … EVERONE! CCD NEWS NO CCD CLASSES this weekend, December 28. Home Study lessons are to be completed during this time. WE RETURN on January 4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!! LOOKING AHEAD: Student Evaluations will go home on January 11; this is also the day for the FIRST RECONCILIATION / FIRST EUCHARIST PARENT MEETING Joseph Grusofsky III Religious Education Coordinator Page 5 Page 4 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, December 28 No CCD Classes Today ____________________________________________________ New Year Holiday Wednesday , December 31, New Year’s Eve (Please be safe!) There is no Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel this week 6:30 pm Mass of Anticipation for the holy day in church Thursday, January 1, New Year’s Day, Octave of Christmas A Holy Day of Obligation Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God 9:00 am Mass, in church (The Parish office is closed all day) ____________________________________________________ Saturday, January 3 12:00 pm AA Meeting, Hall beneath the church Sunday, January 10:15 am CCD Classes until 11:45 am, Parish Center MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Masses Par ish Center chapel (unless noted) Saturday, December 27, Mass of Anticipation 4:00 pm Jack Manning (Audrey Manning) Sunday, December 28, Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 9:00 am Living and Deceased Members of SJV Parish 12:00 pm William H. Tagmyer (Rae and Jan - his sisters) Monday, December 29, 5th Day within Octave of Nativity 8:30 am Florence “Babe” Fess (Wife and Family) Tuesday, December 30, 6th Day within Octave of Nativity 8:30 am Dominick Romaniello (Brothers: Michael & Anthony) Wednesday, December 31, 7th Day within Octave of Nativity 8:30 am Lorena Romaniello (Nephew-Michael/ Niece-Tricia) The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Masses for the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God THE NEXT FOOD BANK will be Monday, January 12, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, in the hall beneath the church. We are grateful for donations of non-perishable food items, paper products and plastic bags (always appreciated). These items can be placed in the baskets in church or the Parish Center. OUR NEXT SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP will be January 18, in the Parish Center Dining Room, following the 9:00 am Mass. Please join us for a beverage and pastry. THE NEXT CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S GUILD MEETING will be Sunday, January 18, at 1:00 pm, in the Parish Center Dining Room. Watch for more details in future bulletins. All are welcome … both men and women. THE CARD PARTY has been rescheduled for 12 noon on Saturday, January 24, in the Par ish Center Dining Room. The cost is $12. Contact Terri at 412-381-4989 for reservations. Please spread the word and pray for good weather. THE WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP has meetings Every Tuesday in the Par ish Center A-V Room, 6 to 8 pm. BISHOP CANEVAN NEW YEAR’S EVE BINGO at Bishop Canevin High School, 2700 Morange Rd, Pgh 15205. $8,000 Super Bingo. Doors open at 6pm on New Year’s Eve. Bingo starts at 8pm. For more information call 412-523-2220 or visit *** This is a Holy Day of Obligation *** Wednesday, December 31, Mass of Anticipation ….. Mass is in church …. 6:30 pm Janet “McFadden” Martin (Mary Eileen/Ray Haas) Thursday, January 1, Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God ….. Mass is in church ….. 9:00 am Living and Deceased Members of SJV Parish Fri., Jan. 2, Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 8:30 am Florence “F.A.” Stubenbort, incl. Eleanor (Daughter, Jean) Sat., Jan. 3, Christmas Week, the Most Holy Name of Jesus 8:30 am Louise “McFadden” Lopata (Mary Eileen & Ray Haas) Saturday, January 3, Mass of Anticipation 4:00 pm Cecelia A. Rahuba (Rich and Erin Gruendl) Sunday, January 4, The Epiphany of the Lord 9:00 am Sharon A. Schwartz (Fr. Wilson and SJV Parishioners) 12:00 pm Living and Deceased Members of SJV Parish READINGS “OF THE DAY” FOR THE WEEK Monday, Dec. 29 Tuesday, Dec. 30 THE COLLECTION FOR THE HOMELESS Thanks to those who were able to give a donation of gloves, sweatshirts, socks, scarves, etc. for the homeless. Your generosity is always appreciated by those in need. MASS INTENTIONS FOR 2015 Many of our weekend Masses for 2015 have already been scheduled. However, we encourage you to call the parish office if you would like to schedule a Mass and we will check to see if that date is available. Wednesday Dec. 31 Thursday, Jan. 1 Mary Mother of God Friday, Jan. 2 Saturday, Jan. 3 Reading Gospel Reading Gospel Reading Gospel Reading Reading Gospel Reading Gospel Reading Gospel I : 1 John 2:3-11; Luke 2:22-35 I: 1 John 2:12-17; Luke 2:36-40 I: 1 John 2:18-21; John 1:1-18 I: Numbers 6:22-27 II: Galatians 4:4-7 I: I: Luke 2:16-21 1 John 2:22-28; John 1:19-28 1 John 2:29-3:6; John 1:29-34
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