ASSUMPTION CHURCH - Assumption Catholic Church

Seventh Sunday in
Ordinary Time
February 23, 2014
323 West Illinois Street
Chicago, Illinois 60654
(312) 644-0036 Church Office
(312) 644-2490 Night Emergencies
(312) 644-1838 Fax
Daily: 7:00, 12:10 PM
Saturday: 7:30, 5:00 PM (For Sunday)
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:15, 5:00 PM
Friday: 11:35-12:05
Daily: After All Masses (by request)
Serving the People of River North
and Chicago Since 1881
Founded and Staffed by Members of the
Order of Friar Servants of Mary (Servites)
Rev. Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M., Pastor
also resident in priory:
Rev. David O. Brown, O.S.M.
Rev. Michael Doyle, O.S.M.
Rev. John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M.
Page Two
February 23, 2014
Last spring amidst a great deal of fanfare (at least
a great deal of fanfare for us), Assumption Church
formed its first Pastoral Council. 60 people were
nominated by you the parishioners. Of that number,
almost 30 took part in the discernment process that led
to the selection of our nine councilors. Although normally councilors would serve three year terms, for our
first council, three members are serving one year terms
and three are serving two year terms, so that each year
three new members may be discerned for the Council.
This, in a few months we will be asking again for
nominations to fill the three impending vacancies.
The principal purpose of the Pastoral Council is to
investigate matters that are important to the parish,
consider these issues from various angles, and then
offer recommendations to the Pastor. The Council has
done just that on a number of issues, ranging from
concerns about the liturgy to the potential development of the property adjacent to the church to our response to the new concealed carry law in the State of
Illinois. Minutes of Council meetings are posted regularly on the parish website.
A Pastoral Council also helps develop a vision for
the future of the parish. With that in mind, the Council has initiated what we are calling a Ministry Fair. In
simplest terms, the Ministry Fair is an attempt to get
more people involved in service—through church
sponsored ministries and through other charitable and
service organizations in our community. It will take
place in the Parish Hall after all Masses the weekend
of March 8-9. We have asked all of our parish organizations to have a table at the Fair. The hope is that all
of these ministries and organizations will have someone from their group at their table to answer questions
and to help interested parties get involved. At the very
least, each agency or group will have an information
sheet, brochures, and a way of leaving your name so
that you can be contacted. The Council believes that
the more parishioners who become actively involved
in service, the stronger our ministries and organizations will become, the more dynamic our parish will
be, the more impact it will have on the larger community, and the more likely people will be attracted to
join our faith community.
The Ministry Fair is also designed with our particular worship community in mind. Most of the people who attend Assumption are busy people who have
to be concerned about using time efficiently. I suspect
that many of you have thought about getting more
involved in serving the community. The problem is
that you do not get around to it, because other matters
are more pressing; or, when you think about becoming
active in some ministry or group, you do not know
who to contact or what the qualifications are or what
the demands are. Beyond that, some organizations,
like Knights of Columbus or Chicago Help Initiative,
may be a mystery to you. If you knew what the
Knights were about or all the things that CHI does,
you might want to join them. Some of us are simply
unaware of the volunteer opportunities that exist. The
Ministry Fair is designed to make good use of your
time. In five or ten minutes in the Parish Hall you
might learn more about some of the things that make
Assumption tick or the many ways that you can use
your gifts and talents to benefit others than you have
learned in the last five years of attending Sunday
Mass. So, even if you are not sure you want to get
more involved right now, attending the Ministry Fair
is a very easy and convenient way to learn first-hand
what exists. You will also meet some really wonderful
people who give of their time and talent in service to
the Kingdom of God. As an added bonus, you will be
one of the first to see our newly refurbished Parish
Hall, which has received its first makeover in fifty
years. And did I say there will be free homemade
Fr. Joe
BAPTISM PREPARATION: Our next preparation
session for parents (and, if possible, godparents) of infants to be baptized is Monday, March 10 from 7:00 to
8:15 p.m. at the Rectory. Call the parish office to register. This session is for new parents and for those who
never before attended a preparation session.
Those who ask for money on the streets have many
needs. While some of these needs can best be addressed
by professionals, we can make every effort to see that
no one goes hungry. Chicago Shares vouchers are a
convenient, safe, and constructive means to provide
food for hungry people. Our Servite Secular Order sells
Chicago Shares vouchers every First Sunday of the
month at their Fair Trade Shoppe in the Parish Hall.
You can purchase a $5 book of vouchers and give them
to needy people, who can then redeem the vouchers for
food and other necessities at participating merchants.
Chicago Shares is also looking for a volunteer Voucher
Coordinator for the Chicago area. The time commitment is two to three hours a week. To apply or to find
out more, email [email protected] by
March 1.
Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time
March 1-2, 2014
D. Laria
G. Herrera
K. Pomroy
V. Stokes
S. Olson
P. Brown
J. Dues
J. Sowa
K. Zajdel
M. Anderson
E. Kabaczinski
C. Rybicki
R. Ciambrone
B. Haapasaari
J. Haapasaari
R. Tevonian
D. Tevonian
R. Schauf
D. Raddatz
E. Davis
E. Bernacki
L. Dues
J. Dion
S. Dion
D. Waldeck
K. Zajdel
D. Iaccino
A. Cohen
J. Golab
L. Hall
BIBLE STUDY: On the Tuesday mornings of Lent,
beginning March 11, Assumption will offer a video and
discussion series, A Biblical Walk through the Mass.
Sessions begin at 10:15 a.m. A material fee of $20.00 is
required for the accompanying textbook and workbook.
Contact Diane Wilder at 312-505-2480 or email
[email protected] no later than February 24 to
The Fr. John Dowd Memorial Scholarship Fund is the
result of the spontaneous generosity of Assumption parishioners following the untimely death of their pastor in
2006. Fr. Dowd spent many years on the faculty of the
Servite Seminary in Rome (The Marianum) and at St.
Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein. Each year
since Fr. Dowd’s death, funds have been collected at
Assumption and a $3,000 grant awarded to each of these
institutions to help pay the costs of a needy student. This
year the grants have provided financial support for Bro.
Marcelinus Jan, O.S.M., a student from Indonesia studying at the Marianum, and Benjamin Rahimi, a pretheology student at Mundelein, who is a graduate of the
University of Illinois, Champaign. To continue this tradition, the scholarship fund will need additional contributions. Donations should be addressed to the Father
John Dowd Memorial Scholarship/Servite Provincial
Office/3121 W. Jackson/Chicago, IL 60612-2729.
Forms are available on the tables in the back of church.
If you were baptized and raised Catholic but never received
the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are invited to be part of
the adult confirmation program at Holy Name Cathedral.
Preparation sessions are held on Monday evenings beginning
March 24, with a Confirmation ceremony on May 5. For
more information contact Tom Aspell at 312-573-4478. Baptized Catholics who did not attend religions classes or Catholic school and never made their First Communion should be
part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults here at Assumption. Contact Fr. Joe for more information about RCIA.
is an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the central
mysteries of our faith and to be re-energized as followers of Christ. We have scheduled a Parish Mission for
Monday-Wednesday, March 24-26, at 7:00 p.m. each
evening. Our Mission preacher is Fr. Tom McCarthy,
OSA. His preaching will focus on the Sacraments.
Mark your calendars now, so that you will be able
to participate fully in this extraordinary spiritual
Marianne Vitton, Kay Ansani, Bill
Boyle, Bridget Kennicott, Joseph C.
Hantsch, Janet Hantsch, Fr. Anthony
O’Connell, Ubaldo Paterni, Brent
Murphy, Bill & Barbara Farrell,
Katherine Malhas, Rose Sopko, Marion
Schotz, Joyce Walsh, Robert Quigley,
Chad Needy, Quenten Fabiano, Nadine
Palmer, Danielle Strazzo, Carmen
Arellano, Terry O’Brien and Nicole
Military Service:
Joseph O’Callahan, Jr., Eric Madson,
Nicholas P. Knezevich and Ariel Andrus
Fr. Lawrence Maddock and Betsy
Michael Sopko - Sopko Fam.(RIP)
Pfiester Fam. (RIP) Helen Morris Fam. (RIP)
Joy & Richard Jenkins & Fam. (RIP)
Kevin Flanagan (RIP)
Steve C. Yannias (RIP)
Assumption Parishioners
24th 12:10
Charles & Beth Mulaney (RIP)
25th 7:00 Ernie Hellmer (RIP)
27th 12:10 Steve C. Yannias (RIP)
28th 12:10 Charles & Beth Mulaney (RIP)