Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic Church La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 8400 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, CA 95492 Rev. Michaelraj Philominsamy, Pastor -707 837-8962 ext. 207 April 5, 2015 Sunday of the Resurrection 5 de abril, 2015 domingo de Resurrección Mass Schedule Monday 9:00 a.m. Communion service Tuesday –Friday 9:00 a.m. Bilingual Saturday 5:00 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Spanish Sunday 9:00 a. m. English 12:30 p.m Spanish Confession 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 12 noon Yo soy la resurrección y la vida Tues - Fri. Saturday Sunday Horario de Misas Lunes 9:00a.m. Servicio de Oración Martes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. Bilingüe Sábados 5:00 p.m. Inglés 7:00 p.m. Español Domingos 9:00 a.m.. Inglés 12:30 p.m. Español Confesiones 9:30 a.m. Martes a Viernes 4:30 p.m. Sábado 12:00p.m. Domingo I am the Resurrection and the Life 2 Baptisms Arrangements must be made 6 weeks in advance of the intended date of Baptism. One preparation session on the meaning of Baptism is required. More information on our website: www.olgwindsor.org. 707-837-8962 Marriages Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance of the Intended date of marriage, according to Diocesan Policy. Need A Bulletin announcement? Send your information and date of publication required to: [email protected] and we will contact you. Bautismos Arreglos deben hacerse con 6 semanas de anticipación de la fecha deseada para el bautismo. Una sesión de preparación sobre el significado del bautismo es necesario. Más información en nuestra página web: www.olgwindsor.org Matrimonios Arreglos deben hacerse con 6 meses de anticipación de la fecha prevista de matrimonio. De acuerdo con la Política Diocesana. ¿Necesita Un Anuncio De Boletín? Envíe su información y fecha de la publicación deseada a: [email protected] y lo contactaremos. Reporte Financiero Semana Weekly Financial Report March 28/29 - marzo 28/29 Weekly Goal / Saturday/Sabado April 4 de abril 5:00 p.m. n/a 7:00 p.m. n/a Knights of Columbus Salmon Dinner Meta Semanal: $ 7,000.00 1st collection/ 1er colecta: $ 5,394.00 2nd collection/ 2da colecta: $ 2,970.00 (St. Vincent de Paul) Sunday/Domingo April 5 de abril 9:00 a.m. n/a 12:30 p.m. n/a Total: $ 8,364.00 Scripture Reading Las lecturas bíblicas April 12 de abril Divine Mercy Sunday/ Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Date: Friday, April 24 Location: Mary Agatha Furth Center Price: $35 per person Advance sales only. No tickets sold at the door. Last day to buy tickets April 19. Dance to: "Rock and a Roll" 1st Reading/ 1o Lectura: Acts 4: 32-35 2nd Reading/2o Lectura: 1 John 5:1-6 Gospel/Evangelio: John 20: 19-31 "Staff Wish List" Two gallon Ziploc bags for our pastry give away on Sundays. Paper cups Copy paper All donations are appreciated. Thank you and God bless. HE HAS RISEN. ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA ÉL HA RESUCITADO ¡ ALELUYA ALELUYA Our lady of Guadalupe community and ministry activities Website: www.olgwindsor.org pagina web: www.olgwindsor.org Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Comunidad y las actividades del Ministerio The Madonna Sodality is offering scholarships to deserving students. Beginning or returning students may apply. Applications available on our web site or in the office. The deadline is March 27, 2015 Las Congregación Madonna está ofreciendo becas a estudiantes merecedores. los estudiantes comienzo o regresando pueden solicitar una beca. Las solicitudes están disponibles en nuestro sitio web o en la oficina. La fecha límite es el 27 de marzo 2015. Meditation of the day What was it like for the disciple who had stood at the cross of Jesus and then laid him in a tomb on Good Friday, to come back three days later and discover that the sealed tomb was now empty? John, along with Peter, was the first apostle to reach the tomb of Jesus on Easter Sunday morning. When John saw the empty tomb he must have recalled Jesus' prophecy that he would rise again after three days. Through the gift of faith John realized that no tomb on earth could contain the Lord and giver of life. John saw and believed (John 20:8). Meditacion del dia ¿Qué fue para el discípulo que había parado en la Cruz de Jesús y luego lo puso en un sepulcro el viernes santo, para regresar tres días después y descubrir que ahora estaba vacía la tumba sellada. John, junto con Peter, fue el primer apóstol para llegar hasta la tumba de Jesús el domingo por la mañana de Pascua. Cuando Juan vio la tumba vacía debe haber recordado la profecía de Jesús que resucitaría nuevamente después de tres días. Mediante el don de la fe John se dio cuenta de que no podría contener ninguna tumba en la tierra el señor y dador de vida. Juan vio y creyó (John 20:8). Please Join us for Hospitality Every Sunday after 9:00 am mass we have Starbucks Pastries, coffee and hot chocolate for the kids. We look forward to seeing you. Come meet your fellow parishioners. You might meet a new friend. A Retrouvaille weekend for the San Francisco Bay Area is to take place on April 10th -12th, 2015. “Retrouvaille welcomes all couples wanting to bring new life to their marriages. Couples of all faiths and those with no faith tradition are welcome and encouraged to attend. The ultimate goal of Retrouvaille is solely to help save marriages. Retrouvaille is not a retreat, marriage counseling, or a sensitivity group. There are neither group dynamics nor group discussions on the weekend. It is not a time for hurting; it is a time for healing. To register and for more information go to: www.retrouvaille.org or call (415) 893-1005 4 Mission Statement We, the congregation of Our Lady of Guadalupe catholic church, rooted in a caring community, are guided by the holy spirit to live and grow in love and compassion. by extending the heart and hands of our lady in our daily lives, we joyfully commit ourselves to proclaim the Gospel, celebrate our faith and acknowledge our diversity as God’s precious gift. We pledge to serve the needs and concerns of everyone and will strive to build God’s kingdom of love, justice and peace through worship, evangelization and service. Nuestra Misión Nosotros, la congregación de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, con raíces en una comunidad al servicio del prójimo somos guiados por el Espíritu Santo a vivr y crecer en amor y compasión. Al extender el corazón y las manos de Nuestra Señora en nuestras vidas diarias, nos comprometemos con regocijo a proclamar el evangelio, a celebrar nuestra fe y aceptar nuestra diversidad como un regalo precioso de Dios. Prometemos servir las necesidades y preocupaciones de toda persona y nos esforzaremos en construir el reino de Dios de amor, justicia y paz por medio de la oración, evangelización y servicio. Scripture Insights Perspectivas de las Escrituras Today's message from the First Reading is presented to us by our first Pope, Peter the First. Often, we do not think of Peter as the First Pope. Rather, we think of him as St. Peter. But in reality, it is he who received the Keys to the Kingdom of God and he was in fact the first Pontiff of the Holy Catholic Church. As the spiritual leader of the Church of Jesus Christ that was being established on earth, Saint Peter took his place of authority and began to speak to those who had assembled in the house of Cornelius. St. Peter said, "You know the message of God sent to the people of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ - he is Lord of all." For centuries, the people of God had waited for the coming Messiah who would bring peace to the world to reconcile man with God. Peter affirmed that this had come to pass through Jesus Christ. Peter testified that Jesus was indeed crucified and that He had died on the Holy Cross. But God raised Him from the dead on the third day. And, after His glorious resurrection, Jesus appeared to many of the disciples who were chosen by God as witnesses. In all, it is estimated that Jesus appeared to approximately 500 different persons during the days that followed His resurrection. Mensaje del día de la primera lectura se presenta a nosotros por nuestro primer Papa, Peter el primero. A menudo, no creemos de Pedro como el primer Papa. Por el contrario, pensamos en él como San Pedro. Pero en realidad, es él quien recibió las llaves del Reino de Dios y de hecho el primer pontífice de la Santa Iglesia católica. Como el líder espiritual de la iglesia de Jesucristo que se estaba estableciendo en la tierra, San Pedro tomó su lugar de autoridad y comenzó a hablar con quienes se reunió en la casa de Cornelio. San Pedro dijo: "Sabes el mensaje de Dios enviado al pueblo de Israel, predicando la paz por Jesucristo - él es Señor de todos". Durante siglos, el pueblo de Dios había esperado la venida del Mesías que traería la paz al mundo a reconciliar al hombre con Dios. Peter afirmó que éste había llegado a pasar a través de Jesucristo. Peter testificó que Jesús fue crucificado en efecto y que había muerto en la Santa Cruz. Pero Dios le resucitó de entre los muertos al tercer día. Y, después de su gloriosa resurrección, Jesús se apareció a muchos de los discípulos que fueron elegidos por Dios como testigos. En total, se estima que Jesús se apareció a aproximadamente 500 personas diferentes durante los días que siguieron a su resurrección. Cuando regresa hoy, pensar en las palabras: "Jesús está vivo!" Pensar en las palabras: "Jesús es el señor de todo!" Él es su señor. When you go home today, think of the words, "Jesus is alive!" Think of the words, "Jesus is the Lord of all!" He is your Lord . Daily Readings / Lecturas Diarias Monday/Lunes April 6 de abril Acts 2:14,22-23 Psalms 16:1-2A, 5, 7-11 Matthew 28:8-15 Tuesday/ Martes April 7 de abril Acts 2: 36-41 Psalms 33: 4-5, 18-20, 22 John 20: 11-18 Wednesday/Miercoles April 8 de abril Acts 3: 1-10 Psalms 105: 1-4, 6-9 Luke 24: 13-35 Thursday/Jueves April 9 de abril Acts 3: 11-26 Psalms 8: 2AB, 5-9 Luke 24: 35-48 Friday/Viernes April 10 de abril Acts 4: 1-12 Psalms 118: 1-2, 4, 22-24, 25-27A John 21: 1-14 Saturday/Sabados April 11 de abril Acts 4: 13-21 Psalms 118: 1, 14-15AB, 16-21 Mark 16: 9-15 5 CONTACT US Tel: 707 837-8962 Fax: 707 837-9157 Email: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Mon - Fri. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Closed Sat., Sun. and holidays CONTACTATE CON NOSOTROS Teléfono: 707 837-8962 OLG Fax: 707 837-9157 HOME Correro Electrónico: [email protected] Horario de la Oficina Parroquial : Lunes a Viernes 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cerrado el Sábado, Domingo y días festivos Our Lady of Guadalupe VISION STATEMENT That Our Lady of Guadalupe Church grows into an open fellowship of people united in faith and caring for each other; where we actively participate in worship and passionately serve both Church and community. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe LA VISIÓN Que la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe crezca en una sociedad abierta de personas unidas en una sola fe y al cuidado de cada uno; donde todos participan activamente en la adoración y sirven apasionadamente a la Iglesia y a la comunidad. St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Requests and/or Furniture Requests, and Furniture Pick-up: please call (707) 584-1579 Feed the Hungry (In Honor of Mother Teresa) Saturdays, 8:00–9:00 a.m. Barbara Stevens Child’s Portion – 3rd Saturday (if requirements met) Sr. Portion – 4th Saturday (if requirements met) Mary Agatha Furth Center Gini Christani , Director (707) 837-7620 FAX: (707) 837-7622; email: [email protected] Sociedad de san Vicente de Paúl Solicitudes de alimentos y/o solicitudes de muebles y Recoger Muebles : por favor llame al (707) 584-1579 Programa de Feed the Hungry (en honor a madre Teresa) Sábados, 8:00-9:00a.m. Bárbara Stevens Para niños-Tercer sábado (si cumplen con requisitos) Para Mayores-Cuarto Sábado (si cumplen con requisitos) Centro Mary Agatha Furth Gini Christani, Director (707) 837-7620 FAX: (707) 837-7622 email: [email protected] 6th Annual Men’s and Women’s Golf Tournament at Windsor Golf Course, Friday, July 17, 2015, benefiting Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Fees include: 18-hole tournament, golf cart w/ beverages, and Awards and Banquet dinner at MAF. Time: 12:00-6:00p.m. 12:00 pm Shotgun start (Texas Scramble) 6:05 pm cocktails and appetizers at MAF courtyard. BBQ oysters & a No Host Margarita bar! Silent Auction and Raffle 6:45 pm Buffet dinner; No-Host Open Bar Awards for: Putting Contest, Best Team Score, Closest to the Hole (par 3), Longest Drive. Contact: Randy Cozad @ 9757306 or Barb Stevens @ 4843535 or Gini at the Mary Agatha Furth Center office for tickets and more information. Grupo de Oración Se reúnen todos los martes de 7-9pm en la iglesia para más información favor comunique se con Enrique Sánchez al 707-591-1830 YOUTH GROUP INFORMATION The Youth Group meets on Sunday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm for anyone interested in participating. Check out our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/olgwindsoryg 6 ● POR FAVOR AYUDE A NUESTROS PATROCINADORES ● *PLEASE SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT MAKE OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE.* REAL ESTATE * TRUSTS * WILLS * PROBATE * ELDER LAW ANN THOMAS Attorney at Law 433-4266 HEALDSBURG * WINDSOR * CLOVERDALE “Like a good neighbor STATE FARM is there” ® ROBIN AITKEN-BULLARD State Farm Insurance Agent Lic.#0E71616 8465 Old Redwood Hwy#500, Windsor, CA 95492 707-838-0500; Fax 707-838-9898; Res. 707-838-0300 DOLLY’S MANOR Care Facility for the Elderly SANTA ROSA & WINDSOR 5705 Corbett Circle, Santa Rosa 485 Jane Dr., Windsor Operated by a Registered Nurse (707) 579-9468 / 838-3559 The MADONNA SODALITY of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church invites all catholic women to join us in Spiritual activities, social functions and fund raising for the benefit of our church. For information call Caryl DeMerritt 707-433-8962 THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL 1446 WELCOMES ALL CATHOLIC MEN TO JOIN US FUND RAISING, SOCIAL DINNERS SPIRITUALITY For Information, call Bob Nickel @ 481-2267 LAKEWOOD DENTAL Regina Pronstroller Serafica D.D.S.. F AMILY DENTISTRY 9046 Brooks Road South, Windsor, CA 95492 Se Habla Español 707-836-8685 Fax 707-836-8631 WINDSOR-HEALDSBURG MORTUARY Lic# FD 1925 Lic# CR 288 premises - $975 Includes death certificate and permit. 9660 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor Now offering * CREMATION on Available 24 hrs. Se Habla Español CRAIG CURRERI PACIFIC UNION INTERNATIONAL Your Trusted Real Estate Broker Serving the Real Estate needs of our Community! 707-477-5120 www.craigcurreri.com Your business ad could be HERE for only $286.00 / year Serving Windsor Area Families Since 1875 Daniels Chapel of The Roses FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY Fun. Lic. FD 209 Cre. Lic. 92 AVAILABLE $285/year HONORING ALL CATHOLIC PRACTICES Personalized Services *Se Habla Español 707-525-3730 1225 Sonoma Ave. – Santa Rosa, CA95405 AVAILABLE NOW HIRING!!!! Apply online at www.starhr.com Or in person at: 5550 Skyland Blvd Suite N Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-575-5005 ph. or 707-894-4404 (Cloverdale) $286/year Advertisements are purchased by the advertiser and are not endorsements by Our Lady Guadalupe Church . Todos los anuncios son pagados por sus patrocinadores de ninguna manera la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es responsable de estos.
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