Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 1900 Meadowbrook Road + Feasterville, PA 19053 + 215-357-1221 CALL TO HOLINESS A Bible/Faith Sharing Group meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:15 in Mary’s Chapel (Sept. through May). The Charismatic Prayer and Praise Group meets on Monday evenings at 8:00 in the rectory office. All are welcome to praise the Lord with prayer, song and Sacred Scripture. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is celebrated Tues. from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Mary’s Chapel. SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Monday– Friday: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: 6:30 a.m., 10:00a.m. & 7:00p.m. Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Saturdays: CONFESSION 4:00 to 4:30p.m. PARISH STAFF Reverend William F. McGeown, Pastor Reverend Daniel P. Devine, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Robert J. Stewart, Permanent Deacon Deacon Eric M. Umile, Permanent Deacon Sister Diane M. Wolf, S.S.J., Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Joyce Boag, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kathleen McLaughlin, Director of Liturgical Music Mrs. Susanne Brooks, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mrs. Dot Vogel, Parish Secretary Mr. Fred Perazzelli, Business Manager St Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School Principal: Ms. Laura A. Clark, 215-357-4720 BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Baptisms are scheduled for the first and third Sundays of each month at 12:15 p.m. Preparations for your child’s Baptism should begin prior to the baby’s birth. Call the rectory to register for Baptism MARRIAGE Please make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage by calling for an appointment with the parish priest at least six months before the wedding date. P A S T O R I A L C A R E OF T H E S I C K Please contact the rectory if someone is sick, in the hospital, or wishes to receive the Holy Eucharist or the Anointing of the sick. Website Facebook Feasterville PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Janice Bauer James Brennan Steve Dwyer Matthew Hastings Sharon Koob Ann M. Baldassarre Stephen J. Clark Bernie Frederick Jack James Fr. William McGeown Deacon Bob Stewart Robert Watson Sr. Diane Wolf, SSJ FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Henry Carroll Kathleen Farrell Joseph Gnias James Lomanno Kevin Leonard Kevin Shire Edward Shannon Diane Steele Robert Watson WELCOME! New parishioners are most welcome and are encouraged to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. Please call the rectory for an appointment. DRE Office: 215-357-3445 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT As a parish community united in Jesus and dedicated to Mary, We are called to discipleship through worship and service. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 A Message from Deacon Eric The headline caught my eye: “Pope Francis: No Place for Wimpy Christians.” As one who prefers a forthright, “muscular Christianity” myself, I say “Amen to that!” I don’t always agree with everything this Pope says (or what the media says he says). Separating the two can be a challenge. But I’m sure it was the real Francis speaking who said, “God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.” And who said, “The spirit of timidity goes against the gift of faith, keeps it from growing, moving forward, and becoming great.” In today’s gospel, the Jews in the synagogue are amazed that Jesus teaches “as one having authority and not as the scribes.” Indeed, he teaches with authority because he is Authority. The word authority comes from the word author. Since Jesus is God, He truly is the author of all things, and all things owe allegiance to him. The unclean spirit in the young man knows this: “I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” All the angels and demons know it. But strangely, we deny it (or at least the proudest among us do). And the weakest among us wimp out at the very moments we ought to be standing tall and professing our faith! What sad, sorry creatures we are to deny our Creator! Pope Francis is right. There’s no place for wimpy Christians, especially now, when the principalities and powers of this world are aiming to stifle Christian voices. We must push back hard, with the strength of our convictions, against the forces of unbelief. But we must be careful—always careful—to speak the truth in love. It’s a delicate balancing act. But we must speak up. We ignore this spiritual contest to our peril. This is not a time for lukewarmness or timidity. It’s a time for courage. Ours is a cause worth fighting for! They say authority comes not from the power to enforce but from the ability to inspire. And we all know where Jesus’s authority comes from. May his authority inspire us to go boldly forth, confident and unafraid that the faith we profess is trustworthy and sure. As Pope Francis says, “Let’s ask the Lord’s grace to have an outspoken faith, a faith that is not negotiable depending on the situations that present themselves.” In other words, a faith for the Ages, the faith once delivered to the Saints. Now then friends—go forth and speak up! World Meeting of Families is coming to Philadelphia in September 2015! Learn about the World Meeting of Families, How to prepare your parish, Get involved, or get your copy of the Official Catechesis on our new website You can text “World” to 51555 for updates Or text “Pray” to 80888 with your Prayer intentions to make a $10 donation. Like us on Facebook at “World Meeting of Families 2015 & Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015 To the members of the Women’s Club for their very generous donation of $1,000.00 to the Parish. We also thank them for setting up and breaking down the hall for our Appreciation dinner. I appreciate all your help. Fr. Bill Expectant and New Parents Registration for your child’s Baptism should be part of the plans for your baby’s arrival. Just call the rectory, 215-357-1221, to begin the process. Life will only get busier once your little one arrives. If your baby has arrived and you haven’t registered, just call. You will be sent a letter with information about the process. For whatever reason, if your child is older and has never been baptized, guess what, just call. The winter-spring classes are: Saturday, February 21st 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Tuesday, April 14th from 7 PM to 9 PM. However, registration and the interview must be completed before attending the class. ASSUMPTION BVM PENNY PARTY BASKET NIGHT 2015 Mark your calendars for our 31st annual Penny Party Basket Night. This year’s theme is “Set Sail on the USS Assumption”. Friday, February 20th, 6 PM— 10:00 PM Admission $15 per person Adults Only Admission includes catered dinner Preview: Thursday 2/19/15 (6 PM—8 PM) and Friday, 2/20/15 (( 9 AM—2 PM). There is no admission fee for preview. For Tickets: Call Megan Newman 215-942-0446 or Visit the rectory Tuesday through Friday. This is always a sell-out event so get your tickets early! Save Some Money Support the Assumption BVM Scholarship Fund Midas Tire & Auto Service center at 295 E. Street Road is allowing us to sell a limited number of oil change gift certificates with 100% of the proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund. Certificates are $15 each or 2 for $25.00. The certificates expire in July 2015 and are good at the Feasterville location only. Contact Maria Leszczszyn at 215-953-1285 for more information. PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) Confirmation students have received their red folders. Completed folders are due on March 2nd. Please return signed and sealed sponsor eligibility forms as soon as possible.. We will be collecting infant formula during the month of February prior to the beginning of Lent. Parents who missed the sacramental preparation sessions on January 15 and January 29 will receive a letter regarding the information they missed. Please watch for the letter with all the details. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) RCIA is the process by which persons enter the Catholic Church. It is for those who have never been baptized, for those who were baptized in another faith tradition, and for those who were baptized Roman Catholic but never completed their sacraments of initiation. Anyone interested in learning more about the RCIA process is invited to call Joyce Boag at 215-357-3445. Liturgy Preference forms for Lent and Easter seasons have been emailed to layministers. Paper copies are available in the vesting area. If you have not already returned the form, please do so as soon as possible.. Trevose Behavior Modification Fabulous 55 Plus Club Meeting: Our next meeting is on Friday, February 13th in the church hall. Our meeting time is 1:00 PM. New members are always welcome. Trip: Come join us on our trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in New Jersey on March 12th. Cost of the trip will be $90 and includes a delicious sit down dinner and a performance of a comedy, “Abie’s Irish Rose”. A deposit of $40 is due by February 13th, final payment by February 26th. To sign up contact Gerry Maialetti, 215-355-7461. A weight loss program that meets at Assumption is now taking applications for our spring group. If you are 18 or over and if you have between 20-80 lbs to lose and are interested, please call 215-355-4397. Assumption BVM Deceased List Please pray for all the deceased of our parish, especially Loretta Ross. February Sanctuary Candle and Flag Assumption BVM Sick List The sanctuary candle is burning and the American flag is flying in loving memory of Jerry Donahue. Please pray for all the sick of our parish and for all who care for them: Denise Ang, Mae Tapley, Paul Gray, Kelly Gray, Barbara Bersin, Baby Tanner Wheaton. Announced Masses for the week of 2-1-15 Sat. Sun. St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School A Message from the Principal As we end yet another Catholic Schools week, I presented our school parents with a powerful article written by a parent who explained why she sends her children to Catholic school. The following powerful quote sums up the article and describes our school: “ Our Catholic school is more than just a school, it is a deeply invested community. A faith community, and in a world grown increasingly cold and harsh, a community of faith and warmth is an immeasurably important springboard in these young kids lives, and in ours. Undoubtedly, this school prepares the mind. But by God, it prepared the soul as well.” Please view the full article which is posted on our school’s Facebook page. Thank you for your participation in our celebration last week. We will have an Open House on Monday from 9:30 to 11:30 since last week’s was canceled due to the weather. If you haven’t already, I invite you to visit us and see for yourself just how Saint Katharine Drexel Catholic School is a true community of faith, knowledge and service! Thank you for all of your support and prayers! Ms. Clark 5:00 PM 8:00 A.M. 11:00 AM Mon. 8:30 AM Tues. 8:30 AM Wed. 8:30 AM Thurs. 8:30 AM Fri. 8:30 AM Sat. 5:00 PM Sun. 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Felice Doyle John Quirk, 1st Anniv. Mary A. Cook Thomas Perry Charles Powers, Jr. John McDonough Mark Cocco Mass for Parishioners Jack Devine Mass for Parishioners James P. Boyle, 10th Anniv. Please Note If an Announced Mass is being said in honor of a loved one or member of your family and you would like to bring up the gifts for that mass, please sign up with one of the ushers the week before the mass is scheduled. Thank you. Quizzo at Villa Joseph Marie on Feb. 7th Please join us for Quizzo on Sat., Feb. 7th at 7:00 PM at Villa Joseph Marie High School, 1180 Holland Rd., Holland. Quizzo is a live trivia game in which teams of up to 8 players compete for a cash prize. $15 per person. Must be 21 or older to play. Registration deadline is Feb. 5th. For more information or to register, please visit Any questions contact Melissa Amour at 215-357-8810 ext. 115 or [email protected] St. Katharine Drexel School A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service Archbishop Ryan H.S. Winter Open House Sunday, Feb. 22nd from 12:30 PM—3:00 PM 2015 LSAA Flag Football Signups All 6th, 7th and 8th grade families are invited to attend. For more information call 215-637-1800 ext. 269 or visit Ages 5 yr -14 yrs. Early Registration Fee—$80.00. Sign up dates are on the website: Any questions email Ray Kashow @[email protected] Evening of Reflection for the Separated and Divorced Friday, February 6, 2015—6:30 PM. An evening of support and friendship, including dinner, prayer service and presentation by Mary Dyer Habband will be held at Nativity of Our Lord Parish Conference Center, 625 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA.. Contact: Ann Marie, [email protected] or 215-675-1925. Interested in making a difference In the lives of others? Ever thought about volunteering for a summer? The SSJ. Mission Corps Summer Experience is a two-month volunteer program at Saint Mary by-the-Sea Retreat House in Cape May Point, N.J. Volunteers are invited to live in community and to open themselves to God’s transforming grace in service to retreatants. This opportunity is for women ages 19-30 who seek an experience of Gospel living. One year of college is required. This program is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Phila. The priority deadline for application is March 1, 2015. Dates: June 20—August 12, 2015. Contact information: Rebecca Little, Director 215-2487235.or [email protected] Website:
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