評鮮鞠経襲饉議!ヤ il 似 lNttERNAT10NAL CONFERENCE 1 0N MEDiCiNEコ SHARING EXPERIENCES: uSE「QUALITY,AND SAFETYJF 四笹CEユユ:Ell!TY『 封 ―鉢 A u 押 ′郷 0 6 体 、 ザ → ダ ン ヽ ー ` ― ― ― ミ ― Ulaanbaatar,Mongolia ― .monpharm.mn ぬ符 I lNTERNAT10NAL CONFERENCE ON "ESSENT:AL MEDiCiNE口 SHARING EXPERIENCES: ACCESSiB:LITYf uSE「 QUALITYF AND SAFETY″ 0● ● ● ● ● ― す E 「 Ⅲ算 InternatioRn角 1(】 onttcrerlcc om “E s s e n t i a l M e d i c iSnhea― " r i n g E x p e r i e n c e s : A c c e s s i,bUislei,守 Qualiけ ,and Safe呼 ZC托 脚θ″ZEDCИ ⅣT E)istinguished gucsts,Ladies and Gentlemcn, Thc flrst list ofessential mcdicine uscd ibr ent treatl■ ofmost co■ lrnon diseascs among W【 ongolians was rnade in early 90-ies when Mongolia bcgan to transform into market economy.According to this listぅ thc First Meeting on`1ヾ ational DrLlg P01icy"discusscd and acccptcd basic principles forthe implementation of national drug policy. Since that,National confercncc ofdrug policy、 vas organized 5 tilnes and a list ofcsscntiallncdicinc 、 vas also rcncwcd 5 times. Onc ofthc priorities ofnational drug policy is to providc thc population ofい /1ongolia and all hospitals to providc phamaccutical services according and evcn reflccting acccptcd,standardizcd intcrnational rcqulrcments. With thc support and assistance ofour partners WHO,印 FPA,LINICEF and■ lany othcr intcrllational organizations,、 vc havc bccn successn】 llyヽ V Orking on providing suttcient,qualifled phamaceutical icc.scn′ And l am vc4/muCh proud to say that this lntcrnational Conferencc on``Esscntial Mcdicinc― Sharing Experiences:Accessibilittt Use,Quality,and Safety"is also one ofour successflll prdectS. We published a pamphlct、vith all thc articles on cssential lnedicinevill that、 be presented to us during thc Conference in both ianguagcs English and Mongolian. The palmphlet consists of 3 topics、 vhich include articlcs on supply,accessibility, quality,security and clinical phamacy. I am dceply sure the prcscntations,rnain issues,and results made during the Confcrencc、 vill be vctt irnportant for thc rcscarch,training and practical rnattcr of national policy of providing WIongolian vith csscntial drugs. population and health organizations、 In this maicr,I would like to extend my deepcst gratitudc to WHO Rcprcscntative O UNICE■ MiniSttt Of HCalth)administration of HSUM and Association of Mongolian Pharmacists and all other peoplc、 vho put an effortto rnakc this Confcrcncc bc organizcd forthcir hard、support vork,kind and assistance. Intemationai Confcretlcc on “E s s e n t i a l M e d i c i n e 口 Sharing Experiences:Accessibility9 Use,Quality9 and SaFety'' Programn for the International Conference ``Essential Medicine‐ Om Sharing Experiences:Accessibility, USe,Quality,and SaFety" 21 August(lMon),2006 09:00-10:00 Registration 10:00o ll:00 0pening Ceremony Chatrpersoni Proi S,Narantuya Sc.D Welcome speech by Prot,Ts.Lkhagvasuren Sc.E), President ofHSuM Address by Dr.L,Gundalai, Health Ⅳ rinister ofい だOngolia Address by Dr.R.Hagan, WttO Representative in Mongolね Address by Mr.R.Prado, UNlCEF Representative in Mongolia Address by Mrs,Delia Barcelona, LINFPA Representative inヽ4ongolia 11:00‐11:30 11:30-12:00 Key note address by Dre Syed Azhar Syed Suleirnan, University Sains of Malaytta, Consultant,WH0 Group photo COffee break 12:00‐13:00 Thlme l.Accttsibility and Use Chatrperson:Proi S.Tsetsegmaa PhD l ‐ 12:00‐12:15 Sl-1.Essential Medicioes and Health Priorities Dr.Syed Azhar Syed Suleiman(Malaysia) 12:15o12:30 Sl-2.The role ofNational Drug P01lcy on the improvement of 12i30‐13:00 13:00‐14:30 accessibiliけ,use and qualiけ Ofmedicine Mrs,Ch.Mtunkhdelger,MOH DiscussiOn&cOmments Lunch Inlemattonal Conferencc on “Essential MedicineoSharing Experiences:Accessibility,Use,Quality,attd SaFety" 14:30o16:00 Themel.Accessibilitt and USe C h a i l p げs o l I D r Syed . Azhtt Syed Sulユ mall 14,30‐14:45 14:45o15,00 15:00‐15:15 Sl‐ 3 . A c c e s d b i l i t y a l l d s u p p l y o f e s s e net,iedx pmeendeildl■ c e s i e m。mt n ・ RDF Mぶ 。M.Tuya MDoMP,H,L/NICEF Sl‐4,Cllallenges tt healhcare malagelnent ttld conttiblltiorl ofpllarmacistt h developillg colutlSies Dr,Kaltik Sallayい CID Sl‐5.PhaHnaceutical edllcation in Mongolia Academicim,PISott D.Dullgα dos ScaD,President ofMPA 15,15o16:00 16,00o16:30 Discllss10n&colnm鋼 16t30‐18,00 19t00‐21!00 Vぶ it to llisto拭 ctt places ofUB city 温竹沌()1ぬ ◇lARむ ◇鋸点く )fl hosted by Proi Ts,Lkllagvasttell Sc,D, PIへidentofHSUM 低 CofFee break 22 AugLISt(ミ嶺e)ゃ2◇()6 十 9:0い二 Oi30 Cllailpα 1 Themel.Accessibiliけ ,htt USe solI Acaderniciall,PISof D.DlulgelSdott Sc,D 9,00o9:15 9145‐10:30 Sl‐ 6 . A s s e s s m e l l t o f d l e t a ltlts Pianr eM■ ongolian Phalmacelltical System Proi Ss Tsetsegmaa PhD,HSUM Sl-7.UNFPA stlategy tt il■ prove access tt rOro血航市e llealth drugs and COlllll10dities Mrs.B.Soyoltllya MD.MP.H,UNFPA Sl‐ 8 . T l l e s t t d y o f a c l l toel lpionお g b yl gdsl ■a l l d c l l e r n i c t t s Assoc,Pl・ Of P.Bamllyag PhD,HSUM DiscllssiOn&col■lnellts 10130‐11:00 11,00-13:00 13:00o14:30 Co衛 携 blteak Visit to dle HOspital Lllnch 9:15‐ 9:30 9:30‐9:45 14:30‐ 16:00 Theme2.Qualitt and Safety Chailpttson:Ml・ s.Carolule Bdsch倒 ,AACPA 14:30‐14:45 S2‐1.Solne isslles ofqllality comd ofmedi抗 臨 Asscc,PltOi,D.Tsendeekhllll Sc.D, 14:45o15:00 S2‐ 2.Quality cont的 l aald ldardization sl畑 ofhel・ b medicines uslllg moncclonal a l l t i b o d y ぃt a g帆 牡 oactte compolulds 15:15o16:00 比 oi,Dr,Yモ 岨 hitt ShOy価 la(Japallj S2‐ 3 、M o n i t o l S i l l g a t t e lF gS e t td al c■d O n Assoc.Pl・ On G.α lo打alllts MD,PhD,Mongolemimpex JSC Discllssloll&COlllmellkR 16:00‐16i30 16:30‐17:30 17i30 CofFee bttak Poster presentations Free tilne 15:00o lSi15 t税:ed),2006 interllatioxlal Confcrence on “Essential Medicine‐ Sharing Experiences:AccessibilityP Use,Quality9 and SaFety" 9:00,10:30 Theme 3.CHnical Pharmacy and PhttrmacOkinetics ChairpcrsOnt Ch. Munkhdelger,MloH 9:00-9,15 9:15‐ 9:30 9:30-9:45 9:45‐10:30 10130‐ 11:00 S3-1.TO renne the prOblenl ofthc HOspital pharrnacy ヽイ rs,L.Tserendulam PhD,III CHnical HOspital S3-2.Ba口 rier in carry out Clinical Pharmacy services:HO、 v to Over come it D r e S y e d A z h a r S y e d S u l e i m a nイ (aヽ laysia) S3-3,Pharrnacoeconorlical issue OfcOrnlnon used rlledicines in lHcart Failure Mrs.N.Bayarmaa WISc,1l Clinical Hospital Discussion&cOmments Coffee break 11:00‐12:00 Thゃme3.Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacokinetics Chairperson:Academician,Proi Do DungerdOtt sCeD 11:00‐ 11:15 11:30-12,00 S3-4.Comparative Study on cOst effectiveness Of chemOtherapy for stOmach cancer patients Mrs.0.Uranchimeg WrSc.,National Cancer Centre S3-5,ヽイ edicine Revie、 v Programs in Australia in the holme and nursing hOme setting Mrs.Caroline Bcischer,AACPA(Australia) DiscussiOn&cOmments 12:00-13:00 Recolnlnendations and closing remark 11:15o ll:30 SIECT10N 2.QUALrTYANI)SAFETY QUALITYCONTROLAND STANDARDIZAT10N OFIIERB MEDICINES USING MONOCLONALANTIBODYAGAINST BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS YuHhiro Shoyama,IIiroyuH Tanaka Departrnent ofPharmacognosy,Craduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Kyushu Uコ iversi守, 3‐1‐ l Maidashi,IIigashi‐ku,Fukuoka,JaPan Although the immunoassay system using monoclonal antibodies is now indispensable for various investigations,it is not so famlliar for naturally occurring bioactive compounds having small lnolecular 、 veight.Rcccntly rapid,simple,highly scnsitivc and reproducible assay systems are required fbr quantitative and/or qualitative analytical techniqucs in herb rnedicines,phytomedicines and anilnals in a ng and pg scale. In our ongoing study on the medicinal plant proJect,we have produced monoclonal antibodies against forskolin,solarnargine,opium alkaloids,rnarihuana compounds,glycyHhizin,crocin,ginsenoside Rbl, R g l a n d R e , s e I I n o s i d e A a n d B , s a i k o s a p o n i n a , p a e o n i n o r i n , b c r,baenddn ea papnldi esdo toh■ em for immllnoattnity chromatography,castem bloting,immunocytolocalization,and scFV fo..1lation and its use for brecding.In this conference we focus newly established(1)eastern blotting and immunocytolocalization and(2)llnlnunOafflnity concentration. (1)Eastem blo性ing of saponins The bloted PVDF membrane from TLC plate developed by solvent systeln was treated with Na104 and then BSA.This reaction enhanced the flxing of saponin via saponin―BSA conJugate on the PV】 DF membrane.The PVDF rnembrane、 vas treated wlth rnonoclonal antibody against saponin,then secondary monoclonal antibody labelcd with enzyme,and flnally substrate.The staining is spcciflc and high sensitive compared to i「 LC stained with sullttric acid. (2)ImmunOafrlnity concentration of bioactive compound lmmuncafflnity column cottugated with monoclonal antibody which is preparc COttugatiOnwithgelcanbeused forimmunoconcenttationresultinginhighsensitivequ oftarget compoundメ and rnakes it possiblc to isolate the target compound by one― step puriflcation. 儀 乾献 啄ォル ☆ 陶 晦 が ゎえ竹 ・曲 甲・ ● ● ● ● ● ● ン︼ APPRECmWON を O greatry比 。r20r ‐ 0え 協 筋 初 膨解 物 D丘物 ′ 拘r your yaruabe a盟 どremarkabrc Presenを aをfO回 の 物 沈 夕 σク″掬 〃 ″冴 g物 湯 ″ク σ あ″″わ ″筋 均 ″θ r品 筋 ″ ゲ あ 形 解 像れ 曲 舛 ″母ガ 留 ″務 7 4 i Z 3 ナ励 肋 夕切″ θ ne mternaが onar COnttreコ ce aをす (除 scntFar随 前cJine_Shaガng exPeガ encesr Accessfbゴ fry, L/se,9warfけ,コどsarety> ec oF Cttafrman oゴ Organizing Commfを を r足を crraす onar COnFerer2Ce, Presfdenを of Proi Ts.軸 agyasLIrer2 Augusを 22,2θ θ6 ar,MongO】 均 明aanわaaを 、
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