St. Timothy Catholic Church IGLESIA de SAN TIMOTEO 1515 Dolan Avenue (near 3rd & Norfolk), San Mateo, CA 94401 Parish Office: (650) 342-2468 Fax: (650) 342-8156 Web: PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Francis Mark P. Garbo, Pastor Rev. Deacon Angel Aguilar, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Nicolas Rodriguez, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Fred Totah, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Abel Mejia, Parish Deacon ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Robin Dewar-O’Leary EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: (650) 787-6510 SECRETARY/BULLETIN EDITOR Trudy Marie Guella TONGAN USA CHAPLAIN: Rev. Sione Malakai Katoa (650) 342-2470 Rev. Saimone T. Moala PAROCHIAL SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Ms. Michelle J. Timmons (650) 342-6567 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS: Rev. Deacon Nicolas & Rev. Deacon Abel (650) 342-2468 Ext. 17 BAPTISM/BAUTISOS Parents should call the Parish Office 2 months in advance. Los padres deveran de informar a la oficina, con dos meses de anticipación. FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM Anamaria Park (650) 579-0901 MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Peter Mafi, Jr. RCIA Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi (650) 867-4049 Grief & Bereavement Ministry Rev. Deacon Fred Totah MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIOS Couples should call at least 6 months ahead of time. Por favor avisarnos con seis meses de anticipación. Ext. 14 MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday/Sábado 8 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & (12:00 en Español) Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. (in the Church) Lunes a sábado 8:00 a.m. (en la Iglesia) NEW MEMBERS: We welcome all new parishioners and invite you to register in the parish by filling out the information on the inside flap. Either mail it to the office or put it in the collection basket. Thank You. PENANCE/CONFESIONES Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:30 or by appointment Los sábados de 3:30 - 4:30 ó previa cita. SACRAMENTS-SICK CALLS / ATENCION A ENFERMOS Contact the Parish Office if you know of a parishioner who is not able to come to Mass or is in the hospital./Si conocen a una persona que esta en hospital o no puede llegar a Misa, por favor informar a la oficina. PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORARIOS DE LA OFICINA Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PARISH OF ST. TIMOTHY Mission Statement Welcome to the Parish Family of St. Timothy. We invite you to join with us on our journey of faith. Our Mission is to challenge our people to grow, to encourage discipleship, to build community, and to inspire service to all by doing the following: Nurturing spiritual growth/faith formation of all Celebrating our diversity while focusing on unity Discovering our gifts in order to motivate service Embracing our talents which enables us to bring Christ to others Page Two Two Page Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Fourth Sunday of LentTime Oct.15, 24,2015 2010 March TODAY’S READING Gospel: —The Son was sent by God so that the MMAR 14 THROUGH MAR 21 SAT 5:00 SUN 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 world might be saved through him. John 3:14-21 + Pablo Alcala Healing Mass for Leni Gano + Isabel Cabanas + Baby Rinaldi + Robeta Ponce Carmen Gonzales & Maria del Carmen Gonzales + Ma’afa Fetieu For the Parishioners of St Timothy MON 8:00 + Isabel Cabanas Healing Mass for Leni Gano Birthday of Henry Ching TUES 8:00 Healing Mass for Leni Gano + Peggy Searle WED 8:00 Healing Mass for Leni Gano Birthday of Petelo (Peter) Mafi THUR 8:00 Healing Mass for Leni Gano Birthday of Estrelita Pagaduan FRI 8:00 Healing Mass for Leni Gano + Josefina Rosete SAT 8:00 Birthday of Sosefina Pita Next weekend MAR 21—MAR 22 SAT 5:00 Birthday of Aaron L. DeOcampo Thanksgiving for Birthday of Anthony Martinez Healing Mass for Leni Gano SUN 7:30 Healing Mass for Leni Gano 9:00 Thanksgiving from Estrelita + Mele Mahoni Green + Peggy Searle 10:30 Birthday of Lofi Baker + Ilaisaane Po’oi 12:00 + Rodrigo Suarez Let us Pray for all our sick Parishioners, especially Fr. Simone, Fr. Sione, Frank Vitalo Jr., Felisiana Sirwet, Stan Distel, Lamia Bib, and for all who care for them. REFLECTIONS ON: RAISED UP BY THE MESSIAH Last week, when Jesus referred to the destruction of the temple, the account from today’s first reading is what would have come to the minds of his listeners. But, as Jesus was speaking on a deeper level, so does today’s first reading. In the first paragraph we hear that Israel had, in effect, “fallen” already through its infidelity to the covenant. Lest we get too cozy, this account reminds us that God, though just, loving, and merciful, is capable of punishing sin when that sin is unrepentant. But we are also reminded that God, rich in mercy, anoints individuals to be vessels of salvation as well (in Hebrew, King Cyrus of Persia is called “messiah”). In the Gospel reading, we hear of another Messiah being “lifted up” for our salvation in one of the best known passages from the New Testament. 1. As Lent concludes and we enter Holy Week, how will you keep your gaze steadfast upon the cross of Christ? The Son of God came into the world to raise us who had fallen. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Thank You to all who prayed in front of Planned Parenthood on February 25th. You are the Voice for the voiceless! St. Patrick’s saying seems to apply to you: GOD UPHOLDS ME I take for my sureties: The power of God to guide me, the might of God to uphold me, the wisdom of God to teach me, the eye of God to watch over me, the ear of God to hear me, the word of God to give me speech, the hand of God to protect me, the way of God to go before me, the shield of God to shelter me. Let us pray for all of our faithful departed, especially Ana Burke, Beatriz Argomaniz, Peggy Searle, for victims of violence and war, and for family and friends left behind. Check our website: San Mateo, California Church of St. Timothy 19th Annual St. Joseph Celebration Festa Di San Giuseppe Come join us celebrate Saturday, March 21, 2015 St. Timothy Church, Procession and Mass 10:30 am The Italian –American Federation will be will be sponsoring a Dinner Dance from 7:00 pm to 12:30 am at the Peninsula Italian-American Social Club. Donation: $48 adults, $24.00 Children (12& under) Contact Maria Russo (650) 477-2290 Parish Communal Page Three LECTURA DE HOY Evangelio — Dios nos dio su Hijo único, para que todo el que crea en él tenga vida eterna. Juan 3:14-21 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma Segundo Escrutinio Martes: San Patricio Miércoles: San Cirilo de Jerusalén Jueves: San José, Esposo de la Virgen María Viernes: Abstinencia; Comienza la primavera Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 pm Confession, Every Saturday -3:30 to 4:30 pm CUARESMA Fridays of Lent: Tendremos la Vía Cruzis comenzando el Viernes a las 8:30 am y 6 pm en Ingles y a las 7 pm en Español. Tendremos las Sopas de Cuaresma Lunes a las 6 pm en Fitzpatrick Hall. The Exposition and Adoration of the BLESSED SACRAMENT will be from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm in the Chapel. Stations of the Cross: English at 8:30 am and 6:00 pm in Church Spanish at 7:00 pm in Church. Come Walk with Jesus. Lenten Soup Suppers: Monday’s, at 6 pm in Fitzpatrick Hall. Save the Date: Saturday Morning, April 25th Parish RUN-WALK-ATHON FUND RAISING See your flyer for more details. RETIRO CUARESMAL - GUARDEN LA FECHA Vengan a comparƟr unas horas con el Padre Jaime Robledo que dirigira nuestro reƟro de Cuaresma el sabado 21 de Marzo de 2 pm a 6 pm aqui en el gimnasio de San Timoteo. Todos estan I nvitados. No hay costo ninguno. Escuchan el llamado? Dios nos espera. Confesiones: Miercoles, 25 de Marzo, 7:00 pm St. Timothy School Grandparents’ and Family Friends’ Day Grandparents other adults are very important in the lives of children. This day recognizes the importance of our heritage, our community, and relationships across generations. Come celebrate Mass with us. All are welcome. Felicitaciones a los ninos de Segundo grado de La Escuela de San Timoteo y a los ninos de la Escuela de Formacion de Fe que hicieron su primera confesion esta semana. Por favor, tengalos en sus oraciones. Tuesday, March 17 at 9:00 AM Congratulations to St. Timothy School Second graders and St. Timothy Faith Formation students for receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week. Please keep them in your prayers. ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS Para quienes desean liberarse de las cadenas del alcoholism, las reunions son los Martes, Jueves y Viernes a las 7:30 pm. AL-ANON Esperanza y Ayuda para Familiares y Amigos De personas que tienen problemas con su forma de beber. 7:00-9:30 pm Lunes. Gifts for God - Colección Last weekend’s collection: 2nd: CCD/Faith Formation: $ 4,997. $ 1,301. Contributions must be in an envelope with your name, address and envelope number for your tax statement. This week’s 2nd collection is for Catholic Relief Services. Help Jesus in Disguise: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for Me.” (MT 25:40 Next week’s 2nd collection is for St. Timothy Parish School. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Second Scrutiny St. Patrick St. Cyril of Jerusalem St. Joseph Abstinence; Spring begins Save the Date: Sunday, March 29, 2015 Operation Rice Bowl Fundraiser Bake Sale ST. TIMOTHY NEEDS YOU! Welcome! Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your bapƟsmal call of service to one another. St. Timothy is in need of Ministers. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries. A) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion B) Lectors See your bulleƟn next week for detailed explanaƟon of the Ministries. Contact Fr. Francis Garbo at the Parish at 650-342-2468 or Father’s number: 650-892-3349. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Prepare to receive the Sacraments or learn more about our Catholic Faith. Wednesdays, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. in the Parish Office. Saturday morning Bible Study 11 am to 12 noon is in the Parish Office. Call Deacon Faiva Po’oi at 867-4049 to register. Senior St. Patrick’s Luncheon Tuesday, March 17th 12 Noon Fitzpatrick Hall Prizes and Surprises!! Everyone over 18 Welcome. Let’s get together and have a good time! PLEASE Call the Office Now: 342-2468 We need a count to be able to provide enough food. Money Donations appreciated. Youth Expressing Spirit - YES Grade 6 - 12 Youth Ministry Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month www: [email protected] - 408-464-6512 Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday We are accepting donations of plastic eggs, individually wrapped candies, or cash. Please send your donations to the parish office. Large boxes needed for stuffed eggs. Any from your office or home? Please bring to our meetings on Tuesday at 7 pm to the Upper Room. Thank You! BINGO Every Friday Night Doors Open: 5:00 pm Games Start: 7:00 pm Regular games pay: $250 Admission: $20 per person Questions? Call: 650-464-0119 NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME-BIENVENIDOS Web Site: __________________________________ NAME/NOMBRE _____________________________________ ADDRESS/DIRECCION _________________________________ ___ CITY/CIUDAD ZIP/AREA POSTAL —————————– PHONE/TELEFONO __ New Parishioner __ Address change
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