MINUTES OF QUARNDON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 31 MARCH 2014 IN THE VILLAGE HALL, QUARNDON PRESENT: Councillors: J Cunningham (Chair), B Harris, P Hodson, D Knight, M Pitt, C Rossel, PC Chambers, Mrs L Storey (Clerk) 774 PUBLIC SPEAKING None 775 APOLOGIES Councillors C Turner, J Richardson, Councillor J Orton (AVBC) 776 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS PC Chambers reported that a burglary had taken place on The Common at the weekend. Items inside the house and a vehicle had been stolen. Suspicious persons had been reported around Church Road/ Barn Close area and elsewhere a tractor had been set alight. 777 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS None 778 APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was resolved that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 24.3.14 were approved and signed by the Chair. 779 MATTERS ARISING None 780 TO DETERMINE WHICH ITEMS IF ANY FROM PART 1 OF THE AGENDA SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED None 781 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS None 782 PLANNING Applications Councillor Hodson reported that planning application AVA/2013/0785 SHLAA Development Off Somme Road Allestree had still not been determined and a new flood risk assessment had been undertaken. AVA/2013/1078 Bishopthorpe House 160 Burley Lane had not been determined but a decision was due shortly further to a report from the Wildlife Trust. 1 Approvals 783 AVA/2014/0094 11 Barn Close Non-material amendment to AVA/2011/0469 AVA/2014/0060 Rock House 12 The Common Demolition of existing outbuildings and the construction of rear kitchen extension with basement incorporating storage and utility areas TRE/2014/0017 - 8 Brook Close Prune Beech Tree Clearance for telephone wires/highway AVA/2013/1139 27 Woodlands Lane Two storey side extension with single storey garage adjoining to the front TRE/2014/0009 168 Burley Lane Fell 11 pine trees TRE/2014/0007 2 Montpelier Remove 3 pine trees AVA/2013/1160 137 Church Road Addition of one storey to existing bungalow to create two storey house along with front and rear extensions and rear balcony. TELEPHONE KIOSK/BOOK EXCHANGE Councillor Turner had sent a report confirming the telephone box remains well-stocked, with movement of books. 784 SPRING NEWSLETTER The draft newsletter prepared by Councillor Harris was reviewed and approved. It was resolved to request the University of Derby to print as undertaken previously. Distribution was required by 23 April in view of the litter pick on the 26th. 785 2014 ANNUAL PLAN/SKIP HIRE It was resolved to organise the Skip Hire for 21 May between 5pm to 9pm. 786 ONLINE MAPPING Councillor Pitt reported that there is better address mapping. 787 DOG WASTE BAGS ORDER It was resolved to order a box of dog waste bags from Sac O Mac products at a cost of £131.62 plus delivery plus VAT. 788 FOOTPATHS Councillor Rossell gave an update of current footpath issues, it was agreed to forward these to DCC footpaths team. Councillor Turner had sent a report confirming that the footpath course attended by herself and Councillor Curzon was excellent, with helpful information on regulations and rights. A demonstration to show how to access the definitive map was also provided at the course. Councillor Turner and Rossel had reviewed the erection of 'Yuk!' Signs and further signs were distributed at the meeting. 789 WEBSITE Nothing to report 790 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Nothing to report 2 791 DIGITAL DERBYSHIRE PARISH COUNCIL EVENT Councillor Pitt reported that DCC had signed a contract with BT to improve broadband. Councillor Pitt had offered to act as Digital Champion for Quarndon. 792 793 794 CLERK’S REPORT Play Equipment Inspection 3.3.14 Litter Pick organised for 26.4.14 Sign for Inn Lane ordered 27.2.14 from G&G Signs CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION DALC Circular 5 Financial Regulations to be reviewed. It was resolved to make a donation for £150 to Quarndon Events towards refreshments for the 100th Anniversary of the Village Hall Event ACCOUNTS Receipts Bank Interest £0.43p RESOLVE: That the Accounts listed below be accepted for payment. Cheque No 692 693 694 695 696 795 796 Payee PO Ltd Mrs L Storey The Curzon C of E Primary School St Pauls Quarndon PCC JE Wright Total Item HMRC PAYE Salary/Expenses Donation £ Donation Printing 181.20 6.66 901.87 43.40 346.29 324.32 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION DALC Circulars 5-7/2014 DCC Fixing Derbyshire's roads DCC Digital Derbyshire Parish Council Event DCC The Derbyshire Challenge Rural Action Derbyshire Playground Inspection Training Quarndon And Kirk Langley Safer Neighbourhood Mobile Surgery 10/03/2014 Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum 1 May 2014 AVBC Annual Improvement & Scrutiny Committee Report 2012/13 Transparency Code Consultation The Legislative Reform (Payments by Parish Councils, Community Councils and Charter Trustees) Order 2014 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING 28 April 2014 7.30 pm Quarndon Lower Village Hall 3
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