21 December 2014 If you didn't get a Parish Christmas Card last Sunday there are still copies available at the back of the church. It carries the times of all Masses in the Christmas season. Times of Masses in the Christmas Season can be found in the Christmas Card, on the Noticeboard and on the Parish website. This afternoon we have our last 30 minutes of Prayerful Advent Reflection: 4.00 pm in the Meeting Room of Holy Cross church. It is an opportunity for a time of Advent stillness in a very busy world. This is the last Day when gifts of toiletries can be handed in for The Space, a Daughters of Charity and St. Vincent de Paul Society Project based in Allison Street which offers a welcome, a listening ear and practical help to those suffering from deprivation in Govanhill. Twixmas Dance with Quigley's Point on Saturday 27 December in Holy Cross Hall. £6 BYOB. As Holy Cross Hall has less space only 100-110 will be allowed in. So get your tickets beforehand to make sure of a place. Tickets: Social Committee, Stall, Social Committee members, Sr Pauline 0141423 4501 [email protected], Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the Friday Tearoom have now stopped for the Christmas period. The bulletin will advise of when they re-start, probably depending on the in/clemency of the weather Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume after the school holidays. HOLY CROSS PARISH We are now in the second part of Advent and the prayers, readings and hymns of the Mass now direct us to our preparation for the celebration of the coming of God among us in flesh, Emmanuel, Jesus the Saviour born of the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem. Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are asked to consult the notice in the Meeting Room and on the Board in the porch to find out when they are serving at Christmas and New Year. Carol Singing followed by a cuppa and mince pie tonight @ 7pm. Meet at the Dixon Halls Christmas tree. Pope Francis has reminded us again that one of the best ways to prepare for the Christmas Celebrations is to go to confession where we experience the loving and merciful forgiveness of the good God. The Advent Parish Celebration of Reconciliation is at 7.00 pm on Monday 22 December when five visiting confessors will be here to help. Since Father Neil was also available in the confessional four times last week then this is the last opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament before Christmas. There is a Parish Celebration on Tuesday evening at 7.00 pm in St. Mary’s Pollokshaws. The celebration of Christmas always invites us to show our care for the needy in our society. On Sunday 28 December there will be a Second Collection in support of the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative and another collection on Sunday 4 January for the Bishops’ Conference’s Justice and Peace Commission. As usual any donations given at the crib will be sent to the St. Margaret Children and Family Care Society (what used to be the St. Margaret Adoption Agency). The proceeds of the Christmas Quarterly Collection are sent to the Archdiocese to help cover the costs of formation for men for priesthood and permanent diaconate in Glasgow. Work on the demolition of Our Lady of Consolation will begin on Monday 5 January and will last about 2 months. Many thanks to the pupils of First Year in Holyrood RC Secondary School who have handed in to the Chapel house lots of tins of food. They will be used to help make up the food parcels we give out from the house. Those looking for an evening Mass during the week might like to know that there is a Mass at 7.30 on Tuesdays in St. Gabriel’s. Tips for a Dementia Friendly Parish. 8 Finding the This is the last Bulletin of the year. The next Bulletin will on Sunday 11 January 2015 way People with dementia may have forgotten where things are or they may not recognise everyday objects. They may need you to help them to find their way around. They may not be able to follow simple directions and need you to guide them to where they want to go. NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: Feast of The Holy Family (B) First Reading: Ecclesiasticus: 3:2-6 .12-14 Second Reading: St Paul to the Colossians: 3-12-21 Gospel: Luke: 2:22-40 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE WHO ARE ILL Gladys Craigen; Rose O’Doherty; Michael Welsh; Teresa Orr; Catherine McGee; Mary McColgan; Margaret McGarrity; Mary Murray; Raymond O’Connor; Sister Philomena Janetta; Kathleen McNeil; Patrick O’Donnell; Christopher Duggan; Ann & Alex Frederickson; Maureen McCarry; Manus Gallagher; Betty Palmer; Tony Patton; Mary Duffy. RECENTLY DEAD Sadie Sweeney; Sister Emmanuel osf; George Kavanagh; James McNulty; Ruaridh Steel; John Metcalfe; Eddie Brewster; Jim Friel; Eleanor Boyle; Ina Mc Court; ANNIVERSARIES. Tony O’Donnell; Jack & Dahlia Gray; Denis McGlynn; Sarah & Sean Gallagher; James McGee; Peter Gaffney; Mary Morgan; Mary Roche WEEKLY COLLECTIONS: Offertory £788.64 Gift Aid Envelopes £337.00 St. Nicholas Care Fund £1314.31 Feast Days Thursday 25 December The Nativity of Our Lord Friday 26 December Feast of St Stephen Saturday 27 December Feast of St John Many thanks. Baptisms, Marriages, Sick Calls Please contact Fr Neil to arrange. Fr Neil Donnachie Parish Priest. 113 Dixon Avenue. Glasgow G42 8ER. 0141 423 0105 www. holycrossparish.org.uk [email protected] Follow us on Sunday Masses: Sat Vigil 6.00pm; 9.30am; 11.30am. Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 11.30am Mass. For children 4-11yrs of age. Weekday Masses: Monday & Tuesday: 9.30am. Wednesday 6.00pm. Thursday—Saturday: 9.30am. Holyday of Obligation: Vigil 6.00pm; 9.30am; 6.00pm Exposition: Monday; Tuesday &Thursday after 9.30am Mass –1pm. Confessions: Saturday 10am-10.30am and after Vigil Mass. Also on request. The Parish of Holy Cross is a Parish of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, a Designated Religious Charity SC018140
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