Women Dems of Rockland County Plan Active 1962

tirvm committee co-chairmen, state
(•ummititjewoman, a n d county prog r a m chairman, who comprise th«
executive committee of t h e Rockland County Women's Division.
Friday night, F e b . 23, h a s been
set a s the date for a county-wide
dance to celebrate Democratic victories in t h e last election, Which
brought Democratic control of the
town boards of three of Kocklarid'H
five townships a s well a s continued Democratic control of the
county Board of Supervisors by a
4-1 margin. Roxanne Oallucci, of
Piermont, wife of Orangetown Justice of the P e a c e John Oallucci,
and Frank Matone J r . of Thlells,
president of the "West HaverstrawCarnervllle-T h I e 1 i s Democratic
Club, will serve a s co-chairmen of
the Victory Dance, which will be
held a t the Nyack Luau restuarant,
Rte. 9W, Upper Nyack.
Caroline Lesier, of South Nyack,
has accepted the c h a i r m a n s h i p of
the ninth annual Democratic Women's luncheon, to b e held Saturday,
Mar. 10. M r s . Leiser expects to be
able to announce shortly a guest
speaker of national reputation.
Prominent women D e m o c r a t s attending the planning session were
Louise Mehl, co-chairman of the
County Commitfee a n d chairman
of the Women's Division; Connie
Voss, state c o m m i t t e e w o m a n ; Theresa Houlihan, p r o g r a m chairman
of the County Committee; P e g MaM R . A N D MRS. H A R V E Y S A C H A R T O F , who were married retone, co-chairman, and Eunice Falcently at the Nanuet Hebrew Center with Dr. H y m a n J . Routtenlon, a r e a c h a i r m a n , both of Haverberg officiating. T h e bride is the former Iris 8herman, daughter
straw; Natalie Berne, co-chairman,
of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sherman of Spring Valley. M , \ Sachartand
M a r g a r e t A n d e r s o n , area
of is the son of D r . and Mrs. Jules Sachartof of Bayside, L. I.
chairman, both of Orangetown;
— A r t h u r ' s Studo.
Helena Kalmus, co-chairman, and
Eve Forshay, a r e a c h a i r m a n , both
who have the reputation of being of R a m a p o ; Madeline Goetschius,
one of the best organized, h a r d e s t co-chairman, a n d Marion Uberworking, and most successful wom- bacher, a r e a c h a i r m a n , both of
en's groups in the nation, a r e Stony Point; Virginia Abbott, explanning social events, fund-rais- ecutive assistant t o t h e county
ing, political workshops, a n d for- chairman; Elaine Magid, public
T h e Rockland County Democrat- u m s on issues which effect the relations c h a i r m a n of the Women's
Division; J e a n Prier, who presentic Women's Division, whose mem- county, state, a n d nation.
Louise Mehl, co-chairman, a n d ed plans for the Women's Division
bers work on all political levels,
outlined this week a p r o g r a m of William A. Zeck, chairman, of t h e annual Memorial D a y auction; and
political, social and educational ac- Rockland County Democratic Com- Caroline Leiser, c h a ' r m a n of the
tivities a s it entered its ninth year. mittee, m e t with the Women's Di- forthcoming Democratic Women's
Rockland's Democratic w o m e n , vision township a r e a chairmen, luncheon.
WHY WAIT (JN7IL 1963 to twin 4%
E N G A G E D — M r . and Mrs. David R. Settle Jr., of 2 W a l n u t Place,
Spring Valley, announce the engagement of Mrs. Settle's sister,
Kathleen A n n Free, to Robert R. Ackerson, son of M r . and Mrs.
Russell Ackerson of 7 Hoyt St., Spring Valley. Miss Free attended
Spring Valley High School and the I. B. M. course at Clarkstown
Central H i g h School, N e w City.
She is employed at Shoppers,
Spring Valley. M r . Ackerson attended Suffern High School and
is employed by the Journal-News, Nyack. T h e couple plans a
September wedding.
Women Dems of
Rockland County
Plan Active 1962
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Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
A I N CST T R I i T - H A V i i S T i A W