NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSEDAMENDMENT TO AUSTIN'SLAND DE\'ELOPMENT CODE Mailing.Date: November19.2014 CaseNumber: C20-2014-011 anendmentto Austin'sLandDevelopment A publichearingwiil be heldto considera proposed Code. Proposed Amendment: Consideran ordinance anendingCity CodeTitle 25 relatingto the regulatiorr ofresidentialusesin Districtzoningdistricts. theDowntownMixed UseandCentralBusiness 'Ihe City Councilwill considerthis amendment on Decenber11, 2014a1 301West2nd Sheet,beginning at 4:00pm. Commentson this proposedordimncefrom anymemberofthe publicwill be heardduring thepublichearing. pleasecontactGrcgl)utton ofthe ordinance, Ifyou desireadditionalinfomationon this proposed at 512-974-3509 andreferto thlj CaseNumberat thetop PlanningandDevelopment ReviewDepaftment ght ofthis notice. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE INTERPRETATIONAPPEAL 2l, 2014 MailingDaterNoveDbcr CaseNumber:C 15-2014-0144 Pleasebe advisedthat the Citv ofAustin has receivedan applicationlbr an appealof a City's staffs interpretation of the Land DevelopmentCodc. K ati eV a nD \ k. (512)128- 2008 Mat Goman ADDlicant: Orvneri Address: Not SiteSpecificNo iddressapplies Intelpretatio Rcqucst(s): . The applicanlh:rsfiled an appealchallengingthe Planningand DevelopmenlReview Deparlment'sLand Use Detelmindtionthal a sober living facility (as dcscribedin tlic appealapplication)rl'ou1dbe classified as a ChoupI lome, Class I (General)if it harl fewer than l5 residents. This applicationis scheduledto be heardby the Board of Adjustmenl on Decemberlst, 2014. The meeling will be held at One TexasCenter,505 Bafion SpringsRoad,roon 325 beginningat 7:00 PM. You are being notified becauseCity Ordinancerequiresthat all alTectedneighborhoodorganizationsbe notifled whe11an applicationis scheduledfor a publio hearing. You do NOT have to reply to this notice, hou,everil: you have any questionsconcerningthis application,please contact Leane Heldenfels of the Planning and Deyelopment Revie$, Department 512-974-2202and refff to the Case Number at the top ght of this ^t inlormation on this case at web site notice. YoLl na,v also find our p€rmit.jsp. please I1'you do wish to reply to this notice, follow the instructions1br making commenton this caselistcd on the fo1lo*ing page. For additionaliifonnation on tlrc Cit]' ofAustin's land developmentprocess.pleasevisit our rveb site NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE INTERPRETATION APPEAL RECONSIDERATION MailinsDate:November 21.2014 CaseNumbenCl 5-2014-0146 The City of Austin has receivedan applioationibr recoffidemtiorrof a recenldecisionmadeby the Boardof regardingan appealofCity slaffs interyretatioofthe LandDevelopment AdjustmeDt Code. ADnlicant: Owner: Address: Mo Flarry,(5l2) 917-2317aIIdStephanie Carrctt,(512)917-2317 (512177o-21)3 BrcntandValerieHunr.BVM Crosslit, 67II BURNET LANE Reconsiderationol lnterpretationRequest(s): Theownerofthe useat this sitehasaskedthe tsoardto reconsider its recentdecisionin favol ofan appeal challengingthePlanningandDevelopment Review l,andUseDetermination Dcpartment's thatPe$onal Improvement Serviccsis a morcappropriatc uscdefinition thanOutdoorSportsandRecreation for the useat this site in a 'CS-MU-CO-NP",GeneralCommercialSelvices Mixed Usc - ConditionalOverlay- NeighborhoodPlan rcning district.(Brentwood) Thisapplicationis scheduled to bebead by theBoardofAdjustmenton Decemberlst.20l4. Themeeting will be heldar OneTexasCenter,505BanonSpringsRoad,roon 325 bcginningat 7:00PlVl. You are beingnotilied becauseCity Ordinancerequiresthat all Fopefly ownersand utilily accountholders r.vithin500 feet of the proposeddevelopmenl and affectedncighborhood organizations bc nolificd when an applicationis scheduled lbr a public hearing. lf you haveany questionsconcerningthis application-please conlactLeaneHcfdcnfclsof thc Planningand DevelopmcntReviewDeprrtmenl at 512-974-2202 andrefer to the CaseNunlbcrat thc top right of this rlolice. You nlay alsofind infonnationon this caseat our web site www.austint€ process, pleasc Ior additional inlbrmation visitourwebsite on theCityofAustin'slanddevelopment gov/dcvclopmcn rv\rrv.austinle)us. t. ?Tlwatr;rtatct [- l o^o,n",_* L ::-. ^' 'i /\ / /^\ [ \ - rzoNrNGBoJNDARY CA S E n :C1 5 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 1 4 6 Address: 6711BURNETLANE pu?c6 rc pinLd e rd dbtutr'r en!ila,!'9gleyrngpfl<€s .qor:N|e€|*'€loc,i'.1;{6p'i'r''dndane, tb F.dr€t i$ rEx r.od!*a :)y c fteB.r by he ci:r ..lGtjn @dndr:r..ii. of .mddert* i. rereEn€. No @nV ts mde a#ia, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE VARIANCE 26.2014 MailingDate:November CaseNumber:C l5-2014-0167 Pleasebe advisedthat the City of Austinhasreceivedan applicationfor a varianceliom thc [-andDevelopment Code. ADDIi(ant: Owner: Address: AndrewHutton,(512)826-0179 Jame OFLOTS11-15 DR, Lot: l3Block: Subdivision: 5010 STRASS RESUBD VarianceRequcst(s):The applicanthas requesleda varianccfrom Section25-2-893(B) (7) (Accessory usesfor a Principal ResideDtialUse) to allow storageofa recreationalvehicle on the propclty that is not located*ithin an enclosedbuilding or is not scrcened{iom public view by either a solid wood or masonryfence in an "SF'-2",Family Residencezonins district. This applicationis scheduledto be heardby thc.Boarclol AdlrNtmenton December8th, 201'1. The meeringwill be held at Ci1.\Council Chambers,301 West 2"" Streetbegiming at 5 130 PM. You are being notilled becauseCity Ordinancerequjresthat all propefty owners and utility account holders *ithin 500 feet of the proposed developnent and af'fectedneighborhoodorganizationsbe notified when an applicationis scheduledfor a public hearing. You are not required to respond to this notice, howeverifyou have any questjons concerning this application, pleaso contact Leane Heldenfels of the Planning and 512-974-2202or [email protected] refer to the Devclopment fl€view Department ^t Case Number al the top right of this notice. You may also lind inl'otmation on tl'ijs case at our \"'eb site r'$'€rv/aquerytolder_permits jsp. If you rvould like to respond to this notice pleasereview instructionson lollowing page. For additional inlbrmatioDon the City ofAustjn's land developmentprocess.pleasevisit our web site r.rv$'\relopment. N @lsuattcr /\ :=, /\ taect P EN D IN G C AS E --- 1 "= 2 0 4 ' Z ONN G 9 OI]N D A R Y c A S E # .c 1 5 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 1 6 7 5010STRASSDRIVE Address. reParedior o' be su 5bE t!. reqa. by th€ci!, oi Ausrr ,4ardms specJ City of AustinPlanningand Development ReviewDepartment 505Barton SpringsRoad/P.O. Box 1088/ Alstin, Teras 7876?-8835 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THT COLONY PARK SUSTAINABLECOMMUNITIES TNITIATIVE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN GUIDELTNESAS AN AMENDMDNT TO THE IMAGINE AUSTIN COMPREHENSIVEPLAN f,steavisoesprra informarl€sd€unajutrra ptblica tocanlea un cambiocn el usode la propiedadindicad. asi rbajo. Si ustcddescahabfarconrlquien en espanolacercadc eslcaviso,por frvor llameal (512\974-3167. Mailing Datc ofthis Notice: Nov€mber25, 2014 Filc Number: CPA-2014-0008 In 2012, tha CiO ofAustin w,.s ah'a ed a, $3 ttllllon U.S. Department ofHousing and Urbarl Development (EUD) Communi4JChalknge Graht to fat.l the ColonJtPa* Sustainuhle Commani,t Inltlatlve, The Colon! Pork Surtuinohle Communitj Initiatine Mosto PltM und Datign Guidelines ]','asdereloped throagh upublic plunning prucess. The resulting plfin cor'efs 208 acres ofluhlicl!-owned, un evelopedland and 93 acrcs of Uacent porkhnd lhal is genefill)i located on the noflh s le of Lolofu Lahe betx,eenloh nJiMorlis Road finl Dccker Lane (seemal on the bach ofthi! page). Theplan ca sfot a mix of rcsldenlial housing types,mixed-use commerclal Ioctliorlt, cblc ahd/ot/t)flice uses, communitJJsoldr power, g(trdehs, new slreels, afid a transpotlstiok fielwork that prcmotes wulking and hirlcling. Thepln le tlfus Jive.futurc neighbothool hubs linked b! pared an.l unpuved bic))cfuanl pedal an connectiotts that also contleclto schools, natural krcus, ind multiple rfia pa !, Staffftorfi the Plahnihg and Development Review Depa menl and the Neighhorhood Eousint: anl Community Derelopment Deparlmenl pnpose lhd the Colon! Por* Susratnabla Community Initiutil'e Mister Plan arrd Deslgn Guilellnet be adopredas on amendment to the Imagitte Auslln ComprchensivePlan. Thk inendnent wlll: I ) appanl lhc Cob J Pa* S slainable Commanit, Inilialiva Moster Plan and Design Gaidelines to the lmogine Auttin CompfehensivePIan; 2) add the area cotered bt the Colony Pa* Suslai able Commani4: Initiatiw Moster Pla and Design Guidelines and adjacehl par*lund to the Imogine Auslin ComprehensivePlan's Grottth Co cept MaJt r!'sa Neighhofhood CenEf; 3.) add "Colony Pofi" lo the krt of Qrotrtlt CorrceptMop CentersKe! a d to the releruace ,hap tu Appendk lt: Ce ters and Conidon, aru| 1.) add the Colon! Purk Sustuinable Communit! Initiafive Mastet Plah ahd D.sign Guidalrnes to Appendk G: Atlached Plaht Th! Colon! Ptrk Sus/aindbk Communi\r Jnitiativa Master Phn and Desigh Guilelines is awilablefor I|wnhud: httns://austinte s For morc infom viewin!! tnd ion about the lfitrgine Austifi Cohprehensive Plan: CITY COUNCILHEARING DA'IE| Thursday,December 11,201,1 TIME: 4:00P.M, LOCATION: City Hall CouncilChambcrs,301 Wcst 2"dStreet,Austin,Texas Conlacl lntormation For questionsrcgardingthe ColonyParkSuslainable CommunityInitiativeMasterPlanand DesignCuidelines.please callorcmail: Sandra Harkins ZachSlem (.512)974-3128 (s12)974-3155 [email protected] [email protected] Si Ud. necesitainlbrm:rci6nen espaiol, favor de lhmar a Cara W€lch (512)974-3167. I 2
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