Page 1 BEENHAM PARISH COUNCIL. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 4TH 2014. Present Mr R. Russell Mr A. Cother Mr P. Leijten Mrs J. Johnson Mrs J. Liming Mr J. Thurley. Chairman Mr K. Chopping Mr C.W.Goudge District Councillor. Clerk. There were no members of the public present. 40 Public participation. There were no members of the public present. 41 Apologies for absence. Mrs Buchanan had presented an apology for absence. 42 Minutes of the last meeting held on July 7th 2014. The minutes had been circulated were agreed as correct and signed by the Chairman. 43 Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting not referred to elsewhere. Minute 31. i Broadband. Progress has been reported but there does not appear to be a clear plan of work which is accessible so that people can have an idea as to when they might see results. ii Website. The up to date bus times are now on the Newbury website. iii Housing. Enquiries and background work are proceeding. 44 Comments from the West Berkshire Councillor. Mrs Johnson and Mr Chopping had attended a Grundon Liaison Group meeting recently. The meeting was fruitful in looking at local issues. Mr Chopping had received a letter from a resident pointing out that there are an annoying number of large farm vehicles speeding through the Village. Farm vehicles moving through the Village are more noticeable during busy farm periods.The Chairman will speak to the local farmers to make sure they are aware of concerns. th Meeting August 4 2014 Page 2 Mr Chopping mentioned the West Berkshire Member’s Bid availability. 45 Planning. Adjacent Parish. 14/1548/FUL 14/01660/FUL Douai Park recreation Ground. Demolish pavilion & replace Telecommunications mast, Aldermaston Tower replacement . Height increase of 2.5m No objections No objections Other matters i SHLAA. WBC has published the list of preferred options for housing development. The consultation runs until early September and the details for the whole of the District are on the WBC website at 46 Highways. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Minute 34. i A4 service road access. There had been a meeting on site with WBC to discuss the initial three options put forward by WBC, which aimed to rectify concerns that the Coroner had raised following a fatal accident on the particular stretch of the A4. Comments and recommendations will be circulated. ii Stoneyfield pothole. The large pothole has been repaired and the smaller ones filled temporarily waiting for the resurfacing of Stoneyfield, which is due very shortly. 47 Environment Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Minute 35. i Playground matters. Quotes are being sought to remedy some matters arising from the ROSPA report. New matters i Bonfire. There has been a large bonfire of waste material over several weekends at Grange Lane. This has been reported to WBC and will be monitored. 48 Councillor’s reports. Mr Leijten and Mrs Leeming attended a meeting in Newbury which looked at the ways of refreshing Parish Plans. It was pointed out that an up to date Plan is regarded as good evidence of Parish needs when funding from outside bodies is sought. It was decided that a meeting of Parishioners would be convened in the Autumn /Winter. th Meeting August 4 2014 Page 3 Mr Russell emphasized that any requests to go forward for a Member’s Bid must be made in the next few weeks. 49 Correspondence received since the last meeting not referred to elsewhere. The correspondence was discussed and where appropriate placed into circulation. 50 Finance. i ii iii iv 51 Receipts Lloyds TSB PreSchool Lettings Interest £0.91 £202.12 £498.51 Payments by S/O Staff salaries Payments authorized. HMRC Triangle Landscapes Beenham W.I. PHS Group Gary Dunkerton £462.40 PAYE Grasscutting Litter pick Hand driers Toilet repairs £115.60 £267.60 £400.00 £200.96 £257.31 Other matters i The Statement of Receipts and Payments to date was noted. Date of the next meeting. Monday September 1st at 7.00pm in the Community Room. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman th Meeting August 4 2014 …………………………… Date
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