Sunday Bulletin - May 25, 2014

May 25, 2014
606 Cedarwood Drive
Friendswood, TX 77546-4551
281-482-1391 281-482-4886 (fax)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Served by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette
5:30 PM Vigil Mass
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM,
11:30 AM &
5:30 PM (Life Teen)
First Saturdays
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
6:30 PM
4:00—5:00 PM Saturday
Morning Prayer
8:10 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
Daily Rosary
after 8:30 AM Mass
Monday, Tuesday
Thursday & Friday
(except First Friday)
1st Friday Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
9:00 AM—5:45 PM
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
4:30 PM Tuesday —
5:45 PM Wednesday
Pastor: Fr. James H. Kuczynski, M.S.
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Benny Thadathilkunnel, M.S.
Deacons: Darrell Moulton, 281-482-0939 & Paul Robison, 713-416-1585
Priests in Residence: Fr. Maurice “Moe” Linehan, M.S. & Fr. John Zabelskas
Pastoral Staff
Pastoral Administration
Office Administrator
Administrative Assistant
Bookkeeper I
Bookkeeper II/Capital Campaign Admin.
Coordinator of Ministries & Functions
Carla Martin, ext. 311
Liz Montgomery, ext. 315
Susan Silva, ext. 313
George Rodgers, ext. 313
Rhonda Hansen, ext. 310
Rose Mary Baez, ext. 219
Pastoral Formation
Director, Adult Faith Formation
Adam G. Martinez, EdD, ext. 319
RCIA Coordinator
Amy Schauss, ext. 334
Director, Elementary Faith Formation
Cindy Newman, ext. 333
Administrator, Faith Formation
Alice Malek, ext. 328
Director, Youth Ministry &
Senior High Faith Formation
Manny Bourque, ext. 317
Director, Junior High Faith Formation
& Confirmation
Renee Bourque, ext. 329
Admin. Assistant, Youth Ministry
& Faith Formation
Music Ministry
Director, Parish Music Ministry
Director, Life Teen Music Ministry
Russell Bolduc, ext. 227
Charles Lopez
Facilities Management
Facilities Manager &
Construction Coordinator
Maintenance Coordinator
If you are new to Mary Queen parish or visiting, please
stop by with any questions regarding our parish. We
would love to meet you!! If you have been attending Mary
Queen Church and consider this your parish, please
register with the Parish Office so we can keep an
accurate census.
Registration forms can be found in the:
Parish Office
Welcome Desk in the Church narthex
Church’s website
Come Worship With Us!
Our Parish community worships together at Sunday
Mass, daily Masses, Holy Hour and Morning Prayer.
Join us for Morning Prayer each weekday
(except Wednesday) at 8:10 AM.
Chuck Turner, 832-618-4647
Charles Ganter, ext. 310
Support Staff
ew to the Parish?
Have you been here
awhile but haven’t
We pray the rosary after the 8:30 AM daily Masses
(except Wednesday & First Fridays).
Ron Johnson
Sacramental Life
Sacrament of Baptism: Congratulations for Choosing
Life! Parents should contact the Parish Office to register
and for preparation.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Peace Be With You!
Saturday 4:00—5:00 PM or by appointment.
Sacrament of Matrimony: The Lord Bless You! Contact
one of the priests at least seven months in advance for
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: The Healing Love
of Christ Surround You! If you know someone who is sick
or in the hospital, contact the Parish Office so we can visit
and include them in our prayers.
All Bulletin announcements must be submitted on Monday before 4:00
PM and sent to [email protected]. During the
Easter & Christmas seasons, the bulletin is due to Messner
Publication at least a week and a half ahead of the Sunday bulletin
date. Please keep this in mind if you have an announcement to
RCIA: Christian Initiation of Adults: Journey With Us
In Faith! For inquiry into the Catholic Faith, contact the
Parish Office.
Ministry / Organization events for the calendar must be
submitted to [email protected].
Mass Intentions
This Week in the Parish
The Parish Office and Parish Center will be closed
Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day.
The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday,
May 28th for a Pastoral Day of Prayer at the
Christian Renewal Center.
Saturday, May 24
5:30 PM Jim Curdie, !Michael Austgen, Living & Departed Loved Ones of
Clint & Dottie Carlin
Sunday, May 25
7:30 AM !James & Joyce Runte, Matt, Suzie, Jinny Fleming,
Dwanye Bourgeois
9:30 AM Linda Parnell, Morgan Parnell, Wayne Parnell
11:30 AM !Richard A. Perkins, !Ray Russo, All Our Parishioners
5:30 PM !Ed Kessler, Mary Kessler, !Betty Even
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Monday, May 26
9:30 & 11:30 AM Masses: Children's Liturgy of the Word (St. Cecilia Room)
8:30 AM Deacon Darrell Moulton—24th Anniversary of Ordination,
!Julia G. Gomez, !Caroline Skwarzec, !Bernard Kucharski
After 9:30 AM Mass - Men's Council Senior Breakfast (Main Hall)
Tuesday, May 27
No Coffee & Donuts (Main Hall)
8:30 AM !Angelica Gonzalez, !Rina Gonzalez, Living & Departed Loved
Ones of Mary Queen Seniors
9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Room 119)
Wednesday, May 28
Monday, May 26, 2014
Parish Office and Parish Center closed in observance of Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
10:00 AM Mary Queen Seniors (Mini Hall)
4:30 PM Exposition for 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (St. Joseph Chapel)
6:30 PM Catechist Modules (Mini Hall)
7:00 PM Men's Council Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Anne Room)
7:00 PM Orchestra Rehearsal (St Cecilia Room)
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Parish Office is Closed due to a Pastoral Day of Reflection
6:30 PM !Ray Russo, !Robert Mount, !Mary Butler
Thursday, May 29
8:30 AM !Jerome Adler, !Thelma Merron, !Ray Russo
Friday, May 30
8:30 AM !Joseph Swiader, !Otylia Garay, !Olga Flores Pujals
Saturday, May 31
5:30 PM Deacon Paul Robison—33rd Anniversary of Ordination,
!Dan Lannen, !Juliet Martin
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM Living & Departed Loved Ones of Judy Hodges,
!Martha Bronikowski, !Barbara Zwingman
9:30 AM Linda Parnell, Morgan Parnell, Wayne Parnell
11:30 AM All Our Parishioners, !Msgr. Ray Hebert, !Margaret Sue Payne
5:30 PM !Mary Elaine Spence, !Arturo Hervada,
Florimae Belvis—Birthday Blessings
9:00 AM Meditation Prayer Group (Bride's Room)
9:30 AM Queen's Bee Quilters (Mini Hall)
5:45 PM Benediction concludes Eucharistic Adoration (St Joseph Chapel)
6:00 PM Home Based Catechesis Student Exit Interviews (Rms. 119, 125)
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church)
7:30 PM Life Teen Music Practice (St Cecilia Room)
Thursday, May 29, 2014
12:30 PM Rosary for Our Nation (La Salette Hall - Divine Mercy Chapel)
6:00 PM Home Based Catechesis Student Exit Interviews (Rms. 119, 125)
7:00 PM Young Adult Group Meeting (Youth Room)
Friday, May 30, 2014
7:30 AM Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall)
Saturday, May 31, 2014
7:30 AM Men's ACTS Faith Sharing group (Room 110/Library)
8:30 AM Stewardship Council Meeting (Room 114/115)
9:00 AM Men's ACTS Retreat Reunion (Main Hall)
4:00 PM Reconciliation (Church)
Parish Financial Information
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Envelopes: 494
Master’s Plan: $3,855.00
“You will be enriched in every way for great generosity”
2014 Diocesan Services Fund
Thank you for answering the call to express God’s love
and compassion through your commitment to this year’s
Diocesan Service Fund.
Catholics throughout our
Archdiocesan Church are uniting in faith, sharing their
blessings and giving gifts in Christ’s name. If you have
not yet responded, we urge you to consider offering your
commitment at this time; each gift helps. With every
parishioner’s meaningful participation, we will succeed in
reaching our goal of $156,000.00 and provide hope and
help for those among us who are most in need. If you
prefer to donate online, visit
Today’s Gospel
John 14:15-21
We have the spirit of truth
to guide us.
Breaking Open the Word
Step One: Listen to the Word
What words or phrases in today’s reading touch your
heart and mind? What feeling do you have after hearing
the promises of Jesus?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: Jesus promises to be our friend
forever. How do friends treat each other?
Question for Youth: Jesus promised us that the Holy
Spirit (the Advocate) would remain with us always.
When have you experienced the Spirit?
Question for Adults: Which one of the promises in
today’s Gospel gives you the most hope?
Readings for the Week
Monday, May 26
Acts 16:11-15; John 15:26 — 16:4a
Tuesday, May 27
Acts 16:22-34; John 16:5-11
Wednesday, May 28
Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; John 16:12-15
Thursday, May 29
Acts 18:1-6; John 16:16-20
Friday, May 30
Acts 18:9-18; John 16:16-20
Saturday, May 31
Zephaniah 3:14-18a, or Romans 12:9-16b; Luke 1:39-56
Sunday, June 1
Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Mathew 28:16-20
Let us pray that our hearts may be open to
receive the Spirit of Truth, and to organize our
lives around love as the central truth of our faith.
Prayer Groups &
Scripture Studies
Come to the Water
All who are thirsty, come to refresh your spirit as we seek
our baptismal call to Holiness……
Are we truly living out our baptismal call with
a contrite heart to Love our Neighbor?
For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so
also faith without works is dead. James 2:26
Adult Bible Study on Sundays
Join us each Sunday 9:00 – 11:00 AM in Room 119 for an
in-depth look at the Sunday readings.
Christian Meditation
Join us on Wednesdays from 9:00 AM—10:00 AM in the
Bride’s Room. Contact Sandy at 281-482-1784.
All are welcome as we join together, with a
merciful heart, in this monthly Faith Sharing
Group. We will come together as the Body
of Christ to embrace the “Works of Mercy”
and discuss how we can reach out to the
poor, the hungry, the sick and the sorrowful.
Please join us in La Salette Hall on
Thursday June 19th from 7:00—8:30 PM.
[email protected] for more information.
Offertory Procession—Gift Bearers
Our Lady of La Salette Prayer Group
Join us on Mondays in La Salette Hall—Divine Mercy
Chapel at 7:00 PM. We praise the Lord and exercise the
gifts of the Holy Spirit. Join us for worship, song,
teaching, testimonies and prayer for healing. For
information, contact Brother Roger at 281-648-2764.
Men’s ACTS Faith Sharing Group
All ACTS Brothers are invited to this group on Saturday
mornings in the Library at 7:30 AM.
If any parishioners – as family, couple or individuals –
would like to bring forward the gifts of bread and wine at
the Offertory of a specific Mass, you are requested to
sign your name and contact information in the Gift
Bearers Book at the specific Mass intended. The book is
at the Welcome Desk in the Church narthex.
You may wish to carry the gifts forward at the Offertory of
the Mass because:
The Mass Intention is requested by you
You may be celebrating an anniversary or birthday,
Women’s ACTS Faith Sharing Group
Gift Bearers may be previously selected because of a
parish celebration (e.g., First Communion, Knights of
Columbus, Scouts, etc.)
All ACTS Sisters are invited to a faith sharing group on
Thursdays in the Bride’s Room at 7:00 PM
Upon your early arrival at Mass, please identify
yourselves to an Usher for identification purposes.
Men’s Council Prayer Group
Thank you for your participation in our celebration of
Sunday Eucharist.
All men are invited to join us for prayer and reflection on
Tuesdays from 7:00—8:30 PM in La Salette Hall.
Love of God and love of country
All are invited to join us every Thursday at 12:30 PM in La
Salette Hall—Divine Mercy Chapel. We pray the Rosary
for the needs of our country. We study the writings of the
Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply rooted in the
Christian faith. We also discuss events, legislation and
social trends that are shaping the country's direction.
Preschool & Elementary
Faith Formation (CCE)
Vacation Bible School
July 14th—18th
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
for children ENTERING
Kindergarten through grade Six.
1. Fees must be paid at the time of registration- no
deferred billing.
2. A $10 per student discount will be given if form
and fees are received by May 30th.
3. Tuition will increase to $100.00 per student
after August 15th for parishioners, and $150 for
all others.
Registration for
parishioners only until June 15th. Forms are available on
the church website and in the CCE Office during regular
hours and on the church website.
Catechist Modules
Tuesday evenings in May
6:30 - 8:30 PM
in the Mini Hall
May 27th- Catechesis & Liturgy
Please RSVP to Cindy in advance.
ongratulations to the
children & youth who
cel e b r at e d F i r s t H o l y
Communion this Easter
emember them in your
prayers that their desire
to be with Jesus never fades, but grows stronger
with every sharing in Jesus’ sacrifice and
supper. “Blessed are those called to the supper
of the Lamb.”
EDGE Summer Activities
Registration is open (age requirements = incoming
7th graders to outgoing 8th graders or in other words
current year 6th, 7th & 8th Graders) for Mary Queen
Jr. High 4-Day Summer Day Camp. The theme
this year is "Clothed In The Sun". Join us on
Monday, June 16th thru Thursday, June 19th from
8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. The cost is $125. Our daily
events are: Pizza, Jumping World, Bowling &
Registration forms are located next to the EDGE
Bulletin Board. Please turn into the receptionist as
soon as possible to reserve a spot for your child.
Liturgy of the Eucharist, Roman Missal
hanks be to God for our holy priests,
parents, sacrament catechists and all
liturgy and reception volunteers!
Life Teen Summer Activities
The Youth Council will be meeting soon to plan
Summer Life Teen activities. Check the bulletin for
summer dates!
Life Teen Camps & Conferences
Are available on the church website and in the CCE
Office Sunday-Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
• Fees are due at the time of registration*
• No deferred billing*
• $10 discount per child before May 31st
• Substantial late fees apply after August 15th
*Contact a Faith Formation staff member if financial
assistance is needed.
Youth Events
(C.S.I.) - Work
Steubenville On
The Bayou
Bay Area
Deanery Sr.
High Camp "Brave The
Cameron Retreat Center,
Houston, Texas
June 8th-12th
Terrebonne Civic Center,
Houma, Louisiana
June 27th-29th
Forest Glen Camp,
Huntsville, Texas
July 16th-20th
Hilton Americas,
Houston, Texas
July 25th-27th
Parish Events and News
Altar flowers this weekend
are in memory of
!Ervin Brabec,
father of Cheryl O’Quin
First Friday Luncheon—Women’s Ministry
All ladies of the parish are invited
to join us on Friday, June 6th at
11:30 AM at King’s Biergarten &
Restaurant, 1329 E. Broadway
(518 near Dixie Fm Rd) in
Please come and
enjoy great food, fun, and best of
all, great fellowship. Call Georgia Braun at 281-482-2468
or Joan Blake at 281-482-6755 for more information.
Dedication of the St. Francis Statue and Garden
Pentecost Sunday, June 8th
after the 11:30 AM Mass
All parishioners are invited
to help celebrate the
dedication of our newest
addition to the church
grounds. St. Francis of
Assisi is the patron Saint of
“A single sunbeam is
enough to drive away
many shadows.”
~ St. Francis of Assisi.
Thank you to parishioners Hoyt W. (Bill), Tyler &
Ryan Clark for their generous donation of the
statue. Also, thank you to parishioner, Carmen
Schoolmeyer for her many hours of hard work
designing, planting and maintaining this garden
(and the Memorial Wall prayer garden).
“The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds, the world
and those who dwell in it.” ~Psalm 24:1
Staff Position: Youth Ministry &
Faith Formation has a part-time
Administrative Assistant position open.
This position provides all clerical and
administrative assistance to the Youth
Ministry & Senior High Faith Formation
Director and Youth Ministry & Junior
High Faith Formation Director. The candidate should
possess written and oral communication skills, have solid
interpersonal skills, intermediate / advanced knowledge
of Microsoft applications, be a Catholic and have the
ability to maintain confidentiality when needed. If you
are interested in applying for this position, please contact
the Youth Office or Carla Martin at 281-482-1391, ext.
Restore Hope
Mary Queen Church is offering a new support
group, RESTORE HOPE, to women who have had an
abortion at any time during their lives. This ministry
seeks to help them heal, experience God's love and
mercy, and find forgiveness within a small group setting.
All information is kept confidential.
If you are
interested or would like more information please contact
the group facilitator at [email protected].
Electronic ewsletters
If you would like to receive newsletters via
to to sign
up. The information is on the right hand
side of the main webpage. Just type in your
email address and click GO.
Knights of Columbus
Education Grant Applications
The deadline for receipt of completed applications
and transcripts is June 1st.
The Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce that
Education Grant Applications for the school year
beginning in the Fall of 2014 are now available at the
Reception Desk during regular office hours. Education
Grants for $1,000 each will be awarded to two welldeserving students, who exhibit a substantial financial
need. The chosen recipients will receive a $1,000 check
for the 2014-2015 school year. All guidelines and
requirements for the education grant applicants are
included in the application. Contact Dave Allen at 713501-0618 with any questions.
Parish Events and News
Stretching for Strength
Gail Rodgers and Sandy Sorrell invite you to join them as
they Stretch for Strength on Mondays & Fridays, 7:30—
8:15 AM in the Mini Hall. Bring an exercise mat. Contact
Sandy at 281-482-1784 or [email protected].
Are you a young adult in the parish?
Did You Know?
The Knights of Columbus Hall and grounds are available
for rental for family-type functions (showers, receptions,
reunions, weddings, family parties, company meetings,
etc.) The Hall is located on 5 wooded acres with ample
parking for events. Our facility is a family-oriented banquet
hall where you can be proud to host your party. Catering is
available by the Knights of Columbus upon request. Go to
the Knights of Columbus website for a video tour of the
grounds and pictures of inside the Hall at
Either the Hall or the grounds can be rented, or both can
be rented together. Rental rates will be significantly
reduced from those presently posted for our parishioners to
assure you get the absolute best price. Call Hall Manager
Keith St. John for inquiries at 832-279-6153 or leave a
message at 281-554-2695.
Introducing Worshiping Our Redeemer Daily —
W.O.R.D., Mary Queen’s new young adult group for
anyone between the ages of 18 and 36. A group meeting
will be held Thursday, May 29th in the Youth Room at
7:00 PM. Come and join us as we get this group started.
For more information or any questions contact Helen
Dorsi at [email protected].
Pray the rosary daily.
Evangelii Gaudium
All parishioners, active ministers and
volunteers, of Mary Queen Church are
invited. We will have a light breakfast.
Childcare is provided in the nursery. The
event is free, but please register by calling
The full document is available on
our parish website at
Pope Francis first Papal Exhortation on the Joy
of the Gospel. The Day of Reflection will present
an overview of the Holy Father’s message to all
Catholics, and its implications for Parish Ministry
and Evangelization. The presentation is being
offered four different times to accommodate
summer schedules.
Choose ONE of the following dates
to attend:
June 7th
June 21st
July 19th
July 26th
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Main Hall
Please call the Parish
Office to include your
loved ones on the
Prayer List. It is our
policy to include them
for 60 days.
Sharon James
Sharon came to Mary Queen in
1972. She has served in the Nursery,
was President and Vice President of
the Women’s Council (now known as
the Women’s Ministry), Chairman for
the Christmas Bazaar, Chairman for
the first Halloween Carnival and
serves in the Food Pantry. She has
also served in making crafts for the
Christmas Bazaar. Thank you Sharon for all your years
of service in Mary Queen ministries.
Stewardship Reflections
“For it is better to suffer for doing right, if that should
be God’s will, than for doing wrong.” 1 Peter 3:17
The old line says “if you want to make God laugh, tell
him your plans.” Many of us are diligent in our
planning, making sure things are progressing
smoothly, then disaster strikes, we don’t get the result
that was intended. An unforeseen problem arises.
Many times we may respond negatively. Why me? I
did everything right! Here’s the thing – God has a
different and better plan in store for you.
In the Area
Mary Arnold
Jim Babb
Justine Bailey
Penney Baker
Karen Barber
La Marr Beatty
Mary Behne
Paula Birchler
Linda Birmingham
Lisa Blount
Richard Brach
Katheryn Brezina
Jackson Burgett
James Butler
Frances Carter
Nola Carter
Chris Carver
Jose Chapa
Bob Craig
Joe DeBonis
Gaby De La Cruz
Rochelle Dent
Velvet Dixon
Bill Donaldson
Diana Duran
Mitch Duran
Joe Falco
Amy Fanbobal
Aurora Gallerdo
Happy Garren
Shirley Geerts
Angelica Gonzalez
Norberto Gonzalez
Wayne Gotsch
Dorothy Handwerk
Rubye Hassemilller
Pat Havel
Michael Hilley
Joseph Irene
Kent Kaufhold
Ray Kaufhold
Billie Kearney
Lynn Kilbourn
Mimi Kinane
J.D. Kirkland
Helen Krieger
Kathy Krieger
Stacy Kieger
Willy Kik
Amiee & Bernie Laputka
Shannon Larson
Michelle Loerwald
Mary Lopez
Gerald Maksymowski
Robert Mangle
Tina Marks
Margaret Marshall
Joanie McBride
Scott Melton
C.T. Miller
Claire Miller
Dawn Miller
Doris Miller
Mike Miner
Alvaro Moreno
Olive Morgan
Al Morrey
Jackie Nall
Fr. Efren Nano
Emma Nesrsta
Hoc Nguyen
Kayla Owens
Jacob Paddock
Linday Parnell
Morgan Parnell
Wayne Parnell
Tom Penrod
Sandra Peyton
Bernard Piotrowski
Dorothy Porter
Tyler Powell
Kurt Racca
Evelyn Rose
Luis Ruiz, Jr.
Claire Sabatier
Jose Luis Salazar
Kim Scalf
Katherine Shaler
Mary Semmler
Kathy Slafka
Rick Smart
Lela Smith
Tom Smola
Margit Stoyanov
Dixie Suit
Kim Marie Taylor
Anita Torrez
Lawrence Tracey
Josie Travlos
Walker Toomes
Kent Holloway Townsend
Esther Tucker
Tom Vetter
Ashley Van Wieren
Fred Vickers
Dot Viscidi
Tracie Waggoner
Jim Weiss
Hilda Whitmore
Ann Wolford
Austin Wright
Blanche Young
~In Memoriam ~
Please pray for the repose of the souls of
!Joe 9avarro, faithful parishioner
!Henrietta Morua, grandmother of Kim Bordonaro
The Sanctuary Candle is in memory of
!Ines Almeida Vinueza
week of May 25th—31st
We offer the Vigil Candle as a Memorial Candle
each week to interested parishioners who would
like to request that it burn “In Memory of” or
“In Honor of” a loved one, living or deceased.
Contact Rhonda in the Parish Office at 281-4821391. The name of your loved one will be
published in the bulletin and near the Sanctuary
Candle in the Church.
180 S. Friendswood Dr.
(Next to Tuesday Morning)
Tuesday-Friday 10-6pm;
Saturday 10-4pm.
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