June 22 Bulletin

Monday, June 23
St. Gabriel Graduaon Mass - 5:00 pm
Tuesday, June 24 - 8:30 am
The Navity of Saint John the Bapst
Roland Rondeau (5th Ann) - Yve"e Rondeau
Tony Koopman (8th Ann) - Mary Clare & Family
Margaret McGuire (48th Ann) - James & Sally McGuire
Wednesday, June 25- 8:30 am
Giacomo Tesolin - Family
Kevin Siddall - Mark & Judy Monforton
Americo Bortolin - Mary Sandre
Kensington Court Mass - 11:00 am
John & Jamie Faddoull - Evelyn Jacobs & Family
Be;y Palazzi - Paul & Be"y Palazzi
Adeline Anna Yaeck - Don & Connie Raper
Thursday, June 26 - 8:30 am
Intenons of Ryan Gill - Grandma Nonie
Intenons of Eileen & Alex Trillanes - Mom Nonie
Bernie Beraume (1st Ann) - Anne & Family
Friday, June 27 - 8:30 am
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Giuseppina & Biagio Guerrieri - Lina & Arturo
Mario Mollicone - Rose
Michael Peschiu;a (30th Ann) - Mom & Dad
Marie Roche - JR
Saturday, June 28
St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr
Huron Lodge Communion Service - 10:00 am
5:00 pm - Priests & Parishioners of Corpus Chris
Sunday, June 29
Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
8:00 am
Priests & Parishioners of
10:00 am
Corpus Chris Church
12:00 noon
Sun, June 22
1:00 pm Procession
Mon, June 23
8 am - 12 noon Adora<on - CH
12 noon - 4 pm Adora<on - Chapel
Wed, June 25
7:00 pm PPC - St Mary
7:00 pm Recovery AA Mee<ng - CCBD
Thurs, June 26
10:00 am TOP’s - St Pat
10:30 am Bishop’s Dinner Mtg - St Gab
Sat, June 28
11:00 am Confessions
4:00 pm Youth Choir Prac<ce
6:00 pm Recep<on - Fr Roche’s 35th Anniversary of his Ordina<on
CH = Church
St MDP = St. Mar<n de Porres
St Mary = St. Mary
St Pat = St. Patrick
Hall = St. Mary & St. MDP
CCBD = CC Boardroom
Mass for the Deceased
Resurrecon Mausoleum, Heavenly Rest Cemetery
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 @ 4:30pm
Presider: Fr. Jim Roche. All those grieving the loss of a
loved one are welcome. Call Mary Heath 519-969-4836.
Pastoral Theology Course - Summer 2014 - Iona College
Monday & Wednesday Evenings, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
July 7 – August 13, 2014
This course we will explore biblical and other stories that
concern our human search for meaning. We shall consider how stories portrayed in literature, music, and other
art forms, may affect profoundly how we experience,
feel, and see our own lives.
Instructors: Norman King & Jane Ripley.
This course is open and to all. It may be taken for personal interest, either for audit or credit. Or it may be towards a Cer<ficate in Pastoral Care.
For further informa<on, contact Norman King at:
[email protected] or 519-972-7692
Transformaon — The effect of our sharing in the Body and
Blood of Christ is to change us into what we receive.
— Pope St. Leo the Great
Mondays 8 am - 8 pm
at Corpus Chris Church
The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites will be accep<ng aspirants. If you are seeking a deepening of your
faith and prayer life, call Lore"a @ 519-969-6637 by July
20th .
Healing Mass
Immaculate Heart Parish, 2153 Parkwood Ave. at Tecumseh
Rd. E. This Mass Is celebrated the first Friday of every month.
Our next Mass is July 6, 7 pm. We will have Teams to pray
with you aMer Mass. This is a handy-capable facility
“You can come to me (in Eucharis<c Adora<on) at any moment, at any <me; I want to speak to
you and I desire to grant you grace!” (Jesus to St. Faus<na) For
informa<on call Lore"a D’Agnillo 969-6637.
Corpus Chris
Deuteronomy 8.2-3, 14-16
1 Corinthians 10.16-17
John 6.51-59
Saints Peter & Paul
Acts 12.1-11
2 Timothy 4.6-8, 17-18
Ma"hew 16.13-19
Corpus Christi Parish
Priests’ Residence:
Phone (519) 969-0791
3529 Bruce Ave
Windsor, ON N9E 1W9
1400 Cabana Rd W, Windsor, ON N9G 1C4
Phone (519) 969-5292 Fax (519) 969-1639
Website: www.cc.dol.ca
Email: [email protected]
JUNE 22, 2014
Rev. James F. Roche
Not by bread alone does one live,
but by every word that comes forth
from the mouth of the LORD.
— Deuteronomy 8:3b
Rev. Gerard Bedard
Rev. Matthew Durham, CSB
Judy Bertram
Frances Conway
Gail Stark
Daniela Pastorius
Mission Statement
Corpus Christi Parish is an open,
transparent and inclusive Roman Catholic
Community, guided by the Holy Spirit,
dedicated to the Word of God, the
teaching of his Son, Jesus Christ,
celebrating the Eucharist and Sacramental
Rituals, praying together, serving those in
need and modeling the Gospels through
our outreach.
(Parish Registration required)
BAPTISMS Sundays by Appointment, requiring participation in the Baptismal Preparation Program. Baptism Preparation Classes are scheduled on Sundays at 7:00 pm,
Next class: Sunday, September 21st
Call Judy to register & make an appointment.
MARRIAGES Arrange one year in advance. Please call
the office for an appointment with the priest.
Saturdays 11:00 to 12 Noon or
By Appointment - Anytime
Call the office
Parent Meeting - Sunday, September 7, 2014, 7:00 pm
Parent Meeting - Sunday, September 14, 2014, 7:00 pm
Parent Meeting - Sunday, January 25, 2015, 7:00 pm
Children’s Liturgy & Nursery are on vacation for the
Summer — returning in October.
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon
Tuesday to Friday - 8:30 a.m.
NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our new parishioners! Registration sheets are available at the Welcome Desk
of the Church. Drop off completed forms into the collection basket the following week. We affirm and welcome
your gifted presence in the life of our parish.
PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please call the parish office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized
or confined to home because of illness. A member of the
parish staff or a Eucharistic Minister will be happy to visit
and bring Communion.
VISITATION COMMITTEE We have developed a
group of volunteers to visit our Shut-ins for a social moment. The thoughts that guide this ministry are to go have a
cup of tea and to listen. Members of the committee and
parish staff, will be happy to arrange for a Eucharistic Minister to bring Holy Communion. Please call the office to
schedule a visit 519-969-5292.
Office Hours: Mon - Fri , 9 am - 4 pm (closed 12 - 1 pm)
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
The Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi
This weekend we celebrate the titular feast of the
parish. This feast is more than 1000 years old and celebrates, “The Body and Blood of Christ”. In past
times, the tradition of a public procession with the
Monstrance with Christ through the streets of the
Parish (town) was the normative form of praise to Jesus. We will bring this to fruition with “a Walk with
Jesus” around the edge of the parish (Curry, McKay,
Dominion & Cabana) after the 12 noon Mass. We will
finish with benediction and a reception. God bless all of
us next week on our special Feast Day.
Roche Clan is visiting and celebrating
NEXT Saturday Eve at the 5:00 pm Eucharist my family-brother, sisters, spouses,
nephews, nieces and assorted relatives will be celebrating a broad scope of anniversaries - sort of a last
hurrah. Brother & wife - 50 yrs of marriage; sisters 70 and 69 yrs of age; moi - 35 years of priesthood — if
your schedule allows join me and my family for an intro
and reception in the hall after Mass. THANX!
CWL News
On the Feast of Corpus Chris< — Sunday, June 22
aMer 12 o’clock Mass, we have been invited to
join in the procession, following our CWL banner
and wearing our sashes. All members are invited to par<cipate.
We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer!
School Graduation Masses:
St. Gabriel at CC Church
Monday, June 23, 5:00 pm
Holy Names High School at WFCU Centre
Friday, June 27, 5:00 pm
Congratulations Students
Children’s Liturgy & Nursery
Children’s Liturgy & Nursery has completed for this year,
and will resume in late September. We are very grateful to
our Catechists and Students Volunteers — God Bless You!
It’s not too early to volunteer for this program, which takes
place during the 10 am and 12 noon Masses. Adults and
Students in Grade 6 and older are asked to volunteer by
calling the office (969-5292) or talk to Judy Bertram.
Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults
The RCIA will begin again in September,
2014. If there is anyone in your life,
family or circle who would be interested
becoming Catholic— call the office. If there is anyone
who would like to journey along and grow in their faith
joining the RCIA team— call the office.
We welcomed at our Bapsmal Font:
Jackson Wayne Daignault,
Son of Alan & Dawn (Dunford)
Priests Thank You For Your Generosity
Last weekend, our parish took a special collec<on to support our re<red priests. Despite these difficult economic
<mes, we appreciate your generous response to share in the
care of those faithful priests who have ministered to your spiritual needs for genera<ons.
Your priests truly appreciate your support and thank you for
contribu<ng so generously to the Priests’ Pension Plan collec<on. If you haven’t given yet, you may s<ll return the special
collec<on envelope in upcoming collec<ons or give it to the
parish office. Please make a nota<on for Priests’ Pension Collec<on on the check or envelope.
In the Roman Catholic Church the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This feast originated in 1244 in Liege, France and
has been celebrated throughout the Church ever since.
In many places there are outdoor processions. We
might joke and say “Jesus is going out for his yearly
walk!” but what a blessing for our community that we
would honour him and with no greater affirmation than
that he is our Lord and we celebrate that publicly.
The Church proclaims its belief in the “very presence” of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, following his
words, “This is My Body; This is My Blood”. Our religious practices confirm this in the Sanctuary lamp, always lit; and our reverence by genuflecting before the
TABERNACLE when we come to Church, proclaiming by
our bended knee that Jesus is there, body and soul.
Sometimes we give short shift to our Lord. Sometimes we treat our Churches like they are multipurpose rooms or gathering spaces rather than as places to pray and adore. One hymn that puts forth our
teaching would be “this is holy ground; we are standing
on holy ground”. It is good to be open to others but
“catching up with the news” might be best put off ‘til
after Mass.
We are called to teach what we believe and pass it
on. The best way to accomplish this is to model it.
Prayer - Adoration - Respect for the Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament should be our goal.
Congratula<ons to the
First Communicants who
received the Eucharist
for the first <me.
May God Bless You!
Erica Abenales
Gianmarco Aiello
Gabrielle Albano
Natalie Au
Olivia Benne0
Adonis Berbatouci
Ryan Bolger
Sydney Bondy
Emery Bonyai
Sophie Bornais
Luca Bouliane
Luca Calvaruso
Madison Campbell
Malena Carcelen
Jansen Chua
Alek Cormier
Ma0eo Correia
Mia Cossarini
Bianca Cristofari
Nicholas Cunningham
Ryan Dao
Renato Desans
Gabriella DiCaro
Alex Drazenovic
Ryan Evanyk
Alessia Fanella
Liliana Firmani
Lauren Fryer
Olivia Fryer
Andrew Golab
Massimo Gualeri
Lola Guidolin
Cade Haddad
Melanie Hakim
Morris Harding
Sebasen Hebert
Ryan Hope
Ma0eo Indelicato
Shawna Isbister
Eva Kelly
Adrian LaBelle
Jacob Lee
Chase Lewis
Ava Maich
Sabin Maich
Kylie Main
Mackenzie Marenchin
Caterina Marra
Mya Mascaro
Benjamin Mac
Kira McArdle
Serenity McLaughlin
Madison Monaco
Joseph Murtagh
Alissa Mykal
Chanel Mykal
Anh Nguyen
Jordan Nikosey
Megan O'Brien
Ava O'Neil
Isabella Orlando
Emma Osley
Julia Pangilinan
Ava Patey
Vienna Piasenn
Marc Poisson
Daniel Poplawski
Gavin Quinlan
Emily Renaud
Sophia Renaud
Aidan Riley
Ma0eo Rocca
Natasha Rocca
Liam Rocheleau
Faith Rodricks
Josh Schincariol
Diar Shaya
Sydney Soulliere
Nathaniel Steele
Haley Tatomir
Megan Traicheff
Carter Tremblay
Alessia Valigini
Francesca Vushaj
Tyler Webb
Abbegail Wright
Pray for the faithful departed:
Bill Novosedlik
There is a group of parishioners who pray for
the sick everyday.
To add or remove someone's name,
please call Sharon Arsenault at 519-972-1244.
For the sick:
Karen Barker, Antonio Iampietro, Ian McDougall, Richard
Evans, Jamie Caille, Anne"e Phillips, Cheryl Jobin Pancerny, Thomas Fournier, Geraldine Holman, Rick MacDonald, Derek Walter, Caleb Houle, Edith Savage, Trish
Berg, S Papak, Paula Cianci, Clara O"rin, Linda O"rin,
Raffaele Tavolieri, Elsa Tejada, Elsa Irene Tejada, Alessandra DiPonio, Ann Benoit, Margaret Goetz, Angie Sarmiento, Howe Choi Tai, Genny Damphouse, Phyllis Park,
Evelyn Jacobs, Jerry Symchyshyn, Margie Brajak, Michelle
O’Mara, Ellen Pougnet, Josephine Scheyen
Ministry Schedule for next week
Saturday, June 28, 5:00 pm
Euch Min: A Ianne"a, P Ianne"a, C Symchyshyn, D Giglio,
J & K Macri, M Simone
Lector: M DiPonio, M Fabbro, S Holgate
Greeters: C & D Raper
Sunday, June 29, 8:00 am
Euch Min: K Bryant, R Godin, S Lyanga, M & P Delaney
Lectors: A Blain, A Williams, M Sandre
Greeters: A Williams, J Greggs
Sunday, June 29, 10:00 am
Euch Min: MA LaPorte, L D’Agnillo, MA Roberts, S Searcy,
MB Smith, M & S Stama<adis
Lector: L Andreozzi-Chorney, C Dwyer, M LeBlanc
Greeters: B Lefebvre, J Carley
Sunday, June 29, 12:00 noon
Euch Min: E & L Muzzin, K Muzzin-Allanson, L Presello,
S Srokosz, MC Koopman, F Cocca
Lector: R Bazinet, K Bondy, L Clarke
Greeters: A Berthiaume
Volunteer Weeders are needed for the Church
gardens. Get out your gloves and dig in. Call
Weekly Collecons
June 15, 2014 (487 Envelopes)
Regular Offertory
Building Fund
Priests’ Pension Fund
St. Vincent de Paul/Missions
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Peter’s Seminary
PAP Regular Offertory
PAP Building Fund
(PAP=pre-authorized payment)