Letter from K. P. Singh, Joint Secretary, UGC, regarding Rashtriya

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Bohcdu' Shoh lofor [1org. New Oelhr i 10002
Dr. K.P. Singh
Joint Secretary
1ir:p111: [iar1;
fi-g lr,
rnooe z6rqhq l,)i{.
?l?,i 0j,i,r i. rtrori kprrrrgh Ugtlti.rnrlri
).O. No.l.|6-2217$lI (OL't
24'r' October, 201 il
I)ear Sir / N{adanr,
Suh.icct: Sardar l)atel's Birth Anniversary
tinitv. Sal'etv arrd Securitv.
(Jl'' Octobrr,20l4) : S;rreading
the message of
his is in contirruation of D.O.No. F. l-l{)r2( )lJ (CM)iJlred ll"" (Jctober, l()14 lrorn [)rol. Vcd
Prirkash. Chuirlrrln, UG(. whcrcin vou \!'e rc rr:qucstcd to orgirnrze drf'f crent activities on the Birth
Anniversarv ol'Sardar Vallabhbhai l'atel on Jl" October,2014 on the campus of irour
irtstitution including thc alfiliatcd colleges to spread tlre nressage of unit,v.', public sa{et;'arrd
suL:u ri t Y.
ljurthcr to thc irbove. you xrc rcquestc(l to kindly'dcsignatc one of thc senirlr rnenrlrcrrs tl( the
faculty as the Coordinator lor concluctlrlg these activities. 'l'hc contact dctails ol'lhe
Cuordinator including his r hcr Nanre, Ernail address, Contact number including l\lobile
number nray be postcd on thc websilc ol vour institution All these details nray also l)c
conve-ved to us thr0ugh return ntail.
thc 'Rasltlriyu liktu Diwa.\ pled14e' and 'lltrn ftr the Unity'n'ta5,
kirrdlv hc accorclccl 'l'op Prioritl'and organizeci on a large scalc amuttg all acrtivitics likc NCC
rnarch pasr and dcbatc conrpctiti()n. ctc. llopc that thc Natiurtiil Unity- Dav will bc celoltrated in
vour univursity as also irr the inslilutir-rns irfliliatcd to it with tull partrcipation of tlrc students,
It is l'urthcr
rcqucstcd that
l'aculty ancl thc non-teaching stalTto spread the rnesslrgc uf Sardar Vallabhtrhai
Pale l.
Wrth rcgards.
Yours sincerely,
Vice-Chancellors of all the Centrali State I Deemed and Privatc Universities
K.l'. Singh )