CATCOTT PARISH COUNCIL Mrs Julia Marshall Evergreen School Lane Shapwick, Bridgwater Somerset. TA7 9LT Tel: 01458-210390 Clerk: e-mail: [email protected] There will be a meeting of Catcott Parish Council in Catcott School Hall on Tuesday 13th January 2015 at 7.30pm Everybody is most welcome to attend. AGENDA Public Participation. In order to comply with Standing Orders and SALC recommendations parishioners may make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item on the agenda. Overall time allowed is 10 minutes. Each person to speak once only for no more than 3 minutes. Any questions raised shall not require a response or debate although the Chairman may direct a question for an oral response from a councillor or written response from the Clerk. If you wish to speak please raise your hand at this point in the meeting. If the item you wish to discuss is not listed on the Agenda then the Parish Council will, if appropriate, place it on the next Agenda. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Present and consideration of apologies Declarations of interest and consideration of any dispensations required Minutes of previous meeting Matters arising from previous meetings and not listed District and County Councillors’ reports Public Participation Highways a. Any updates on previous problems b. Seat and planters in Manor Road c. Speed Indicator Devices - CCllr Huxtable advises waiting a bit longer as he is trying to persuade Dave Grabham to provide one d. Village sign on the Nydon - This has now been moved thanks to the work of a couple of villagers e. 30mph sign on the Nydon - we await further information from Highways f. Problems arising Bus Services 375 and X75 - any update available Planning a. 14/14/00007 - Erection of wind turbine on land at OS Field No.1087, Little Leaze Lane - no update as at 06/01/15 b. 14/14/00011/STP - Erection of agricultural workers dwelling at OS Field No.9074, Little Leaze Lane - refused - report on correspondence c. 14/14/00014 - Erection of 2 storey extension to N and dormer windows N and S at 10A Brook Lane - no update at 06/01/15 d. 14/14/00015 - Erection of single storey extension to W and verandah to N at The Cottage, 40 Manor Road to consider the Council’s response e. To consider a Neighbourhood Plan - to consider inviting a representative from SDC Planning to a future meeting f. Any other planning matters for information Finance a. Accounts check - Bank statements awaited b. Cheques for signature - incl Clerk’s pay and expenses; Winter gritting c. Three barrels at War Memorial - any update d. Set the precept for 2015-2016 e. Telephone/internet banking - report on result of investigation Rights of Way, Footpaths - Any problems arising. War memorial plaque - any update The Pound - improving the surface and any other work required Playing Field - report Parish Plot - any update SCC; SDC; SALC; CPRE - SALC meeting Monday 9th Feb at East Huntspill Village Hall at 7pm Items for information, circulation, distribution - Avon and Somerset Police Newsletter Items for next meeting - set the precept for 2015-2016 Urgent correspondence Date of next meeting - Tuesday 10th February 2015 at 7.30pm Julia Marshall Clerk to Catcott Parish Council 6 January 2015 “Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.”
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