Latest Fatima Focus - Our Lady of Fatima Parish

January 4, 2015
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Monday, January 5th
8:00 a.m. People of the Parish
Tuesday, January 6th
8:00 a.m. Sarah Dimmler
Wednesday, January 7th
8:00 a.m. Mario & Filomena D’Aversa
Thursday, January 8th
8:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving to St. Elena
Friday, January 9th
8:00 a.m. John Bete
The three wise men who came from the
East to pay homage to the infant Jesus
brought Him rich gifts of gold,
frankincense and myrrh as part of their
worship. What gifts have I brought to this
celebration to offer to the newborn
Saturday, January 10th
5:00 p.m. Francis R. Cawley
7:00 p.m. Mónico Noé Portillo
Sunday, January 11th
8:00 a.m. Srecko Jerolimic
10:00 a.m. Adriana Tiberia
11:30 a.m. Kathleen Schuck
Vicky Affrunti, Ryan Armstrong,
Rose Bennett, Michele Bischoff,
Baby: Darian James Bogin, John
Bradley, Virginia Cantino,
Raleigh Capozzi, Mary Cianca,
Mary St. John Clark, Anne KeilyCohen, , Charlie Fertitta, Rae De Franco, Michael
DiLeo, Robert Dishuc, Patrick Finnegan, Grace
Garrison, Kathryn Giulitti, Kathleen Grace, Florence
Gramarossa, Marie Hayes, Kevin Jaye, Michael Katz,
Kathleen Lewis, Pat Lopilato, Rita Marchese, Andy &
Ronnie Mosby, Angela Mazzella, Norma Mazzeo,
Katherine Mitchelle, , Don Mochwart, Charles Murphy,
Jesse Nesbit, Brent Nelson, Philip Occhipinte, Li
O’Donnell, George O’Krepkie, John Orr, Glenn Petersons,
Gia Pometta, Harold Poole, Lena Rella, Nancy Scialpi,
Diana Schmeltzer, Justin Simeon, Jim Simonsen, Amy
Smith, Eileen Smith, Joan Smith, Linda Crum Smith, ,
Angela Starchich, Francis St. John, Annie Tolentino,
Carlos Torres, Margaret Marie Trinko, Marilyn ZahnVeritzan, Mary Whol, Andrew Wykowski and all who
are homebound or have special needs.
Thank you for your generous sacrificial
giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each
week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue
our Pastoral Ministries and care for our
parish buildings.
Fr. Steve
Mass Schedule
January 10th
January 11th
5:00 PM ~ Fr. Steve
7:00 PM ~ Misa Hispana
8:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve
10:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve
11:30 AM ~ Fr. Steve
January 4, 2015
Readings for the Week
Monday, January 5th
x 1 John 3:22-4:6
x Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25
Tuesday, January 6th
x 1 John 4:7-10
x Mark 6:34-44
Wednesday, January 7th
x 1 John 4:11-18
x Mark 6:45-52
Thursday, January 8th
x 1 John 4:19 – 5:4
x Luke 4:14-22
Friday, January 9th
x 1 John 5:5-13
x Luke 5:12-16
Saturday, January 10th
x 1 John 5:14-21
x John 3:22-30
Sunday, January 11th, 2015 THE
First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 or 55:1-11
Isaiah prophesies that God will send his
servant, the one on whom God’s Spirit will
Second Reading: Acts 10:34-38 or John 5:1-9
In our reading from the Acts of the Apostles,
Peter confirms that God’s Spirit was upon
Jesus at his baptism.
Gospel Reading: Mark 1:7-11
A voice from heaven declared that Jesus was
God’s beloved son, whom he was well
The reflection question for this week is:
The magi left their familiar environments to seek
and honor a new Jewish king.
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x “In choosing to be born for us, God chose to
be known by us. He therefore reveals himself in this
way, in order that his great sacrament of his love
may not be an occasion for us of great
misunderstanding. Today the magi find, crying in a
manger, the one they have followed as he shone in
the sky. Today the magi see clearly in swaddling
clothes, the one they have long awaited as he lay
hidden among the stars. Today the magi gaze in
deep wonder at what they see: heaven on earth,
earth in heaven, humanity in God, God in humanity,
one whom the whole universe cannot contain now
enclosed in tiny body. As they look, they believe and
do not question, as their symbolic gifts bear witness:
incense for God, gold for a king, and myrrh for one
who is to die. Today Christ enters the Jordan to
wash away the sin of the world. John himself
testifies that this why he has come: Behold the
Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Today Christ works the first of his signs
from heaven by turning water into wine. But water
(mixed with wine) has to be changed into the
sacrament of his blood, so that Christ may offer
spiritual drink from the very chalice of his body.”
(Peter Chrysologu)
x On the Feast of Epiphany the Epiphany
Proclamation is announced. This Epiphany
Proclamation announces the dates of the movable
feast for the coming year culminating in announcing
the date for Easter. The Epiphany Proclamation for
this year is: “Know, dear brothers and sisters, that ,
as we have rejoiced in the Nativity of our Lord Jesus
Christ, so by leave of mercy we announce to you
also the joy of his Resurrection, who is our Savior.
On the 18th day of February will fall Ash Wednesday,
and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred
Lenten season. On the 5th day of April you will
celebrate with joy Easter day, the paschal feast of
our Lord Jesus Christ. On the 14th day of May will be
the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the 24th
day of May, the feast of Pentecost. On the 7th day of
June, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of
Christ. On the 29th day of November, the First
Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, to
whom is honor and glory forever and aver. Amen.”
As with gladness men of old
Did the guiding star behold,
As with joy they hailed its light,
Leading onwards beaming bright.
So, most gracious God, may we
Evermore be led by thee.
January 4, 2015
As with joyful steps they sped
To that lowly manger bed,
There to bend the knee before
Him whom heaven and earth adore,
So may we with willing feet
Ever seek they mercy seat.
As they offered gifts most rare
At the manger rude and bare
So may we with holy joy,
Pure, and free from sin’s alloy,
All our costliest treasures bring,
Christ, to thee our heavenly king.
Holy Jesus, every day
Keep us in the narrow way;
And, when earthly things are past,
Bring our ransomed souls at last
Where they need no star to guide,
Where no clouds thy glory hide.
In the heavenly country bright
Need they no created light;
Thou its light, its joy, its crown,
Thou its sun which goes not down:
There forever may we sing
Alleluias to our king.” (W. Chatterton Dix,
Nineteenth century)
TAIZE PRAYER will be prayed this
afternoon, Sunday, at 3:00 PM in the church. All are
welcome to this time of prayer around the cross.
Centering Prayer will be prayed on Sunday,
February 1st, at 3:00 PM in the church.
meet on MONDAY, JANUARY 5th, at 7:15 PM in
the Parish Office.
The LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet on
TUESDAY, JANUARY 6th, at 7:30 PM in the
meeting for all Liturgical Ministers on THURSDAY,
JANUARY 15th. Please come to either the 10:00
AM or 7:00 PM meeting in the SACRISTY.
Next Sunday, January 11th, we celebrate
the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord which brings
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the season of Christmas to fulfillment. On Monday,.
January 12th we return to Ordinary Time.
x FAITH DIRECT: Enrolling in FAITH
DIRECT today is a great way to ensure your gifts of
treasure to Our Lady of Fatima parish are received
even if you are out of town. Please pick up an
enrollment form from the Parish office or email
online at Our parish code is
NY303. Already using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to
add your Christmas and End of Year contribution to
your account this fall. Thanks for your support and
for using Faith Direct!
next meeting will be held on TUESDAY, JANUARY
13th, at 7:30 PM in the SACRISTY.
x The PARISH TRUSTEES will meet on
SATURDAY, JANUARY 17th, at 10:00 AM in the
Parish Office.
x The PASTORAL COUNCIL meeting will be
on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21st, at 7:30 PM in
meet on THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th, at 7:30 PM in
the Parish Office.
Dear Friends,
This weekend we celebrate the great feast of the
Epiphany. This feast proclaims the universal gift of
God’s great love showered upon all humanity and
creation proclaimed in the mystery of the Incarnation.
The gospel is an amazing story that captures the
theme of God’s universal love for all. There are simply
no boundaries or limits to the love of God that fills the
January 4, 2015
universe. The gospel in today’s liturgy sets the theme
for the message of the gospel proclaimed by Jesus
throughout his ministry. One scripture commentator
writes: “Had Matthew never written beyond chapters
1 and 2 of his gospel, he would nevertheless have
earned the title ‘evangelist.’ Those two chapters
contain in themselves, the good news of salvation and
the proclamation of Jesus as savior of the world.
There, Matthew posits the universal concern of God;
an apologetic concerning Jesus’ divine origins and
messianic authenticity; and the necessity of the
worldwide mission of the church.”
The commentator continues: “far from being
sentimental stories, the infancy narratives of Matthew
and Luke are good news in their own right, revelation
in its fullest sense and powerful kerygmatic preaching,
to which the only worthy responses are faith and
service. It was Matthew’s intent to portray Jesus as
messiah, born in the line of David. Accordingly he
affirmed that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.”
Bethlehem had been David’s ancestral home and the
site of his anointing as king. It was fitting that Jesus be
born there and receive the homage due him as
everlasting king.
While the star led them to Bethlehem, it was faith that
moved the magi to prostrate themselves and offer
their homage. The magi stand in sharp contrast to
those who for centuries had been steeped in scriptural
prophecies concerning the messiah, yet did not choose
to believe. In these infancy narratives the evangelists
describe how some people’s rejection of Jesus as
messiah continued through his ministry, and many
others rejected the community of his disciples after his
death and resurrection. It was the year 80 when
Matthew was writing his gospel and many of the
Jewish Christians are being ousted from their local
synagogues. His intention is to get these disciples of
Jesus to recognize themselves as church, rooted in, yet
distinct from, Judaism.
With the magi, Matthew gathers together and
represents all the gentile community, not as an
afterthought, but as part of God’s plan from the very
beginning. “Their attitude toward Jesus and their gifts
offer eloquent witness to Jesus as well as his kingly
reign. Gold and frankincense were gifts offered only to
God. The gift of myrrh was a portent of Jesus’ passion
and death. These precious gifts and the reverential
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attitude of the magi set the tone for the great feast of
the Epiphany.”
Today we proclaim that Jesus is given to all creation in
God’s limitless love. The question before us today is:
What gifts do I bring before God? Surely not the gifts
of gold, frankincense, and myrrh; but the gift of self.
Our gift is in the living of our lives as followers of the
gospel message. Our gift is seen in our willingness to
embrace all creation as our loving God has done from
the very beginning and continues to do without end.
Fr. Steve
HOSPITALITY SUNDAY. All are invited to
25th after the Sunday morning Masses. Please
come over to the Parish Center after Mass on
January 25th for some great treats and fellowship.
Be born in us,
Incarnate Love.
Take our flesh and blood,
and give us your humanity;
take our lives, and give us your vision;
take our minds,
and give us your pure thought;
take our feet and set them in your path;
take our hands
and fold them in your prayer;
take our hearts
and give them your will to love.
Caryll Houselander (1901-1954)
We are grateful this week for all
stewards in our parish who fulfill God’s
purpose by accepting their call to freely
share their God-given gifts both within
our parish community as well as the
wide world beyond.
January 4, 2015
Faith formation
The READING GROUP will meet on
January 18th.
Our Lady of Fatima Parish, St. Aloysius Parish and
St. Peter’s Parish are in the process of searching
for a Youth Minister. Our three parishes are
working with the Diocesan Office for Youth Ministry
to develop a plan that would be beneficial to the
youth of our three parishes. We will be meeting with
the Parent Advisory Boards of our parishes in the
coming weeks to invite their suggestions and
insights. Our three parishes are committed to Youth
Ministry and hope to develop a Youth Ministry that
is appealing to the teens of all three parishes.
Please continue to pray for our three parishes
during this time of reflection on how to serve our
teens. In addition to the teens of our parishes we
are trying to look at ways that we might be able to
involve our young adults in the lives of our
Parish Social Ministry
FOOD PANTRY – Thank you to all those who
have donated to Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry.
Please remember to check the expiration
dates on all your donated items.
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historia asombrosa que captura el tema del amor
universal de Dios para todos. Simplemente, no hay
fronteras ni límites del amor de Dios que llena el
universo. El evangelio de la liturgia de hoy
establece el tema para el mensaje del evangelio
proclamado por Jesús durante su ministerio. Un
comentarista sobre las escrituras escribe: "Si Mateo
nunca hubiera escrito más que los capítulos 1 y 2 de
su evangelio, él se habría ganado el título de
'evangelista.' Esos dos capítulos contienen en sí
mismos la buena noticia de la salvación y la
proclamación de Jesús como salvador del mundo.
Allí, Mateo plantea la preocupación universal de
Dios; una apologética en cuanto a los orígenes
divinos y autenticidad mesiánica de Jesús; y la
necesidad de la misión mundial de la iglesia."
El comentarista continúa: "Lejos de ser historias
sentimentales, los relatos de la infancia según
Mateo y Lucas son buenas noticias en su propio
derecho, revelación en su sentido más amplio y
predicación kerigmática poderosa, a la cual las
únicas respuestas dignas son la fe y el servicio. Fue
la intención de Mateo retratar a Jesús como Mesías,
nacido en la línea de David. En consecuencia él
afirmó que Jesús nació en Belén." Belén había sido
el hogar ancestral de David y el lugar de su
ungimiento como rey. Era correcto que Jesús
naciera allí y recibiera el homenaje debido a él
como rey eterno.
Mientras que la estrella los guió a Belén, fue la fe
que movió los magos a postrarse y ofrecer su
homenaje. Los magos se destacan en contraste
categórico a los que durante siglos habían sido
empapados en profecías bíblicas sobre el Mesías,
-Toiletries are always welcome! -
Queridos amigos,
Este fin de semana se celebra la gran fiesta de la
Epifanía. Esta fiesta proclama el don universal del
gran amor de Dios derramado sobre toda la
humanidad y la creación y proclamado en el
misterio de la Encarnación. El evangelio es una
pero no eligió creer. En estos relatos de la infancia
los evangelistas describen cómo el rechazo de Jesús
como mesías de parte de algunas personas
continuaba a través de su ministerio, y muchos otros
rechazaron la comunidad de sus discípulos después
de su muerte y resurrección. Mateo escribía su
evangelio alrededor del año 80 y muchos de los
cristianos judíos están siendo expulsados de las
sinagogas locales. Mateo intenta a conseguir que
estos discípulos de Jesús se reconozcan como
iglesia, enraizada en judaísmo, sin embargo distinta
de ello.
January 4, 2015
Con los magos, Mateo reúne y representa a toda la
comunidad de gentiles no como una ocurrencia
tardía, sino como parte del plan de Dios desde el
principio. "Su actitud en relación con Jesús y sus
regalos ofrecen testimonio elocuente a Jesús, así
como su reinado como rey. Oro e incienso fueron
regalos ofrecidos sólo a Dios. El regalo de mirra fue
un presagio de la pasión y muerte de Jesús. Estos
dones preciosos y la actitud reverencial de los
magos establecieron el tono para la gran fiesta de la
Epifanía del Señor ".
Hoy proclamamos que Jesús es dado a toda la
creación por el amor sin límites de Dios. La
pregunta que nos enfrenta hoy es: ¿Cuáles regalos
llevo yo ante Dios? Por seguro no son regalos de
oro, incienso y mirra, sino el don de sí mismo.
Nuestro regalo es vivir nuestras vidas como
seguidores del mensaje del evangelio. Nuestro
regalo se ve en nuestra disposición a abrazar toda la
creación como ha hecho nuestro Dios amoroso
desde el principio y lo sigue haciéndolo
Padre Steve
Day of Prayer and Healing
Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of
a past abortion? There is help and hope available
and the pain and sorrow of a past abortion need not
endure for a lifetime. “Days of Prayer and
Healing” ofter the oportunity to experience the love
and mercy of God and to heal the wound of
abortion. The next ”Day of Prayer and Healing”
is Saturday, January 17, 2015 in Manhattan. For
additional and more information call the Sisters of
Life at (866) – 575-0075 (toll free) or email
[email protected]. For additonal tristate retreats and information see Lumina Hope &
Healing after abortion or
email [email protected] and you may
also visite the Family Life/Respect Life Office—
Project Rachel webside at:
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Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima
Declaración de Misión Parroquial
Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición
católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de
Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una
comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos,
cuida de todos e incluye a todos.
Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo
para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra
comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo.
Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de
Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de
nuestros programas de educación,
espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro
compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida
Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa y
multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo el
pueblo de, especialmente a los más
¡Todos son bienvenidos a esta parroquia!
SEMANALES – Por favor, continúen
ayudándonos y hagan un esfuerzo de traer al
menos una lata de comida cuando vengan a la
Misa. Harían una gran diferencia para nuestra
despensa. Necesitamos tuna, salsa para
espagueti, cereal, aceite, frijoles, lentejas,
garbanzos, macarrones con queso, frutas y
vegetales enlatados, arroz, mantequilla de aní,
jugo. Mil gracias por su apoyo tan grande.
January 4, 2015
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Joseph Renewal Center,
1725 Brentwood Rd. Bldg. #4,
Brentwood, NY 11717.
Living with Alzheimer's & Dementia
Jan. 7 –1 - 2:30 pm - Free will offering
Presenter: Josphine Daspro, CSJ
Guided Meditation for Inner Healing
Jan. 7 – 7 -8 pm - Offering $15.00 ($20.00 Individual
session by appointment)
Presenter: Irene Moore, CCH/Meditation Therapist.
Spiritual Gathering of Women – Jan. 13- 10 am to
noon –
Offering $15.00 .
Presenters: Tina Cafaro & Joan Vessio.
World Meeting of Families
Registration for Diocesan Pilgrimages
Now Open
Registration for our diocesan pilgrimage to the World
Meeting of Families in Philadelphia is now open.
Please go to or detailed information on
various options, registration and itinerary. Space is limited
for these trips and the first deposit is due by January 15,
The tour packages are being organized by Peter’s Way
Tours Inc.
For further information about the tour packages please
call 516 605-1551 Ext 22.
For all other questions please
call: Kathleen Logan, Office of Faith Formation,
516 678-5800 Ext 236
The Catholic Learning Center
12 Ryder Court
Dix Hills, NY 11746
Phone (631) 243-0008
Fax: (631) 243-2503
Family, marriage, and individual
therapies, provided by New York State
licensed therapists, are available to our
parishioners and 148 other parishes.
This program, under the direction of Dr.
George Giuliani, has been conducted in
the diocese for the past 40 years for the
convenience of parishioners. It is
provided by the Catholic Counseling
Center, a proprietary professional
corporation, which is independent of
and not controlled or supervised by the
parish or diocese. Most insurance
policies, including Medicare, are
honored. For confidential information
and appointments, please call Dr.
Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling
Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our
website at: