FINCHAMPSTEAD PARISH COUNCIL PRESENT: MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD at 8pm on Wednesday 8th October 2014 California Ratepayers Hall, Finchampstead, Berkshire Cllr Mrs Newcombe - Chairman Cllrs Bromley, Chapman, Driver, Jennings-Frisby, Marshallsay, Veitch Mrs A Kent – Assistant to the Clerk 390/2014 – APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Cundy and Pearce. 391/2014 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS None 392/2014 – MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on September 10 th 2014 were signed as a true and correct record. 393/2014 – MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 472/2012 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS – SDL Arborfield Planning Application 1. AGLC Steering Group Cllr Bromley attended the meeting on Sept 16th. The Marino application has been submitted to WBC and should be available to view online in a few days. AK will request a hard copy of the application for the PC. The next meeting is on Oct 14th, Cllr Veitch is attending. 2 Secondary School WBC are progressing the Academy option, the opening date for the School is by Sept 2016. Site chosen has now been made public. 3. Community Forum. The next Community Forum is on October 23rd, at Henry St Garden Centre, several Cllrs are going. 4. AGLC’s Transport meeting is on Thurs 9th Oct, members of FAST are attending. 339/2014 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS - Shaping our new communities consultation The FAST Group met on 30 Sept and a response was submitted to WBC, a copy of the response is in the mail. 339/2014 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS – 53 Barkham Ride - planting The approved plans for this site (F/2013/1934) stated an approved landscaping scheme would be implemented, the planting should have started by now. The matter is now an Enforcement issue, ref/2014/00364 173/2014 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS – new structures built at California Country Park The matter has been registered with WBC reference F/2014/00181. M Lee visited the site, a check was carried out into the planning history and the newly erected chalet building is allowed. The camping pod requires planning approval, the building of a second pod is scheduled. No further update 367/ 2014 GYPSY AND TRAVELLER LOCAL PLAN (GTLP) draft options consultation Completed by the Committee and sent to WBC on 19th Sept. 136 368/2014 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS - Land to the rear of Wildacre, Hollybush Ride, F/2014/1965, AK informed WBC’s Tree and Landscape Department of the application as many trees on the site are covered by TPOs. Ms Ramsey WBC, wrote the TPOs are still in effect. She has been allocated this planning application, and will be reporting on it. Cllr Marshallsay has also spoken to D Wetherill, WBC’s Planning Officer. 368/2014 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS – new Gypsy /traveller licences Mr J Lee informed the PC he will be submitting an application for additional mobile homes at Hogwood Meadows and Little Moor. He met with M Head who suggested he ran his plans by FPC . There are 14 licenses available for new pitches and he would like to get them for his existing pitches. M Head clarified, the GTAA ( Gypsy & Traveller accommodation assessment) when published, will state if this area requires more pitches, at this stage WBC do not have evidence that more pitches are needed. 394/2014 ENFORCEMENT ISSUES 5 new issues and 1 closure. Updates 50 Nine Mile Ride, 4-5 mobile homes being moved onto site. The trial was scheduled for August 6th 2014. WBC registered the matter as an Enforcement issue, reference RFS/2014/00302. The trial date is December 11th. A Planning Contravention notice was served w/c 22nd Sept, the resident is required to complete a questionnaire on the mobile homes, he has a week to respond or a fine of £1K can be imposed. 23a Nine Mile Ride An enforcement notice has been served, the resident has until 23 rd Oct 14, to comply and remove the washrooms and services. Fairlands, Church Rd, Farley Hill is appealing against an enforcement notice on this site. The alleged planning control breach is without planning permission the material change of use of land for agriculture to a mixed use, stationing of mobile homes for residence. The Inquiry was held on May 15th, Cllr Marshallsay attended. Site at Tintagel Farm, Sandhurst Rd An Enforcement Appeal has been lodged on the Enforcement Notices relating to material change of use of the land from a lawful mixed use of woodland and the stationing of one mobile home for human habitation to an unlawful mixed use consisting of the aforementioned uses and in addition residential, business and storage uses and the stationing of two further mobile homes for human habitation. A Public Inquiry is scheduled for 6 days starting 15th October 2014. Cllr Marshallsay will attend the Appeal on 17th Oct, and Cllr Driver on Fri 24th Oct. FPC’s will object on the grounds of TBH and development in the countryside. Hogwood Meadows The site has been tarmacked for more parking and a drop kerb made to the entrance. May 20th static mobile home is now parked there. The site is located diagonally opposite the Reading Football ground. The property when you are facing it is to the left of Misting Meadows. The track built by owner without planning permission at Misting Meadows is being removed and stored temporarily near the rear of the house. He has been instructed to removal excess hardcore from the site, and will lay topsoil and seed to enable the land to recover. 137 Silverstock Manor, Sandhurst Rd – APP/X)360/C/14/2215811 An enforcement appeal has been received, for the alleged breach without planning permission the erection of entrance walls, piers and gates more than 1 metre in height adjacent to a highway. A letter with our comments was sent to Inspectorate on 25th June 14. Still awaiting Appeal decision. Twin Oaks – Longwater Lane Very large shed being constructed. As no application has been submitted, a warning letter was sent w/c 30th Sept, the resident has 28 days to action. 395/2014 CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS – Appendix A The new application for Prior Approval will be listed on our main database. Plans are downloaded for each meeting along with letters pertaining to the application. 396/2014 – DECISIONS - Decisions were reported as at Appendix B. 397/2014 - APPEALS – NEW Unit 11, Marino Way, F/2014/1563 –Proposed change of use from (B8) use to a personal training studio (D2) use. Comments to the Inspectorate by 30 th October. FPC had no objections to the application. No further action required. Pineridge Park Homes, Nine Mile Ride – Proposed use of land for the stationing of 22 mobile homes for residential purposes with the formation of additional hardstanding (retrospective) A Public Inquiry will be held at Shute End commencing 10am on Tues 28 th Oct to Fri 31st Oct, Tues 4th Nov to Fri 7th Nov and Wed 10th Dec to Fri 12th December. 8 days in total. Cllr Newcombe may attend. Tintagel Farm, Sandhurst Rd- ENF/2014/0610 – see Enforcement issues Decisions None. 398/2014 – TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS TPO 886/1997 18 Manor Park Drive Finchampstead, and 16 Manor Park Drive. WBC consents to the following work being carried out : 18 Manor Park Drive pruning on 4 Oaks, and felling Oak (T5) on plan. 16 Manor Park Drive, Oak (T1) - Fell and replace. TPO 325/1987 10 Little Fryth, Crowthorne WBC refuses consent to the following work being carried out Silver Birch (T1) - reduce height by up to 2 metres Reduce any extending lateral branches by 2 metres Silver Birch (T2) - reduce height by up to 2 metres Reduce any extending lateral branches by 2 metres Silver Birch (T3) -Reduce overall crown by up to 2 metres Remove secondary growth to crown break 5 metre crown lift Reasons for refusal: The right to light premise refers to buildings; to date there is no legislation that relates this to trees. 138 WBC consent to following work being carried out: Silver Birch (T1) - selectively prune to crown clean, through the removal of rubbing and declining branches, ensuring a natural form is maintained. Silver Birch (T2) - selectively prune to crown clean, through the removal of rubbing and declining branches, ensuring a natural form is maintained. Silver Birch (T3) - selectively prune to crown clean, through the removal of rubbing and declining branches, ensuring a natural form is maintained. 399/2014 STREET NAMING AND NUMBERING Demolish Oak Lodge, Dell Rd and build new dwelling. Whilst property is being built there will be a mobile home on site. The address of the mobile home is: Caravan, Oak Lodge, Dell Rd Finchampstead RG40 3TB. 400/2014 - CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MATTERS WBC planning lists. – noted. Email from M Head, no evidence as yet that additional pitches are needed. Report of a rundown Council house on Roycroft Ave, which has been left empty for 3 months by owners. Check position with WBC. SB will supply number of house. AP has provided name of housing officer. Email from C Ramsey about F/2014/1965 Hollybush Ride, Wild Acre Completed Shaping our new Communities questionnaire. 401/2014 Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th November at 8pm in the California Ratepayers Hall. The meeting closed at 9.30pm 139
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