FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR B) 31ST JANUARY /1ST FEBRUARY 2015 (Sunday readings: Year B - Page 132 / Weekday readings: Year 1 / Psalter: Week 4) RETIRING COLLECTION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE THIS WEEKEND Saturday 31st January St. John Bosco 4.45pm SM FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Mr and Mrs Kapitany Int. SUNDAY 1ST FEBRUARY FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 10.30am SJ PARISH MASS Wazchu Chou Monday 2nd February THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD IN THE TEMPLE 9.30am 10.00am SJ SJ Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion Eucharistic Adoration (10am – 12pm) Tuesday 3rd February St. Blaise 9.30am SJ Mass Richard Gurney RIP Wednesday 4th February Feria 9.30am SJ Mass Sheila Barlow Int. Thursday 5th February St. Agatha 9.30am 10.00am SJ SJ Ward Family RIP Mass Eucharistic Adoration (10am – 12pm) Friday 6th February St. Paul Miki & Companions 9.30am SJ Mass Saturday 7th February Our Lady on Saturday 4.45pm SM FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Angel Parathisan RIP SUNDAY 8th February FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 10.30am SJ PARISH MASS Joy Hewitt RIP g Biju & Bincy’s Father RIP SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) on Saturdays, 4.00-4.30pm (St Mary’s) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Mondays & Thursdays 10am-12 Noon (St Joseph’s) ROSARY & DEVOTIONS on Thursdays at 10am (St Joseph’s) and Saturdays at 4pm (St Mary’s) SUNDAY EVENING MASS: 5.30pm at OUR LADY & ST DOMINIC CHURCH, High View Road, Farnborough GU14 7PT ALDERSHOT CATHOLIC PARISH COMMUNITY ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH Queens Road GU11 3JB & ST MARY’S CHURCH Belle Vue Road GU12 4RX The Presbytery, Queens Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3JB. Telephone: (01252) 320956 Website: The Parish Office is normally open on weekday mornings. Parish Administrator: Mrs Davina Williams Outside office hours messages can be left on the answerphone or e-mailed to [email protected] Parish Priest: Father Chris Whelan Parish Deacon: Rev Antonio D’Mello 07534 017715 [email protected] Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Mrs Alice Nixon 01252 504495 [email protected] NOTICES THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION Offertory baskets: £726.42. Standing Orders: £306.92 SUNDAY 1ST FEBRUARY – INSTITUTION AS LECTOR This weekend we welcome Fr Peter Hart as the Principal Celebrant at the Sunday Mass. Fr Peter is the Parish Priest of Alton and Director of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate for the Diocese. During the Mass, on behalf of Bishop Philip, he will institute Craig Aburn, our Candidate for the Diaconate to the Ministry of Lector (Reader). This is the first of two official Church Ministries a man must have conferred on him before he can be ordained. There will be a celebration in the Church Hall after the Mass for which Craig and his family hope many of you will be able to stay. COULD GOD BE CALLING YOU TO HELP THE EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAM? Do you love Christ and his Church? Do you have a passion for others to come to know Jesus? Do you have basic skills in organisation, collaboration and communication? Are you keen to find new and creative ways to help others discover Christ and build a relationship with him? You could be just the person we need for our Pastoral Area’s Evangelisation Strategy Team! The commitment would be one meeting a term, in addition to assisting with simple, realistic evangelistic projects. To find out more, go to If you feel God might be calling you to join the team, please contact Fr Chris, the parish priest, or Fr Simon Thomson, the Coordinating Pastor. SWIMMING AGAINST THE TIDE! A renewal day for those working with young people. Saturday 28th February 2015, 11am to 4pm at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Winchester. Cost £5. Simple lunch provided. Please contact Will Hince to book on 07780 221686 or [email protected] Please see poster at back of church. IGNITE Join with other young people preparing for Confirmation. 28th March 2015 at Saint George Catholic College, Southampton. Please contact Will Hince to book on 07780 221686 or [email protected] Please see poster at back of church. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE LATEST NEWS! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. Go to and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on Twitter. FOODBANK We are now taking in donations of toiletries only. GIVE BLOOD Next session is Monday 2nd February 13.00 – 15.30 & 16.30 – 19.00 at Princes Hall. PAX CHRISTI Thank you very much for raising £65.06 for Peace Sunday. SALT EVENT AT CHILWORTH ABBEY – 21ST FEB 10.20am – 4.20pm, speaker David Matthews. Please see poster at back of church. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE 2015 Focus on The Bahamas: ‘Do you know what I have done to you?’ 10.30am on Friday 6th March at Holy Trinity Church, Victoria Road, GU11 1SJ. All welcome, men, women and children! For more information, and to find a local evening service if you can’t make the morning one, contact Alison Blenkinsop on 01252 337189 or [email protected]. Please see poster for more details. LOST RING Joan Etherington has lost a gold ring with a crown of horns on it. Please keep an eye out and if found, please return to Joan or the parish office – thank you. FRIENDS 1ST If you’re single and you’re yearning to love and be loved by another significant other, then you should look to the services of Friends1st – a very personal introduction service dedicated to Christians. Hundreds of people have successfully found a loving companion through them and you could too. Call them on 0207 305 7006 for an informal chat or find out more at A DAY WITH MARY A day of instruction, devotion and intercession based on the message given at Fatima in 1917. St. John’s Catholic Cathedral, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth on Saturday 7th February, 8.45am – 5pm. Please see poster for details. VOLUNTEER CO-ORDINATOR ROLE For the Hazeley Heath Project (Hampshire) 3 days a week. Applications by 6th Feb, interviews on 13th February. Please contact Catherine Withers on 01252 795632 or 07834 617865. THE TRIANGLE The Triangle sale is now in full swing! Lots of genuine bargains; a great opportunity to buy that good book or gift you didn't think you needed but at that price, who could resist! Fairtrade products too! Come and see us before February 21st, but the earlier the better! CHAIR - SAFEGUARDING COMMISSION The Diocese of Portsmouth are current seeking an independent lay person to fill the above voluntary role. Term of office is 4 years. Closing date for applications is Friday 13th Feb. Interview date is Friday 6th March. Please see notice board at back of church. ALTON DAY OF RENEWAL – SATURDAY 28th FEB Please join us for a mini-retreat day (or morning/Afternoon) of spiritual refreshment and renewal at St. Lucy’s Convent, Medstead Manor, Medstead, GU34 5LL. Our theme for the year is Times of Refreshing. 11.00am Rosary; 11.30am Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Shared lunch is at 1.00pm. Praise & Worship starts at 2.00pm, followed by the Talk. Our speaker will be Derek Williams whose topic will be ‘A Time of Waiting’. There will be an opportunity to receive prayer for healing. Tea is at 3.30pm and we end about 4pm. For more information please see notice board or website:, or telephone Alastair Emblem on 01252 714809. ST JOSEPH'S TODDLER GROUP Our toddler group meets in St Joseph's Church Hall on Thursdays in term time, 10.00-11.30am. All welcome. More information from Nicki Aburn: 07748 415171. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION Our next preparation session is on Saturday 7th February at 10.30am in St Joseph's Church. PLEASE PRAY FOR Pray for members of the parish who are sick or housebound, especially Dawn Barhan, Robert Stevens, Joan Etherington, John Grainger, Carol Pritchard, Heather Darch, Julie Mulvey, Mary Norris, Breeda Fisher, Fr. Michael Purbrick, Mina D’Mello, Carol Murray, Vi Cowan, Angela Murray, Ellen Nutley, Teresa Cleary, Angela Vickers, Josie May, Deacon David Morgan, Paul Oakley, Aran Dennis, Annie Bennett, Lorraine Bennett, Ben Needham, Najet Miley, Marguerite, Sr. Marguerite’s mother and for all who receive Holy Communion at home or in hospital. Pray for the faithful departed especially Joy Hewitt, Biju & Bincy’s Father, Angel Parathisan, Richard Gurney, Ward Family, Anne Garrood, Ralph Pedder, Edward Pedder and all whose anniversaries fall at this time. May they all rest in peace. Please pray for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life and for all students, especially Ansel D'Mello and Craig Aburn.
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