St. Timothy Catholic Church IGLESIA de SAN TIMOTEO 1515 Dolan Avenue (near 3rd & Norfolk), San Mateo, CA 94401 Parish Office: (650) 342-2468 Fax: (650) 342-8156 Web: PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Francis Mark P. Garbo, Pastor Rev. Deacon Angel Aguilar, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Nicolas Rodriguez, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Fred Totah, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Abel Mejia, Parish Deacon TONGAN USA CHAPLAIN: Rev. Sione Malakai Katoa (650) 342-2470 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Robin Dewar-O’Leary MINISTERIOS HISPANA: Rev. Deacon Nicolas & Rev. Deacon Abel (650) 342-2468 Ext. 23 BAPTISM/BAUTISOS Parents should call the Parish Office 2 months in advance. Los padres deveran de informar a la oficina, con dos meses de anticipación. SECRETARY/BULLETIN EDITOR Trudy Marie Guella PAROCHIAL SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Ms. Michelle J. Timmons (650) 342-6567 FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM Anamaria Park (650) 579-0901 MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIOS Couples should call at least 6 months ahead of time. Por favor avisarnos con seis meses de anticipación. MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Peter Mafi, Jr. PENANCE/CONFESIONES Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:30 or by appointment Los sábados de 3:30 - 4:30 ó previa cita. RCIA Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi (650) 867-4049 MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday/Sábado 8 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & (12:00 en Español) Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. (in the Church) Lunes a sábado 8:00 a.m. (en la Iglesia) NEW MEMBERS: We welcome all new parishioners and invite you to register in the parish by filling out the information on the inside flap. Either mail it to the office or put it in the collection basket. Thank You. SACRAMENTS-SICK CALLS / ATENCION A ENFERMOS Contact the Parish Office if you know of a parishioner who is not able to come to Mass or is in the hospital./Si conocen a una persona que esta en hospital o no puede llegar a Misa, por favor informar a la oficina. PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORARIOS DE LA OFICINA Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PARISH OF ST. TIMOTHY Mission Statement Welcome to the Parish Family of St. Timothy. We invite you to join with us on our journey of faith. Our Mission is to challenge our people to grow, to encourage discipleship, to build community, and to inspire service to all by doing the following: Nurturing spiritual growth/faith formation of all Celebrating our diversity while focusing on unity Discovering our gifts in order to motivate service Embracing our talents which enables us to bring Christ to others Developing our liturgy to be meaningful and representative of our entire parish family Page Two Two Page Thirtieth Sunday in OrdinaryTime Time 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Oct. 16, 24, 2014 2010 November TODAY’S READING Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Matthew 25:14-30 NOV 15 THROUGH NOV 22 SAT 5:00 SUN 7:30 Special Intention of Danijela Dornan 9:00 Birthday of Ioane Pita + Siale Green & Souls in Purgatory 10:30 12:00 Our Confirmation Students Birthday of Viliami Vakauta Birthday of Talavao Pita + David Loaiza + Francisco Miguel Sevilla MON 8:00 Birthday of Eymard DeOcapo Birthday of Ioane Pita Maria Victoria Barba TUES 8:00 + Soul of Sesimani Lolohea & + Ani Fifita Magdalina Cabras Elizabeth Santos WED 8:00 + Birthday of Mary Ana Maristella + Ester Bella Thanksgiving for Cura & Punzalan THUR 8:00 + Birthday of Ann Petersen FRI 8:00 + All Departed Souls SAT 8:00 Congratulations to our Confirmation Candidates. May the Holy Spirit shine upon them on this special day and for the rest of their lives. We Welcome Bishop Robert McElroy who celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation this Saturday, November 15th. Jonathan Aguillares Sosefina Moala Michelle Castellanos Abraham Mora Finau Faleofa Juan Morales Jose Garcia Gabriela Morgan Yasmin Gomez Jennifer Nunez Elisabet Espinoza Hernandez Gianna Raucher Robert Jaurigui Yolanda Sanchez Aylin Loaiza Cecilia Tapueluelu Gabriel Lopez Sosaia Tuitavake Soane Mafi Abigail Vargas Marjorie Miranda Israel Zarco Birthday of Cecilia Pita We will celebrate our Next weekend NOV 22— NOV 23 SAT 5:00 SUN 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 + Pablo Alcalá Thanksgiving Day Mass on Thursday, November 27th at 9:00 am. Isabel Martinez Birthday of Ethan Toy + Soul of Mele Makoni 9th Wedding Anniversary of Clara & Mario Mihelicek Carmen Gonzales & Maria del Carmen Gonzales + Francisco Miguel Sevilla Let us Pray for all our sick, especially Ronald Robles, Alex Raygoza, Benjamin Antonio Uribe-Sevilla, and for all who care for them. All Souls Offering Envelopes are available at the entrances of the Church. You may list the names of your dearly departed and put the envelopes in the collection basket. Let us pray for all of our faithful departed, especially Fr. Eugene F. Duggan, Mrs. Mary Ghiorso, Mr. Alejandro Batac Vergara, Marjorie Watkins, Imelda Ceseña, Leo Zambito, Leo Iacono, Brad Halsey and for family and friends left behind. Check our website: San Mateo, California Church of St. Timothy The St. Vincent de Paul Society with the help of our Youth Expressing Spirit Group will deliver Thanksgiving Turkey Dinners to Families on Saturday, Nov. 22nd. YOU CAN FEED THE HUNGRY WITH DONATIONS OF SAFEWAY CERTIFICATES, MONEY, CANNED AND NON PERISHABLE FOOD. OUR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR IS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7TH FROM 8 AM TO 2 PM! Activities Include: • • • • • • • • • Breakfast Christmas Music Christmas Boutique Appetizing cuisines from the Filipino, Tongan and Hispanic groups Christmas Basket Auction Raffle Prizes Sweet Shoppe Kid’s Room Photo with Santa for Kids of all ages We Need Your Support! Invite Your Family and Friends and buy Your tickets Now. SAVE THE DATES FOR OUR ADVENT EVENTS Wednesday, December 3rd Advent Movie: “Mary of Nazareth” 6:30 pm To be announced: Church or GYM Wednesday, December 10th Advent Reconciliation: 7:00 pm St. Timothy School We are now accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. We would love to show you around our wonderful parish school. If you missed our November tour, we will be holding another tour in December: Thursday, December 11 at 8:30 am. If this time is not convenient for you, or if your student is entering grades 1 through 7, tours can be scheduled by calling our office. Page Three LECTURA DE HOY Evangelio— Porque has sido fiel en lo poco, ven a comparƟr la alegría de tu Señor. Mateo 25:14-30 Felicitaciones a nuestros estudiantes de Confirmacion. Con Obispo Robert McElroy el Sabado, 15 de Noviembre Gracias por suapoya en la venta de comida hispana que se llevo a cabo el domingo 9 de noviembre. Recaudamos $515 que lo usaremos para los qastos en nuestra celebracion de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Nuestra proxima venta sera el domingo 23 de Noviembre. CCD- Formacion de Fe Todavia estamos aceptando aplicaciones para los estudiantes del noveno grado que estan listos para comenzar Confirmacion I. Si no estan registrados, por favor pase por la oficina. Para todos los Miembros de la Parroquia, Voluntarios, Catequistas, Lideres, Jovenes y Adultos. Quisieramos invitarlos a la Conferencia de Formacion de Fe el viernes 21 y sabado 22 de noviembre, 2014 en el Centro de Convenciones de Santa Clara. Por favor registrese ahora! Registrese al: “Viviendo el Evangelio con Gozo” ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS Para quienes desean liberarse de las cadenas del alcoholism, las reunions son los Martes, Jueves y Viernes a las 7:30 pm. AL-ANON Esperanza y Ayuda para Familiares y Amigos De personas que tienen problemas con su forma de beber. 7:00-9:30 pm Lunes. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Cecilia St Timothy Dinner / Dance Fundraising Event Door Opens @ 600PM Saturday November 29, 2014 Donation $35.00 / Person Contact Persons:Felix and Rose Aquino (650) 579-1068 Home (650) 619-8010 Mobile YES - Youth Expressing Spirit Grade 6 - 12 Youth Ministry Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month www: [email protected] - 408-464-6512 Please feel free to bring non-perishable foods or monetary donations to our meetings for our St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Day food pantry. CCD-Faith Formation We are still accepting applications for those who are in the ninth grade and are ready to enter into Confirmation I. If you have not registered, please come by the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 579-0901 BINGO Every Friday Night Doors Open: 5:00 pm Games Start: 7:00 pm Regular games pay: $250 Admission: $17 per person Questions? Call: 650-464-0119 NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME-BIENVENIDOS Web Site: __________________________________ NAME/NOMBRE _____________________________________ ADDRESS/DIRECCION _________________________________ ___ CITY/CIUDAD ZIP/AREA POSTAL —————————– PHONE/TELEFONO __ New Parishioner __ Address change Gifts for God - Colección Last weekend’s collection: $ 5,061. 2nd: Religious Education: $ 1,232. Contributions must be in an envelope labeled with your name, address and envelope number for your tax statement. This week’s 2nd collection is for St Timothy Parish School. Next week’s 2nd collection is for CCD/Faith Formation. Friday Devotions Come and spend an hour with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Exposition and Adoration of the BLESSED SACRAMENT is in the Chapel at 5:45 pm and Benediction at 6:45 pm. Thank You for your support in the Hispanic Food Sale last Sunday. We raised $515 for the celebration of the Feast of Our Virgin of Guadalupe. Our next food sale will be Sunday, November 23rd. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Do you wish to be Baptized, Confirmed or receive Holy Eucharist? If you want to learn more about your faith, come to class. Wednesdays, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. in the Parish Office. Bible Study is on Mondays in the Parish Office from 7 to 8 pm. Call Deacon Faiva Po’oi at 867-4049 to register. COUPLES FOR CHRIST San Francisco Peninsula Chapter Christian Life Program on Saturday’s, @ 6PM until November 22, 2014 at ST. TIMOTHY CHURCH For all Parishioners, Volunteers, Ministers, Catechists, Parish Leaders , Youth and Adults. We would like to invite you to the Faith Formation Conference Friday, November 21 & 22, 2014, Santa Clara Convention Center Please register now! Registration: “Living the Gospel Joyfully “
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