17 May 2015 The Ascension of the Lord Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday AM: 6:30, 8:00, 9:45, 11:30 Sunday PM: 1:15 (Español), 5:00 (Teen Mass), 6:30 Pastor Fr. Patrick Moses Weekday Mass Monday – Friday: 6:30, 8:30 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena) (Tagalog Mass every 4th Wednesday of the month) Saturday: 8:30 AM Permanent Deacons José Campos, Del Davis, Steve Germain, Gerald Pyne Adoration Weekly: Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monthly: 13th of the month 9:00 AM – 6:00 AM (on the 14th) Penance Monday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Friday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Saturday: 3:30 PM or by appointment (English & Spanish) Parochial Vicars Fr. Martin Nguyen and Fr. Daniel Reader School Principal Monica Hayden Parish Office Hours 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM* Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM* Tuesday, Thursday and Friday *Closed for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 PM CLOSED SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sunday New Hope Crisis Counseling Hotline Hot Line (24/7) 1-714-NEW-HOPE or 714-639-4673 5201 Evergreen Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 714-826-0760 www.sticypress.org [email protected] 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD This weekend and the weekend of May 30th and 31st, we celebrate the first Holy Communion of our parish children. Our children have made their first confessions, and have prepared their souls to welcome Jesus Christ in a singular and extraordinary way into their very beings. This day is a wonderful, most important day in the life of faith. The first communion of our young people is also a good opportunity for us to reflect upon, and remind ourselves, of not only what we receive in Holy Communion, but also what happens to us in Holy Communion. In this reception of the Eucharist, we receive nothing other than Jesus Himself. The Council of Trent teaches, “As sacrament, the Holy Eucharist is the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ who is truly, really and substantially present.” The Eucharist is not a symbol, but a reality: Christ really, truly, substantially among us. Because of this, the Mass itself is not something that we do for God, but something that God does for us. In the Mass, God allows us to truly be at, and receive the fruits of, Calvary where death was defeated and our salvation was won. What happens to us in Holy Communion? We are transformed. Jesus gives Himself to us in this way that we might be transformed and become more like Him. In becoming more like Jesus, we don’t become less who we are, but more as we are meant to be. We become more fully human, and in becoming such, we grow in true joy and happiness. We are transformed so that what God the Father sees and loves in Jesus, He may see and love in us. The Eucharist is the foretaste and promise of eternal life, and we are told so by Jesus Himself, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” (John 6:54-56) As we receive Jesus our Eucharistic Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, this Sunday and every Sunday, let us ask Jesus deepen our faith, our understanding, and our love for this greatest of gifts that He gives us. With my prayers, Fr. Patrick Parish Office 714-826-0760 Business Administration Steve Germain, Business Manager Tony Kulassia, Office Manager Kathy Loch, Admin. Secretary Margie Mendez, Secretary Lisa Giacomi, Bulletin Adult Formation Rebecca Soto, Director Ministerio Hispano Sr. Maria Teresa Salceda, Director Humberto Arreola, Coro Hispano Health Care Ministry Sr. Rita O’Connell, Director Worship Kimberly Wargo, Director of Music Stewardship Carlos Ramirez, Director Youth Formation 714-826-1140 Ruth Bradley, Director Elaine Brewster, Secretary Sherri Nelson, Secretary Youth Ministry 714-826-0460 Laura Benoit, Director Denise Gonzales, Secretary Parish School 714-827-4500 Monica Hayden, Principal Infant Baptism It is necessary to attend a Pre-Baptism Information Evening. Register in the Parish Office at least two months prior to the proposed Baptism date. Sacraments To complete sacraments or to become Catholic, adults contact the Parish Office; children and teens contact Youth Formation. Marriage Contact the Parish Office. Six months preparation is required. Anointing of the Sick In case of serious illness or surgery, contact Health Care Ministry. 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD “These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents with their hands, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." (Mark 1 6:17-18) The last I saw of him, he was heading West in the back of the squad car. His parting gesture? Two thumbs up... I could tell that something was "up" when the receptionist peeked around the corner. Moments earlier I had passed through the waiting area and noticed an elderly gentleman receiving some food from us. Although a regular occurrence around here, something was just not quite right. I soon found out why as I attempted to learn how we could help him. At first there were long pauses between one syllable answers. We sat on the wall under the olive tree. It was a beautiful afternoon. He had been drinking. We talked until I ran out of questions. I did not know how to help him. I did not know what to do. I called the Cypress Police Department. Within minutes one of their finest arrived to help the deacon. Our police have been taking a lot of hits lately. It is too bad that I was the only witness to an absolutely holy exchange between the officer and the man. The reverence, the dignity, the gentleness with which he asked his questions I will never forget. It was a teaching moment for me. I saw the signs [that] accompany those who believe.... You may have heard too that our police department is at the center of raising funds for the families affected by the recent apartment fire. Your response for the same was $8,372.15 in our second collection last weekend. Thank you! You also gave to the parish $33,532.75 to fund the ministries, pay the bills and give this deacon more training opportunities in discipleship. Thank you for your generosity! Deacon Steve PS. Have you ever experienced something so great that you couldn't wait to tell you best friend about it? Our parish's Evangelization Retreat is coming again on May 29 - 31st. Don't wait for your friend. TODAY COMING HOME: 7:00 p.m. in the Education Building. All who have been away from the Church or who have struggled with issues regarding the Church are welcome to attend. Please join us. For more information contact Carol K. at 714-349-9177 or [email protected]. This will be our last meeting of this session. We will be discussing: Vatican II (1963 1965)—What was it all about? What changes occurred in the Church as a result? What were the changes in emphasis? Did any of the basic teachings change? Where Do We Go From Here? Where and how do we continue to learn and grow? What opportunities are available? What is true humility and what does that mean in our daily walk with Jesus? MONDAY MARY—A BIBLICAL WALK WITH THE BLESSED MOTHER: 6:30 p.m. in classrooms #15 & 16. “ADVANCE CARE PLANNING: CHOICES FOR LIVING AND DYING”: 7:00 p.m. in the Education Bldg. Our presenter, Karen Little, MSW, will discuss timely and important topics such as Physician Orders for Life-sustaining Treatment and Advance care directives. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: If you have experienced loss and are in need of non-judgmental, caring support, please join us on the third Monday of each month in the Hall Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. TUESDAY MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS: Please join us in praying the rosary every Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the crying room. WALKING FOR HEALTH: 9:15 a.m. Meet in front of the Ed Bldg for a 1/2 hour walk. CAPACITAR: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the Education Building. WILLS AND TRUSTS SEMINAR: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Free. All parishioners are welcome. Estate planning experts will answer your questions about estate plans and taxes, trusts (new or updating), probate, guardianship of minor children and other important topics. Contact the Orange Catholic Foundation (714-282-4208; [email protected]) for more information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in the Hall conference room. For more information please call Jay Conklin at 714-337-6857. AL-ANON MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in Room #7. For more info call Betty at 761-4624. WEDNESDAY MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Join us in the crying room after the 8:30 a.m. mass. ROSARY FOR LIFE: Please join us each Wednesday morning after Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena in the Crying Room at approximately 9:45 a.m. For more information please call Diane Caldera 714-952-1071. NAMI (NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS) MEETING: 7:00 p.m. in classroom #7. Offered every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. THURSDAY SHAWL MINISTRY; 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the Hall conference room. Contact Donna Kriesel at 897-3019 for more information. You earn FISH hours for participating! FRIDAY LEGION OF MARY: 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Modular Unit. For more information please call Grace at 714-742-0960. CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING: 7:00 p.m. in classroom #6. Please join us in giving praise, thanks, honor and love to our Lord. All are welcome. 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD DIVORCED? SEPARATED? SCARED? ANGRY? Journey of Hope is a 13-week program for Catholics to support you as you endure the emotional pain and suffering of divorce and separation. The program addresses the challenges and unique family dynamics created by divorce. The support group, led by Catholics who have gone through divorce, offers you a safe environment to share concerns and experience healing. Open yourself to experience healing and allow Jesus to restore your faith and renew your journey. Meetings are held every Friday, beginning April 10, from 7:00-8:30 pm at St. Norbert Catholic Church, 300 E. Taft Avenue, Orange. Donation of $35 includes books and journals. To register, call Pat Hansmeyer at 714-713-7412 or Dru Moschel at 714-209-0286 for more information. Registration also available on any meeting day. ADORATION SUPPORTING THE MAY EVANGELIZATION RETREAT In support of the May Evangelization Retreat (May 29-31) we are accepting sign ups for adoration. You can sign up by contacting Rolly Arenz (562-708-0258; [email protected]). You can also sign up on our web sign up page: vols.pt/ cisA3y. JUNE 26, 27 & 28 ST. I FIESTA 2015 "TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM" Hello folks! It’s your Fiesta Committee coaching staff again. We know you don't like hearing us repeating ourselves, but the Fiesta is getting close and your help as a team player is greatly needed. We still have a few booth captain positions available as well as many volunteers needed to work the booths. Contact Julie Johnson at [email protected] . Please stop by the patio, sign up for the food or game booth of your choice. While your there drop off your raffle tickets and purchase your game and ride tickets at an incredible discount. If you have a business, what better way than to advertise by sponsoring the fiesta. Please contact Janina Zimmerman at 714-401-7869 or email [email protected] for more details. Please don't forget about your Silent Auction donations . Contact Henie Directo at 714-209-5968 or [email protected]. Remember every team needs players with the desire to succeed. Please join our team and help us make the Fiesta a winning success. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Christine Welsch at 714-553-9910 or [email protected]. Thank you and God Bless. MONDAY, JUNE 1 WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Faith Formation workroom If you are a cancer survivor, newly diagnosed or dealing with treatment, your presence will be most welcome. TUESDAY, JUNE 2 CATHOLIC FAITH CONVERSATION 7 to 9 p.m. in a parishioner's home the first Tuesday of the month. We are a small group of Catholics who discuss our faith beliefs... helping us to learn more from each other; helping us to grow closer to God; and share our faith with others with greater faith and conviction. Everyone contributes (no matter how small) which becomes a chain reaction, as one person's input draws another on to thought and speech. The Legion of Mary sponsors and facilitates the meeting. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 NEW HORIZONS SUPPORT GROUP 7:00-8:30 p.m. in classroom #14 Planned social activities for single, separated, divorced or widowed, ages 50+. Meets the second Wednesday of each month. Contact: Alicia DeAnda at 714-761-8246 or Gerry Terpening at 714-969-0329. JULY 13-17 ▲ BIBLE CAMP It’s time for Bible Camp! This year, we will be Climbing Everest to learn about Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Registration has begun!!! Don’t wait too long and miss out! To register go to stibiblecamp.org. **We will also be having many decorating parties soon to prepare for camp! This is another fun way to earn FISH hours and get involved in camp. Check the bulletin, Bible Camp website and Facebook page for dates and times. 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Ministry Appreciation All ministers are invited to attend the Ministry Appreciation Saturday, May 23, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM in the Parish Hall. The priests, staff and parishioners would like to show our appreciation to all the volunteers who make St. Irenaeus such a unique and wonderful parish. This is an “open house” type function. You can drop in any time, mingle, have some light hors d’oeuvres and leave whenever you like. Contact Carlos at the parish office (714-826-0760, ext. 112; [email protected]) to RSVP & ensure we have enough food. We will also have a blessing for ministers present at all the masses that weekend (May 23 and May 24). 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 7 & 8 PEACEMAKERS begin summer break. Registration for next year is beginning now. Have a great and safe summer! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 9-12 SNL TONIGHT – All high school students are welcome to attend. Bring $2 for pizza. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Paul J. Kim is coming back on May 31st. Flyers are in the vestibule. Register by May 20th. CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION – Registration forms for high school students wishing to begin Year I of Confirmation preparation are now available. Contact Laura at 714-826-0460 or [email protected]. A copy of your student’s baptismal certificate is required for registration and must be turned in with the form. REFLECTION What if you were asked to mentor a person who was becoming a Catholic but they knew very little about the Church? What if it was your responsibility to teach them by your words and example? What would you tell them? Where would you take them to show them what it means to be a Catholic? Are there songs or prayers you would share with them that have been helpful to you? Jesus prays for the Apostles and for us in today’s Gospel reading. His prayer is a prayer for protection, unity, and love. Remember that God hears those (and all of our) prayers and that we are not alone as long as we share love with others. There was a popular saying bouncing around Christian circles a few years ago: “You are the only Gospel some people will ever read.” What it means to me is a lot like last week’s Gospel message: There may be people in your life who haven’t had any exposure to religion, but they know you! As the Second Reading says, “No one has ever seen God. Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us” (1 John 4:12). Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY—Pre-school-6th Grade (and Sacrament Preparation for older students) FIRST EUCHARIST CELEBRATIONS: Congratulations to the 293 children who received Jesus for the first time. REGISTRATION FOR 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR will begin on June 1, 2015 and close on September 11, 2015. If your child is in the program this year, a telephone call or email can re-register your student(s) after June 1. If your child was NOT in classes this year, please come to the Youth Formation Office to register. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It would be good to call before you come. 714-826-1140. 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD St. Irenaeus Parish School learning, believing, and serving…together Parish School Offering Program Our Parish School Offering Program (the Red Envelopes) supports tuition assistance for families who are challenged to afford to send their children to St. Irenaeus Parish School. We have been blessed by parents, alumni and parishioners over the years with their gifts of prayer, time, and financial donations. This year your donations helped make a Catholic education available to 31 families and 43 students at our school. Next year with tuition assistance funds provided by alumni, parents of alumni, parishioners, our own endowment, and the Orange Catholic Foundation, we will be able to help 39 families and 61 students. Our goal is to offer a Catholic education to more children in our parish and with your financial donation we will continue to do that. Last year the Parish School Offering Program received donations totaling $16,696. This year our goal is $22,000 and we are currently at $19,200. We are so close to making our goal. Please consider an offering that is comfortable for you. All donations are tax deductible and are appreciated. The red envelopes are always available in the pews. The deadline for contributions towards this year’s goal is June 30th. We are very grateful to all of our parishioners and friends who support our school. Some of the gifts received have been given in honor or in memory of someone in our parish/school community. Please include these special intentions in your prayers. In Honor of: L & I. Velasquez, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lopez, Alyssa and Jeremy Gutierrez, Charley Daugherty, Reina Sambrano, Carolyn, Anne, & Mark Smuts, Melani Hill and Michael Connell In Memory of: James Howard Carr, Silvia Martinez, Kathy Johnson, Jose Revilla, Amada Andal Martinez, Agnes P. Kolano, Aginus Rowel, Grace Willoughby, Bill & Catherine Dessert, Donna Prager, Eileen Sweeney, Narsisa Sese, Edward & Dolores Mazur, & Haydee Koppenheffer St. Irenaeus Parish School is committed to keeping tuition affordable for any family who wishes to send their children here. Remembering the school in your will or estate plan is an easy way to help make this possible for future generations. For more information, contact Lisa Sambrano at 714-827-4500 or Sue Nunn at Orange Catholic Foundation at 714-282-3021. 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Have you been baptized but have never received communion? Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Maybe you have questions like... Does God really know me? How can I know Him? What is Faith? Would you like to find out more about baptism or adults? What is RCIA? We invite you to Ask Questions and Get Answers! Find out what it means to be Catholic. Develop a relationship with God and others who are searching just like you! If YOU or someone you know have questions about becoming Catholic, or just want to know more...contact Rebecca Soto 714.826.0760 or email [email protected]. 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD TO PRAY FOR THE SICK PARA PEDÍR POR LOS ENFERMOS Chuck Callendar Virginia Cartier Louis Castillo Rose Chavez Anne Cortes Jasmine Cueva Elsie Gutierrez Mary Hall Carol Huff Bob Kaiser Martin Kirk Mila Grace Lent Terry Lyle Nathan Manier Baby Camilla Manzala Bill McCormick Marichu Mercado Anika Nielsen Pablo Ninofranco Pete Palacpac Nick Rabanera Verne Schuster Patience Smith Gene Stuben Harold Stuben Jerard VanDieren Lydia Vizcarrondo Pauline Vonderharr Rick Welsch We Remember Our Deceased "Advance Care Planning: Choices for Living and Dying” Workshop Monday, May 18th 7:00-8:30 PM Parish Hall Alfredo E. Angeles Iris Barboza Msgr. Jose Bernardo Jr. Patricia Wade Bonilla I Flordelito A. Carigma am the Resurrection Henry Castro and the Life. Gracie Cooper The one Geneva Costa Who Trevor Doran believes in Edward Felix Me will Daniel Gamble never die. Kathleen Hearn —John 11:25 James Hoffman Margaret Kell Jean Kirkpatrick Louise Llorens Susie Lopez Maxine McCoy David Nichols David Perez Teresa Serrano William O’Toole Mary P. Trujillo Donald Williams Wedding banns Katrina Mannion & Danny DeMarco Emily Garcia & Diosdado Velasquez Vanessa Porras & J.W. Burtle READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 24 MAY 2015 PENTECOST SUNDAY Acts 2:1-11 / 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 / John 20:19-23; L63B Sharing Questions: The testimony I give of the risen Jesus is… The Spirit of truth leads me to… Compartiendo Preguntas: El testimonio que doy de Jesús resucitado es ... El Espíritu de verdad me conduce a ... Our Health Ministry will be offering this workshop to help all of us have peace of mind regarding our wishes for living and dying. For many, this is a subject that is thought about but seldom addressed until a crisis situation presents itself. By attending this workshop, you will be given the tools necessary to make the right decisions for YOU in a calm, thoughtful manner giving you peace of mind. Our presenter, Ms. Karin Little, has a Masters in social work and for the last 14 years has worked as the Family Consultant and Education Coordinator for the Caregiver Resource Center teaching classes, facilitating support groups, providing case management and training for staff and others. Please join Ms. Little as she helps us discern what’s most important to each of us and teaches us how to get the conversations started with family and loved ones. Reservations not required and all are welcome. UPCOMING LABYRINTH WALK JUNE 16TH Tuesday 7PM-9PM Parish Hall 17 MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Este fin de semana y el fin de semana 30 y 31de mayo, se celebra la primera comunión de nuestros niños de la parroquia. Cada uno de nuestros hijos ha hecho su primera confesión y ha preparado su alma para recibir a Jesucristo de una manera singular y extraordinaria en su ser. Este día es un día maravilloso, el más importante en la vida de fe. La primera comunión de nuestros jóvenes es también una buena oportunidad para reflexionar y recordarnos a nosotros mismos, no sólo de lo que recibimos en la Sagrada Comunión, sino también lo que nos sucede en la Santa Comunión. En esta recepción de la Eucaristía, no recibimos otra cosa que al mismo Jesús. El Concilio de Trento enseña: "Como sacramento, la Santa Eucaristía es el Cuerpo y la Sangre junto con el alma y la divinidad de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y, por lo tanto, a Cristo quien está verdaderamente, real y substancialmente presente." La Eucaristía no es un símbolo, sino una realidad: Cristo verdadero, real y sustancialmente entre nosotros. Debido a esto, la propia misa, no es algo que hacemos por Dios, sino algo que Dios hace por nosotros. En la Misa, Dios nos permite estar verdaderamente y recibir los frutos del Calvario donde la muerte fue derrotada y nuestra salvación fue ganada. ¿Qué nos pasa en la Sagrada Comunión? Somos transformados. Jesús se entrega a nosotros de esta manera para que podamos ser transformados y ser más como Él. Cada vez que nos hacemos más como Jesús, no nos hacemos menos de lo que somos, sino más bien como estamos destinados a ser. Nos hacemos más plenamente humanos y al convertirnos como tales, crecemos en la verdadera alegría y la felicidad. Somos transformados de la manera en que lo que Dios el Padre ve y ama en Jesús, Él lo puede ver y amar en nosotros. La Eucaristía es el anticipo y la promesa de la vida eterna, y se nos dice por el mismo Jesús: "El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna y yo lo resucitaré en el último día. Porque mi carne es verdadera comida y mi sangre es verdadera bebida. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre permanece en mí y yo en él" (Juan 6: 54-56). A medida que recibimos a Jesús nuestro Señor Eucarístico en el Santísimo Sacramento, este domingo y todos los domingos, pidamos a Jesús profundizar nuestra fe, nuestra comprensión y nuestro amor por este gran don que Él nos da. Con mis oraciones, Padre Patricio ALGUNOS MEDIOS PRACTICOS PARA VIVIR EN LA PRESENCIA DE DIOS 1. Cree e imagina que Jesús realmente está junto a ti 2. Mira todo con miradas de fe 3. Haz un examen diario de conciencia 4. Da gracias a Dios por todo y en todo momento 5. Haz visitas eucarísticas y comuniones espirituales 6. Reza cuando realices tus actividades habituales 7. Lleva un crucifijo colgado en tu cuello ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA LUNES ROSARIO POR LA PAZ Y LAS FAMILIAS a las 6:30pm en la Iglesia. MARTES REUNION DEL EQUIPO COORDINADOR DE JOVENES PARA CRISTO en el salón Modular a las 7pm. JUEVES GRUPO DE ORACION a las 7pm en el salón #7. PRACTICA DEL CORO HISPANO a las 7pm en el salón #16. VIERNES JOVENES PARA CRISTO, grupo de adultos, temas de reflexión y crecimiento espiritual. Se reúnen a las 7pm en el Edificio de Educación.
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