1617 West Pine Street, Appleton, WI 54914 June 29, 2014 Year A “Welcome and Inspire ALL to share Christ's love through FAITH and SERVICE” Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles General Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-5 pm Friday 8:30 am-Noon Weekend Mass Times Saturday, 4:30 pm, Sunday, 8 am & 10 am Parish website: www.stbernardappleton.org General e-mail: [email protected] Parish Office 739-0331 Fax Number 749-9771 Faith Formation Office 739-8912 Library 739-0331 St. Bernard Staff and Directory Pastor………………………..Father Dennis Ryan Deacons……………………...Maury Reed, Bob Vincent ………………………………Shuying (Joe) Vang, Michael Eash, Don Nass Bookkeeper………………….Barb Hoffman Bulletin……………………….Lisa Hecht Director of Faith Formation….Maurine Overesch Director of Liturgy and Music .Rhonda Uschan Elementary Coordinator……...Kathleen McDonald Maintenance Supervisor……..Jim Piette Minister of Administration……Dr. Colleen Sargent-Day Office Assistant ……………...Jane Sturn Pastoral Minister …….………Bob Lang Parish Secretary……………...Kim Albrecht Sacraments and Prayer Needs Adult Confirmation/Becoming Catholic, Wedding Arrangements (six months in advance) Contact Father Dennis at 739-0331 Baptism, Communion Calls Contact the Parish Office 739-0331, ext. 139 Reconciliation Saturday, 9:00 am Urgent Prayer Requests Call Delaine, 734-0538 For Prayer…...We have people who will pray with you if you so desire. To make arrangements, contact John at 731-3856 Readings for Sunday, June, 29 Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Readings for Sunday, July 6 Zec 9:9-10/Rom 8:9, 11-13/Mt 11:25-30 MASS ASS INTENTION Saturday, June 28 4:30 pm Jean & George Kozak Sunday, June 29 8 am t Rita & Bill Quinn AND Members of St. Bernard t10 am 60th Wedding Anniversary Don & Yvonne Nass Monday, June 30 t 8 am Liturgy of the Word with Communion Tuesday, July 1 8 am t In Memory of Gene Vercauteren Wednesday, July 2 8 am t Tom Oudenhoven Thursday, July 3 8 am t Deceased & Living Members of the Biersteker Family Friday, July 4 NO MASS & No Adoration/Benediction Saturday, July 5 4:30 pm Robert H. Ebben Sunday, July 6 8 am John W. Hammer & Family 10 am Richard Butler AND Members of St. Bernard PARISH WEEKLY CALEND NDAR WEEK 1 ND Saturday, June 28 9 am Reconciliation Church 10 am Alanon Janssen Center Sunday, June 29 Monday, June 30 1 pm Cards Janssen Center 6:30 pm SVDP Janssen Center Tuesday, July 1 9 am Crafty Ladies Janssen Center Wednesday, July 2 6:30 pm Adult Choir Music Room 6:30 pm Adult Education Janssen Center Thursday, July 3 6:30 pm Adult Hand Bells Music Room Friday, July 4 10 am OA Group Room 112 Saturday, July 5 9 am Reconciliation Church 10 am Alanon Janssen Center Sunday, July 6 Sunday, June 29 Acts 12:1-11 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18 Mt 16:13-19 Monday, June 30 Am 2:6-10, 13-16 Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday, July 1 Am 3:2-8, 4:11-12 Mt 8:23-27 Wed., July 2 Am 5:14-15, 21-24 Mt 8:28-34 Thursday, July 3 Eph 2:19-22 Jn 20:24-29 Friday, July 4 Am *;4-6, 9-12 Mt 9:9-13 Saturday, July 5 Am 9:11-15 Mt 9:14-17 Sunday, July 6 Zec 9:9-10 Rom 8:9, 11-13 Mt 11:25-30 ST. BERNARD PARISH H Welcome to St. Bernard If you are a visitor to St. Bernard, please know we welcome you If you would like more information on our Parish including activities, committees, outreach and membership, please contact our Parish Office at 739-0331. Please remember in your prayers the family of the deceased Our Parishioner, Robert Schindhelm Parish Notice There will be NO Mass or Eucharistic Adoration Friday, the 4th of July. Our Parish Office will be closed on Friday, July 4th. First Sunday of the Month Rosary, July 6 You are invited to join the Men of St. Bernard in the Marian Chapel at 9:30 am to say the Rosary. The Men of St. Bernard are proud to lead this Ministry for our Parish. Rosaries are available or you are welcome to bring your own. All are welcome. God Bless our ou urr u Men and Women Wom omen n in Service. e. We wish you a Happy and Safe 4th of July Buy SCRIP Cards today and get ready for the 4th of July! We have SCRIP cards for your shopping needs at Woodman’s, Fleet Farm, SCRIP CARD gas at Kwik Trip and more! You will be surprised at SCRIP SCRIP all the vendors that participate in SCRIP. We invite you to stop at our table in the Narthex and see what we have available. We have many SCRIP cards on hand. SCRIP is a fundraiser for our Parish. You don’t buy anything extra or pay anything more for SCRIP. ADULT LT FORMATION ON Theology Unpacked, Explained and Shared An Adult Education and Formation Series Wednesday Evenings, 6:35 pm-7:45 pm, Janssen Center. Summer Fun Join other Middle School Youth from our neighboring Parishes for Faith Factor and summer trips to; Great America, Monday, July 14 Noah’s Ark, Tuesday, August 12 For more information contact Maurine at 739-8912 or go to www.fvcyma.com for the Summer Calendar, Permission Forms and registration/payment deadlines. Sponsored by Fox Valley Catholic Youth Ministry. July 2 & 9 Break to Celebrate Summer and 4th of July. Please keep in your prayers the Youth Mission Trip. Youth and Chaperones will be in St. Louis, Missouri. July 16 CD-Matthew Kelly “The Jesus Question” July 23 Presenter Bob Lang and You Bring one or two of your favorite books. July 30 Presenter/Witness: John Bell There is always more. Expect new fire! Let your gifts, grace and the Holy Spirit come alive! All of us have a story of faith to share. Is the Holy Spirit calling you to speak in love and fellowship about a topic of interest or a story of faith in your life? Call Bob at 739-0331 or email [email protected] to share your thoughts and gift. 2014 Lifest Oshkosh July 10-13 at Sunnyview Fairgrounds $10 off Lifest tickets exclusive offer discount applies when you order through the Diocese of Green Bay! When ordering tickets enter code: DIOCESE. Visit www.lifest.com to order. Faith Formation Registration 2014-2015 If you have not returned your Faith Formation Registration for the 2014-2015 school year, you can bring it to the Faith Formation Office or mail it to: St. Bernard Faith Formation 1617 West Pine Street, Appleton, WI 54914 NOTICES Hospital Visitation Ministry Our Pastoral Minister, Bob Lang, is actively involved with our Hospital Visitation Ministry at our Parish. If you know you will be entering the hospital for a planned surgery or going to an area Nursing Home for rehabilitation, please call Bob at the Church Office (739-0331, ext. 319) and let him know which Hospital or Nursing Home you will be at and your admittance date. Bob will be happy to pray, visit and share in conversation with you while you are in the hospital or in recovery. “Justice & Joes” Tuesday, July 22 6:30 pm-8 pm St. Patrick Catholic Church in Menasha Come share issues and eat sloppy joes. Questions, please call 843-8083 or email [email protected] Please Note Change….. Social Justice Committee Meetings will not be held during the months of July and August. Social Justice Committee Meetings will resume in September. Are you interested in Social Justice? St. Bernard Parish Social Justice Committee invites you to join us! Our meetings are the first Tuesday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm in Room 112. Come and check out the activities we are involved in. For more information call Bob Lang at 739-0331 or join us September 2! We look forward to seeing you! An Amazing Opportunity... Join Father Dennis on a trip to “The Lands of Christianity” October 6-October 18, 2014 Trip includes: Round-Trip Airfare from Chicago · 4 star Accommodations/17 meals · Tour Lourdes-France, Fatima-Portugal, Santiago de Compostela, Burgos, Zaragoza, Barcelona-Gaudies' Sagrada Familia, Madrid-Prado Museum · $2995 taxes/fees Included · $300 is required to secure your space. Balance is due July 6th. For more information or to register call Ron LaCroix 920-734-9345 STEWARDSHIP OF MINIS ISTRY IS Y EMBRACING BRAC BR ACIN AC ING IN G A GE GENE GENEROUS NERO NE ROUS RO US L LIFE E OF STEWARDSHIP IP Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles. It is appropriate for us to commemorate these two pillars of our Church. St. Augustine said some 1,600 years ago: “Both apostles share the same feast day; for these two were one, and even though they suffered on different days they were as one. Let us embrace what they believed: their life, their labors, their sufferings, their preaching, and their confession of faith.” On this Solemnity in 2013, Pope Francis included in his sermon the three reasons he rejoices at the lives of Sts. Peter and Paul. In the Gospel Peter proclaims his faith in stating, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” His Holiness pointed out the first reason is faith, “Faith in Christ is the light of our life as Christians.” He detailed the second reason as love. He cited Paul from the second reading saying, “I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” Then he challenged each of us: “It is your task to go outside of yourselves in the love and service of the holy people of God.” His final reason was unity (not uniformity he explained). He detailed himself as the successor of Peter, and as Paul as well. Pope Francis felt each of them and each of us is part of the great mosaic of the Church. Viewed individually, we are not defined, but all together as the Church, we present a clear picture of God’s plan. Are you, as a steward, fulfilling your part to present the Church as one? STEWARDSHIP OF FINAN ANCIAL SHARING AN NG 6/27 Week Envelope $8,490 YTD Annual Envelope $803,783 $15,385 YTD Budget Envelope $800,000 Weekly Target Fiscal YTD *Envelope Over/(Under) Total $3,783 Loose $591 YTD Loose $37,037 Budget Loose $635 YTD Budget Loose $33,000 Loose Over/(Under) $4,037 As we near our June 30 Fiscal year-End, we face a projected shortfall of approximately ($50,000). While we are extremely thankful for giving being “up” as compared with last year, it has been a particularly rough year for the Parish in terms of snow plowing and heating expenses due to the long, tough winter. Any “special donations” would be extremely welcomed and appreciated in hopes of achieving a balanced budget. July 5 & 6 Eucharistic Ministers 4:30 pm J. Haag, J. Moderson, M. Hahn, G/R Stark, M. Spidel, Volunteer 8 am D. Dooley, K. Gribble, B. Lord, K. McDonald, K. Scheel, J. Stumpf, B. Van Daalwyk 10 am D. Alferi, J. Barker, J. Christensen, J. Leschke, S. Porter, W. Van Lanen, J. Wallner Server 4:30 pm C/W Van Lanen 8 am C/K Scheel 10 am S. Berendes, A. Zadrazil Lector 4:30 pm 8 am 10 am M. Howard, Volunteer D. Alferi, K. Gribble M. French, R. Hausserman Greeters 4:30 pm C. Borchardt, M. Drawenek, M. Ferris, J. Haag, M. Remmel 8 am L. Berton, G. Nolden, P/K Scheel, Volunteer 10 am M. Berendes, M. Huhn, L. Kiser, Volunteer Ushers 4:30 pm G/L Kozak, A. Schleinz, M. Stenberg 8 am D. Dorn, J. Hotynski, C. Jaehnke, R. Strebel 10 am D. Castonia, L. Maharg, D. Sanger, J. Zadrazil Sacristan 4:30 pm R. Stark 8 am K. McDonald 10 am J.Barker Media 4:30 pm 8 am 10 am L. Plaia A. Archer Volunteer Musicians/Vocal/Keyboard 4:30 pm P. Keane, Volunteer 8 am M. Howard, M. Simonini 10 am M. Howard, M. Simonini St. Bernard Social Justice July Collection Please pick up a donation bag or collection tag this weekend in the Narthex. This month we are collecting items for COTS (Community Outreach Temporary Services). Please bring your donations to the narthex next weekend, July 5 & 6. Your donations are appreciated. Items needed; · Peanut Butter · -Cereal (boxed or bagged) · -Alcohol-Free Mouthwash · -Copy Paper (reams) · -Laundry Detergent · -Dishwasher Detergent · -Dish Soap · -Paper Towels · -Dryer Sheets · -Air Fresheners (spray and cone) · -Ziploc Bags (gallon size) · -Garbage bags (all sizes) · -Twin sheet sets · -Pillows - Dish Towels COTS, Inc. was founded in 1999 by Father Orville Janssen to assist the poor, disadvantaged and homeless. COTS, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides temporary transitional shelter (up to two years) for homeless people in Outagamie, Winnebago and Calumet counties. We operate four facilities in Appleton that serve up to 37 men, 17 women, 8 young adults and 2 single mother families. See more at: http://appletoncots.org Our Mission “Ending homelessness in the Fox Valley.” Stt Bernard S Bernarrdd Caribbean Fest C st August 2&3 A Please kkeep eep our our 19 19 youth youth and an d Please c haperones in your yoour prayers prrayeers ass tthey hey 4 chaperones prepare for their Mission Trip. They will be traveling to ouis M issourri, JJuly ulyy 6 -1 12, in ffour ourr vvans. St. Louis Missouri, 6-12, Formerly 2013 BBQ Bash amazing Caribbean Festivities Twoo days Tw days of of am amaz Food, games, silent action and Reggae Music! Food Fo od, ga game mes, silen Mark your calendars now. Invite your neighbors, bring your family and friends! Come dance the night away and join the fun at our Caribbean Fest Loving God, We pray for our Mission Trip Youth and Adult Leaders. Give them the knowledge, courage, and a willing heart to be disciples. Guide them to learn God’s will, to share God’s message and to be God’s people as they serve the people of St. Louis. Amen. Faith Formation Registration 2014-2015 Our Faith Formation Department is preparing for the 2014-2015 Faith Formation Year. We are ordering books, getting rooms ready, getting Catechists for every grade, putting together class lists and the list goes on! We don’t want to miss anyone! We are asking all Families with children in our program to return their registration form along with payment before or by July 31 to avoid a $15 late charge. We look forward to a wonderful year. If you have any questions or are new to our Parish and would like more information, please feel free to stop by the Faith Formation Department and say hello or call Maurine at 739-8912. Have a safe summer. See you in the fall! TTheme heme B Baskets, askets, Be Creative, Have Fun! Crea Cr eate ea te a theme basket and donate it to Create our St. Bernard Caribbean Fest! Stop by our the Welcome We the Counter, pick a theme card and let your creativity begin! Create a and Them Th eme Basket as a group, as a Family, em Theme with fri with friends or by yourself! Bring your Theme Basket to the Parish Office by July 12/13. The The Caribbean Fest estt Committee is looking for a Volunteer to DJ DJ music, music, using their ownn system syystem F t at our outdoors Caribbean Fest, August 2 & 3, 1 pm to 4:30 pm. an at xtremethermal@earthlink. ink.net or Please contact Dan [email protected] call 540-0305. BUCKLIN’S TREE SERVICE 733-0122 1609 W. Wisconsin Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 731-3002 www.christensenheating.com Mulch-Colored & Natural 'SFF&TUJNBUFTr*OTVSFE www.bucklinstreeservice.com Alpha-Prime, Inc. 835 Valley Road $ LARGE PIZZA 4QFDJBMUZ1BQFS$POWFSUFST 4)&&5*/(r3&8*/%*/(r%*&$655*/( 53*..*/(r1"$,"(*/( 7BMJEBU1BSUJDJQBUJOH4UPSFT&YQJSFTJO%BZT FOUR SEASONS HEATING AND COOLING Est. 1887 Brettschneider Trettin-Nickel Funeral Chapel 606 North Oneida St., Appleton WI 54911 (920) 733-7383 | XXXCUMGVOFSBMDPN PATRICK SUPRISE, CLU, ChFC t'VSOBDF3FQMBDFNFOU t/FX)PNFT t"JS$POEJUJPOJOH 832-1462 Chartered Financial Consultant 15 Park Place, Suite 100, Appleton, WI 54914 miron-construction.com (920) 749-1650 CATHOLIC CEMETERY “Specialists in Quality Nursery Stock” Fockel’s Superior Drapery & Blinds Since 1954 7BMMFZ3PBEr.FOBTIB8* 1IPOFrXXXGPDLFMTDPN Since 1932 Joe Meulemans, Landscape Designer (920) 788-1051 1715 E. Main St. Little Chute Parish Member Securities Offered Through INVEST FINANCIAL 4&37*/("--1&01-& A PLACE TO REMEMBER 45+04&1)$&.&5&3: 309 Allegiance Ct., Appleton, WI 54913 (corner of Hwy N and 41) (920) 788-5066 */"11-&50/ */ 631 920-733-1631 www.stjosephcemetery.us 920-991-9700 /8FTUIJMM#MWEt"QQMFUPO8* For ALL your Catering Needs! NORTHSIDE HARDWARE When your future is at stake MICHAEL S. SIDDALL SLITTING, PAPER & FILM SALES, 739-7366 920-757-4000 1415 N. Richmond St., Appleton TNU!OUEOFU XXX/PSUITJEF)BSEXBSFOFU Anne Siegrist, DDS Family Dentistry 714 N. Owaissa St., Appleton, WI 54911 1506 S. Oneida St., Appleton TWO LOCATIONS: /3JDINPOE4Ur40OFJEB4U New Patients Welcome Office 920.733.5629 224 W. Calumet St. 730-9222 Appleton www.RiversideCemeteryAppleton.com [email protected] Call us for a no obligation pre-planning consultation. Hospital Information 920-738-2000 Little Chute 788-6788 INN W. Appleton 738-5660 www.affinityhealth.org Menasha 738-7333 920-731-5271 N Appleton 738-3533 8$PMMFHF"WF"QQMFUPO Neenah 722-1149 [email protected] Affinity Health System is a Catholic health care system. Fox Valley Quality Cleaning & Supply, Inc. Kim Albrecht Soprano for Weddings, Funerals, Special Events Bob Cops - President H: 920.751.8274 M: 920.360.3280 [email protected] (920) 733-3244 Business (920) 915-1424 Mobile 5321 Long Court, Appleton, WI 54914 Compliments Of “Where Personalized Service Is The Key” KEYES & SONS PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 222563 Appleton 920-738-3800 bmoharrisbank.com “Your Comfortable Convenient Community Shopping Center” Residential - Commercial - Industrial Serving The Valley Since 1967 1066 American Dr., P.O. Box 960 Neenah, WI Phone: 725-2494 Member FDIC 05-064-0077 STONEHAVEN 6 Appleton Locations WEALTH & TAX SOLUTIONS, LLC Brian M. Much, CPA, PFS David L. 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[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2525 FOR AD INFO CALL DUANE BUDELIER 1-800-950-9952rWWW.4LPi.COM ST. BERNARD APPLETON, WI A 4C 01-0650
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