OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH MASS SERVERS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 4:00 p.m. E. Benson, G. Carter, M. Tillman SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:30 a.m. A. & C. Gulla, S. Hawkins 10:00 a.m. G. Scarpitti, J. & R. Ulibarri 11:30 a.m. C. Butcher, S. Douglass, K. Manahan EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 4:00 p.m. E. & K. Guilfoyle, E. Nolan, M. & R. O’Brien, J. Yonadi SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:30 a.m. M. & W. King, A. & K. Lordo, C. & J. Lower 10:00 a.m. D. King, S. & T. Wangler, D. & G. Mosko, K. Price 11:30 a.m. M. Devine, M. Hutson, M. Miller, J. Morton, T. Robinson, M. Simmons LECTORS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 4:00 p.m. M. Overmyer, G. Yonadi SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:30 a.m. C. Pickard, E. Pinckney 10:00 a.m. D. King, E. Price 11:30 a.m. P. Casper, D. Davisson READINGS FEBRUARY 8 First Reading: Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 OFFERTORY TOTALS for January 25, 2015 Regular Electronic.................................................... $8,926.81 Envelopes and Holy Days.......................... $5,069.50 Child............................................................. $0.00 Total.............................................................. $13,996.31 Diocesan Tax................................................... $839.78 Net.................................................................... $13,156.53 Contribution Summary Statements have recently been sent out. If you made verifiable contributions for 2014 and did not receive your statement, please call Tom Kasberg at 263-8824, ext. 201. World Marriage Day Celebration – Several marriage ministries in the Diocese of Columbus are co-sponsoring a World Marriage Day Celebration, Sunday, February 8th, from 2:00-4:30 p.m. at the Ohio Dominican University Colonial Room. Mark and Elizabeth Ficocelli will discuss one of the most intimate aspects of matrimony: couple spirituality. This will be followed by a Holy Hour for Marriages and light refreshments. There is no charge for the event but space is limited. RSVP by February 2nd at 241-2560 or www.familylife.colsdioc.org. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION will be held Thursday, February 5th, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please set aside time to join us in this special opportunity for quiet prayer and reflection. COLUMBUS, OHIO Catholic CD of the Week: This week’s featured CD is Freedom Through Forgiveness – The Sacrament of Confession by Ken Yasinski. With over 15 years of experience, he has quickly become one of Canada’s most sought after Catholic speakers. Through clever examples and insightful stories, Ken reveals how each of us can obtain freedom from the burden of our sins through the forgiveness that is readily available in the Sacrament of Confession. Catholic Times Next week is our parish collection for the Catholic Times weekly newspaper. This donation HELPS OUR PARISH to provide Catholic Times to you and many of our parishioners. Donation envelopes for this collection are included in your January/February collection packet. For a minimum donation of ONLY $17.00 per year (parish rate), readers receive a Catholic perspective on the world around us: local, national, worldwide, and Vatican news; diocesan, parish, and school stories; articles, regular columns, editorials, and events are delivered right to your home. As an evangelization tool, Bishop Campbell encourages every Catholic family to receive the Catholic Times. Look for your envelope and sign up for, or continue receiving, the newspaper of our diocese, the Catholic Times. If you are on “electronic” donation, you can still receive Catholic Times – simply place your donation in an envelope marked “Catholic Times” and your Name and drop it into the Sunday collection basket during February. Come enjoy “A journal of Catholic life in Ohio.” BETHESDA’S ANNUAL DINNER BENEFIT: On February 12th, Bethesda Healing Ministry’s “Joy Comes In The Morning” annual fund-raising dinner will feature renowned speaker Sister Ann Shields of Renewal Ministries, Honorary Chair Bishop Frederick Campbell, music by The Kells, and testimony of how Bethesda’s encouragement and support helps heal the effects of abortion. The dinner is complimentary and an opportunity to support our healing mission will be provided. Reserve your seats by January 31st! 614-309-1737, or bethesdahealing.org. Spaghetti Dinner – The St. Charles Alumni Association, with the expert assistance of Berwick Party House, is hosting the school’s annual Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 8th, from noon to 7:00 p.m. in the school’s Robert C. Walter Student Commons. (St. Charles is located on 2010 E. Broad Street, just east of the Franklin Park Conservatory.) Guests will enjoy a bountiful meal of spaghetti with meatball, salad, rolls, ice cream and a beverage. The dinner is bargain priced at $10.00 for adults; $8.00 for senior citizens; $5.00 for children 12 and under; Free for those 3 and under; and a special $40 family rate (only applies for dine-in and immediate family members). Carry out orders will be available. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 This Week at OLP School Wednesday, February 4 Class Mass – Grades 6-8 – 8:30 a.m. School Advisory Board Meeting – 6:30 p.m. Thursday, February 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences – 3:00-6:30 p.m. Chess Club – 2:45-4:00 p.m. Friday, February 6 Sandwich making for St. Vincent de Paul Society – Grade 2 Spring Sports Registration – Any student or parishioner who would like to play one of the following sports can sign up by going to our athletics website (OLPAA.org), click on the Registration link and follow the instructions. The deadline is Tuesday, February 17. Baseball: Boys, Grades 4-8 Softball: Girls, Grades 4-8 Track: Co-ed, Grades 4-8 Soccer: Boys and Girls, Grades K-3 Tuition Aid – Due to the success of the Celebrating Catholic School Virtues Gala, almost $180,000.00 was raised for tuition aid. All of these funds will be redistributed in the form of tuition assistance ONLY to families who apply for FACTS diocesan tuition assistance. All applications for these funds must be completed online and submitted electronically. Please go to www.factstuitionaid.com to access this application. The deadline is March 16, 2015. These applications are for tuition assistance for the 20152016 school year. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Kasberg, church business manager, at 263-8824, ext. 201. Catholic Youth Summer Camp Catholic Youth Summer Camp is Ohio’s one and only weeklong, residential high adventure camp for students entering grades 6-12. Activities typically include: jet skis, water tubing, paintball, blobbing, go-carts, archery, zip lining, rock climbing, ropes course, mountain boarding and more! CYSC offers a truly Catholic and safe environment with daily catechesis that awakens faith and builds missionary disciples. A week at camp includes daily Mass, adoration, reconciliation, small group conversations, worship, service and authentic community. See www.cysc.com to get more information and to register. LADIES… Would you like to strengthen your commitment to Christ and meet other women who share your faith? Register for the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at the Ohio Expo Center Voinovich Building, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Contact Cathy Snyder at 436-2223 or Chrissy Wills at 296-7691 to ride with ladies from OLP’s parish or if you have any questions. Register at http://www.columbuscatholicwomen. com. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 4:00 p.m. Vera Staley (Bill Staley) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8:30 a.m. Mike Crisp (France Family) 10:00 a.m. Vicki Nolan (Wayne & Mary King) 11:30 a.m. Our Parishioners TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 5:30 p.m. Donald Shifflet (Fran & Family) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 8:30 a.m. Violet Panzone (Gavina Stru) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8:30 a.m. Tom Ridenour (OLP St. Vincent de Paul Society) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 8:30 a.m. Sr. Paulette Boll (Baird Family) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 4:00 p.m. Ed Davis (Family) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8:30 a.m. Livia Gallicchio (James Gallicchio) 10:00 a.m. Aileen Baumer (France Family) 11:30 a.m. Our Parishioners LENTEN SCRIPTURE SHARING GROUPS It’s time to begin signing up for the Scripture Sharing Groups that will take place during the LENTEN Season. The groups will be kept to 8 to 10 people each so that everyone will have a chance to participate in the discussions. Please complete the form below and return it by no later than February 1st in the collection basket. Even if you have participated in the past, please complete this form to assist Sr. Barbara. If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Barbara at 263-4271. Name______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Phone # ____________________________________ _______I would like to volunteer my home for share group meetings. _______Monday p.m. _______Tuesday a.m. ______p.m. _____I would like to participate in the share group _______Monday p.m. _______Tuesday a.m. ______p.m. Evening groups meet at 7:00 p.m., morning groups meet at 9:15 a.m. Monday groups begin on February 16th and continue through March 23rd. Tuesday groups begin on February 17th and continue through March 24th. My name is Sister Barbara Kolesar and I have been asked to write a little about my life as a Dominican Sister during this Year of Consecrated Life. Hope you can enjoy it. When I was growing up, I was fortunate to have wonderful parents who gave me such good example of the importance of Mass and of helping others. We didn’t have a car until I was a senior in high school so we walked three miles to get to Church and three miles back in rain, show, or shine. (No, it wasn’t uphill both ways!!!) It was so special to me that I wouldn’t dream of missing Mass unless I was really sick. I thank my parents for giving me this great example and also for helping me to love the Rosary. I have been a Dominican Sister professed for 54 years and have thoroughly enjoyed my life. When I was growing up we did not have a Catholic School yet so I went to a public school for my first three grades. Then we had a Catholic School built in time for me to go to the fourth to eighth grades. The Dominican Sisters came to teach us and I loved them right from the start. By the way, my fourth and sixth grade teachers are still active. When I was in the sixth grade, three of the girls in my class had the privilege of helping the Sisters iron the Sister’s habits during the noon recess one day a week. I thoroughly enjoyed this and looked forward to doing it every week. When I came back to my classroom one day, there was a holy card with the face of Christ on it. On the back it said, “You I mean, You I seek, You, yes you, I love you.” I knew that day in the sixth grade that I was going to be a Dominican Sister when I finished High School. I couldn’t wait to come to Columbus and begin my formation to be a Dominican Sister. I began by being a Postulant. During these months I was learning how the Sisters lived and prayed. Then on July 8,1959, I became a Novice and received the long white habit and a white veil. It was a challenge each day to learn as much as I could about learning to live my life as a Dominican Sister. I learned how to meditate and pray the Divine Office each day. Then the big moment came one year later on July 9, 1960 when I made my First Profession of Vows. I now got to wear the black veil. Both of my brothers got to serve that Mass and help the Bishop hand us our new habits. My Mom and Dad were there for the ceremony and were proud and very happy for me in my new life. After many college classes, I was ready to go out on the mission to teach the children in the First Grade. I have taught children in the First, Second and Third Grades for thirty-five years and loved every minute of it. I taught school in Connecticut, Michigan and Ohio. Then I was asked by Father Grimes in 2001 to come and work in Our Lady of Peace Parish. I agreed and have enjoyed working in every aspect of parish life for these many years. Many of you see me going down the aisle to set up the altar for Mass, or to find a Server, Extraordinary Minister or Lector to help. Sometimes you see me as a Cantor, Lector or an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. These are a very special part of my life. I help with the RCIA Program, the Advent and Lenten Scripture Sharing Sessions, the Funeral Ministry, and I help train the Servers, Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers. I am also one of the Wedding Coordinators. I am a member of the Liturgy Committee, Art and Environment Committee and a member of our Parish Council. I also teach a Baptism class for the parents who will be having their children Baptized. I work with the students who will be reading at our school Masses and help the teachers by helping to plan the Masses. It is a joy to know that I am helping others. This makes me happy. I guess I get this from my parent’s example when I was growing up. Why do I get up in the morning? Yes, I do want five more minutes of sleep sometimes but for the most part, I pop out of bed and look forward to what the dear Lord has in store for me each day. It is never boring. The Lord keeps putting things out there for me to do each day. That keeps life very interesting. I am thankful for the fifty-four happy years of religious life that I have enjoyed. If I had to do it over again, would I choose this life? YES, in a heartbeat. I hope this will help you to know me a little better in this Year of Consecrated Life. I hope and pray that many of you who are reading this article will start thinking about becoming a priest, deacon or a sister. We really need more vocations to keep our church flourishing in the future. Think seriously about it. Listen to see if the dear Lord is calling you. It is a very happy life and the rewards are out of this world. God bless you. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Thank you for giving a Gift from the Heart! Thank you for supporting the OLP/Clintonville Resource Center THIRD THURSDAY DINNER. The Hospitality Committee has had a rewarding year preparing, serving and becoming friends with the less fortunate in our community. We have made a commitment to continue our outreach for 2015. There are many ways you can be involved: 1. Help make food to be served at the Third Thursday Dinner, 2. Volunteer to help serve the meals and clean up. 3. Provide money to reimburse our cooks for some of the supplies they use in the making of healthy meals. 4. Supply STURDY disposable plates and napkins for use at the dinners. 5 Provide canisters of powered lemonade. A box in the Gathering Space labeled CRC Dinner will be available for donations of lemonade and disposables. Please contact Laura and Mark Bach for more information at 614-784-9561, or email at [email protected]. com. Thank you for your generous donation to the needy in our community. God sees the heart, not the hand, not the gift. Catholic Man of the Year Luncheon – The Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club – together with Bishop Frederick F. Campbell – will recognize the Catholic Man of the Year for the Diocese of Columbus on Friday, February 6th! Mark your calendar and plan to participate in this popular and inspiring luncheon event to be held Friday, February 6th at St. Patrick Church in downtown Columbus. Mass (optional) at 11:45 a.m.; luncheon begins 12:15 p.m.; adjournment around 1:15 p.m. Reservations not needed, but please bring $10.00 to cover the lunch and meeting costs. Please call John Schechter at (614) 565-0824 for additional information. TUTORS NEEDED in unique one-to-one learning environment for adults seeking literacy and/or GED and immigrants seeking ESL instruction. At the Dominican Learning Center, or at your local library, you can tutor adult students around your own schedule, one-to-one for one hour per week in reading, writing, math or conversation. Volunteers need to be over age 18 and hold a high school diploma. Books are provided free to tutors. Please visit our website at www.domlearningcenter.org for more information about volunteering in our adult literacy and ESL programs. Service Awards – The Office of Vocations for the Columbus Diocese is presenting the third annual Service Awards. This $500.00 award is available to all students, grades eight through twelve, living in the Diocese of Columbus, including those attending public, private, and Catholic schools, as well as home schooled students. The criteria for award eligibility includes parish involvement, service, and a short 300-word essay on the importance of service and giving back to the community. For more information and to enter, visit www.faceforwardcolumbus. com/service-awards. Job Opening – High School Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator. St. Brigid of Kildare in Dublin is seeking a full-time coordinator of School Youth and Young Adult Ministry to organize, implement, and enrich the existing ministry for high school age youth of the parish. Please visit stbrigidofkildare.org/news-and-events/news/ detail?article=ministry-opening for additional information. Application Deadline: February 20, 2015. Résumés including the names and contact information for three professional references should be sent to St. Brigid of Kildare at 7179 Avery Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017, Attention: High School Youth and Young Adult Ministry Search Committee. Columbus Young Catholic Professionals – On February 5th, the brand-new Columbus Young Catholic Professionals (CYCP) group is having a social hour! At 7:00 p.m., we are meeting in the Social Hall of the Newman Center for refreshments (light snacks and beer and wine) and networking. Seminarian Stu WilsonSmith will then speak to the group about being a Catholic young adult in this day and age. Afterwards, the group is heading to the Little Bar for continued socializing! A $5.00 donation to the CYCP is suggested, but not required. Please come out and make some new friends who share our faith! Young adults ages 22-40. Please contact Alexandra Dedels at (614) 291-4674, ext. 109 for additional information. TWO GREAT EVENTS, ONE FUN DAY – On Friday, February 20th, St. Francis DeSales High School alumni are invited to spend the morning, evening or both with former classmates and friends from their Alma mater. SFD alumni can start the day with the Traditions Mass and Breakfast from 7:00-9:30 a.m. This annual event allows current students and alumni to celebrate Mass and enjoy a pancake breakfast together. Later that evening, alumni are invited to stop by the Rike Center at Otterbein University to see the Stallions take it to the hoop. Beginning at 6:00 p.m., SFD will provide food and drinks in the Hospitality Suite as alumni watch the Stallions Boys Basketball team take on Watterson. For more information about these two events, please visit www.sfdstallions.org/alumnievents. Some of the questions to be answered in this workshop: Why are so many people saying human trafficking is related to prostitution? What are the RED FLAGS and warning signs of human trafficking? How can I protect the women and girls I know from being preyed upon? What can I do to fight human trafficking? May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains. 2 Timothy 1:16 Program 11:00 am Doors open for lunch 11:30 am Lunch provided by: Freedom a la Cart Judge Herbert presents: 12:00 pm CATCH Court: Real Justice Q&A Sending Prayer CATCH Court Graduate 1:30 pm Vanessa Perkins, Survivor and 2:00 pm 2:15pm For More Information... Organizations: CATCH Court: www.freedomalacart.org www.art4abolition.org www.sharedhope.org www.centralohiorescueandrestore.org www.polarisproject.org www.traffickingresourcecenter.org www.freetheslaves.org www.notforsale.org Books and Movies: Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children, Linda Smith The Slave Across the Street, Theresa Flores Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof Not for Sale, David Batstone Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, Documentary For Additional Information: [email protected] Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery 21st Century Challenges and Solutions " L O R D , h e l p ! " they c r i e d in t h e i r t r o u b l e , and He s a v e d them f rom t h e i r d i s t ress. He l ed them f rom the d a r k n e s s and d e e p e s t g l oom; He s n a p p e d t h e i r c h a i ns . N L T P s a l m 1 0 7 : 1 3 - 14 Saturday, February 28, 2015 Doors Open for Lunch: 11:00 am Program: Noon-2:15 pm Maple Grove United Methodist Church 7 W. Henderson Rd. Columbus, OH 43214 614-262-1163 www.maplegroveumc.org All Are Welcome! RSVP by Monday, February 23, 2015 Social Work CEUs and Legal CLEs approval pending H UMAN T RAFFICKING ? common form of trafficking in Ohio is sex trafficking, where the average age of entry is 13. Experts say as many as 2,000 people are trafficked Bench in 2003. In 2009, Judge Paul Herbert developed C.A.T.C.H. Court (Changing Actions to Change Habits), a unique jail diversion program offering women victimized by human trafficking the chance to exit lives marked by trauma, homelessness, substance abuse the United States are and safe environment for learning and 1-888-373-7888 National Trafficking Hotline: Columbus Police: 614-645-4545 Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation: 1-855-224-6446 614-285-4357 (HELP) In Central Ohio: To Get Help or Leave a Tip: thought to be in the sex trade today. 100,000 children in recovering women and fosters a healthy restoration. day and more than works to meet the complex needs of in Ohio on any given men for commercial sex or labor. The most the Franklin County Municipal Court and incarceration. C.A.T.C.H. Court the selling or exploiting of women, children and Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery. It is IS Judge Paul M. Herbert was elected to J UDGE P AUL M. H ERBERT W HAT For registration information, contact: 614-262-1163 RSVP by Monday, February 23, 2015 Make checks payable to: Maple Grove United Methodist Church 7 W. Henderson Rd. Columbus, OH 43214 By Mail: Maple Grove United Methodist Church Click “Donations” on the homepage and select either the Turkey or Vegan lunch. Enter your one-time donation amount. Online: www.maplegroveumc.org To register: Burley Bohemian (sautéed greens, Sicilian chickpea patty, roasted artichoke hearts, garlicky white beans and red pepper sauce) (vegan) Turkey Tango (hand-carved turkey breast, chimichurri and roasted red pepper sauce, mayo, crisp lettuce) Boxed Lunch Choice (Please select one): lives one woman at a time.) of human trafficking and helps restore a catering company that employs survivors prepared by Freedom a la Cart, Cost: $17.00 (for a delicious lunch Phone: Email: Name: Registration
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