Current Bulletin - St. Odilo Church

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015
The Shrine
St. Odilo Parish
National Shrine of the Poor Souls
St. Odilo Church is the only parish in the United States dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory.
It was founded and sanctioned as the Shrine of the Poor Souls
by His Eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, in 1928,
with a special indulgence of 200 days granted upon each visit to the shrine.
Rectory: 2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402
School: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402
Convent: 2319 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402
CCD Office: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402
Web Address:
Rev. Anthony Brankin
Rev. Msgr. Richard Saudis
Mr. Alfonso Salgado
School Principal:
Mr. William Donegan
School Secretary:
Mrs. Virginia Uphues
CCD Coordinator:
Mrs. Idalia Gonzalez
Mass Schedule:
Monday thru Friday: 6:30 and 8:10AM (Sat. 8AM)
Saturday: 8:00AM, 4PM
Sunday: 7AM (Sp.), 8:00 (Eng.), 9:30 (Latin) &
11AM (Eng.) & 12:30PM (Sp.)
Holy Days: 6:30PM (Eng.) the previous evening; 6:30,
8:10AM, 12:00 Noon and 6:30PM (Sp.)
Church is open: Weekdays from 6AM - 4PM
Confessions: Saturday 11:15AM - 12Noon & by
Rectory Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM -9PM
Saturday 9AM-9PM Sunday 9AM-9PM
(708) 484-2161
(708) 484-0755
(708) 680-0909
(708) 484-5321
(708) 788-0565
Music Director:
Mr. Paul Rau
Parish Bookkeeper:
Mrs. Beth Ritzenthaler
Mrs. Gail Kunce
All Sacraments and ceremonies are available in
Italian, Latin, Spanish & of course English.
Baptisms: Every Saturday at 10:30AM & Sunday at
1:30PM. Parents are required to register for baptism
with a priest. Parents should be registered parishioners.
Please call to make an appointment.
Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six
months in advance with a parish priest. Please call the
rectory to make an appointment.
Visits to the Sick: Please inform the rectory for
hospital or homebound visits.
Quinceaneras: Cotillion Masses are available for our
girls who have been confirmed-please call.
Ramblings - Fr. Brankin
Catholic Schools Week
Last week began our celebration of Catholic Schools week. And whether or not you have a child or grandchild
who attends Saint Odilo Catholic School, we all have a stake in the Catholic education of our children.
You know that our school receives a large grant from the Archdiocese—about three hundred thousand—that
money includes scholarships and outright, help all of it going for bills and salaries.
You might say—especially if you have children here—“I thought that tuition covered it all! If the truth be
told—it doesn’t. It costs about six thousand dollars to educate one child—so tuition only covers a portion and
the rest of it must come from the Archdiocese and that money comes from you—just regular old parishioners.
Oh I wish and I pray we could devise a system by which tuition was negligible and that just about every child
in this neighborhood could come here virtually for free.
That is how it was when I was a kid at Saint Rita. My family had five children and my father was only a
policeman. Well, tuition for us for the whole year at Saint Rita Grammar School was fifty-five dollars.
That’s right, fifty five dollars.
I think a comparable tuition today would be about five hundred dollars. That’s not bad.
If that were the case today—and if we could figure out a way to make that happen—then just about every child
in this neighborhood would be able to come to Saint Odilo.
And what would happen would be that this parish would create the neighborhood and the neighborhood would
create the parish. We could be like a little village in the Big City and our families and faith would have a
chance at survival.
That is how it used to be—and we wish to God that we could bring that back.
This was the original point of having a Catholic school—when they invented them a hundred and fifty years
The American Bishops realized that if Catholic children—newly arrived from Catholic countries were to be
forced to go to the public schools—the government schools, they would either be taught the wrong religion or
no religion—or the government’s religion. In all cases the children would have been in danger of losing their
faith and then their souls—and that would have been the worst thing that could ever happen to them.
And so when a Bishop sent a priest to start a parish and build a church—like Fr. Roberts was sent to build
Saint Odilo—it was understood that he was to build a school for all the Catholic children in his parish.
Well times have changed and it isn’t like that anymore. It can sometimes be difficult to send your children to
Catholic school—I know. I am the one who sends out the bills; for many of you it is just impossible to send
your children here—and for you we have our catechism program—ever-evolving—ever improving. And it has
the same goal as Saint Odilo School—to be a beacon of the Catholic Faith to Berwyn and Cicero and all points
beyond. And that is the point of Catholic schools—we are trying to create a Catholic culture for our children.
We are trying to create an environment where the things in which we believe are not just facts and stories—
but a way of life that is lived here in the school—and in catechism—and then brought home to be lived in
My vision—our vision is that we form children not only in the knowledge of the faith—but in the practice
of it as well.
This vision of Catholic culture means a school full of children who know God and Jesus and the Virgin Mary
—not just know about them—but know them and can talk to them.
A Catholic culture means teaching children to know about heaven and want to go there and teaching them
about hell and how to avoid it.
A Catholic culture means having children who think good thoughts and do good deeds—because their souls
and minds have been formed and informed by grace.
Yes, and this vision of a Catholic culture includes teachers and catechists. We need teachers who can teach
our children—and not just about the world around them—the things they can see. We need teachers who will
teach our children about things they cannot see—like grace and saints and miracles and angels.
Our educators must be more than just teachers who happen to be Catholic—they must be good Catholics
who happen to be teachers. We don’t need teachers as much as we need missionaries—apostles who love
our children so much they cannot wait to tell them about Jesus every day. We want teachers who want their
children—more than anything—to go to heaven at the end of their lives.
Our teachers need to be about the holiness of our children. And the day I don’t see our graduates living their
faith by going to Mass on Sundays—especially after they graduate—is the day I begin to think that maybe we
need another model of Catholic education—and maybe it is not Catholic schools.
Yes and our vision includes parents who understand that being Catholic is part of what it means to be family.
At Saint Odilo we need parents who understand that religion is not just something you tack on at the end of the
day to justify tuition. We want parents who are happy their child is going to Mass every day and who look
forward to going together to church on Sunday.
We want parents who can look at our bulletin boards and read our teachers’ lesson plans and understand
exactly why they won’t get this kind of thing at Hiawatha.
Saint Odilo is different because it is Catholic—and it is Catholic because we make it so.
If you are here mostly for the discipline maybe you would be better off in a military school. If you are here
mostly for the education—then maybe you can find a good private school.
But If you are here for Jesus and his teachings—if you are searching for Catholicism as a way of life—for you
and your family, then welcome to Saint Odilo.
St. Odilo School has three & four year old pre school.
We have Kindergarten through eighth grade. Call the
school 708-484-0755 and make an appointment to see
our school.
Please Support the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal
“Entrusted with Responsibility”
Please spend some time this week reflecting on the Annual Catholic Appeal brochure that you received with
your bulletin. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much different than a one-time special
collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments.
As you review the work enabled by your contribution to the Annual Catholic Appeal, please reflect on God’s
gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. With these gifts, you are entrusted with responsibility. Your
gifts to our parish, to the Archdiocese and to the work of the Church throughout the world should be given in
gratitude for the continuing gifts that God gives you.
Each pledge makes a difference because all parishes participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable
our Archdiocese to deliver needed ministries and services. Our combined gifts not only signify our gratitude
to God, they fund a significant portion of the work of our Archdiocese.
After our parish goal is reached in cash, 100% of any additional funds come back to our parish to help to fund
our needs.
If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to Mass next
weekend. For those of you that did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct
our in-pew pledge process at all Masses next weekend.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response.
2014 Contribution Statement
If you would like to receive your contribution statement for 2014 please fill out
this form and drop it in the collection basket and it will be mailed to you.
Envelope number:______________
St. Blaise Day - Tuesday, Feb. 3
Blessing of Throats
Throats will be blessed at
6:30AM and 8:10AM Mass.
Raffle Winners
Here are the January School raffle
$500.00 Kevin Barrett
$200.00 Juan Ramirez
$ 50.00 Ruby Martinez
$ 50.00 Cintia Nava
Registration is Now Open for Parish Leadership Day 2015
Saturday, February 21, at Marist High School in Chicago
CHICAGO, IL (January 23, 2015) – Archbishop Blase J. Cupich will participate in his first Parish Leadership Day on Saturday, February 21, at Marist High School, 4200 West 115th Street in Chicago. Archbishop
Cupich will lead participants in a Question and Answer Dialogue and will be the main celebrant of the
Closing Mass at 4:15 p.m.
Parish Leadership Day 2015 includes over 100 workshops on issues pertaining to parish life. The event is
open to all interested parishioners and lay leaders from around the Archdiocese, along with priests, religious
and parish staffs. Registration for the event is available on line now at
The theme of the day, in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Strategic Pastoral Plan’s focus on the Year of
the Sacraments, is Living the Sacraments: Healing, Community, Discipleship. The program is designed to
provide participants with knowledge, ongoing initiatives and opportunities to bring the sacraments to life in
the parish through discussion, healing, technology, catechesis and prayer.
Rev. Freddy Washington, CSSp, Pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in Harlem, New York,
and member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans), will be the keynote speaker at Parish
Leadership Day and will deliver a bilingual presentation. Fr. Washington is the former pastor of St. Mary
Magdalene and St. Ambrose Parishes in Chicago. Fr. Washington is an associate professor of Pastoral
Theology at Xavier University in New Orleans and an adjunct instructor of Pastoral Theology at
Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Other featured presenters include Eric Groth, founder of Outside da Box Production Company that brings
Jesus Christ to Church through digital media; Margaret Nykaza, founder and Executive Director of
Harmony, Hope & Healing, an organization providing a creative, therapeutic and educational music program
offering spiritual and emotional support to homeless and under-served women, children and men in the Chicago area; Rev. William Vollmer, Associate Pastor of St. John of the Cross Parish in Western Springs and
Director of the parish’s RCIA program; Marieth Quintero, Music Director at St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish
in Des Plaines and St. Paul Parish in Chicago Heights; and Rev. Andrés Beltrán, Associate Pastor at the
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines.
More information about Parish Leadership Day 2015 is available from the Archdiocesan Office for Parish
Life & Formation at 312-534-5296.
The Parish Leadership Day brochure and registration forms are available on the Parish Leadership Day
Sunday Afternoon
February 8, 2015
3:00 p.m.
The Terry Sullivan Trio
Terry Sullivan, vocals
Bobby Schiff, piano
Rich Armandi, bass
St. Odilo Parish Hall
2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn
Free will offering
Please remember the sick - Regina Szatkowski, Josephine Sprovieri,
Michael Termini, Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, Dolores Termini,
Alice Kowalski, Henry Kereluk, Marlyn Misek, Barbara Andrews,
Bertha Martinez, Joseph Cairo, Rosario Garcia, Sharon Voelz, Lynne
Manning, Fernando Davalos, Sr. Johanna Trisoliere, Rosa Gonzalez,
Joan Janda, Rev. Jim Clavey, Senorina Castillo, Robert Williams,
Marco Tulio Camacho, Patricia Stalzer, Kimberly Lightford, Louise
Kuzin, Milly Kosinar, Shirley Klein, Danny Gale, Carmel Tahir, Frank
Horsky, Steve Gutierrez, Ruth Petkiewiz, Linda Lancaster, Ernie Kin,
Amelia Juliano, Cardinal George, Arlene Sparti, Jim Kinpel, Gussie
Ellis, Iris Scurlock, Martin Oborski, Kyle Mochl, Arthur Mantucca,
Clelia Reato, Dorothy Honek, Karen Halter, Virginia Florek, Greg
Florek, Eric Manning, Sylvia Levine, Jerry Hanzelin, George Kasper,
Rudy Herrera, Andre Nickerson, Dick Burns, Norma Kmet, Marge
Shatas, Mary Ann O’Malley, Ramon Marentes, Frank Stepnowski,
Jody Stepnowski, Jim Reilly, Diane Reilly, Richard Wenc, Carolyn
Johnson, William Stepanek, Karen Lewis, Mark Alexander, Paul
Rosko, Joseph Kirchoff, our Veterans, Patricia Mars, Barbara Defina,
Louis Russo, Ralph Cannataro, Mike Kadrowicz, George Fuoco.
January 25, 2015
Last Year
$ 8,774.02
Thank you
Fr. Brankin
Group Contact Information
Armory of Christ-708-681-6879
Guadalupanos-708-484-2161 Legion of Mary -708-623-9280
Knights of Columbus-708-204-3761
Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima -708-484-1204
Little [email protected]
Market Day-708-484-0755 ESL-708-287-7347
6:30AM-William Valladao (Family)
8:10AM-Bultas & Tufo Families (Len Tufo)
6:30AM-Russ Zwetzig (Remy & Chuck Burda)
8:10AM-Mercedes Tirado De Rojot & Josephine T. Xidakis
-Eduardo Vergara (Family)
-Maralee Runge (Loretta Marek)
-Helen Faron (Bob & Virginia Uphues)
-John Lee (Jerry & Carm Romanelli)
6:30AM-Blessings on Judy Lombardo (Ron & Roberta Lorenz)
8:10AM-Karen Lindsey (Ted Priban)
3PM-Divine Mercy
6:30AM-Intentions of Marianne Kasper
8:10AM-Joseph & Annunziata Miglio (Mario Gaudio)
-Oscar Martin Rodriguez (Jeus Nuñez)
-Rev. David Mulvihill (Len Tufo)
-Ray Olmo (Pesek Family)
-Stella Vaitkus (Daughters)
6:30AM-Edward & Marie Petrigilano (Family)
8:10AM-John Sullivan (Family)
8AM-Robert Sparti (Family)
12PM-Memorial Mass-Armondo Ruiz
2PM-Memorial Mass-Adela Cazares
4PM-Evelyn Derma (Daughter, Geri)
7AM-Maria Emma Lopez (Beda Lopez)
8:00AM-William Valladao (Family)
9:30AM-Eric Manning (Rick & Nancy)
11AM-Joseph Saladino (Rosaria Sciara)
12:30PM-Victor Hugo (Lili)
6:30-Legion of Mary (PrR)
6:30-Sacrament Class (CH)
3PM-Jr. High Choir (SCH)
7PM-Knights of Columbus (PH)
7PM-Little Flowers (PR)
3PM-Handbells (CH)
7PM-Festival Choir (PR)
7PM-School Board Meeting (SCH)
3PM-Children’s Choir (SCH)
7PM-Bible Study (PR)
7PM-Armory of Christ (CB)
6PM-Family Fun Night (PH)
2:30-Arts & Crafts (PR)
February 7 & 8
J. Garcia
B. Ouska
E. Mendoza
J. Carlos
N. Kmet
S. Sanoval
Altar Servers
C. Gleeson
P. Gleeson
L. Banet
A. Cruz
C. Ramirez
A. Cruz
A. Rivera
Alex Gamboa
D. Soto
S. Carroll
E. Gonzalez
E. Hron
F. Miller
P. Tammen
E. Marquez
M. Garcia
C. Cano
B. Banda
C. Cano
Jose Garcia
H. Sanchez
L. Martinez
Servers for week of February 2-7: S. Heuss, I. Gamboa, J. Saavedra
R. Navarette
J. Diaz
John Garcia