Vigésimo Novena Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 26 de octubre de 2014 Todo lo puedo unido a aquél me da fuerza. — Filipenses 4:13 SUNDAY COLLECTION / COLECTA DOMINICAL October 18th & 19th Plate: $2,281.50 World Mission: 870.25 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! ¡GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD! LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD VIVIDA AHORA Todos tenemos igual responsabilidad de servir, sin embargo, en la parroquia solo un 20 % de los parroquianos trabaja y contribuye. Que podemos hacer ya desde hoy para cambiar tal porcentaje? —Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA 26 de octubre al 2 de Noviembre del 2014 Domingo: Ex 22, 20-26/1 Tes 1, 5-10/Mt 22, 34-40 Lunes: Ef 4, 32--5, 8/Lc 13, 10-17 JAMAICA 2014 IGLESIA SAN ANTONIO EL SABADO 22 Y DOMINGO 23 DE NOVIEMBER The Jamaica Party is our main fundraiser for the benefit of our parish. Thank you for your donations for the Fiesta! Please stay tuned for the next meeting date of the organizing committee. We will have live entertainment, delicious American and Mexican food, raffles, activities for the whole family and more. Raffle tickets will be on sale soon! 40 DIAS POR LA VIDA Se invita a todos a tomar parte del esfuerzo próvida Nacional mas grande en la historia: 40 DIAS POR LA VIDA. Más de 250 ciudades de EUA están participando en los 40 días de ayuno y oración por el fin del aborto. Corre la voz a otras personas sobre este importante esfuerzo por salvar vidas. Para más información, contacta a Fabiola Hernández al (480) 388-1657, [email protected] 30 DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO El domingo pasado Jesús fue puesto a prueba respecto al dinero de los impuestos. Hoy, nos dice la paEf 2, 19-22/Lc 6, 12-19 Martes: labra de Dios que mucha gente le escuchaba y se Miércoles: Ef 6, 1-9/Lc 13, 22-30 asombraba de sus enseñanzas. Sin embargo, una vez más los fariseos se reunieron para hacerle la siEf 6, 10-20/Lc 13, 31-35 Jueves: guiente pregunta: "Maestro, ¿cuál es el mandamiento más grande de la ley?" La respuesta de Jesús no se Flp 1, 1-11/Lc 14, 1-6 Viernes: hizo esperar: "Amarás al señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente". ÚniAp 7, 2-4. 9-14/1 Jn 3, 1-3/Mt 5, 1-12 Sábado: co y gran mandamiento, pero hay otro muy parecido. 3, 1-9/Rom 5, 5-11 o Rom 6, 3-9/Jn 6, "Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo". Todos sabeDomingo: Sab 37-40 mos que la ley y los profetas tienen su base en estos dos mandamientos. Y ¿ahora cuál es la ley, cuál el IN NEED OF PRAYER / mandamiento? El Papa Francisco, en la audiencia OREMOS POR NUESTROS HERMANOS general del 12 de junio de 2013, nos lo clarifica para Stephanie Alazzawi Canada, Pedro Mora, Jose Salguero, nuestros tiempos "la ley del amor". "¿Cuál es la ley Mary Wehrenberg, Familia Roman Rodarte, RohnLee del pueblo de Dios? Es la ley del amor, amor a Dios y Lucero, Familia Rosas, Otilia Hernandez, Jose Luis Nuno amor al prójimo según el mandamiento nuevo que Gutierrez, Hermina Gutierrez, Rose Lopez, Anthony & nos dejó el Señor (cf. Jn 13, 34). Un amor, sin embarJuan, Theresa Bustamante, Dora Madril, Baby Nakay y go, que no es estéril sentimentalismo o algo vago, Fmilia, Andrea Diaz, Abel Munguia, Rebecca Pantoja, sino que es reconocer a Dios como único Señor de la Carlos Robles, Jessica Bañuelos, Ramon Borboa, Elvira vida y, al mismo tiempo, acoger al otro como verdaLuisa Valdez, Mike Serpa, Jorge Ortiz, Ruby Cruz & dero hermano, superando divisiones, rivalidades, inFamily , Valentin Gomez. comprensiones, egoísmos; las dos cosas van juntas. ¡Cuánto camino debemos recorrer aún para vivir en REPARTIENDO ASIENTOS DE AUTO PARA NIÑOS concreto esta nueva ley!" ¿Con que batallamos más, Va a ver un programa donde se repartirán asientos de amando a Dios o amando al vecino? ¿Qué es lo que auto para niños. La familia tendrá que asistir a una platiDios nos llama a hacer? ca el sábado noviembre 8 en el salón. Habrá más infor©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc mación la próxima semana. Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 MASS INTENTIONS / MISAS DE INTENCION Date: Time: Intention: Requested By: Sat. 25th: 06:00PM + Cecilia Nevares……………...Su Familia Sun. 26th: 07:00AM Cumpleaños Animaría Escalante..Minie Escalante 09:00AM + Cindy Segur……………...Flores Family 11:00AM + Don Pedro Ruiz + Juanita Rodríguez + Rigoberto Ruiz Chávez..…Graciela Sandoval 01:00PM + Refugio y Benita Rojas ………………………… + Enereida Hernández……....Martha Hernández Tues. 28th: 06:00PM Por las intensiones de la Madre Anima Christi Wed. 29th: 6:00PM Por las intenciones del Instituto de las Servidoras……………………………….SSVM Thur. 30th: 6:00PM + Enedina Mírela + Rogelio Mírales…..Su Hija Fri. 31th: 06:00PM + Por las Almas del Purgatorio….....Fam. Rodríguez LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW We have an equal responsibility to serve, yet in the average parish only 20% of the parishioners contributes with work and giving. What can you do, beginning today, to change that percentage? —Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PARISH MEMBER REGISTRATION FORMS We invite all of you to register in our parish. If you have been attending mass and haven’t registered as an active member in our church community, please do so. If you are registered and have a change of address, stopped receiving envelopes or any other change in you household, please contact the parish office to update your records. Please fill out an application and make sure to provide us your phone number. Here are some examples of the benefits you have as a registered and active church member: if your child is attending a Catholic School, tuition reduction, discounts on Quinceañera and Wedding celebrations and the rental of the Parish Reception Hall. One of the most common one is a reference letter of good standing in our church for immigration, court, etc. TAKE AN APPLICATION FROM THE CHURCH ENTRANCE AND RETURN IT TO THE OFFICE OR TO ONE OF THE USHERS AFTER MASS. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE The Respect Life Group strives to build a culture of life, uphold and promote the dignity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death. Through prayer, education, and public policy advocacy, we work to proclaim the Gospel of Life in our midst throughout all ages and stages of life. Please consider being involved in this important and rewarding group. For more information contact Fabiola Hernandez al (480) 388-1657, [email protected] 2014 ST. ANTHONY PARISH JAMAICA SAT. NOV. 22ND & SUN. NOV. 23RD The Jamaica Festival is our biggest fundraiser of the year and the money raised is to benefit our parish. We need your help and support. We invite you to attend our Jamaica Committee meetings. We’ll have live entertainment, delicious food, raffle prizes, fun activities for the whole family & much more. Raffle tickets will be on sale soon! REGISTRATION FOR INFANT BAPTISMAL Children under 7 Original Birth Certificate Godparents over 18yrs old: If single, Confirmation Certificate If married, Certificate of Marriage by the church. Cost: $60.00 for one child and $40.00 each after (siblings). Next Baptism Date: November 22nd (must register by October 31st). Registration taken: Tuesday—Friday From 9am — 12:30pm or 4pm— 5:30pm 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." The law of love. That's what Jesus came to establish. In a religious milieu that was often marked by legalism and scrupulosity, Jesus brought a kind of freedom. He reminded us that the laws of religion are made to serve the ultimate goal of love: love for God and love for neighbor. Think about the Ten Commandments. This classical summary of God's rules for us can be divided into two types of laws. First come the laws about loving God: have no strange gods; don't take the Lord's name in vain; honor the Sabbath. Then come the laws about loving our neighbor: honor your parents; don't kill; don't commit adultery; don't steal; be honest; and don't covet your neighbor's spouse or property. When we follow the law of love that Jesus preaches today, all of this is taken care of. If we loved God with our whole heart, mind, and soul, for example, there would be no room left for false gods. There would be no bitterness or apathy leading us to disrespect God's name or to fail to worship him as he has asked. Similarly, if we loved our neighbors as ourselves by following the Golden Rule, then we would naturally respect them instead of lying, killing, coveting, or the like. Ultimately, all the dos and don'ts of the law are just specific guidelines describing what love looks like. This is very helpful for those times when love doesn't come so easily to us. When we struggle with having our heart in the right place, the Ten Commandments give us direction. But as Jesus instructs us today, the goal is to grow in the kind of love that naturally leads us to want to do what's best. ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc
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