Animism ¨ 口 l 屋一 の ヽ Φ 争 要∽ ヨO ﹁ ⊆ワ 発紺輩覇≒ 叶 一 F□ Φ ︵ Em ∽ の う ∽ 3 誇 郵哨 調 跡輻 議¨ 一 勇一 恥¨ 〓 ¨ ﹃課 ¨ 礁塾 勇一●ヨF ンエ〓F00ユc∽﹂oつ⊇のP Oのユヽ ■ 天 cQ バ00 C0 汁 ン ヽ , 一 ¨ 汁 絆 l 撃コ io ﹃ O 一 試卍鰐軽 卜嘔鶉疑把一 Φ i w訴群 証 一 調¨ 詩一 藩¨ 諄野¨ 訂 美 婆ギ ﹁ 騨襲尋講¨ ﹄ ゼ 一 締, ﹁ 一 00 5 Oo∽ Φ♂ 耐一 OCヽ 〇 スη17mlsm is a cOllabOraJOn between Extra Cly― Kunsthal Antwerpen,the Museum Of ContempOrary Art,Antwerp(M HKAL the Kunsthalle Bern,the Cenerali Foundation,Vl,nna, the HOuse Of wOrid culturesin BeHin,and the Free University Berhn l Anirnism Volumel Ediled byスnserm Frranke ′´ ′ 先ノ ん 2ι Sι ι rnbι 4gPrι 計 「 Anirna's Silent Repatriation:Reconsidering Anirnism in the Contemporary Worid Masaro Fu々 us力 ima 訛綸 鍛Fi嵐 盤総11堂 よ獄yttT:‖ 翼鋼身 一I■〓〓■■一〓 l Ma× Weber,711e g/ο f ο Socわ ′ Re′ o′ οn,trans Ephra m Fischoff(London: Methuen.1965) eP/Otesね 2 Max Weber,■ り n` and ille,′ ri Of Caρ ′ "llSm, trans Talcott Parsons(London: George Al en&じ nw n,1978) fr12た 誕 e 3 Yoshinott Shiozawa,Oη Order oF Marke`:F7omス ηル `わ ex′ :/い n m ro Comρ ′ υ 」apanesel{TOkyo: Chikuma― Shobo,1990) e9υ ′ ′ ,br′ 輩 J舗糞 ∬ 鸞 拗浴 婁 聰 乱IT」 r:1:l:y:llCi葛 iTttliti:l峨 覇:tX盤 篤∬ ough the ::安 holes of inodernit】 らI invite readcrs to a bricf round trip th■ ―‐ so as different in tilnc,space and content― to providc cases to reconsider the possibility of her rcne、 ved rolc in thc threc sccnes that follow contemporary、 vorld Masato Fukushirna Sccnc l:ヽ rillages OfJaVa,IndOnesia. 欺∬ T群 糧 者 孔号 し 挽f背 鳶 ∬機i謂 喘 聰∬ 11』 ;:::S絶 somc classical cxamples Of thc livelincss Of the wOrks Of anilna in thc 盤 蝶緻瑚 器 鸞麓 臓 掘鮮織釜 I l豊 1彗 Onc day lny land10rd,Onc Of thc lcadcrs Of thc OrthOdOx Muslim sch001 0fthc village,noticed thatl wasintercstcd in the phcnOmcnOn Of spirit posscssiOn and he sOmc、 vhat rcluctantly agrccd t0 1ct me nlcct Onc of thc well― knOwn spirit mcdiums in the villagc.At a glancc,thc man, in his rnid― fOrties,100ked likc a bOrn― tircd pcasant,scra、 vntt Suntanned, and rcticcnt.Thc land10rd asked the rnedium tO invite thc spirits hc was in cOntact with,and at nrst he grumbled,a bit rcluctant tO respond. But altcr a bricf exchange Of wOrds bctween the twO,thc medium becamc silcnt fOr a inOmcnt and then suddenly hc explodcd int0 1augh― tern the facial exprcssion changcd dramatically frOn■ pcasant tO that of an aggrcssivc and cxcitcd pcrsOn、 that Of a rcticcnt vith glaring cycs,a pcrson vcry hard to imagine as thc samc as thc onc a few minutcs be― 蕩 鸞 喜 I量 鱗 謀 灘 騨 : iξ 量よ 胸 盤 l∴ :憮 期 寵 Ⅷ『 F聰 轟 嵩 り ∫1:慨 柵 opiniOn abOut this kind Of phcnOmenon.He、 vas embarrassed by wit― ncssing such a dramatic transformatiOn Ofthc pcrsonality Of the rnedi― 締 li鮮li∫ 戯[}I軸 鰐榊島奄 鸞 l:i∬ 犠:獅鳶嚇 累量 壼モ 精]章∫ :黒 :l灘 lc棄 C lavan“ Irrespcctive Of the land10rd's ObviOus distastc,spirits are witncssed cver)n″ hcrc in JaVa;thcy are supposcd to cause various cffects,sOme― tillles attacking pcople in thc fOrms Of lllisfOrtunc or illness Or sOme― 撥轟 驚ユ 節買蓮犠欄離 張 聾覺 ings is tO sOothe thcm sO thcy dO nOt cause damagc to pcople.メ i bricf stay in a Javancsc villagc M/0じ ld easily lcad you tO a full cncOuntcr with such cntitlcs. Yct this was Only half thc stOr■ aS I S00n realizcd.Af‐ cw mOnths iatet a fricnd Of nline,alsO a rcsearchcr On rural culture,came to sec mc to repOrt that he had encOuntercd legendary Salllinists in a vil― 轟Itti盤鳥罵粥 i彗 i殺 樅驚 顎 ry in cctttral Java.Unlikc Othcr prcscnt revolts,hOwcveら : the Sallllinists' 鯖驚llξ]ifl::疑 『岳 悧fll[;[::籠l:11:lnotrCallァ :∫ Animism 186 undcrstand 5 The Sam n sts use a sort of clandest ne vocabulary hard to fathOm by Outsiders Forin― stance,when they were asked the rname,they answered thattheir name was man(Or woman卜 The rage:One for ever, and so on Behind such tricky conversation hes their pecuttar no10n Oflanguage On Samin sm atiarge,see Harry Benda and Lance Casues,The samin Movement,3ッ dlagen roF de 乃a′ ,と and,en yorkenkυ nde 125 {1968)AIso see partthree of Masato Fukush ma,Rellg′ ο n and Soc′ er/ο f」 a/a ttn Japanese] (TOkyo:Htuz ShObo,2002) I塩 llt 署盤鷹管 満製よ iお l諸 盟 器:flt潔 鷺 ind、 vas one such cnclavc. Thc Salllinists livcd a very inodest life,rarely attcnded to any othcr 謡鮮柵 lI構 鮮 鮮h塊鰤庶 make love and to cultivatc thc nclds. From this basic tcnet dcrivcs a dozen subsidiary rules,one Of which human actlon and conditlons. 蹴 腑:W:躍導 灘謂よ a胤常tFll∬ 密 」 露 li府 ょ i¶ 『翼驚』 露 ∬肌 1靴 繁篇認驚il品 脆 累n ir淵 島 撹 繊 W麟 轟 鍵織 lc17。 :燎 〕a sort 確凛 肌驚∬ll羅 :瑞:蹴為翼思X:∬:蹴鳳 i ary hard , Forin― li』 lllind witncsscd the rnassive advcnt of thc gospcl that the von Ncu― re asked ered la n(Or le for ever, Ih tr cky pecu iar n Sa nnin― ′ Benda e Sam n ο `de 々 υ nde 125 ree of 力 わρaη d anese] 2002) 6 Howard Gardner,η he Mわ dЪ οr/ο fめ e New Schfence′ ス″たそ ″οn(New York Cο 9″ │′ "Ret/oル Basic BOoks,1985) ,o4asato Fukushirna : 、 vas whatI、 vitnessed during iny stay in London in the 1990s.The very bclief in thc sirnilarity(or CVen identity)bctヽ VCCn thc computcr and hu― man mind iust,SOmewhat awkwardlyt corrOdcd,and even the invcn― tion of parallcl distributcd prOcessing and thc ncural nctWOrk model, 、 vhich in fact cxpanded thc vcry nOtion of computation signincantlL fcll short of reviving the cnthusiasn■ that we witnesscd at thc initial stagc of its developmcnt. /hilc thc heatcd controvcrsy aboutthc rclation betwecn computa― tion "ζand thc human lnind、 vcre gradually subducd,another attempt bc― gan to take shapc,namely artincial life,or alifc,as is called at present. Rathcr than talking about thc、 vorking of the human lnind,research― ers tried lloorc audaciously to deinc M/hat life is,by lncans of cOmputer silllulation based on cellular automata.Thesc automata prolifcrate like a unit of life,such as genes or gcrllls,and you can obscrvc how they or evolve in number on a displaL fol10wing a couple of silnplc gro、 v rulcs in rclatiOn to the neighboring cells.Somc insisted that this could siinulatc the very cvolution of living things through thousands of gcn― vcnt furthcち insisting that thcsc ccllular ′ ι ο,and other。 ゃ crations′ πs′ ′ automata vvcrc actuallyク ルυθ In a lccturc hcld in a small ofAcc in Tokyo,prcscnting the gcn― . cral map of cOntrovcrsics around thc status of alife philosophically in thc 1990s,lllainly for thc purpose of introducing thc Original idea of C.G.Langton and his fol10wers,7 1 remember l had a very acutc scnsc Of″ a_ν ク about thc way the vcry status of such silllulation M/as dis― `′ cusscd.It was something quite siinilar to the、 /ay the nature of human 7 C aus Emmeche,T71e caden わめe Macわ hef rlle ttη ech9 Scたnce ο fス r″ flc,aた ′ た{Pttnc_ lllind was dcbated in the frame of representation and computation. 1994) eton:Princeton University press, Naturall,as in the case of artincial intelligence,thcrc were thosc for and against thesc ldeas Yct at the samc time,I alsO remcmbcr that l was alsO struck by thc fact that thcrc wcrc somc,as far as l observcd thc lccturc― roo■ ■ , who,if somc、 vhat hcsitantl"agrecd、 vith the idea that thcsc ccllular οcould bc denned as alive.It was an cyc― opcncr to automata′ πsグ ルι mc,in a scnsc,as therc arc a varicty of ways to denne lifc.And the es― sential function of these automata、 vas sclf-lnultiplication in rclatiOn to others,and somc seemed to bclieve the csscnce oflife was rcduciblc to such a silnple opcration. Of coursc,1lke in the casc of artincial intclligcncc,there is a hugc gap bet、 veen nlinlicking ccrtain aspects of a living thing and insisting that thesc automata are actually living,yct l fOund it not casy to cx― clude the validity of the idca of lifc― as― it― could― bc for dcscribing ahfe. Sccne 3:A ncld muscum of architccture in Tokyo. The third sccnc is at the、 vestern outskirts Of thc expanding capital of TOkyO.Thcrc lics a largc park、 vherc you ind a neld muscum oftradi― tional and rnodern bulldings,some of which are traditionalfarmhOuses cquippcd with a couplc of well― knOwn items for traditional JapaneSC α77,′ ,and sliding papcr doors,Westcrn houses,such as earth loors,′ αι visitors that l have accompanied thcrc usually lllarvel at、 vitncssing thc actual opcnness of thc structure of thcsc hOuscs,as well as at thc thin― ncss of thcsc sliding doors.Once l inet a Finnish student of contcmpo― rary architccture thcrc,and later I M/ondcrcd if he noticed thc historical Anlmism 鮮曹]熙 撚滋壺難1椰 椰敬 alriness. Therc is,howevcち an itcm which time― presscd visitors oltcn ovcr― look:a smali shrine on thc wall,close to thc cciling in the innermost roon■ ,thc darkcst part of the house.Traditional houscs arc usually ith a portiOn furnished、vith this kind of lniniature shrinc,usually Ⅵ″ 8 For a claSSiCalintroduction apan, tO the nat ve re igion of」 η′ ο:め e see SOkyo OnO,Sh′ l1/a/(Ъ kyα scOtt L“ R71υ κam′ C E tttJe,196a and η f Oro力 s, Jeton,Sわ ′ aた ,FesF′ 1/aた ″お,Sac“ d ,Sρ ′ `ο 9Ces(OXfOrd1 0xfOrd Universた y Pl・ Press,2002) Of various ritual fOods provided as an offcring to spirits or dcitics.8 Forcign visitors lnay havc rcgrcttcd having failed to noticc such cxotic tradition thcre,yct theyヽ /Ould soon bc compensated by discovcring countless numbcrs of shrincs,hcrc and thcrc,largc and small,only if 「 1潔 [鑑 il群 h鬼 iyttfff∬y朧:tltti]& 鷺 ま』 讐 服富寵澪 認麗∫ htttL撫漁蹴 碍 :考 :」 tt窓 ■り e Ca′ den ηerg′ η θ O(P“ nc rslty Press, 醐 驚蛾栃 撮]轟 聾淋 鮮 :豊撚 椰椰鼈 il富蠅 獅 1椰 血貯 麓鴨 罫 ]鳳 盟 電蠍絋:鶴躍締 艶I脚隆慰撚 _黎要離 聾 榊 :鸞樅難1墨III鮮 昴離釜 憚寵 li犠 詈 難 甲鱗墨 櫛1聾 妻 甲 鮮蝦菫ill嶺質 翼 重‖ 滅蓮 騨墳熊Xttl驀椰 鐵 雌 S:Ъ rttL宙 mκ L与 h躍 幣iぶ::ei儀 ∬麗fr鮒 ぶ猟∬壼 譜:留鼻群 紺七 1朧 1猫 u 翼 :ifl:遠 IWIW:蠅 l∴ 麟 辞 the woman in thc documcntary 特4asato Fukushima What imprcssed mc,thcn,、 vas not rcally thc contrast bctヽ vccn thc two.Rathcち it was the overwhclming sclf― conndencc of thc spir― itualists vis― )― vis the cautious psychiatrists.The contrast、 vas most apparcnt in the casc of the documentary part inentioncd abovc.Thc psychiatrist's diagnOsis of dissociation Of personality at the scene was nOt directly follo、 vcd by any concrete M/ay of treating the、 voman, whilc the spiritualist,asserting that it、 vas causcd by a spirit of un― known origin at a glance,quickly went on to identi"whO the pos― SCSSlng splrit、 vas. In thc cxchange ofconversation bctween the woman and the spi← itualist,the latter gradually revcalcd thc idcntity of thc spirit,、 vhich turncd out to be that of her fricnd、 vho had dicd in a car accident in thc recent past.The spirit thcn rcvcaled that it had possesscd the woman bccausc it rnissed hc■ ヽVhen this proccss Of identincation was oveち the woman camc to hCrsclf again,in front of thc psychiatrist, M″ h01ooked somcwhat cmbarrasscd to、 vitness the cxchangc betv″ een 9 The same issue is treated thc t、 vo.9 more theoreicallv in YuJi sasaに , F/om Reゎ lon fο PSycわ ね″/ln 」apanesel{TOkyo:Kongo― shup‐ pan,1986) Anilnat repatriation to thc contemporary cultural sccne. 曝 」 ポ │]: 搬 1種 :111垂 まili驀 、投 塞 ious ways anima manifests itsclf in a contcmpOrary contcxt.Anima's I魏 livcliness cannOt be casily conined to a particular placc or culturc. Sccnc l sho、 vs that thc very lourishing of spirit posscssion in onc i庶 恩篇1猟 L施 里 ょ 灘 輩熱 1釜 謂 IW鳳 籠 l鑑 籍ltti∬ 智 1ま lξ t脇 罵』 誕 暮紹::」 蹴惚 瑠t認 哩繋町灘器鰹 」認1盆 ::鷲 :∬鮮鷺滉 I鰍富 紹夏T∬ ∬職軋:督ItT∬翼瀾 I fぷ 計 鮮il::悧首 dSSЪ [艦 電 配驚北:寵 thoddLarnfromthetrOメ 驚 電 Slil』 絲写tplilTT[1‰ 輩蹴 Teltttyt籠 ぷ犠鳳婿 FT藍17ボ 翼請it麒』憲彙 :∬ よ T」 乳 :::Ji『 畿 irt鷲 tよ il量 c」 l lllages cause damage to people but may also carry fortunes.Thcy lnay lllake :∬ by building up an intricatc net、 vork of rclations.Thcy are thc cmbodi― ment of thc ncxus of cultura1/natural rclations. Once this densc net、 vork of conncctcdncss is understood in the T舞 凛嚇鸞電‖壁 齢 Ⅷ夏f龍 笹朧嘗llli譜 騰∫ :』 難驚il麟麟難難難Itti苺 蓮1露掛l鰹薇l暴難押 椰瀞 i篇 cd on thc lllcaning of space rcprescntcd by the small shrinc ofthe Japa― ncse farmhouse,、 vhcn thcy compllcd thc theory of architecture bascd On thc abstract and empty notion of functional space. /cvcら the point is that thc apparcnt dissolution of thc Hcre,hoヽハ 、 /ork of anillla is only half of the story.Sccne l depicts the scattcrcd ハ distribution of anirlla's habitat thrOugh thc rural arca ofJava.ThC dis― connccting po、 vcr of Salllinislll,a sort of rcvitalizcd traditionalisn■ ,ac― tually、viPcd out thc v″ orks of anilna,、 vhilc in thc ncighboring villagcs shc was still activc and busily connecting disparatc reillns of our living space.The point is that if anilna is understood as the ncxus of Culturc/ naturc,itヽ vill constantly appcar and disappcar from our vie聯 Ъin ac― cOrdance with thc shifting balancc of cultura1/natural conditions,so that in thc vcry proccss Of rCappearance,anilna lllight come into vicw in a vcry diffcrent shape from its traditional vcrslon,、 vhich M/ould go iS treated n Yui sasakL ,力 ′ ai/in l ong。 _shup‐ y哄 腱 藍Л壇1::増 誂霞糧L電 胸::器 悪電 鼈∴欝 1記サ fOrm of blinking cellular automat〔 agility ofthis candidate for a ncw forin of anima,asidc from its small fl・ ― numbcr of supportcrs,is its very lilnited connectcdncss― altllost c10SC ―in contrast to thc shining richncss of relations、 vhich thc to nothing― traditional anilna spaヽ ハ /ns around hCt as shoヽ vn in Sccne l.The onto― logical status of thc blinking altomata is indccd ambiguous,so are the nc、v chilnera likc prOducts― tO― bC of thc ncwly cmerging synthctic bio― tcchnologI Thesc ncw cntitiCs lnay expand our ixcd nOtion Oflifc,yet thc automata arc far frOn■ causing illness or cxplaining our rnisfortunc, Or cven incorporating into our body.Thc scopc ofthcir ι クογ たis largcly cOnined to thc vcry lilnitcd area of activity in the computcr display or in thc test tube,in its cxtrcmc forlllls.Forthem to grow as a nc、 v fOrm Of anillla,they、 vould necd to connect various clcmcnts in our daily zones of activity. Conversel)Ъ oncc thC prcrcquisitc of anilna as the ncxus of con― ncctcdncss is somcwhat fu11llcd,thcrc is a chancc for thcsc nc、 v cnti tics to gro、 v as hcr ncw candidate.Herc we should pay carcful atten― tion to the multifacetedncss of the、 vord``life."ヽ Fic、 ving it fron■ thc cstcrn linguistic tradition,it is hard to And a precise scmantic エア non― ` countcrpart in,say.Japancse language.Ditlerent terms in JapanCSe lllight be allocatcd to its derivatives,such as cvcryday life,life sciencc, ァ フ ι ′is for a biologicaltcrm lifc world and so on To putit concretel)Ъ sθ ル z is for social life,and sι ′for α′ z),S`′ た gα た ′ ηZι グた′ likc life scicncc(sθ ‖ LⅧ 岬鷹 philosophical lifc.The notion of life actually intcgratcs thesc lnultiple :誌R″ :r讐 but not thc wider reallnn of the s( i場 11:事 票 1難L霧 1ぞ │ ″,and sι ′ たク′ ). (Sι ′ sO ifthc nc、 v candidatcs for anilna,oncs not conined to computcr silllulation but any form of images and shapes,arc rcady to conncct diftcrent rcalms of our``life''in the multifacctcd mcaning ofthc word, ′form of anilna cmcrging Mrc are going to bc cye、 vitncsscs to thC nC、 ハ fron■ our contcmporary tcchno― scientinc environmcnt.BCing still at the prilllitivc level of devclopmcnt,thcre arc in fact a profusion of can― didatcs for the contemporary aninla.And somc ofthem in fact may audaciously challcngc thc bordcr bct、 vecn lifc and non― varlous strateglcs. 卜 Иasato Fukushima 191 life、 vith thcir turら tOt」 ■ サ F舗£∬珊 堰 精脱翼∬草誕 the a“ rmat市 c voに rary agc of a supericially cmpt,Ъ Sp:盤 of modcrn architecturc. Animism iH選
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