HOLY CHILD CHURCH December 28, 2014 1 HOLY CHILD CHURCH SATURDAY VIGIL, DECEMBER 27, 2014 5:00 PM Jean and Anthony Cacace 7:00 PM Adrian Gonzalez jx ã|á{ ÉâÜ ctÜ|á{|ÉÇxÜá? à{x|Ü zâxáàá tÇw tÄÄ ä|á|àÉÜá t {tÑÑç tÇw {xtÄà{ç ECDHA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 6:30 AM People of Holy Child 8:00 AM Frances Maniscalco 9:30 AM Stephanie Marie Hare 11:00 AM Antonio Lorenzo 12:30 PM Antoinette, Joseph & Peggy D’Alliegro 5:30 PM Nancy Palmisano In observance of New Year’s Day, the rectory office will be closed on Thursday, January 1st . The office will re-open on Friday, January 2nd at 9 a.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014 6:30 AM Ida and Joseph Grillo 9:00 AM John Duffy Come to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and recharge your marriage. For more information go to: www.wwme.org or call 1-877-NYS-WWME ext. 3. ***** TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 6:30 AM Poor Souls in Purgatory 9:00 AM Michael Loeffler WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 6:30 AM Wivina Feliciano 9:00 AM Maria Cuomo and Ciro DiLauro Mrs. Laccadito ministers to your bereavement needs. Call upon her to make an appointment at your convenience – 718-227-0449. ***** 5:00 PM SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Ladies’ Bereavement Conversations Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30 pm Fellowship Room See article on Page 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 NO 6:30 MASS 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM University Hospice 2014 University Hospice Bereavement Support Groups 2nd and 4th Mondays at 1pm and 7 pm (year round) at the Church of St. Andrew, Church Hall, 4 Arthur Kill Road, Richmondtown, SI Children’s Group coinciding with the adult group 7pm - 8 pm Pre-Registration Required Contact: Karen Goldman, LMHC, BCPC at 718-226-6451 ***** For the intention of Fr. David Rider Giuseppa and Giorgio Marano Lillian Carbonaro Dorothy E. Williams NO 5:30 MASS FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015 6:30 AM Tony and Mary Calabro 9:00 AM Gerard Kelly SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 2015 9:00 AM Mary Flannery SATURDAY VIGIL, JANUARY 3, 2015 5:00 PM Michael Laurice 7:00 PM Carlo Masella Daniel Maffettone Lucy Landolfi ***** ***** Next Sunday 4th January Bell Choir at 11:00 a.m. ***** A NATION AT WAR Killed in Action Scripture/Faith Sharing Sessions Mondays in the FORUM after the 9 A.M. Mass Pray for all who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. 2 STATEN ISLAND, NY WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THIS WEEK’S DONATIONS: PRO-LIFE GIVING - 1 Bread & Wine In Memory of Jennifer Marie Parisi Offered by Mom and Dad When a loved one passes aer a long illness there can be much by way of unused, unopened medical supplies in perfect shape that are le over. It is a shame that these expensive items should go to waste. Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Stephanie Marie Hare Offered by Mom and Dad One of our parishioners has such a surplus supply of surgical/medical items that are going begging for use. The generous desire is to direct them free of charge to anyone in need, instead of merely disposing of them. Adoration Chapel Candles In thanksgiving for all blessings bestowed on Tripo & McNeil Families Offered by Carmine and Patricia Tripo Some of the valuable items in the inventory are: Sterile Medicated Bandages, Sterile Gauze, Iodine Swabs'cks, Sterile Water, Sodium Chloride Irriga'on Fluid along with an array of sick room furniture and accessories, whose cost was dear. ***** Parish Membership In order to keep our census records up-to-date, please call the rectory when you are moving, or if there are any other changes to be made, such as a new address or telephone number . ***** Anyone interested in receiving any of these items free of charge is most welcomed to them. Could you not spend one hour with me? Mrs. Hansen will gladly answer your inquiries. She will cooperate with any claims on these items, fulfilling requests in true Chris'an Charity. If you think you might be able to answer the call and fill one of the following hours which are in need of coverage immediately, please pray and ask Our Lord for guidance and give us a call. Kathy Hansen may be reached at 718-948-6773. All calls are strictly confiden'al. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL Sunday Sunday Sunday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Saturday 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 AM 3:00 AM URGENT 8:00 PM PRO-LIFE GIVING - 2 Sign Up to Save Lives! During this season of giving which commemorates God’s gi to us in his only bego9en Son and, in turn, his Son’s gi of his very self for us, we may wish to consider a similar way to resonate with such giving. Of course, you are welcome to sign up for any one hour in the week that would suit your needs. If you are able to sign up in either capacity, please call Annette O’Reilly at 718-984-6809 or Kathleen Greeley at 718-356-7019. ***** Philip Buffa Edward Dillon Eugene P. Callaghan Carol Flannery Jillian Cannon Val Garcia Michael Capolongo Frank Geary Colleen Cerzosie Stephanie Golding Lenny Cerzosie Luz Garay Austin Chiarello Dennis Healy Rosa Chiarello Rosaria Incantalupo Edward Cioiberti Craig Inducci August Clarcq Peter LaRocca Annette Coppola Michael Lavanco Elizabeth Denault Richard Leone Veronica Mangieri • • • Eileen McNulty Robert Mondone Joe Mora Thomas O’Donnell Fr. Joe Pasciuto Joseph Puglisi, Jr Lisa Romano Sandra Sherbet Billy Sherwood, Jr Dena Sherwood Kristen Sherwood Alyssa Trivalone Wayne Wright Every 15 hours, a New Yorker dies wai'ng for an organ One organ donor alone can save up to 8 lives. Help eliminate the wait and register to be an organ donor today! INFORMATION: 1-866-NYDONOR (1-866-693-6667) New York Organ Donor Network 460 West 34th Street - Floor 15 New York, NY 10001 www.HateTheWait.org 3 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH Ladies Bereavement Discussion NAR-ANON Holy Child provides a social support for parish wives bereaved of their husbands. It is an opportunity that involves no membership or commitment. The Nar-Anon Family Group is primarily for you who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. We have traveled that unhappy road too, and have found the answer with serenity and peace of mind. When you come into the family group you are no longer alone, but among true friends who understand your problem as few others could. For further information, call Chris at 718-967-2608. The agenda is simply for widows to gather to engage in conversation about adjusting to unaccompanied living. Shared discussions will be in a spirit of camaraderie, friendship and confidence addressing the anxieties, concerns and adjustments arising from the new way of life. This is not a singles group or a social club but a fluid opportunity to air and share the upsets, misgivings and surprises that come in the wake of being widowed. ***** The Ave Maria Gift Shop It is on a come and go basis with the possibility of finding a bit of solace with kindred spirits for a little while. In a way, it answers the question put by the 12th verse from the 1st chapter of the Book of Lamentations: “..Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me…” Afternoon meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room The gift shop is offering 10% off Crucifixes for the month of December. ***** HOLY CHILD BASKETBALL COUNCIL PRESENTS “PIRATES OF THE FORUM” OUR ANNUAL 10K DINNER Reservations not needed. ***** Date: Place: Time: Price: PARISH PAY Support Your Parish With Online Donations Saturday, February 7, 2015 Holy Child Forum 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:30 p.m.) $100.00 per ticket Enroll Online = ParishPay.com (Only 300 tickets sold and only two attendees per ticket) Enroll by Phone = 866-727-4741 ***** The night starts off by giving the holder of the 1st ticket pulled $500.00 st 1 Annual Holy Child Holiday Biddy Basketball Tournament Every 5th ticket pulled gets a stage prize. Every 10th ticket pulled gets a monetary prize. The Holy Child CYO Basketball Program will be hosting its 1st Annual Biddy Basketball Holiday Tournament for Boys and Girls in grades K thru 2nd from December 27th thru December 30th in the Forum. Please come and watch our players, as they compete against St. Adalbert, St. Charles, St. Christopher, St. Clare, St. Rita, Holy Rosary, Our Lady Good Counsel, Our Lady Help of Christian, Our Lady Star of the Sea, and Sacred Heart!. We will be selling 50/50 chances as well as a raffle for a chance to win a ticket to our upcoming 10K Raffle Night on February 7, 2015! There will be a special appearance from Santa Claus to root our players. Our own cheerleaders will be on hand to help cheer all the teams on! The concession stand will be open throughout the tournament, so come on down have a snack and watch the kids in action! The last three tickets called for the evening are the: Grand Prizes 1st Prize: $10,000.00 2nd Prize: $ 1,000.00 3rd Prize: $ 500.00 *Due to Archdiocesan regulations, all monetary awards in the amount of $600.00 and over will be presented in the form of a check - 1099’s will be issued. Music, food, soda and beer included. There will also be raffle baskets, 50/50’s, Birthday and Anniversary Boards, and more surprises during the night! Please contact Pam Molloy or Cathy McQuillen at 718356-5890 ext. 211 or [email protected] for anyone who would like to donate prizes to be raffled off, information or ticket purchasing. There are also tickets being sold in the rectory. We would also like to take this time to thank our fellow Staten Island parishes for supporting the Biddy Teams by entering the tournament, and also a special thank you to Loren Gutzler and Lauris Murnieks for putting together this event for the children! Winner need not be present to win. Tickets are going fast!!! You have to be in it to win it… We wish all a Happy and Healthy New Year! 4 DECEMBER 28, 2014 L’amour est bleu The observance of the holy day of obliga'on on Monday evening, 8 December 2014 proved to be a truly spirited celebra'on. At the request of Carol Bulcro, parishioner and friend, I invited the rector of the Na'onal Shrine of Canada at Cap de-la-Madeleine to stop by Holy Child during his visit to the States to give us an experience of a “Blue Night” such as is done at Our Lady of the Cape. The agenda was simple: mass, procession, recep'on. The Lord augmented many people’s hard work of prepara'on and execu'on with success. If not for Father Ed, we would not have been enveloped by the beau'ful blue atmosphere generated by the stage ligh'ng he installed and calibrated from top to bo9om in the church. It was as if the gossamer veil of the Virgin was constantly caressing us. His Reverence, Yoland Ouellet, an Oblate of Mary Immaculate (OMI), went out of his way to be with us on the feast of the Immaculate Concep'on as the main celebrant and speaker at the evening mass. His Reverence brought the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of the Cape which served as the centerpiece of the celebra'on. Father Ouellet communicated the message of Mary Immaculate on her feastday with spiritual eloquence. He expertly guided all who filled the church to take part in the procession with ease and grace. Bearing the large icon of Our Lady of The Cape at the head of the procession was a con'ngent from the Henry Stolzenthaler Council 1675 of The Knights of Columbus who, in full regalia, lent an impressive dignity to the proceedings. Our own altar servers helped to facilitate the smooth execu'on of the procession. Gree'ng and guiding the people (es'mated at 900 souls) before, during and aer was our dedicated Corps of Ushers, always on hand to minister to worshippers. “Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing!” So did the assembly led on by the keyboard ar'stry of Sandra Pace who also directed the Bell Choir fresh from their holiday engagements at The Historic Old Bermuda Inn and Historic Richmondtown. Miss Jean Farinella, cantor, ensured the unison par'cipa'on of all at the mass and devo'on by her superla've vocalizing, featured also in solo. Aer being touched by the Eucharis'c celebra'on and the Marian devo'onal, everyone enjoyed themselves in the recep'on hall. Again, the ini'a've of Mrs. Bulcro was in evidence. With the help of her friends from Through the Eyes of Mary Ministry, Coleen Rayner, Grace Compe'ello, Theresa Sirabella and Consuelo Rementeria tables adorned with decora'ons and home made dain'es were set up. Basking in the aerglow of the religious experience, everyone enjoyed soulful fellowship in the Lord. Finally, all who took 'me to journey to Holy Child for this celebra'on are to be addressed. “How could we have welcomed an honored guest, celebrated the Eucharist or had a procession without you?!” The whole affair proved the truth of the age old saying: “To Jesus Through Mary.” Father Travers p.s. Informa'on: Our Lady of the Cape & Canadian Shrines Pilgrimage August 3rd – 8th 2015 contact: Through The Eyes of Mary Ministry Carol Bulcro – (718) 744-7471 5 Church: Holy Child Church City: Staten Island Account: 03-00612 6
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