July 6, 2014 - + HOLY NAME OF JESUS

Have you made your pledge of sacrifice to our campaign?
July 6, 2014
Holy Name of Jesus Church
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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 12 & 13, 2014
Entrance: #313—All People That on Earth Do Dwell
Lord, Have Mercy
Readings: Page 187—Breaking Bread
Offertory: #463—Eye Has Not Seen
Holy, Holy, Holy
Mystery of Faith: When We Eat This Bread
Lamb of God
Communion: #327—Gift of Finest Wheat
Recessional: #733 — To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
Religious Education Notes
Religious Education Registration forms for 2014-15
have been mailed to families enrolled in our parish
program. If you have not received your registration
form, please call the Parish Office at 516-921-2334.
Remember: Families who register by July 31st receive
a $50.00 discount.
July 16, 2014
6:00 P.M. - Exposition, Rosary & Evening Prayer
7:00 P.M. - Holy Mass
(with opportunity to enroll in Brown Scapular)
HNJ’s Religious Ed Program welcomes all children in
grades 1 through 8.
Fellowship to follow.
Holy Family Church
5 Fordham Avenue
Hicksville, NY
For more info: 516-506-3748
2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
In w world full of so many troubles, it’s easy to feel like there is nothing we can do to make a difference…
But we can,
We can help feed the hungry
We can see that our seniors are provided with services and shelter
We can provide guidance through troubled times
We can make sure that no one feels alone
Make a Difference
Support the Ministries of our Diocese and Parish by making
a pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal
If you have not as yet given a gift to the 2014 CMA, please consider doing so today. To all who have given a gift or made a pledge, thank you for
helping people on Long Island and also helping HNJ meet its 2014 goal.
For more information, visit www.CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org.
You can use the form below and return it to the rectory office and we will forward it to the CMA Office or you can use the form you received from the
CMA office.
Enclosed in my gift of $__________ or
I pledge of $__________ to be paid over 10 months.
Parish: Holy Name of Jesus, 690 Woodbury Road, Woodbury, NY 11797
July 6, 2014
Holy Name of Jesus Church
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Notes from our Pastor….
The Capital Campaign continues and as this bulletin is prepared for printing, I’m happy to tell you
that we reached $410,000 in pledges and/or gifts from 94 families. We still have the last quarter of
the journey to complete but I truly believe we will make our goal by the close of the Campaign later
this month. Once again I thank all who have contributed to date, and I ask those who have not as yet
responded to please think and pray about making a pledge and/or gift.
Even though things slow down a bit during the summer months, some planning and preparations
continue for the parish, such as registration for Religious Education for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Registration forms were mailed to families with children previously enrolled in our program. Please
return your forms as soon as possible. If you wish to enroll a child (grades 1 through 8) who did not
previously attend our program, please call the rectory office.
On Friday, July 4th, we celebrated Independence Day. As we celebrate our Independence and count
our many blessings, perhaps from time to time, we could pray this prayer for Religious Freedom
offered by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops:
“O God our creator, from you provident hand we have received
our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us
as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the
only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power and
working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst
of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to
every corner of society.
“We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious
liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our
freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices
heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of
conscience of all people of faith.
“Grant, we pray, O heavenly father, a clear and united voice to
all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour
in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every
danger overcome -- for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all
who come after us –this great land will always be “one nation, under
God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We ask this through
Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Father Bauhoff
July 6, 2014
Holy Name of Jesus Church
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“Preserving Faith, Family & Future”
Thank you to the following parishioners who have made their pledge of sacrifice to our Capital Campaign.
Our campaign is off to a great start; however we can only meet our goal through the participation of the entire parish.
*This listing was published as of Friday, June 27th
Anonymous (7)
Catherine & Frank Accardi
Marie Acquafredda - In Memory of Frank
Jean E. Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Angello
Robert & Carolyn Annucci
Carmine & Catherine Annunziato
Diane & Anthony Antonucci
Michitsch and Aufiero Families - In Memory of Ilean & Joseph Michitsch
Mr. & Mrs. George Aufiero
Vincent Ayers
Mrs. Mary Ann Barry - In Memory of James C. Barry
Msgr. Richard Bauhoff
Rose Ann Bencivenga
Alice Borra
Peter & Diane Braccia
Joseph & Ann Callaghan
Joan Casey - In Memory of John & Josephine Gavin
Lucille M. Castellano - In Loving Memory of Lorenzo J. Castellano
Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Cicero
Tina Colasante-In Loving memory of Nancy & Charles Maggio
Joann Competiello - In Memory of Stephen Competiello
Joseph Creen - In Memory of Florence Creen
Alexander Cutrone
Eileen De Meo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Degrigrio
Maria Del Maestro-Sollano-In Memory of John & Louise Del Maestro and Joseph & Adele Valenti
Josie Donovan - In Memory of Thomas Donovan
Gregory A. Falco & Mrs. Janet Falco -In Memory of Anthony Falco
Mr. & Mrs. Al Ferrante
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Figalora
Kathryn Robilotti Fordham
Paul & Mary Ann Forte
Francis Garthaffner
Deborah Graziosi
Rolando & Elisa Gregorio
Barbara Horak & Rudolph
John & Joanne Hough
Mr. & Mrs. John Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William Komorowski
Helen Kopf
John & Ann LaPonti
Ronald & Elaine Labrocca
In Memory of Tom & Ann Lavin
Anna Maffettone - In Loving Memory of Alfonso Maffettone
Frank & Adeline Maresca
Bagnasco / Mathes Family
Albert and Lillian Matthews
July 6, 2014
Holy Name of Jesus Church
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“Preserving Faith, Family & Future”
Ms. Dorothy May - In Memory of The May Family
Trudy McNeill
Eleanor E. McKenna
Rose, Isabella & Victoria Medina - In Memory of Luis Medina, Manuel Lema, & Gloria Davila
Mrs. Madeline Millé - In Memory of William Millé
Ida and Anthony G. Montuori
Anthony V. Montuori - In Memory of Arlene Montuori
Howard & Patricia Morgasen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Naccari
Robert & Rosanne O'Loughlin
Lorelei & Luicci Onglengco
Mr. & Mrs. James Panciroli
Anthony & Charlene Pennino
Mary & Albert Pennino
Camillo & Diane Pizzo
Dr. Maryse Prézeau
Michael S. & Lisa Reali & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Regino
Rosemary Rizzi
The Iovino & Russell Families
Mr. & Mrs. Lewey & May Sanchez
Marie Sanzone - In Honor of Pascal & John Sanzone
Michael & Violet Sardo
Henry and Clare Schauer
Mildred Sciscio - In Loving Memory of Leonard Sciscio
Leonilda J. Staszak - In Memory of Matthew R. Staszak
Michelle M. Staszak - In Memory of Matthew T. Staszak
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Terrana - In Memory of Clare Terrana Evola
Joan M. Thompson - In Memory of Peter W. Thompson
John L. & Dorothy Thorne
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Vartolo
Elisa Veneziano & Phyllis Montuori
Rose & Vincent Viviano
Joan A. Vorbach
Madeline G. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wentz
Ann & Angelo Yodice
How to Pledge:*
If you are considering making a pledge to the campaign, please return your pledge card (in person or
by mail) to the Parish office or you may drop it off in either the Saturday or Sunday offertory basket.
Your spiritually adopted baby weighs over one pound now. His mother can feel his movement now. Before he was too
small for her to feel. Although he swam with ease in his watery world, he needed to be big and strong enough to kick hard
against the outside wall and dent it —the inside wall of the uterus has no feeling. We are mid-way through the pregnancy now.
Your prayers have helped your baby’s mother continue with her pregnancy and seek the help she needs.
July 6, 2014
Holy Name of Jesus Church
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Sunday, July 6, 2014
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Zechariah 9:9-10 Romans 8:9,11-13
Matthew 11:25-30
FOCUS: A cross carried willingly is a burden no
more. There is no burden so great that the Lord cannot
lift it from us and bring peace to our hearts. So often
in life we carry around our hurts and disappointments
like a burlap sack filled with rocks, dragging us down.
It is far better to hand them over to God who is our
source of strength.
(Faith Catholic Commentaries.)
5:15 PM
Nancy Maggio
Msgr. Anthony J. Savastano
L—Jessica Anne Colasante
L—Ida & Tony Montuori
L—Debbie & Sue & Family
L—Special Intention for Health in Family
Minnie Graziosi
Ilean Michitsch
Stephen Michael Calascione
Mary & Enzo Gioia
Michael J. Hughes & Family
L—Mary Ann Barry
L—Bernadette McKenna
Hosea 2:16,17b-18,21-22
Matthew 9:18-26
Savastano Family
Hosea 8:4-7,11-13
Matthew 9:32-38
John Froehlich (40th Anniversary)
Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest
& Companions, Martyrs
Hosea 10:1-3,7-8,12
Matthew 10:1-7
Eucharistic Adoration after 9:00am Mass
L—Joan & Steve Calascione
Hosea 11:1-4,8c-9
Matthew 10:7-15
For the People of the Parish
Please pray for all the
faithful departed especially for all
the souls in purgatory who have
no one to pray for them. May God
grant them eternal rest.
Saint Benedict, Abbot
Hosea 14:2-10 Matthew 10:16-23
Special Intention
Jack Micco, Frank Accardi, Al Matthews,
Helen Kopf, Mary & Albert Pennino,, Gloria
Lema, Charlotte Marie Giannetta, Molly
Symington, Anna Fattorusso, Aurea
Nicolas, Heather & Colin Hodkinson,
Michele Walthers, Rao Family, Margaret
Payne, Patricia Morgasen, Carmela Serani, Anna
Competiello, Ida Montuori, Joan Bagnasco, Paul Forte,
Pasqualina Sindone, Timothy McDonnell, Lucy Zagrablick,
Ryan Cleary, Luke & Joe, Heather Focone, Joanne Mackin,
Rose Loesel, Anna Marturano, Richard LaVasseur, Mary
Wilson, Bertha Langman, Michael Murphy, Virginia & Judge
Harry Kutner, Elisa Venziano, Carol Shallow, Christopher
Caporuscio, Paula Serani-Esposito, Peter Esposito, Jennifer
Maresca, Howard Morgasen, Alice Oehm, Mary Rose
Colleluori, Rudy, Laura & family, John Phelan, Angela
Barello, Michael & Josephine Malazzo Cohen, Connie
Cocozzo, Bernadette McKenna, Margaret Mary O’Brien,
Anthony Corraddo, Katherine Ferrara, Vincent Montuori,
Cathy Van de Wagg, Lynn Martinsen, Francis McNamara,
Laurelle Ivey, Edison Idal. May God restore them to physical
and spiritual health.
“Let all Your works give You thanks,
O Lord, and let Your faithful ones
bless You,” says the Psalmist.
Stewardship is this “attitude of
gratitude” for the many gifts God has
given us.
Stewardship of Treasure
June 29, 2014
Collection Amounts Unavailable
at time of printing.
July 6, 2014
Holy Name of Jesus Church
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July 6, 2014
Zec 9:9–10 / Rom 8:9, 11–13 / Mt 11:25–30
One day when my children were young, we went on a walk around the neighborhood. We encountered
two girls who were about five and six years old. The elder child had her arm around the younger
and was saying convincingly, “I’ll tell you how it goes. I’ll tell you what to do, and you do it.” The
five-year-old, all eyes, nodded at the wisdom of these words. I smiled as I thought, “It would be
nice if the world were so simple.”
Our readings today present the deceivingly simple solution to demands and temptations.
It’s as though God is saying, “I will tell you how it goes.”
In the face of war and devastation, Zechariah shows us the God of peace, who rides a donkey but whose
justice lasts forever.
In the face of hunger, anger, and oppression, the psalmist prays to God, who is slow to anger and
abounds in mercy, who raises up the fallen and satisfies the desire of every living thing, and whose reign
lasts forever.
In the face of death of body and spirit, Paul talks about the life that can be ours if we but open ourselves
to the Spirit of God.
And Jesus—seeing that we are burdened by temptations, the expectations of others, and the laws that
oppress rather than help us live—invites us to become like children, to take off the heavy yoke that binds and
put on the yoke of Christ, a yoke that gives life.
Is he telling us what to do? Yes.
All that’s left is for us to do it.
Mary Katharine Deeley
Next Weekend’s Mass Schedule
July 13, 2014 - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 55:10-11 Romans 8:18-23
July 12
July 13
9:30 am
12:00 pm
Mass Intentions
Frank DeRosa
L—In Thanksgiving for
Prayers Answered
L—Deacon Ed Case
Tom Kevin Magill
For the People
of the Parish
Deceased of the Kilduff
& Hughes Families
Savastano Family
L—Diane Pizzo
L—Jack & Annette
Korean Masses
Matthew 13:24-43
Celebrant Communion
Onglengco (2)
D. Krotz
Sam Krotz
Nursing Home
Reminder: If you are unable to serve at your scheduled Mass, please call for a replacement.