St. Edward Catholic Church La Iglesia Católica de San Eduardo 801 Sherman St. Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone 374 - 5767 Fax 374 - 5839 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm WELCOME TO ST. EDWARD CHURCH St. Edward Mission Statement St. Edward Church is a Catholic community of believers, rich in tradiƟon and growing in diversity. Recognizing the equality of all persons in the eyes of God, we provide an atmosphere in which parishioners of all ages and cultures share faith through sacramental and Liturgical celebraƟons, ongoing faith-formaƟon, support of our school and other social and spiritual events which enable us to connect our faith with the world in which we live and lead our members to eternal salvaƟon. Parish Directory Fr. Jason M. Tyler - [email protected] Dc. Dan Hennessey - [email protected] Dc. Danny Hartnedy - [email protected] Dc. Marcelino Luna - [email protected] Dc. Efrain Vargas - [email protected] Parish Manager, Scott Sparks Parish Secretary, Teresa Mendez Rel. Ed Coord., Lilia Hernandez Director of Music, Phillip Quick [email protected] 374-5767 374-5767 374-5767 831-2625 Parish Council Chair - Beth Collier [email protected] Vice Chair - Phillip Gallaher Members - Claire Miller, Cissy Johnson, Nelson Rolong, Marcella Callahan, Russ Matson and Robert McDonald Other Contacts School 374-9166 Director Coro Hispano, Cissy Johnson 690-0608 Director Coro Hispano, Manuela Negrete 771-9104 RCIA Director, Dc. Dan & Beth Hennessey 868-4091 Liturgy Assistant Training, Dave Kern 664-5376 Wedding Coordinator, Elaine Lienhart 312-1119 Eucharist Adoration, RoseAnne Smith 830-3235 Eucharist Adoration, Martha Roberts 603-0133 Christian Mothers Sodality, Annette Rogers-Gary 541-0949 Coordinadora de Bodas, Maria Ruvalcaba 590-3895 Marriage Encounter, Elaine & Steve Lienhart 312-1119 Men’s Club - Phillip Isgrig [email protected] Martha’s Meal Ministry, Carole Canino 993-7900 Social Concerns - Al Schneider [email protected] Cub Scout Leader - Jeff Neal 374-9166 Boy Scout Leader -Eugenia Carvalho 410-8909 Coordinador de EPJ - Leobardo Martínez 310-1727 Coordinador de Jovenes - Francisco Martínez 590-0813 Sr. Hermana Annual Fund Gift - Scott Sparks 374-5767 Bingo Coordinator - Tina Pilkington 772-3032 Confession Schedule Tuesday/Martes 5 PM to 5:45 PM Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30 PM to 5:50 PM Saturday/Sábado 3 PM to 3:45 PM St. Edward Catholic Church Registration Form __New Registration - Nuevo miembro __Moving Out of Parish - Moviendose de la parroquia __Change of Address - Nueva dirección __Want Envelopes - Quiero recibir sobres de la Iglesia Name - Nombre_________________________________________ Address-Dirección________________________________________ City - Ciudad___________________ Zip - Codigo Postal_________ Phone# - Número de Telefono__________________ Please drop this form into the offertory basket or email to the parish office TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – AUGUST 23, 2015 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas, Readings for the Week/Lecturas de la Semana Saturday/Sábado, August 22, 2015 4:00 PM Sunday/Domingo, August 23, 2015 9:00 AM Josephine Tomboli † By Mary Massanelli 11:00 AM Carlos Orlando Narvaez† Maria Guadalupe Narvaez† Jesus Garcia Lopez† 1:00 PM Tuesday/Martes, August 25, 2015 6:00 PM Elizabeth May† By Jo Hennelly Wednesday/Miércoles, August 26, 2015 6:00 PM August 27, 2015 Thursday/Jueves, 8:00 AM Spc. Int. Dulce Alvarado Friday/Viernes, August 28, 2015 8:00 AM Saturday/Sábado, August 29, 2015 4:00 PM Sunday/Domingo, August 30, 2015 9:00 AM Jason Mills† By Murphy Family 11:00 AM Carlos Orlando Narvaez† Maria Guadalupe Narvaez† Jesus Garcia Lopez† 1:00 PM Readings for the Week Readings for the Week August 23 through August 30, 2015 Sunday-Domingo Jos– Josue 24:1-2A,1517,18B Ps-Salmo 34:2-3,16-17,18-19,20-21 Eph-Efesios5:21-32 Monday:-Lunes Rv-Apocalipsis 21:9B-14 PsSalmo 145:10-11,12-13,17-18 Jn-Juan 1:45-51 Tuesday-Martes 1Thes– 1Tesalonicenses2:1 -8 Ps-Salmo 139:1-3,4-6 Mt-Mateo 23:23-26 Wednesday-Miercoles 1Thes– 1Tesalonicenses2:9-13 Ps-Salmo 139:7-8,9-10,1112AB Mt-Mateo 23:27-32 Thursday– Jueves 1Thes– 1Tesalonicenses3: 7-13 Ps-Salmo 90:3-5A,12-13,14-17 MtMateo 24:42-51 Friday– Viernes 1Thes– 1Tesalonicenses 4:1-8 Ps-Salmo 97: 1,2B,5-6,10,11,12 MtMateo 25:1-13 Saturday-Sabado 1Thes– 1Tesalonicenses 4:9-11 Ps-Salmo 98:1,7-8,9 Mk-Marcos 6:17-29 Sunday-Domingo Dt-Deuteronomio 4:1-2,6 -8 Ps-Salmo 15:2-3 3-4, 4-5 Jas– Santiago 1:17-18, 21B22-27 Mk-Marcos 7:1-8 14-15, 21-23 Saturday, August 29, 2015 Lector: Kathy Childs Ministers: Kay Barre, Judi Minicozzi, Nita Danaher ( choir) Altar Servers: Hayle Mitchell Ushers: Joe Melio, John Murphree, Doug Virden, Maurus Jones Sunday, August 30, 2015 Lector: Judy Hoelzeman, Al Schneider Ministers: Dc. Dan Hennessey Tina & Pete Pilkington (choir) Altar Servers: Alyssa & Tyler Preston, Sid Davenport Ushers: Reynaldo Mapili, Mary Palmer Joe & LeAnn Wellinghoff Domingo 30, de Agosto, 2015 LECTORES 11:00 AM Roberto Gonzalez, Yolanda Martínez 1:00 PM Josefina Marañon, Martin Sanchez MINISTROS 11:00 AM Carina Alvarez, Isabel Pelayo Rubén Ventura, Cipriano Tixta 1:00 PM Mayela Giron, Mauricio Robles Mari Vargas, Hugo Arias MONAGUILLOS 11:00 AM. Juan Ventura, Kimberly De Santos, Christian Garcia 1:00 PM Angel, Julian Álvarez, Welcome, new members to St. Edward Church We are glad to have you join our “KEEPING OUR COMMITMENTS” community!!! In the musical Fiddler on the Roof, the husband, Tevye, whose marriage was arranged years and years before, wants to know if his wife really loves him. Was their marriage just an arrangement, a deal? Did his wife, after all these years, ever love him? Does she still? We need to know if our loving commitments stick. We need to be reminded and reaffirmed. In the first reading, Joshua, Moses' successor, needed to know if the people would remain faithful to their covenant with the Lord. Joshua was going to lead them to a new life--a settled life. Would they be faithful? Jesus, who identified himself as the very life of his disciples' life, needed to know: Will you also go away or will you stay? We do not often see Jesus this vulnerable. Peter and the apostles chose to stay. What will we do? Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. St. Rose of Lima is the patroness of Latin America and the Philippines. St. Rose worked hard to support her poor parents and she humbly obeyed them, except when they tried to get her to marry. Her love of Jesus was so great that when she talked about Him, her face glowed and her eyes sparkled. Rose had many temptations from the devil, and there were also many times when she had to suffer a feeling of terrible loneliness and sadness, for God seemed far away. Yet she cheerfully offered all these troubles to Him. In fact, in her last long, painful sickness, this heroic young woman use to pray: "Lord, increase my sufferings, and with them increase your love in my heart." Many miracles followed her death. She was beatified by Clement IX, in 1667, and canonized in 1671 by Clement X, the first American to be so honored. Her feast is celebrated 23 of August. She is represented wearing a crown of roses. By Prayer Ministry Please pray for all who are discerning God's call, especially our parish's seminarians, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres and Isidro Negrete, and John Paul Hartnedy Por favor, rueguen por todos los que estan aceptando el llamado de Dios. En especial los seminaristas de nuestra Parroquia, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres y Isidro Negrete y John Paul Hartnedy Heavenly Father, You have created each of us to love You and Your people. You have chosen some to serve by responding to the particular call to diocesan priesthood and religious life. Send Your Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those You have designed to follow this path of spiritual leadership. We pray this petition, faithful and most gracious God, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. PRAYER FOR...—REZEMOS POR... In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will remain on the list for four weeks. To continue for another four weeks, please call the church office. 501 374-5767 Para que podamos tener nuestra lista al día, los nombres de los enfernos estaran en la lista por solo cuatro semanas. Si quiere que la persona continue en la lista favor de llamar a la oficina al 501 374-5767 Joey Lutz, Maxine Durst, Patricia Stuart , Alma Martinez, Walter Gould, Earnestine Barnes, Dolores Gunderman, Ray Natcher, Kim Weber, Tony Hughes, Claire Miller, Familia Vargas, Garry Callahan, Mary Ann Stiefuater, Maritza Rodriguez, Adrian Burke, Jessica Stedman, Pam Winslow, Maria Lopez, Stacy Walker, Diego Arias, Santiago, Tomas Faro, Ana Arias, Henry Cordova, Ben Edmondson, Tony Swartz, Victoria Mendoza, Gladys Rose, Libba Rose, Evangelina Anaya, Greg Kitterman, Vivian Nolen, Don Fitz, Maria Mapili, Tercero Treviño, Alice Isgrig, Joe Wellinghoff, Nancy H. Smith, Ulia Bunten, Carolyn Kelly, Caroline Miller, Martha Miller, Ana Maria Cervantes, Janelle Wedel, Ashley Henry, Joel Rivera, Richard Rose, Kenney Cardenas, LilBurke, Gail Osborn, Mille Burt, Alma Asuzena Vela, Alex Neville, Kathy Childs, Ramona Gutierrez, Kenneth Kirby, Marilyn Johnson, Elizabeth Hennessey, Greg Kitterman, Agatha Louis, D. Giorgi, G. Giorgi, Victor Sabas, Francisco Hernandez, Roman Moran, Gabriel Moran Stewardship WEEKEND COLLECTION/COLECTA DE LA SEMANA August 16, 2015 $3,694 Weekly Budget/Presupuesto Semanal $6,461 Budget Shortfall July 31, 2015 (-$633) Por debajo del presupuesto July 31, 2015 (-$633) CAPITAL CAMPAIGN COLLECTION/CAMPAÑA CAPITAL August 16, 2015 $ 1,879 Weekly Need/Presupuesto Semanal $1,850 Budget Shortfall July 31, 2015 (-$1,721) July 31, 2015 (-$1,721) Por arriba del presupuesto Diocesan Loan Balance Balance del Pretamo de la Diócesis $ 958,331 8/1/15 Coffee & Donuts YTD Donations Expense Deficit $226 $275 $49 Sunday Sales YTD Income Expense Profit $196 $0 $196 Mass Count Mass Count for August 15/16, 2015 4 PM 9 AM 11 AM 1 PM 97 188 185 166 Follow us on Facebook! Simply log into Facebook and search for “Saint Edward's Parish and School" (without the quotes). Pido a todos los que han sido fieles contribuidores a la colecta dominical en el pasado que consideren en oración aumentar su donación este año. Y a todos aquellos que no han contribuido a la colecta anteriormente, que por favor consideren hacerlo este año. Es una donación que no solamente ayudará a nuestra parroquia a alcanzar su meta pero que beneficiará a todos nuestros hermanos de nuestra parroquia .Si solo diéramos el 5% de lo que Dios nos da cada semana , y cuanto es el 5%.? What I earn each week $150 $200 $300 $400 500 $600 My (5%) offering would be Lo que gano por semana Mi ofrenda sería $7.50 $10 $30 $15 $20 $25 $150 $200 $300 $400 500 $600 $7.50 $10 $30 $15 $20 $25 Parish News and Events/Noticias y Eventos Parroquiales/School News/Noticias de la Escuela SAVE THE DATE Remember October 10& 11th to come and join your fellow parishioners at our annual Oktoberfest for fun, food excitement and prizes. There will be a dinner Saturday Evening followed by BINGO!! WE NEED YOUR HELP OBTAINING BINGO PRIZES. Please consider donating a prize or prizes for the evening event. Here are some ideas for the prizes Gift cards, food or wine baskets etc. For more information or for make a donation please contact Scott Sparks at 501 835-6577 Sunday - Carnival food and games Raffle prizes are 49” LG TV, Xbox one, gas grill and more St. Edward Church Monthly BINGO This is a family event in the cafeteria This Sunday August 23, 2015 Food 3:30 p.m. Bingo 4 p.m. Juego de BINGO en la Iglesia de San Eduardo Este Domingo 23 de Agosto, 2015 Comida 3:30 p.m. Bingo 4 p.m. Este es un evento familiar los esperamos en la cafeteria de la Iglesia. Celebrating the Sacraments Celebrando los Sacramentos Marriage-Matromonio: Please contact the priest at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. Hacer una cita con el Sacerdote seis meses antes de planear su boda. 501 374-5767 Baptism-Bautizos: Baptisms are arranged trough the Church Office please bring your documents to the office a least one week prior to the baptism date, please call Lilia Hernandez at 501 374-5767 Para bautizar a su hijo (a) le pedimos por favor de traer sus documentos por lo menos una semana antes de la celebración del bautizo para mas información comuniquese con Lilia Hernandez al 501 374-5767 School News Sunday, August 23 Back-to-School pancake breakfast sponsored by the Men's Club following the 9 AM Mass Monday, August 24 6:00pm-8:00pm VIRTUS Training for parents facilitated by Phillip Gallaher CYM Attention: 9th-12th Graders! CYM meetings are Sundays, in the ministry building from 5-6 p.m. Come find out what our new CYM program has to offer, get to know some other CYM members, and learn more about your faith! Want to be a Boy Scout and a Leader? Would you like to be active in your community, learn new and fun activities both indoor and outdoor and meet new friends? If you are 11 years old or have completed the fifth grade you should join the Boy Scout Troop 805 at St Edward. For more information about joining, please contact Ms. Eugenia Carvalho at 501-4108909. Come have fun all year long with your scout friends :-) ¿le gustaria estar activo en su comunidad. Aprender nuevas y divertidas actividades ambas al aire libre o dentro de un salon y conocer nuevos amigos? Si tu tienes 11 años o has terminado el Quinto grado, túpuedes unirte boy scout troop 805 en San Eduardo. Para mas información para ser parte del grupo communicate con Eugenia Carvalho al 501 410-8909 St. Edward’s Christian Mother Sodality is hosting a Women of Grace foundational study series . We invite all ladies to join us for an exciting adventure to discover who you are in the eyes of God, with the blessed Virgin Mary as you model and By goggle images guide . We will meet Saturday at 9 a.m. in the Cafeteria Dc. Danny Hartnedy will be our facilitator, and guide us as we start our journey. This are the dates we will meet. September12th, will include Mass at 9 a.m. and then class. October 17th, November 7th, will include Mass at 9 a.m. and then class. December 19th For more information please call Annette Gary @ 501 541-0949 or email her at [email protected] The study guide and workbook will be available for purchase prior to class. Please contact Tina Pilkington at 501 772-3032 AmeriCorps Member Positions Available! Literacy Action is seeking three new team members to spend one year making a positive impact in the lives of families and adults as an Americorps Member! We have one position in our Little Rock office downtown and one position in our Conway office available. What can you get from volunteering? Education award Bi-monthly stipend Opportunity to help adults learn to read Volunteers are needed to help tutor adults in Basic Literacy and ESL. This is a great way to volunteer and be involved in the community! If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact: Literacy Action of Central Arkansas Sarah Standridge [email protected] 501-372-7323 ATTENTION: The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, August 25th, at 6:45 p.m. COUPLE TO COUPLE LEAGUE: of Central Arkansas offers a 3-part series of Natural Family Planning classes every month in the central Little Rock area. Visit for locations, times, cost & registration process. Scan this image with a smart phone and it will take you to an NFP website. If you have any questions, Call Edward & Dana Dodge at 749-6039. BAPTISM CLASSES 2015 will be offered in English on the second Saturday of alternate months in the parish office building. Each class begins at 9am the dates for 2015 are as follows: September 12, November 14. Please call ahead to register for the class at 501 374-5767 With Lilia Hernandez FECHAS DE PLATICA BAUTIZOS 28 de Agosto, 2015 7 p.m. Cafetería Bautizos Agosto 1 & 15 10 a.m. 25 de Septiembre, 2015 7 p.m. Cafetería Bautizos Septiembre 5 & 19 10 a.m. PRE– CATECISMO Ya pronto iniciaran las clases para el catecismo del año 2015-2016 para mas información comuniquese con Lilia Hernandez al 501 374-5839 Are you interested in becoming Catholic or in learning more about the Catholic faith? If so, please join us for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), which will start at the end of August. For more information, please contact Deacon Dan at [email protected]. El grupo de jóvenes de San Eduardo está invitando a todos los jóvenes mayores de 18 años, a tener una nueva experiencia, habrá dinámicas, momentos fuertes de oración, conocerás más de tú Fe católica y lo más importante de todo conocerás mas de Dios…Te esperamos!!! Todos los Sábados a las 7 p.m. en el edificio del Kínder Para más información communicate con Francisco Martínez al 590-0813 ¡Sólo Dios puede crear, pero tú puedes valorar lo que él ha creado.! Grupo de oración Todos los Lunes en la Cafeteria a las 7 p.m. todos son bienvenidos Aquí compartimos la palabra de Dios y oramos unos por otros, por nuestras familias y sus necesidades. Jesús espera por cada uno de nosotros y cada día nos pregunta ¿ni una Hora pueden orar conmigo? Te invitamos a orar juntos. From the Parish/ de la Parroquia & Around our Community Have you considered a gift to St. Edward School Endowment? This fund provides for the School’s long term stability and needs. You can also include the endowment in your will and/or in request for memorials after a loved one’s death. For more information contact Scott Sparks at 501 374-5767or [email protected] Calling all Travelers going to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families and to be with Pope Francis for his visit to the United States. A special blessing for travelers will be th at 3:30 pm at St. John Center (2500 N. Tyler, Little Rock). If you would like to receive a blessing or join in prayer to send our travelers on this blessed journey join Bishop Taylor on the steps of Morris Hall. For more information call the Family Life office, 501-664-0340, given by Bishop Anthony Taylor on September 12 ext. 373. Ladies of Charity of Arkansas will be having a meeting on Tuesday, August 18 from 6PM to 8PM at St. John Center, Fletcher Hall in Little Rock. All are welcome to attend. The Ladies of Charity mission is to educate, empower, and evangelize the poor in the state of Arkansas and was originally founded in 1617 by St. Vincent de Paul in France and is part of a worldwide Vincentian Family composed of laity and religious. For more information about this ministry, please visit or email Joan Finnegan at [email protected]. St. Joseph Farm Stand-NOW Open! Local foods are now available at St. Joseph Center of Arkansas, 6800 Camp Robinson Road (the old St. Joseph Orphanage) in NLR. The Farm Stand will be open on Saturdays from July 18-November 7 from 8am-12noon. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, plants, breads, jelly, relish, cheese, hummus, artwork, and berry picking. All local! Please stop by and help save this historic property! All proceeds go to St. Joseph Center of Arkansas. For more information call 501-9934560, email [email protected], or check out Come celebrate the Jubilees of our Religious – Saturday, Sept. 12, 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. at Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church, 1003 N. Tyler St., Little Rock. Presentations by Sister Karen Elliott, C.PP.S., D.Min., “Consecrated Life: Waking up the World for the Future.” $10 per person (no charge for Religious) includes workshop & lunch. Register by Sept. 2. Form at http://, or contact Sr. Mary Clare OSB,[email protected] or 870-926-4201. Catholic Charities of Arkansas is seeking an Office Administrator for its offices at St. John Catholic Center in Little Rock. The position provides administrative support for the Executive Director and other staff, helps coordinate fund raising, writes grants, and manages maintenance, security, scheduling and procurement. This position requires a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience gained through (3) years as an office administrator, excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to manage multiple projects and work professionally and positively with a diverse audience. Fluency in Spanish is preferred but not required. To apply, please send a resume and letter of introduction to: Patrick Gallaher, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Arkansas, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207 or email to [email protected]. Caridades Católicas de Arkansas está buscando un(a) Administrador(a) de Oficina para sus oficinas en el Centro Católico San Juan en Little Rock. El puesto provee apoyo administrativo al Director Ejecutivo y demás personal, ayuda a coordinar la recaudación de fondos, solicita subvenciones, y administra el mantenimiento, seguridad, planificación y aprovisionamiento. Para este puesto se requiere una licenciatura o experiencia equivalente obtenida mediante (3) años como un(a) administrador(a) de oficina, excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y verbal, y la capacidad para administrar múltiples proyectos y trabajar profesional y positivamente con un público diverso. Se prefiere fluidez en español, pero no es un requisito. Para aplicar, por favor envíe un currículo y una carta de presentación a: Patrick Gallaher, Director Ejecutivo, Caridades Católicas de Arkansas, 2500 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72207 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. _ Excellent __Good __ Average __So So How do you rate your marriage? If you’ve checked any of the above, you’re a great candidate for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! It’s a beautiful weekend experience designed for couples of all ages and backgrounds. It will take you from where you are to another level! Make this autumn special by devoting one weekend to the most important relationship in your life. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are at Subiaco, Arkansas, September 25-27, 2015 and at Memphis – Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center, November 6-8, 2015. Space is limited. For more information or to apply call Stephen and Elaine Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or email [email protected] or apply at The first 20 applicants will receive a 25% discount off the $100.00 application fee JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Pediatric Dental Office is looking for an upbeat, friendly, goal oriented multi-tasker with excellent communication skills to join our patient-centered team. Responsibilities for front desk coordinator include greeting patients with a smile, patient scheduling, treatment presentation, and verification/billing of managed care as well as private insurance. Applicants must be able to communicate (read, write, speak) proficiently in both English and Spanish. Salary will be based on experience. We are willing to train the right applicant. Please forward all resumes and references to [email protected] INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Edward #202350 801 Sherman Street Little Rock AR 72202 Contact information: Teresa Mendez @ 501-374-5767 Software: MSPub 2013, AA-X Date of Publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 text pages + 2 children pages + this page = 8 (1 ad page; 8-T-JL) NOTE: There are not any blank pages as we have inserted two children pages. Special instructions: FedEx shipping address: 801 Sherman Street, Little Rock AR 72202 Special shipping instructions: FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected]
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