Saint Ann Catholic Community 1311 Robinson Drive Haines City, FL 33845 FAX: 863-421-2522 PASTORAL STAFF Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time Fr. Alfonso Cely—Parochial Administrator XXI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario P.O. Box #1285 Church Office: 863-422-4370 WEBSITE: August 23, 2015 23 de Agosto de 2015 [email protected] Fr. Fracilus Pettit-Homme Parochial Vicar [email protected] Sr. Josie Canevari, O.S.F. Director of Religious Education 863-438-2700 [email protected] Deacon Hector Colón Deacon Orestes Hernández Deacon José Ramos Music Director - Bob Macar Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez [email protected] Office Support—Luz Gonzalez [email protected] Office Support - Michelle Wieber [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith 863-419-1935 MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 9:00 AM Eng. Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 PM Eng. Sunday 7:30 AM Eng. 10:00 AM Eng. 12:00 PM Sp. 7:00 PM Sp. HOLY DAYS: As announced. CONFESSIONS: In English and Spanish Fridays at 6:00, Saturday at 3:00 pm Reconciliación—Español e Inglés Viernes: 6:00 pm, Sábado: 3:00 pm Sacramental Preparation Info: Contact the Church Office. Preparación Sacramental Comunícate con la oficina parroquial St. Vincent de Paul: 863-419-4819 WELCOME. Thank you for joining us today! Bienvenidos. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos! Page 2 August 23, 2015 Jesus Reveals Himself to be the Bread of Life. People have had great difficulty understanding Jesus’ speech about the Bread of Life from the moment He uttered it up until present day. How can Jesus give us His flesh to eat and ask us to drink His blood? People felt disconcerted. Many of his followers who had seen the miracles, good deeds and wonders of the Lord were confused even though they had watched as Jesus had multiplied the loaves and fish. That act alone made them think he was a great man; a king. But now He wants them to try and go further and understand that they must work for the bread that gives eternal life and not for the material things that ultimately perish and disappear. The folks in this crowd can’t understand so they stop following him. Others in the crowd close their hearts to his message and abandon Jesus. They could not see the divinity of the Lord, and did not accept Him as their Messiah, or Savior. I personally like the question Jesus asked the Twelve: “‘What about you, do you want to go away too?' That is a question that has sounded in our hearts until today, when we are looking to ratify our faith, to proclaim to the world that despite failing to give rational explanation about the Eucharist, the living Bread come down from heaven, we proclaim with our hearts and we announce that we have seen with the eyes of the soul. We should make Simon Peter’s proclamation of faith our own: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; we believe and know that you are the Holy One consecrated by God." Fr. Alfonso A SILENT SERMON A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor’s visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember’s flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead. Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The Pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave, he slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, “Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I shall be back in church next Sunday.” ~author unknown~ ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN OUR BULLETIN! Contact: Fabio Espinosa at (800) - 9949819 or e-mail [email protected] Married couples please consider the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in Orlando on Friday, October 9th at 7:00 pm through October 11th at 4:00 pm. It is a weekend for couples who would like to deepen their relationship. For more information/register call Bob/Sheila at 407-647-4289 or [email protected]. TO ALL EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Please remember that you should be going back to the back sacristy (behind the mural) to help clean all vessels after the Mass that you serve. Page 3 August 23, 2015 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks, “Do you also want to leave?” We must ask ourselves if we really want to hear the good news of His love for us and for others. Is the word of God able to break into our consciousness, change us and call us to hear the cries of the poor? As you give your gift to the poor through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in your heart you also will find the good news of God’s love. Food can be placed in the boxes in the Narthex. Clothing can be dropped off at our location behind St. Ann’s which is open to help the needy on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12—2:30 PM. For questions, call Judy at 863-427-3040. FREE CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH CLASSES: * ST. ANN’S PARISH, Father Anderson Building on Wednesdays, September 16th—December 16th; 12—2 PM Beginning, Intermediate or Advanced levels. Call St. Vincent de Paul, ask for Judy or Sue at 863-419-4819 or Judy at home at 863-427-3040. *LAMB OF GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH: beginning Wednesday, September 9th, 6-7 PM. Call Carmen one week in advance at 863-412-7796. FIRST TIME OFFERED: CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS: 2 hours a week on Thursdays, beginning in September 2015, limited to 26 people; Cost: Under $30.00 for textbook. Call Judy Riggs at 427-3040. LECTOR NOTES: As a lector, you are not exalted at Mass, but rather humbly serve this role and then blend back into oneness with the community. God calls you precisely as you are, at this point in your life, to reach out to those assembled, precisely as they are, now. i If you are interested in becoming a lector, contact Ann Wolber at 407-433-8048. ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30 a.m. on Friday with benediction at 5:45 PM. . ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ST. ANN? WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE? NEED CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES? In order to have contribution envelopes, you must register. In order to register you must request a registration card from any Usher or from the Church Office. After filling it out, please put it in the collection basket at Mass or turn in to the Church Office. You may also register on-line. Automatic monthly mail service normally takes 1 to 2 months but the Church Office will send out your first month’s package upon receiving your registration request. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Church Office. I’m no hero! Each saint in the canon, like every hero in the Bible, begins his or her vocation with an emphatic objection to God’s call. Which makes perfect sense to most of us, who would gladly echo Gideon’s response when summoned to be the next champion of his community. “I’m no savior! Try next door.” It’s not false modesty on our part. We know our limitations too well, so it helps to keep this in mind: So does God. When God comes calling, with the invitation always comes the grace to fulfill it. We welcome you into our Community of faith. For information regarding RCIA please call the Faith Formation Office and speak to Sr. Josie. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wilcox won the 50/50 for $121.00. Remember: it takes $2.00 to play! If you have baptized your child at Saint Ann and not received a Baptismal Certificate, please come by the Church Office and pick it up. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 9:00 AM Intentions of Jean Marc Agnanc 4:00 PM +Jean Lane Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 7:30 AM +Keith Chevrier 10:00 AM +Alice Brinnisholtz 12:00 PM +Maria Teresa Rayas Cazares 7:00 PM Por los miembros de la Iglecia Monday, August 24th, 2015 9:00 AM * Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 9:00 AM + Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 9;00 am +Memorial Mass Association Thursday, August 27th, 2015 9:00 AM +Deacon Francisco Gonzalez Baena Friday, August 28th, 2015 9:00 AM + Saturday, August 29th , 2015 9:00 AM 4:00 PM +Patrick Terranova Sunday, August 30th, 2015 7:30 AM +Fred Canevari 10:00 AM +Dee Belanger 12:00 PM +Alulio Coto Perez 7:00 PM Por los miembros de la Iglesia Page 4 August 23, 2015 SAN PEDRO, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA Murder Mystery Dinner Party Saturday, August 29th Join us for our Retro Homecoming! It's not your normal homecoming dance- one of our guests won't make it to the end of the dance. Each person will be partaking in solving the mystery of whodunit- could it be you?? When you RSVP, we will send you your character information for you to look and act the part. Great date night, parents night out, girls night, and for adults of all ages. Bring your kids (ages 5-17)! Camp counselors will be watching kids in a separate building with their own pizza party and an evening of games and fun! Adults- $30, Kids- $10 For more information, please call: 407-671-6322 ATTENTION ALL CATECHISTS, MINISTERS TO THE SICK, MONEY COUNTERS AND USHERS: If you are not fingerprinted and need to be, the fingerprinting machine will be in the St. Ann Office from August 21st thru September 3rd. Please call for an appointment. Do you want to make a difference in your community and in the world? Join the newly formed "Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force!" Contact Deacon Fred Molina, one of the Task Force coordinators, for more information email him at [email protected] or call 352-638-4097. Help us end Human Trafficking!" Please consider adding your smile to greet our parishioners, I've been told it's welcomed and appreciated. Call Jacquie Menard 863-4221063 or email [email protected]. Over the past three months we have received $180 in coupons, which purchased our pictures that included PEACE, and HOLY WEEK. And just in the past few weeks, we received 80 empty cartridges and even some that were unopened. THANK YOU! Missed being photographed? See us in the Narthex following Mass. Call Jacquie Menard 863-422-1063 or email: [email protected] Parishioners: have your August birthday and anniversary pictures taken. The Cancer Support Group, will resume meeting Friday, October 23rd in the Fr. Carlos Building. If interested, please call Lori King at 863-258-5813. Do you have a question regarding your marriage? Our Regional Diocese of Orlando Advocate for the Tribunal, Carolina Breton, will be having Office hours at St. Ann’s this week on Tuesday afternoon. Please call the Church Office to make an appointment. MINISTERS TO THE SICK: Ministers embrace those members who are unable to be present at the Eucharistic celebration, by sharing the spiritual message and the gift of the Eucharist. If you or a loved one are physically unable to attend our Eucharistic celebration, please call Cathy Grossmann at 863-299-3452. Arrangements will be made for a minister to bring the sacrament to you. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED bringing the Eucharist to those who are unable to attend our celebration. Please call Cathy at 863-299-3452, training will be provided. The Haines City Knights of Columbus Business Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7:30 PM. Council Social: 4th Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 PM. All Knights & family are welcome at the Social. BINGO is every Monday & Thursday starting at 12:30 PM. For more info, call Roger Werckman.@ 863-956-5123. MEALS ON WHEELS: Help us end Senior hunger. If you need assistance, please call 299-1616. Drivers are needed in the Davenport area. If you can help, please call 299-1616. We have a drop-off at St. Ann so you don’t have to go to Winter haven. First Communion pictures are ready. Please call 863-422-1063 to make an appointment for viewing and to make corrections either at my home or yours. Please be aware that I will be gone the entire month of July. Make your appointments within the week if the week if you want your pictures before July. Otherwise, it will be in August. My email is [email protected] The flowers around the Altar are in loving memory of Tom Clark. Please join us in saying a Rosary for the Unborn after next week’s Saturday 4:00 PM Mass in the Chapel. Page 5 Dear Parents, September classes for 2015-2016 will begin September 26th. RCIA classes will begin September 27th 2015. Confirmation has been scheduled for September 13th 2015 at the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Students returning for their second year classes will have the same teacher as last year, and you may report to your same classroom. Those students who are reporting for class for the first time, your parents should have met your teacher and also received your classroom location. If any parents did not attend the Parents’ Meeting on August 22nd you must call and make an appointment to meet with me and receive the calendar and important information that was discussed at the Meeting. No student may attend Faith Formation classes if the parents have not attended the Meeting or have seen me. Girls who are approaching their 15th Birthday, and are anticipating celebrating their Quince with a Mass, must at least be in the first year of Confirmation Preparation. Please call, 863-438-2700, before coming to make sure that I am in the Office, as some days I have meetings, etc. and am not available. A special “THANK YOU” to: The Stein Family for their generous donation of copy paper. We are so grateful to all who have donated supplies, etc. for our students. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU for your loving and generous support of our Faith Formation Program. Sister Josie A gratefeul THANK YOU from the Columbiettes for all the donations to their School Supplies Drive!! ST. ANN Vocations' Promotion Committee HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE MELCHIZEDEK PROJECT? In it, Catholic men meet to pray about their lives, listen for God's voice, and get serious about answering His call. The Project's handbook, "To Save a Thousand Souls" by Father Brett Brannen, is the ultimate guidebook for discerning a vocation to the Catholic priesthood. Dear Parishioners: I am asking that everyone continue to give at the level that they did this time last year. This is what our budget is based on and it’s vital that we stick to it. Thank you again for your continued generosity. Week of 8/16 & 17 last year…......$7,980.37 Week of 8/15 & 16 this year........$10,094.28 Difference: + $2,113.91 Thank you for your generosity. August 23, 2015 Flowers for the Altar: Would you like to donate a flower arrangement for the Altar once during the year? For only $50.00 you can have your loved one remembered with flowers around the Altar. Call the Church Office at 863-422-4370. THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet every Wednesday to make teddy bears, chemo hats and prayer shawls. We are so grateful for the many skeins of yarn for our shawls and chemo hats and material for the teddy bears that we have received from our Church members.. Thank you so much. If you know of someone needing a prayer shawl because of poor health or who have lost a loved one, please come see us on Wednesday mornings in the Fr. Anderson Bldg. or call the Church Office at 422-4370. PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Are you celebrating a birthday, wedding anniversary, a baptism or other occasion in the next few months? Why not consider spiritually making your day extra special by volunteering to bring the Gifts to Father during the offertory. It will mean extra joy for you and your day and it will help us immensely. Please contact Mary Jo to volunteer for the 4 o'clock Mass @299-5590, Joyce Crane for the 7:30 AM @419-1200, Joyce Greenwood for the 10 AM Mass @956 -4548 or feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] , please add "Gift Givers" to the subject line and be sure and tell us what date and Mass time you are requesting. You may also talk to any Usher who will forward the request to us. We have placed a book in the Narthex where you can write the names of those who may be sick and for whom you wish us to pray. At Mass we will pray for those who have asked us for our prayers, especially those in our intention book." You can neatly write names into the book right up to the start of Mass and the book will be carried to the altar. Please pray for the sick in our Parish who have asked for our prayers. LOOKING FOR A RETIRED ELEMENTARY TEACHER FOR ONE AFTERNOON A WEEK…..Spanish would be helpful, but not necessary for this volunteer position. Teach adults who really want to learn beginning conversational English. We have the books and classroom for you. Wednesdays: 12—2 PM. Contact Judy Riggs at 863-427-3040. Página 6 23 de Agosto de 2015 Jesús Se Revela Como El Verdadero Pan de Vida Grande dificultad para entender el discurso del Pan de Vida desde el momento que Jesús lo dijo hasta nuestros días. Como Jesús puede darnos a comer su carne y a beber su sangre? La gente se siente desconcertada, muchos seguidores que habían visto los prodigios, obras y Milagros del Señor se sienten confundidos, ellos vieron como multiplico los panes y los peces y eso los hizo pensar en un gran hombre, en un rey. Pero ahora, Él quiere ir más lejos y desea hacerles entender que debemos trabajar por el PAN que da VIDA ETERNA y no por las cosas materiales que perecen que desaparecen. Quienes no pudieron entenderlo se fueron, quienes cerraron su Corazón a su mensaje, abandonaron a Jesús, no pudieron ver la Divinidad del Señor, no lo aceptaron como su Mesías, como su Salvador. A mí personalmente me gusta la pregunta de Jesús a los Doce: "¿También vosotros queréis marcharos?" Que es una pregunta que suena en nuestro Corazón hasta hoy, que busca que nosotros ratifiquemos nuestra fe, proclamemos al mundo que a pesar de no poder dar explicación RACIONAL acerca de la Eucaristía, EL PAN VIVO BAJADO DEL CIELO, lo proclamamos con nuestros corazones y anunciamos que lo hemos contemplado con los ojos del alma. La proclamación de fe de Simón Pedro la hacemos nuestra también: "Señor, ¿a quién vamos a ir? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna; nosotros creemos y sabemos que tú eres el Santo consagrado por Dios." Fr. Alfonso A Diferencia a Otras: ¿HAS OIDO HABLAR DEL PROYECTO MELQUISEDEC? En el, hombres católicos se reúnen para orar acerca de sus vidas, escuchar la voz de Dios, y tomar en serio el responder a Su llamado. El manual del Proyecto, "Para Salvar Mil Almas" por el Padre Bretttt Brannen, es la guía esencial para discernir la vocación al sacerdocio Católico. Clases de Inglés conversacional Gratis!! La Parroquia de St. Ana estará ofreciendo clase de inglés conversacional a varios niveles, básico, intermedio y avanzado en el edificio del Padre Anderson, comenzando el miércoles, 16 de Septiembre al 16 de diciembre del 2015. Todos los interesado favor de llamar a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul y pregunte por Judy o Sue al 863-419-4819. La Iglesia Lamb Of God Lutheran Church tambien está ofreciendo esta clase, los miércoles de 6:00-7:00 pm. Comenzado el miércoles, 9 de septiembre. Para información llame a Carmen al 863-412-7796. Se solicita maestra jubilada, para puesto voluntario una vez a la semana. Para enseñar ingle conversacional a nivel básico adultos, preferible que hable español pero no es necesario. Para información llame a Judy al 863-427-3040. Atención: Si usted bautizó a su hijo/a en St. Ann y se le olvidó recoger el certificado bautismal, favor de pasar por la oficina a recogerlo. Gracias A todos los ministros EUCARÍSTICOS: Por favor recuerde que usted debe de regresar a la Sacristía y ayudar limpiar todos los recipientes usados después de la Misa. Gracias Página 7 23 de Agosto de 2015 San Vicente de Paul En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús preguntó a los Doce: “¿Quieren marcharse también ustedes?” Pedro le contestó: “Señor, ¿a quién iríamos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna. Nosotros creemos y sabemos que Tú eres el Santo de Dios.” Dios no quiere que la gente padezca de hambre y viva en la pobreza, sino que reciban la buena nueva de su amor. ¿Es la palabra de Dios capaz de romper nuestra conciencia, cambiarnos y hacernos escuchar el grito de los menos afortunados? Su donación a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul, es una demostración del amor de Dios hacia los menos afortunados. Usted también puede ayudar trayendo donaciones de alimentos al Nártex, y toda ropa donada puede dejarla en el edificio de San Vicente (detrás de Iglesia) los lunes, miércoles y viernes de 12:00 -2:30 p.m. Gracias El Consulado de México Fecha : martes, agosto 25, 2015 Horario: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Lugar : Iglesia St. Ana ( salón social) Llamar para cita : 1-877-639-4235 Para hacer cita favor de llamar al 1-877-639-4235 Necesitamos patrocinadores!! ¡El boletín semanal de nuestra parroquia necesita patrocinadores! ¿Ustedes saben de algún negocio que le gustaría anunciar sus servicios en nuestro boletín? Estos ayudan a pagar el costo del boletín. Para mas información llame a la oficina de la Parroquia. Gracias Formación de Fe: El 13 de Septiembre del 2015 se iniciarán las clases del 2015-2016. El Retiro de la Confirmación será el 29 de agosto de 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Los estudiantes que regresan para su segundo año de clases tendrán el mismo maestro y salón de clase del año pasado. A los Padres de familia de los estudiantes que comienzan su primer año y asistieron a la reunión del pasado sábado, 22 de agosto espero que usted haya tenido la oportunidad de conocer al maestro de su hijo/ a y haber visitado el salón de clase. A los Padres que no pudieron asistir a la reunión, deben de llamar para hacer una cita conmigo para entregarle el calendario e informarle sobre los asuntos importantes hablado en la reunión. Ningún estudiante podrá asistir a clase de Formación de Fe, si los Padres no asistieron a la reunión. Mis horas de oficina son: Lunes, Martes, Miércoles de 9:00 a.m. –3:00 p.m. POR FAVOR, llame a mi oficina, 863-438-2700 antes de venir para asegurarse que estoy disponible. Muchísimas Gracias! A la Familia Stein por su generosa donación de papel para copia. Estamos muy agradecidos por todas aquellas personas que han donado artículos para nuestros estudiantes. Gracias, Dios continúe bendiciéndole por su generosidad y apoyo a nuestro programa de Formación de Fe. Sr. Josie TALLER DE ORACION Y VIDA ¿Buscas la paz y la alegria de vivir? ¿Quieres profundizar en tu vida de oracion? ¡Ven con nosotros y descubre que las tienes al alcance de tu mano! Te invitamos a los Talleres de Oración y Vida (TOV), Método P. Ignacio Larrañaga que se impartirán aquí en St. Ann comenzando la semana del 10 de agosto de 2015. TOV/Adultos: lunes, 10:00AM – 12M; y jueves de 7:00PM a 9:00PM TOV/Jóvenes, jueves de 7:00PM- 8:45PM. Para inscripción o información adicional: Lucy Figueroa, 757-469-9060; Las fotos de la Primera Comunión están listas. Favor de llamar al 863-422-1063 para hacer cita y ver sus fotografías. Tenga en cuenta que estaré fuera todo el mes de julio. De lo contrario, recibirá su fotos en agosto. Mi correo electrónico es [email protected] Atención: La fotografía que usted se tomó con el Padre Robert y el Padre Frank estará en un sobre con su nombre en la mesa del Nártex. Las fotos son cortesía del Ministerio de Hospitalidad. Gracias
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