Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 12, 2014
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
302 South B Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Reflection from the Pastor:
The Desert Fathers, who were monks living in the Fourth
Century, had a word they used for the state that St. Paul
describes in our Second Reading: apatheia. St. Ignatius
of Loyola would call this same state: “holy indifference”.
Apatheia or “holy indifference” is far from apathy; rather,
it describes learning to live in the moment, completely
reliant on God’s Providence. The man or woman who
learns to live “holy indifference” is one who is ready to
receive the Kingdom when it comes.
Tuesday - Friday
7:30 a.m.
Martes - Viernes
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.
302 South B Street
9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
[email protected]
312 South B Street
[email protected]
For the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick contact Fr. Reilley at
Couples planning marriage must contact the pastor six months in advance of the marriage.
For homebound visits or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) call the office, 620-442-0566.
24 hour Adoration weekly from 8 a.m. Tuesday through 8 a.m. Wednesday in the Chapel.
Readings for the week of Oct. 13, 2014
Tuesday, October 14
8:00 a.m.
† J. Brian Coyne by Mary Ann Coyne
Wednesday, October 15
8:00 a.m.
Celebrant’s Intention
Thursday, October 16
8:00 a.m.
Celebrant’s Intention
Friday, October 17
8:00 a.m.
† Ben & Frances Heimerman by Bernie
& Ida Betzen
Saturday, October 18
6:00 pm
† Tyson Diver by Theresa Kuffler
Sunday, October 19
9:00 a.m.
† Bill Webb by Lois Webb
11:00 a.m.
For the People of the Parish
Liturgical Ministers for October 18 & 19
6:00 P.M.
E.M: Joi Jay
Lector: Jim Bernhardt
Altar Servers: Paul Fiorentino, Trevor Pierce, Cooper Pierce
Dan & Vicki Snowden
Greeters: Sam & Kay Feist
9:00 A.M.
Ps 113:1b-2,3-4,5a &
Luke 11:29-32
Luke 11:3741
Luke 11:4246
Luke 11:4754
Luke 12:1-7
Ps 1:1-2,3,4 & 6
Gal 5:18-25
Eph 1:1-10
Ps 98:1,2-3ab,3cd-4,56
Eph 1:11-14
Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12-13
2 Tim 4:10-17b
Is 45:1,4-6
Ps 145:12-11,12-13,1718
Ps 96:1,3,4-5,7-8,9-10
Luke 10:1-9
Mat 22:1521
Collection: October 5, 2014
Envelopes…………………..…....…………...…..$7430 .00
Loose Cash……………...……………………......$ 847.30
Votive Candles…………………………………….. $ 59.10
TOTAL………………………….........................$ 8336.40
Budgeted……………………….………………..… $7,670.00
Above………..…..………………..……..…...……. $ 666.40
October Offertory Gift Counters:
Dixie Givens, Cathy Mora, Linda Nelson
Church Cleaners for Next Week
Barbara Priest
Rachel Priest
Mike Metzinger
Lector: Larry McCorgary
Altar Servers: Grady Priest, Courtney Priest, Lance Blubaugh
Offertory: Kyle & Angie Ruyle
Gal 4:22-24,2627,31-5:1
Gal 5:1-6
Jason O’Toole Family
11 A.M.
24-hour adoration begins after Mass on Tuesday through 8
a.m. on Wednesday. We are looking for committed adorers
to spend one hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. At
the present time, there are three hours with only one
adorer: Tuesday, 1-2 p.m.; 3-4 p.m. and Wednesday, 1-2
a.m. Would you please consider sharing your gift of time
with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament? Our Lord sends
many graces in the Adoration Chapel. Come and see! I will be happy
to help you schedule one of these or any other hour. Please call Lupe
Weide 442-1146. There is always a need for faithful adorers. Thank
Rafael Medina
Briana Verdin
Altar Servers: Jose Hernandez, Juan Hernandez, Yosedaq Esparza
Offertory: Nick & Angelina Brookshire
Greeters: Jesus & Lety Varela
Rebeca Vazquez, Jackson Weathers, Lito Bearsot, Clifford
Waggoner, Violet Waggoner, Summer Flowers Davis, Sara Boyd,
Barbara Bernhardt, Darci Tauscher, Caiden & Camden Boyd,
Roarke Monroe, Roseann Livingston, Sue McNinch, Karson
Lozano, Patti Randa, Larry Prichard, Jennifer Beaur, Evalina and
Adaline Gleeson Lemus, Darren Dalton, John Gearhardt, Amanda
Wiegman, Bernice Neises, Jim Webb, Gilbert Ramirez, Fr. Francis
Cox, Juan Ramirez, Shirley Demaree, Isabelle Demaree, Eva
Felipe, Herron Oyala, Sherley Lopez, Dennis Blubaugh, Adam
Heimerman, Carla Pike, Zachary Wheat, Eva Reyez., Brad
Heimerman ,Larry Schwartz, Pete Ternes ,Billie Johnson, Roger
Parish News
Parish News
Stewardship Formation
We will continue the presentations on Saturday evenings
after Mass of the "Spirituality of Stewardship" formation
series, produced by the diocese of Wichita. This four-part
series will help you to understand how stewardship fits in
with the Christian life and will inspire you to see everything as
a gift, as well as give a good foundation in how to pray better
and discern God's gifts to you. Confirmation students can
receive two service hours for each session they attend. The
class will be held in the school cafeteria.
Cowley Tigers: This Sunday, Oct. 12th there will be a
dinner at 5:30pm for the students at Cowley County College.
Parishioners who are interested in befriending Catholic
college students are invited to attend and get to know our
Catholic students. For more information, please see one of
the Catholic Tiger sponsors after Mass.
Mass Intentions: There are several openings if you would
like to have a Mass said for a loved one. Please call the
office (442-0566) to schedule a Mass.
Announcements for the bulletin must be
received by Thursday noon.
Religious Education
You are invited! Holy Name PTO in Winfield is
sponsoring “Building Better Families” with Jake Samour,
Sunday, Oct. 12, 5-7 pm in the Holy Name Parish Hall.
Potluck Dinner @ 5 pm, presentation @ 6 pm. Child care
provided by youth for donation to March for Life trip. To
register email [email protected] or call 620221-0230
Sacred Heart Catholic School News
No School Council Meeting this month because of the Arkalala Float
Building. Next Meeting Nov. 5
Box Top Deadline is in Oct. If you are saving Box Tops for us, please
send them to school or leave them in the back of the Church .
Knights’ News
The next meeting for the Knights of Columbus
will be Monday, October 13th, at 7:30 PM. We
will set up for Sausage making for Arkalalah so
please attend this meeting. Also, this week-end
will be the Tootsie Roll Drive. We will be at
Dillon’s, Country Mart and Wal-Mart.
Turkey Dinner – Monday,
November 3rd
Confirmation Class
Wednesday, Oct. 15th, 7:00- 8:30 PM
Drinks: Javier Aragon
Food: Lindsey Hull
PSR (Grades 1-8)
Sunday Mornings, 10-11 AM
Sunday Evenings at 7:00 PM
Fiat Discernment Retreat
The Fiat Discernment Retreat seeks to provide young
women with the tools and encouragement needed to
discern the Lord’s will for their vocation to married or
religious life. Throughout this weekend of discernment,
participants will receive wisdom through prayer,
presentations, recreation and fellowship as they open
themselves to the universal call to holiness. Fiat will be
held on December 28-30, 2014 at the Spiritual Life
Center and is open to any young women ranging from
junior in high school to 25 years of age. If you are
interested in attending or would like more information
please contact Emily Savage at
Anyone wishing to volunteer please call:
Janet: 442-6753, for carry-out Lori: 441-8757,
for Pies call Dee: 442-1047, for Turkeys call Chris:
Beginning Oct 18th after all masses - or you may call
Lillie Pankaskie 741-1206, Dixie Givens 441-8336
or the parish office 442-0566
March for Life 2015 Registration Open!
Join the Diocese of Wichita as we make the March for Life
youth pilgrimage to Washington, DC to stand for Life! The
pilgrimage will be from Tuesday, January 20 through
Sunday, January 25, 2015. Cost per pilgrim is $375.
Sign up today! Registration forms are available in the
office. All Catholic High School students may attend this
pilgrimage. For more information please call Theresa at
(620) 442-0566.
Reflexión del Párroco:
Los Padres del desierto, que eran monjes durante el IV siglo, usaban la palabra apatheia
para describir el modo de ser de que habla San Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy. San
Ignacio de Loyola llamaría el mismo modo de ser: “santa indiferencia”. Apatheia o
“santa indiferencia” es lejos de apatía. Al contrario, se describe aprender vivir en el
momento, completamente confiando en la providencia de Dios. El hombre o mujer que
aprenda vivir “santa indiferencia” es el que esta listo para recibir el reino de Dios cuando
Hola Hermanos Cursillistas
Noticias de la Parroquia
Clases del Bautismo en español
Las clases pre-bautismales son obligatorios para todos los
padres y padrinos. La clase dura una hora y esta en la
oficina de la parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los
bautismos en español el ultimo domingo del mes después
de la misa en español. La próxima clase será el 25 de
octubre a las 7 pm.
Nosotros Eleazar y Maria Cristina Mendez
Dirigentes del Cursillo en Ark City les queremos
invitar a la “ULTREYA” el proximo domingo el 19 de
octubre. Sean todos Bienvenidos.
Preparense para este maravilloso dia. ¡GRACIAS!
Curisillistas estan invitados a la reunion del
grupo todo los lunes a las 7:00 pm en la iglesia.
Intenciones de las Misas
Todavía hay vacantes para intenciones de las Misas. Por
favor, llame a la oficina para programar una, 442-0566.
Noticias de la Escuela:
Flores Para El Altar
Cualquier persona que desee donar flores para el altar en
memoria de un ser querido ó para celebrar una ocasión
especial, ó en acción de gracias, por favor póngase en
contacto con Dionne James al 446-1677.
No hay reunión del Consejo escolar este mes
debido al edificio de flotador Arkalala. Próxima
reunión del 5 de noviembre
CYM, PSR, y Clases de Confirmación
24 horas adoración comienza después de la misa
el martes a través de 8 el miércoles. Estamos
buscando adoradores comprometidos a pasar una
hora con Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento. En la
actualidad, existen tres horas con solo adorer: el martes,
1-2 p.m.; ¿3-16 y el miércoles, 1-2: 00 a.m. consideraría
por favor compartir su don de tiempo con nuestro Señor
en el Santísimo Sacramento? Nuestro Señor manda
muchas gracias en la capilla de adoración. Venga y vea!
Estaré encantado de ayudarle a programar uno de estos o
cualquier otra hora. Por favor llame a Lupe Weide 4421146. Siempre hay una necesidad de fieles adoradores.
de la clase el miércoles, 15 de octubre 7:00—8:30-p.m.
PSR (grados 1-8)
Domingos 10-11 AM
Cena de pavo – lunes 3 de noviembre,
cualquier persona que desea ser voluntario por
favor llame: Janet: 442-6753, para efectuar Lori:
441-8757, para pasteles llamar Dee: 442-1047,
llamada pavos Chris: 446-1831