CHIDDINGFOLD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 13 February 2014 at 7.45 pm in the Charles Watts Room of the Village Hall. Present: Cllr Richard Hogsflesh, Chairman (RH) Cllr Neil Denyer (ND) In attendance: Sue Frossard MILCM (Clerk) Cllr Christine Tebbot (CT) Cllr Nick Allen (NA) Cllr Tim Forrest (TF) Public: 1 Action 1.00 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies from Cllrs Roger Underwood (RU) and Susie Forrest (SF) were received and accepted. 2.00 DECLARATIONS OF NON-RECORDED PECUNIARY OR OTHER INTERESTS IN ITEMS ON THE AGENDA. (DPIs). Cllr Neil Denyer declared a pecuniary interest in item 5.02. Cllr Richard Hogsflesh declared a personal interest in Item 4.03 (WA/2013/2154) 3.00 MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 09 JANUARY 2014. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 09 Jan 2014 were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman. 4.00 4.01 PLANNING COMMITTEE UPDATE ON WBC PLANNING DECISIONS. Hollyhurst, Mill Lane; Wickets, Woodside Road; Brixham, Ridgley Road; Little Barsden, Ballsdown; West End Barn, West End Lane; Cricket Green Cottage, School Lane; The Swan Inn, Petworth Road; Cross Glades, Prestwick Lane and Oakville, Woodside Road were granted. Land adjacent to Low Prestwick Cottage, Prestwick Lane and Mill House Farm, Petworth Road were refused. PLANNING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 23 Jan 2014 were tabled and NOTED. It was further NOTED that the next Planning Committee meeting is at 11am on 27 Feb in the Parish Council office. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. The following planning applications were considered and recommendations AGREED: WA/2014/0036 - 2 CHERRY TREE COTTAGES, PICKHURST ROAD, CHIDDINGFOLD. Certificate of Lawfulness under S.192 for erection of garage/store. Recommendation: WBC to decide. (40481). WA/2014/0027 - BROOK COTTAGE, PETWORTH ROAD, HASLEMERE. Certificate of Lawfulness under S.192 for the erection of a single-storey extension. Recommendation: This Council has no objection to this application. (40481). WA/2013/2154 - CASERTA, BRAMBLES COTTAGE & HONEY LEA, COMBE LANE, WORMLEY. Erection of 3 dwellings following demolition of existing 3 dwellings. Recommendation: Subject to comments, this Council has no objection to this application. (40481). WA/2014/0013 - PICKHURST, PICKHURST ROAD, CHIDDINGFOLD. Change of Use of agricultural storage building to swimming pool and gymnasium with changing facilities together with alterations. Recommendation: This Council has no objection to this application. (40481). CA/2014/0001 - ROSE COTTAGE, POCKFORD ROAD, CHIDDINGFOLD. Chiddingfold Conservation Area - fell 1 x oak tree. Comments: This diseased tree has already been removed. CA/2014/0003 - LAND AT COXCOMBE LANE (RECREATION GROUND), CHIDDINGFOLD. Chiddingfold Conservation Area - fell 1 x oak tree.. Recommendation: Chiddingfold PC supports this application, (although technically, probably shouldn’t comment or recommend on its own application). (40481). CA/2014/0006 - THE BIGGIN, PETWORTH ROAD, CHIDDINGFOLD. Northbridge Conservation Area - removal of one tree. Recommendation: This Council supports this application. (40481). TM/2014/0003 - 11 YEWENS, CHIDDINGFOLD. Application for works to a tree subject of TPO WA89. Recommendation: WBC Officers to decide. (40481). 4.02 4.03 Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 13 February 2014 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2014-02-13---25 WA/2014/0048 - LAND AT BARFOLD FARM, PETWORTH ROAD, HASLEMERE. Change of Use of building to clubhouse together with alterations (revision of WA/2012/0581). Recommendation: This Council supports the change to the staircase and inclusion of a ramp. This Council objects to the proposed changes to modern windows, folding doors and glazed infill and, in this respect, prefers the original application. (40481). 5.00 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 WORKING AND ADVISORY GROUPS. No new Working Groups were formed. Due to pressure of work and other commitments, Cllr Neil Denyer stepped down from the Village Maintenance Group (VMG). This was NOTED. CHANGE TO THE ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chairman PROPOSED that Items 5.01, exclusion of public and press and Confidential Item 5.02 be dealt with at the end of the meeting. This was unanimously agreed. RESOLVED: To move Items 5.01 and 5.02 to the end of the meeting. ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES GROUP (EAG). 5.03.01 - Update on EAG matters. There was no update. VILLAGE PROMOTION GROUP (VPG). 5.04.01 - Update on VPG matters. There was no update. ROAD AND TRAFFIC GROUP (RTG). 5.05.01 - Update on RTG matters. TF reported that resources have largely been diverted to flooding. He went on to report that Surrey Highways’ contractor has examined the culvert at the top of Ridgley Road and found that it was probably damaged when a new sewer pipe was laid for Field View Close. This opinion concurs with local knowledge. Surrey Highways, their contractor and the developer are now working together to effect repairs. Meanwhile the culvert, when it overflows into the road, is draining reasonably well into a road drain, which connects to the same culvert, downstream of the break. Due to the risk to properties in The Willows, Surrey Highways have ranked this second priority, first priority lies with houses bordering The Thames. PARISH PLAN GROUP (PPG). 5.06.01 – NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN (NP). RH reported that a meeting has been arranged for the Steering Group on the 24 March to progress this. The Clerk reported that she had submitted a funding bid to Locality and the designated area of the Plan has been submitted to WBC’s new Principal Planning (Policy) Officer for approval. EMERGENCY PLAN GROUP (EPG). 5.07.01 - Update on EPG matters. During the recent flooding, the Parish Emergency Plan (PEP) had not been invoked. It was also noted that this parish does not feature in the County or Borough’s Emergency Plans. In light of this, and the growing necessity for communities to be more self-sufficient as local authority resources are cut year on year, it was agreed that a ‘Parish Only’ Local Assistance Plan (LAP) should be put in place. RESOLVED: That the current Parish Emergency Plan (PEP) be utilized as a Local Assistance Plan (LAP), as it stands but removing references to the County and Borough Councils as an integral part of the Plan; and RESOLVED: That the Community are to be advised of the existence of both Plans, by house to house leaflet drop, how the Plans are structured, how they are invoked and what resources and support are available. RESOLVED: Specifications and prices for walkie-talkies to be brought to the next Parish Council meeting for purchase approval. VILLAGE MAINTENANCE GROUP (VMG). 5.08.01 - Update on VMG matters. CT reported that a very productive meeting had been held earlier in the week and the key action arising from that meeting had been that the village hall has been booked for a public meeting at 8.00pm on the 20 March. This will be publicized in the March edition of the Parish Magazine and by writing to key householders and landowners, particularly those along vulnerable lanes. The purpose is to inform and educate the meeting on hedge and riparian responsibilities, then for attendees to group into road areas to discuss specific issues and possible solutions. RESOLVED: The meeting to be advertised in the March edition of the Parish Magazine. RESOLVED: To write to key householders and landowners inviting them to the meeting. RESOLVED: Attendance to be encouraged by word of mouth. RESOLVED: Local area maps to be produced, possibly using Parish Online. RESOLVED: Riparian Responsibilities leaflet to be updated. CT also reported that, whilst the focus has been on flooding and drainage, some progress has been made with Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD). Trees affecting overhead power lines have been cut back and missing transfer switches, which allow continuation of power supply via an alternative route when a line breaks, are being replaced. Clerk EPG RU VMG VMG ALL Clerk Clerk Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 13 February 2014 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2014-02-13---26 6.00 PARISHIONERS’ CORRESPONDENCE. [Parishioners’ correspondence is circulated to councillors on arrival and is only raised at a Parish Council meeting if actions or decisions are required.] 20:28 PUBLIC QUESTIONS INVITED. 1. A resident asked if there was any progress with Surrey Superfast Broadband delivery to those properties outside of the first phase of the scheme. TF responded that, with the recent flooding issues, he did not have any specific information. He reported that for those connected it seems to be working very well, but he had been surprised at the amount of speed degradation over relatively short distances. TF will find out what the next steps are towards total supply for the parish. 2. A resident asked if there is any progress with Waverley’s Local Plan or with the Parish Neighbourhood Plan. RH and TF responded that the Neighbourhood Plan is in progress as mapping out a parish vision for the next 15-20 years for employment and business, development design, sustainability and infrastructure are not dependent on WBC’s Core Strategy. PUBLIC QUESTIONS CLOSED. 20:38 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 8.00 5.01 CONF TF OTHER CORRESPONDENCE AND BUSINESS. POWER OUTAGES. A report from SF, a letter to the SSEPD Team Manager and the subsequent reply were NOTED. TF reported that issues with flooding at Southbridge Pumping Station, caused by power outages, are being pursued effectively by owners of properties in the immediate area. LAND AVAILABILITY SURVEY FOR WAVERLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL. An acknowledgement had been received from WBC in respect of the letter sent by the Parish Council in response to their land availability survey. In addition the Clerk reported that WBC have now appointed a Principal Planning (Policy) Officer, who is leading on Neighbourhood Planning. Previously WBC had been discouraging towns and parishes from commencing their Neighbourhood Plans. QUOTATION FROM CATHEDRAL WORKS ORGANIZATION (CHICHESTER) LTD (CWO). A quotation had been received in respect of re-cutting and re-painting some lettering and lightly cleaning the war memorial. CT reported that the Chiddingfold Horticultural Society are giving out poppy seeds for gardens, sowing them around the war memorial and school and, CT suggested, also along Pickhurst Road (verges comprising part of The Green). A concern was raised that, planted on The Green, these would self-seed and could cause the surrounding fields to be covered in poppies in years to come. NA queried the quotation terms: 3.04 - “retention is not to be held ….” also the requirement for 50% payment up front and full settlement within 14 days, none of which are acceptable, the Clerk will query this. Alternative quotations are to be sought and NA will provide the Clerk with details of an alternative craftsman. RESOLVED: That the work be carried out during 2014, although not budgeted, and grant funding will be sought. WEST SUSSEX MINERALS LOCAL PLAN. Information on the preparation of a new West Sussex Minerals Local Plan was NOTED. POLICING IN THE PARISH. TF reported that there had been a burglary and a WPC had been making house to house calls to warn nearby residents. Also it was NOTED that a resident had reported to the Clerk that an elderly resident had been witnessed being harassed and verbally abused by two teenager boys, one on a skateboard and one on a small bicycle. LATE ITEMS SINCE THE CLOSE OF THE AGENDA. (For information/discussion only. Decisions cannot be taken on items not Specified on this agenda). There were no late items. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC. The Chairman PROPOSED that, due to the confidential and prejudicial nature of Item 5.02 the press and public be excluded for the duration of that Item. RESOLVED: That due to the confidential and prejudicial nature of Item 5.02 the press and public be excluded from the meeting pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and Standing Order 1(c). Clerk NA Cllr Neil Denyer left the room. 5.02 CONF RECREATION DEVELOPMENT GROUP (RDG). Update on the new Community Facility. An update on land negotiations was NOTED and the intended scope of the project was detailed in preparation for seeking VAT and other legal advice. RESOLVED: That further land negotiations and further actions beneficial to the Council be undertaken as detailed in the accompanying confidential report. Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 13 February 2014 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2014-02-13---27 CT Cllr Neil Denyer returned to the meeting. 9.00 9.01 9.02 10.00 21:42 FINANCE AND COMPLIANCE GROUP (FCG). FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS. TF reported that expenditure is in line with budget. Reserve figures that have been input need to be checked as there appear to be some inaccuracies with the accounting system reports. The Chairman had received a report from the Internal Auditor, but this was not reported at this meeting. The Chairman will pass this to the Clerk to put on file. RESOLVED: to approve the income vs. budget statement and balance sheet for the year to date. RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS. Receipts, payments and ratifications on the Order to Pay form, were detailed and approved. RESOLVED: Receipts, payments and ratifications were unanimously approved and the Order to Pay forms were signed by the Chairman, one Councillor and the Clerk. DATE OF THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. In accordance with the meeting dates set at the Annual Parish Council Meeting, this will be the 13 March 2014. Items for the agenda are required no later than noon on Tuesday 04 March 2014. Clerk RH MEETING CLOSED. Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 13 February 2014 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2014-02-13---28
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