POSITIoN: ADB411NISTRATIVE COoRDINATOR/TALLADECA CENTER REPORTS To: 劉 ザ TΥ ITYザ CPγ ENT&TALLADECA 品 mm響輝 Ⅷ棚 鸞鱗 撫曲違 縮 識識駈 ESSENTIAL FUNCTIoNS: 」 「“ng ShOn ds山 H鴨 κ 思・ Cκ 1盟 壼 醐踏寵聡∬絆篤鶏デ "“・ れ dbd雛 五 bttng ad cOllc“ ng hsttu∝ 0り adc 無 1鷺 無 謡 :F面 stratlm_ )Stto studcnts and prospective students in thc abscnce Ofthc student 滋 l::」 締 澪 :よ :lξ entrC° ntrcnce RoOm mα Or d“ 釘00msお r me“ ngs ,tudcnts IT. tC CACC sch01arship awards l online publishcrs 10. :ヽZord offlce Suite SOm″ are to prcparc a aray Oflcttcrs, e Centcr e● vOrk sOnware and univcrsiサ articulation sonware(STARS) ,ntcr_ 価 CC equipment,り ping COrespOndence and cOpyhg mtterids I° ¨ 鑑 鵬響 職藤 鰹 脚爾 munlサ C011ege tO prOspective students,current smdcnts and thc i駐 PerfOrrns other dutics as assigncd. Ю hare ,ds of various grOups Ofwhich itis cOmprised MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree is required. Three.years of responsible administrative experience is required. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required. Experience in college/universi[z admissional*.o.aa o. otrer student services office experience preferred. Experience using un iversity articulation *t*rr"-t slans) is preferred. Experience in Postsecondary Education i, pr.f...j- Reviewed by: Employee Date Supervisor Date
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