Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Raphael Catholic Parish Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31st, February 1st, P.O. Box 10508 Fairbanks, Alaska 99710 Physical Address: 1125 Old Steese Hwy N [email protected] WELCOME BISHOP CHAD !! Parish Office Schedule Office Phone: 457-6603 Office Fax: 457-4461 Tuesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wednesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Thursdays: Closed Fridays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Saturdays: 4:00 pm—7:00 pm * Sundays: 8:30 am - NOON * * depends on scheduled events Liturgy Schedule Sundays & Tuesdays : 9:30am Wednesdays & Saturdays: 5:30 pm Wednesdays - Rosary: 6:00 pm Finance Council Anna Atchison [email protected] Jeff Gibson Council Chair [email protected] Nancy Kelly [email protected] Mike Mathers [email protected] Lorna Shaw [email protected] David Szumigala [email protected] 328-3986 457-3290 457-3542 Parish Priest and Hospital Chaplain Father Kasparaj Mallavarapu 457-6603 347-5438 (c) [email protected] Deacon George Bowder 488-9063 (h) 374-9541(w) [email protected] Accountant, Parish Secretary Nancy Kelly 457-6603 457-3542 (h) [email protected] 455-6171 455-0262 Confessions Saturdays 4:30-5:00 PM or by appointment Maintenance Manager Tim Smith 488-9807 [email protected] Baptism Call Marie Martin to schedule the One month preparation. Parish Prayer Chain Please e-mail Gloria Slagle at [email protected] Visitation of the Sick If you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital or homebound, please notify the parish office, so we can visit with them. Marriage Contact the office at least six months prior to the wedding. WELCOME VISITORS AND GUESTS Marriage/Family Counseling and Spiritual Direction Madeline C. Nance MA PS, CFLE 479-3883 to our Parish! We invite you to join us for refreshments after Mass. If you are interested in joining St. Raphael’s community, please see parish staff. Catholic Radio First Reading Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Moses told all the people that the Lord would raise up a prophet among them and put words into his mouth. Whoever does not listen must answer to the Lord. KQHE 92.7 fm Monday Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4 Lk 2:22-32 Tuesday Weekday Heb 12:1-4 Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday Weekday Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Mk 6:1-6 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 378-4039 Parish Council Thor Bergstrom Council Vice Chair 457-1077 [email protected] Ernie & Ramona Berry 456-1446 [email protected] Karen Chancler 479-5994 [email protected] Mike Kramer Council Chair 457-4447 [email protected] Tammy Langley 347-6159 [email protected] Marc Lee 479-9004 [email protected] Jason & Mimi Lesniak 490-7363 [email protected] Madeline Nance 479-3883 [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. See parish calendar for details. Pastoral Administrators Marie Martin 457-6603 (church) 458-8960(h) [email protected] Camille Connelly–Terhune 457-6603 (church) [email protected] Weekly Readings Second Reading 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Paul encouraged the Corinthians, in view of the times, to remain free of worry and devoted to God. A virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy. Thursday Memorial of St. Agatha, virgin & martyr Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Mk 6:7-13 Friday Memorial of St. Paul Miki and companions Heb 13:1-8 Mk 6:14-29 Saturday Weekday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Mk 6:30-34 SUNDAY Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Mk 1:29-39 Gospel Mark 1:21-28 Jesus entered the synagogue to teach. All were amazed because he spoke with such great authority. When unclean spirits obeyed Jesus, the crowd stood in awe. Mass Intentions Saturday, January 31st MINISTRY SCHEDULE Parish If you would like to have a mass said, please see Nancy Kelly. January 31st & February 1st, 2015 Cup Lectors Ana Atchison John Mayer David Szumigala JoAn Talvi Thor Bergstrom John Bunten Bread Tammy Langley Marian Prayer Group for the rosary on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Collection Counters Charlie Addis & Mike Mathers Hospitality Mary Ann Fey & Daughters In the Hospital? Remember to tell the staff of Fairbanks Memorial that you February 7th & 8th, 2015 Cup Lectors TBA SUPER SUNDAY Hospitality Ministers Bread PLEASE PICKTBA UP YOUR NAME TAGS this next week!!!!!Counters See office Staff…. Collection Sue Heinrichs & Marie Martin Hospitality Richard Stout & Celine Harrington are Catholic and wish to be on the Catholic List. Fr. Kaspar and our Stephen Ministers visit and bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients daily. They can arrange to offer the Sacraments of Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful James 5:16 Please remember these dear friends in your prayers: Patrice Buck, Ernie Berry, Annie, Bjorn Talvi , Kaci, Teresa, Tonya Mattison, Mette Russell, John Barnes, Thalia Stout, Mark, Russell Talvi, Robin Eagan, Tom Slagle, Michael & Leslie Harrington Presentation of the Lord February 2nd At the end of the fourth century, a woman named Etheria made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Her journal, discovered in 1887, gives an unprecedented glimpse of liturgical life there. Among the celebrations she describes is the Epiphany (January 6), the observance of Christ’s birth, and the gala procession in honor of his Presentation in the Temple 40 days later— February 15. (Under the Mosaic Law, a woman was ritually “unclean” for 40 days after childbirth, when she was to present herself to the priests and offer sacrifice—her “purification.” Contact with anyone who had brushed against mystery—birth or death—excluded a person from Jewish worship.) This feast emphasizes Jesus’ first appearance in the Temple more than Mary’s purification. The observance spread throughout the Western Church in the fifth and sixth centuries. Because the Church in the West celebrated Jesus’ birth on December 25, the Presentation was moved to February 2, 40 days after Christmas. At the beginning of the eighth century, Pope Sergius inaugurated a candlelight procession; at the end of the same century the blessing and distribution of candles which continues to this day became part of the celebration, giving the feast its popular name: Candlemas. In Luke’s account, Jesus was welcomed in the temple by two elderly people, Simeon and the widow Anna. They embody Israel in their patient expectation; they acknowledge the infant Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. Early references to the Roman feast dub it the feast of St. Simeon, the old man who burst into a song of joy which the Church still sings at day’s end. EVENT CALENDAR Knight’s Corner Pancake Breakfast is back - See you at the next Super Sunday February 8th! **Watch for details on future Family Nights SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY 2nd Collection goes to ICC Soup Kitchen February 1, Sunday SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY 2nd Collection goes to ICC Soup Kitchen February 6, Friday As a Catholic parish family working together, in harmony with God, we share our gifts and talents to promote healing, helping, and hospitality for a people, with Christ. Adoration; Mass 7:30 am Actual Receipts: Mass collections $16,468.60 We Share Collections $4,580.00 Overage for December ..$4,624.35 Parish Finances - January 2015 Budgeted Annual Sunday/Holy Day Collections $197,067.00 Actual Receipts to date (July 1st to current): $96,940.54 Monthly Projected Need: $16,422.25 Weekly Need: $4,135.90 Last week’s Mass Collections $1,501.72 $1,400.00 Total $2,901.72 Last week’s We Share Collections February 7th, Saturday SUPER SATURDAY Noon RCIA meets after mass February 8th, Sunday SUPER SUNDAY 9:30 am to Acts Bible study 11:15 am to 1:00 pm RCIA meets after mass February 12th, Thursday ADORATION 3:00 to 8:00 pm February 15th, Sunday Confirmation class 11:00 to 2:00 pm February 17th, Tuesday Parish Council 6:30 pm February 18th, Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY February 20th, Friday RICE BOWLS AVAILABLE Mass 5:30 pm Stations 6:00 pm Soup and bread after stations February 21st, Saturday KOC GAME NIGHT after mass February 22, Sunday Acts Bible study 11:15 am—1:00 pm RITE OF ELECTION 4:00 pm Teen Mass 5:30 pm Sr. High Group Retreat Mark your calendars!!! St. Raphael’s will be hosting a SPRING RETREAT March 13-14-15 at Camp Li-Way McGrady, youth director from Diocese of Scranton will be here in Fairbanks to lead… All local youth groups will be invited. Updates to follow…... The Youth Catechism, written in 5th grade. Please join us from 9:30-12:00 for our Religious Education program. We will break open the Word, pray, sing, and learn about Jesus and His presence in our everyday lives. Acts Bible Study Adult bible study. After mass 11:15 am— 1:15 pm. Next class February 8th All are welcome !!!! CONFIRMATION Next class February 15th 11:00 am- 2:00 pm FIRST COMMUNION Meets Thursdays monthly. Potluck 5:30 pm, with class afterwards. Jr./Sr. High Teen mass February 22nd RCIA Are you interested in becoming CATHOLIC? MEETS EACH Sunday after mass! See Marie Martin or Nancy Gibson. Calling all Youths and Young adults: Kelle Lynch Baldwin is hosting a movie & pizza night FEBRUARY 8TH!!!! SHOWTIME approximately 1:00 pm showing. An email will confirm actual time once theater schedules are updated. Come see SELMA, rated PG 13 @ Regal Cinemas… Followed by Pizza and sodas at Pizza Hut for a discussion of the Catholic involvement in the Civil Rights movement. language suitable for young people, deals with the entire Catholic Faith as it was presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC of 1997). It is structured in Question-and-Answer format. We present the same here…. - Join the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival for Winter Gospel Choir workshop with Please contact the office for help with our We Share program.. Why did God have to show himself in order for us to be able to know what he is like? →Man can know by reason that God exists, but not what God is really like. Yet because God would very much like to be known, he has revealed himself. [50-53,68-69] God did not have to reveal himself to us. But he did it-out of love. Just as in human love one can know something about the beloved person only if he opens his heart to us, so too we know something about God’s inmost thoughts only because the eternal and mysterious God has opened himself to us out of love. From creation on, through the patriarchs and the prophets down to the definitive→REVELATION in his son Jesus Christ, God has spoken again and again to mankind. In him he has poured out his heart to us and made his inmost being visible for us. Super Saturday Next Super Saturday/Sunday is in FEBRUARY. February 7th & 8th..For all pre-K through 1st Friday Adoration ICC 7:30 Overnight Masses 9:30 am & 7:00 pm Thank you for your Generous Support !!! CATECHISM CORNER January 31st, Saturday Our Parish Mission: Parish Finances - December 2014 Monthly Projected need: $16,422.25 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Opportunities Bobby Lewis, director & Eustace Johnson, pianist. Begins Monday, February 23rd Participants will pay for movie tickets– pizza and sodas are provided.….. .…..More info see Marie Martin or Sandy Baker. through Saturday, February 28th, from 1:00-2:30 PM at the University Community Presbyterian Church. Ages 15 and up are welcome: no previous training is necessary. Registration is $80. Register online at 2014 Donation Summaries ARE available NOW! Final performance, A Celebration of Black History in Story and Song, Sunday, March 1st at 4:00 PM, at Sacred Heart Cathedral. See the baskets near the white board…. HELP US SAVE POSTAGE!! Alaska Right to Life (Anchorage) Convention February 7th : Features the Duggar Family and Matt Walsh. Call 907-276-1912 for info/registration The Catholic Homeschoolers meet on the First & Third Fridays of the month for noon Mass at Immaculate Conception Church, followed by a potluck lunch and activities for the kids downstairs in Murphy Hall. Helps for living the liturgical seasons in the home as well as sample curriculum materials will be available. February 6th and 20th are the dates for our next gatherings. All who are interested in homeschooling, and parents of preschoolers, are welcomed with joy! Spirituality For Men The men’s spirituality group will meet on the first two Mondays of the month, February 2nd and 9th, at the House of Prayer on Sacred Heart Cathedral grounds, 7-8:30 pm. The topic for February is to learn how to build a spiritual program for yourself. This is appropriate for men of all ages. We will have a presentation, quiet time and opportunity for questions and discussion. No fees or requirements, just a desire for personal spiritual growth. Come learn how to make yourself a better spouse, parent and person! Info, call Fr. Gerald at 374-9938 or 374-9551.
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