lnvitation of proposal of setting up of processing parks under lntegrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS) Scheme of Ministry of Textiles The competitiveness of lndian Textile industry is contingent on the strength of the textile processing sector. However, the effluents from the dyeing and bleaching units have caused several environmentat and social issues warranting judicial interventions. Environmental authorities of many states have adopted stringent criteria and regulations to curtail textiles processing activity. Since the processing sector in lndia is dominated by SMEs and job work units, it is not economically feasible for these units to set up efficient pollution control facilities with prescribed environmental standards on their own. With a view to support the processing sector, Ministry of Textiles, has introduced lntegrated Processing Development Scheme in the Xll flve year plans. The scheme provides one time capital grant to set up 3-5 new CETPs in the existing textile clusters/ parks with appropriate technology for water treatment &effluent treatment plant including marine, riverine and Zero Liquid Discharge(ZlD).The scheme is also available for technology up gradation of 4-6 existing CETPS. The GOI grant under the scheme will be limited to 50% of the project cost with a ceiling of Rs 75 cr for ZID projects and Rs 10 cr for projects under conventional treatment system. State Government will have to share 25% of lhe project cost with the remaining 25 % mobilized by the Special Purpose vehicle (SPV) contribution (15%) and bank Loan (10%). A copy of the scheme guidelines is attached at Annexure l. For reference, Technology and Component wise break up is also given at Annexure ll. To assist the Ministry in implementation of the project, the Ministry of Textiles has empanelled following two project Management Consultants (PMCs): Tamilnadu Water lnvestment Co. Ltd, つ4 lL&FS Clusters Pvt Ltd, Polthouse Towers, 1"r Floor, No 86 Mount road Guindy, Chennai- PhNo 044 2235187071 3'd Floor, NTBCL Building, Toll Plaza, DND Flyway Noida, UP -01202459200 These consultants will help the States in setting up of SPV and in formulation of proposals. ln these connections letters have been already gone to the State Governments. The interested SPVs may submit their proposal compulsorilv throuqh their concerned State Governments for setting up new environment compliant CETPs/ZLDs for textile units or upgradation of existing CETPs to Shri R. K. Srivastava, Under Secretary (SITP) , Room No. 339B, Ministry of Textiles, Government of lndia , Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi latest by 8rH January 2015. Various components in the proposal are given at Annexure lll. The pre-requisite and evaluation criteria is given at Annexure-lV Au *tx, pa- I GUIDEI,INES I.-OR CEN'IRALLY SPONSORED SCTIEME FOR IN'I'EGRA'IB,I) PROCESSING DEVIiI,OPMENT SCHEME (IPDS) 1. IN'TRODUCTION : 1.1 'l'cxtilc processing constitutcs a vcry important component of thc textilc industry valuc 'l'he 'l'cxtile chain. competitiveness of Indian industry is contingcnt on the strength of thc proccssing tcxtilc scctor. 1.2 ln thc recent past the tcxtile processing sector has bcen facing a number of challcngcs including availability of water, and safe treatlnent and disposal of cffluents and solid wastcs generated. Ihe effluent from the dyeing and bleaching units has caused scvered cnvironrncntal issucs. In many states, tcxtilcs proccssing activity has bccn notificd as a 'llazardous Activity'with stringent regulations There are no comrnon standards forpollution control in tcxtilcs industry as a whole, as diffcrcnt paramctcrs prcvail in diflcrcnt statcs. In addition various courts in thc country havc corne down sevcrcly on pollution and rcaffinncd the necd to ensure that discharge standards rneet the local guidelines. Iror cg. Madras IIigh Court has directcd that all 'l'extilc Industrics in f irupur would nccd to achicvc Zcro Liquid Dischargc (ZLD) 1br them to be given approval by the 'l'arnil Nadu Pollution Control Board. L3 lrurthcr since the processiug sector in India has been developcd under the small and it is not economically feasibi': for thc individual Proccssing units to install a dcdicatcd pollution control cquipmcnt. Conscqucntly thc conccpt ol' turcdium cntetprises category. (--otnmon l:llluent'l'rcatment Plant and Common Watcr Supply Systcrns arc approprialc lbr thcsc units. 1.4'l'hc Ministry had in the ll'h I.ive year plan launched a schcmc for Integratcd'l'cxtilc Parks (I1'P). Based on the expcrience of the above schcrnc as wcll as the pcculiar challcngcs laced by the textile processing sector thc Ministry has dccided to fbnnulate a ncw program callcd as Schcmc for Intcgratcd'I'cxtilc Proccssing Dcvclopmcnt (IPDS). 2. OBJI.]CTIVE,S O}' TIIE SCIIEMII: 2.1 'l'hc primary objective of the IPDS is to facilitate the textile industry to become globally compctitivc using cnvironrnentally friendly proccssing standards and tcchnology. 1'hc schcmc would facilitate the textile units to meet the required cnvironmental standards. 'l'hc IPDS wor.rld crcatc new proccssing parks as wcll as support thc upgradation of cxisting proccssing clustcrs spccifically in the arca of watcr and waste water lnanageluent as also to promolc rcscarch and dcvcloprnent fbr a clcancr technology in the processing scctor. 3. SCOPE OF SCHEME: addressing the 3.1 IPDS proposcs to establish 4-6 Brown field and 3-5 Green lield projects cover thc nccds of the existing Textilc/Clustcrs. Eligiblc projccts under thc scheme would Ibllowing: Group A - Water treatment Riverine andZLD). & clfluent treatrrcnt plant and technology (including marinc, Group B - Cornmon inliastructure such as captive power getteration plants on tcchnology prc lcrably rencwablc/grccn tcchnology, Group C - Common facilities sltch as'l'esting [.aboralories and R&D ccntrcs' 'l'he Governmcnt o[3.2 Government ol India grant will be mandatory lor Group A only. Ildia grant shall not be usecl for procurement of l,and. Thc land will be purchascd/arrangcd by thc SPV. 'l'hc cost of land will not be part of the total project cost. 3.j 'l.he schcme would also bc applicable fbr Technology upgradation and capacity clhalccrnelt of thc above mcntioncd facilities in cxisting Tcxtilc Clustcrs. 4. IMI'LIIMIIN I'A I'ION STIIUCTURII: 4.1 'l'he project would be inplemented through fbnnation of a separate Spccial Putpose Vchicles (SpVs) which will bc a Corporate Ilody registered under the Companics Act. Thc SIrV shall bc owned by the rnernbers (Industrial Units) o1- the processing park, I;inancial lnstitutions, Statc and Central Govcrnmcnt. l.hc SPV shall havc opcrational autonomy to iurplement the schemc, within thc guidclines as stipulated by Govcnttneut of India. 4.2 Govemment of India would appoint a panel of Project Managcmcut Consultaut(PMC) to assist the Government in evaluation of the proposals regarding viability, disbursement/ urilizarion of thc funds releasccl to thc SPV and pcriodical monitoring of thc Project ilrplcrnentation. 'fhe PMC also shall providc othcr need bascd advisory scrvices to the Govcrnrncnt for cffcctive implcmcntation of thc schcmc. . Govcrnmcnt of India would also oonstitnrc a Projcct Scrutiny Cornrnittee (PSC) hcaded by thc Joint Secretary-Ministry ol' 'l'cxtilcs and projcct Approval Committee (PAC) hcaded by the Secrctary ('I'cxtiles), in ordcr to providc administrative support to thc schcme. 4.3 'l'hc SPV will appoint the Projcct Managcmcnt Agcncy (PMA) for thc projcct. [Iowevcr, the SpVs shall elter into a1 agreclnent with tlie PMA and only aftcr obtaining thc approval liom thc PAC. 4.4 l{olc o1'various agcncics as wcll as the SI'}V is provided in thc in I'ara 12 Agcncics. 5. FUNDING PATTERN: - I{olc ol' fron-r tncmbcrs 5.1 Thc Spccial purposc Vchicle shall fund thc projcct through a mix of cquity ol industry, grant supporl from Ministry of 'l'cxtile / Statc Govemmcnt, and thc loan from 'l'hc Govcrnmcnt of India support undcr thc schcmc by thc llanks ancl ljinancial Institutions. for way ol'grant would bc lirnited to 50% of the project cost, with a cciling of Rs.75 crorcs projccts with Zero l,iquid Dischargc Systems and Rs.l0 crores forprojccts with convcntional trcatmcnt systcms. Support for marinc dischargc projects would be analyscd on a casc to casc basis with a maximutn ceiling ol'Rs.75 crores. 5.2 lhc project cost shall be bomc by the Centcr, State, Beueficiary, Bank loan in thc ratio ol 50:25:15: l0 respectively. l'he relcase will bc made as per the following: . Beneficiary contribution through equity of 15 percent of project cost shall be brought uP front; .lopercentfundingtobearrangedthroughBankLoans . 25 percent contribution of State Government at the time of . release of 2"d installment of GOI Grant released' The GOI grant (5O% of the total Project costf shall be released in 3 installments - . 50 percent of the GoI grant to be released initially after beneficiary contribution (1"t installment) o . 5.3 'l'hc 3O percent of the GOI grant once the plant is operational (2'a installment) 20 percent GOI grant once the plant has been run for years (3'a installment) 3 tllancial assistance fbr the scheme shall also be subject to thc lbllowing conditions: a) 'l'he Celtral assistance will be provided only to meet capital costs towards thc items mentioncd in section 3. The tunds shall not be used to procure the Land lbr thc Proicct. b) No assistance will be provided (br rneeting rccuning or operation and Maintenancc costs. c)'l'hc Ccltral Govcntrnent shall not havc any liabitity towards time and cost ovcr rutrs. d)I'hcrc is no provision for retrospcctive funding. c) Ihc land will not bc parl of thc total projcct cost. 6.RI〕 I.1〕 ASE OFIギ UNDS: 'lrust & Retention Account('l'RA) 6.1 'l'he SpV shall maintain an exclusive projcct specilic with any Nationalizcd Bank and the liunds from thc Govcmmcut will bc rclcascd in that pcr account. Alicr approval, the Governmcnt will rclcase its share ol'assistancc in 3 I'hascs tts thc lollowing schedulc: i) ltirst Installment of 50% of the total Govcrnment of India (GOI) sharc will bc rclcascd to thc SPV subjcct to filfrlhncnt o1- fbllowing critcria :- d) Irstablishmcnt of SPV Inclusion of one reprcsentative ol- Govcrnlnent ol' India and onc reprcsentativc o1'thc PMC on the Board of Directors Land to be in the possession of SPV Issuance of shares by SPV to mcmbcrs in proportion of arca/ capacity allocable to c) thcrt llxcculion of share holders agrccmcnt a) b) c) 0 Irstablishmcnt of tRA account in a nationalizcd bank. Submission of statcmcnt ol' Project specific 'l'RA retlecting the Proporlionatc contributron, (ie. 25oh ol thc sharc 'lRA. In casc thc SPV is contributing only of the SpV) <lepositc<t by the SPV in thc the rninimum l5o/o as equity, thc samc must be depositcd in the TRA aud a sauctiou lcttcr lj.om banks/ financial institutions {br the balance 10% loan componeut shall bc subnrittcd by the SPV. s) h) i) ¨可 k l) Dctails of equity contribution Prcparation of a DPR for the projcct and submission of thc samc to Mo'l', GoI' DIrR duly validated by PMC and approval obtained from state pollution control board 'and linvirorutrental Clcarancc from MollF' Rccommendation of PMC confinning the above points (a) to (h) Acccptance letter fiom the state government for release of 25o/o lirnds subiect to acccptancc of the projcct by thc MoT, Ncw Dclhi. DI'l{ approved by I'rojcct Approval Comurittec. Sccond instalment rcpresenting 30oh of thc total GOI sharc will bc paicl to thc SPC subjcct to fullllhncnt of lollowing oritcria:a) k υ C Utilisation Certificate duly cerlifred by the Statutory Auditors of the SPC for the Irirst installment rcceivcd. Rclease of State Govt. contribution of 25o/o Award of all contracts wofth atleast equivalent to the total projcct cost excluding thc land cos1. (iii) l'hird Installment rcprcscnting 20oh of thc total GC)I sharc aftcr thc utilization of thc Secoldinstalfinentandallertheproportionatecxpenditure(i.e. 1.5tirneso1'thcGOlshareso lar rclcascd) has bccn incurecl by the SPV wiil bc rclcased 3 ycars aftcr thc opcrationaliz.atiott o1'the project. tJtilization Certificate (l.JC) ol'the secoud instalhncnt and thc cxpclditurc statemcnt, duly ccrtilled by thc Statutory Auditors of thc SPV shall bc 'l'hird installment. by thc SPV at thc tirnc of making claim for thc submittcd submit thc initial proposal and claims to thc PMC, who shall evaluatc and lbrward thc claims to the PSC lor appraisirig and recomrnending to the I]C Ibr approval. 'l'hc clai,rs shall bc supporlcd by docurnents such as Utilisation Ccrtilicate in thc ibtr,rat o{' GFI1 l9A, Prc-l{cceipt I}ill, Surcty lJond etc., as requircd under thc rclcvant rulcs' A cotpus lund with atleast 6 months O&M cxpenditure will also bc created aud documcuts subrnittcd 6.2 'l'hc SPVs would bclorc this final clairn. shall be kept by SPV lor the funds released by GOI, which shall bc subject to audit by the Cornptroller & Auditor General of India. 6.3 Scparate accounts 6.4 In thc cvclt o1' an SPV withdrawing liorn cxccuting a projcct bclbrc utilizing thc Govcrnrnenl assistance, thcn thc SPV shor-rld imnrcdiatcly return thc Governmcnt assistancc togcthcr with thc intercst accrued thcrcon, if any. Paymcnt of penal iuterest by thc SPV shall bc dccidcd by thc I}npowcred committce (Ilc) on case to case basis. 'l'hcrc shall bc lull 6.5 Uscr chargcs would be l'rxed for various lacilitics aud services by SPV. rccovery olOperational & Maintenance (O&M) costs through uscr chargcs 7. PURCHASE OI'I,AND: 'I'hc GOI grant Land lbr processing Parks shall bc purchascd / arranged by thc SPV. 'fhc land will not be part of the total projcct shall not be uscd for procurement of land. cost. 8. PROJEC'I' }'ORMUT,A TION: 'fhc project proposal shall be fonnulated with thc hclp of the PMC aftcr conductirtg a diagnostic study of the rcquirements of common facility and infrastructurc in thc spccific location and based on demand and potential. 9.'I'ECIINOLOGY SITI,ECTION : ItcgLrlatory nogrls to be mct by thc proccssing Parks would vary according to thc location as we ll as llonns that are specificd by the rcspectivc State Pollution Control IJoards. Conscquently it is recognized that thc requirements 1br Watcr Supply and Wastc Water l'rcatmcnt woulcl vary fi'om one location to thc othcr in ordcr to mcct local guidclincs. Iior projcct fonlulation the lbllowing must be kept in niind by the sPV / PMC proposed technology should be based on Best Available 'l'echnology (BA'l') and should havc a provcn track rccord 'l'hc proposcd tcchnology should bc approved by an indepcndcnt agency appointcd by b) thc rcspcctivc Pollution Control Iloarcl (such as II1's etc.)or by the Pollution C-'ontrol a) Iloard itself Rcasonablc project cost which would be cligiblc lbr broadly thrcc typcs (convcntional, marinc dischargc andzl-D) of cfflucnt trcatmcnt systclns A1l proposals should includc a mcchanism for managing thc wastc sludgc from thc system. 10. OPIIRATION AND MAINTENANCII ARRANGEMENTS / salt gcncratcd : A. Each SpV should appoint an independent Operation and Maintenance agency who will bc responsiblc for opcration and rnaintenancc of thc watcr trcatmcnt as well as wastcwatcr 'l'hc PMA can continue as the O&M agency for the facility once the Projcct tr.eatment facilrty. implctncntation and commissioning is cornplctcd. A Mcmorandum of Agreemcnt (MOA) shall be cxccutcd betwccn the O&M Agency SPV and thc SPCB with the following terms: o&M a) clll'P b) SpCB shall be entitled, in case of repeated violation, to bring in ncw prof-essional management / SPV. c) llpvironneptal audit shall be linkcd with financial audit (at the comtnissioning stagc) at thc cost of the sPV. d) 'l'he O&M Agcncy shall bc rcsponsible for compliancc of inlet quality and flow lrom thc contributing industrics and shall providc status of non-complying units to SPCB for action on a monthlY basis. c) 'l'he O&M Agcncy shall nTonitor specil-red quality outlet parameters and flow ratc on daily basis and subrnit the monitoring data to the SPCB on rcqular basis. Paramcters ol' to be specified by SPCB shall be rnonitored by the O&M Agency onlinc at outlct'l'he SPCB. CE'fp and real iime online Il' based linkage shall be provided to thc shall be managed prof-essionally by the SPV and the operator. SPCB shall ensure that continuous 24 hour data is displayed on its wcbsite. 0 A three ticr rnonitoring mcchanism viz, at industry lcvcl, monitoring by SPCII and g) A corpus funtl with minimum 6 month O&M cxpcnditurc shall bc maintaincd at all third party uronitoring shall bc undcrtaken. times by thc SPV. betwccn thc SPV and its mcmbcr units clcarly dclincating thcir 'I'he cost lecovery fbmruia rclationship and mutual obligations should be exccuted. dcveloped lbr thc cll'fP proicct should bc ratilied by all mernbcrs. A lcgal agrccmcnt B) AD MINISTRATIVE EXPIINSES projcct administration chargcs will includc administrative/concurrcnt monitoring and Thc adrninistrativc cxpenses shall be 2oh of thc total othcr misccllancous "^p"n*r. outliry oI this schctttc. つ4 Ilole of Agencics I′ TANT 'l'he role ol'PMC shall be as follows: i) of the proposals and claims, including disbursements and utilization ol lunds, subniitted by the SPVs and fbrward the same to I']SC for appraisal and I..valuation rccommendation to PAC for final approval. Assistilg Mo'l' in pcriodical monitoring of the Project implementation and submit pcriodical reports to Mo'l'with regard to thc progrcss of the implcmcntation works. iii) provide othcr need bascd arlvisory serviccs to thc Govemment in effectivc ii) irnplcmcnlation of thc schcmc. 'l'hc MO'l'shall enter into an agrccrnent with the PMC and the Fee Ibr PMC serviccs shall bc paid by Mo'f directly to the PMC and this will not form part of thc ProJcct cost olthc SPVs. II PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGENCY(PMA) (APPOiNtEd bY the SPV) A PMA will dischargc thc followir-rg functions: i) Idcntifying thc locations for sctting up thc proccssing park based on a scientific asscssmcnt ofthe dcrnand and potential ofthe area. ii) Iracilitating forrnation of SPV at cach projcct lcvel with the participation of local industry. iii) prcparation of Projcct Plan including tlie sctting of standards for iuliastructurc. iv) Structurc thc projccts and submit thc samc for evaluation by thc PMC and appraisal by Projcct Scrutiny Committee (PSC). Detailed Project Report (DPR) and getting thc same vettcd by thc 'l'he PMA also to cnsurc that thc Indcpcndcnt'l'echnical Agency recommended by the SPCB. v) preparatiol of I)pR is approvcd by thc SPCB and subrnitted to PMC for further evaluation and applaiscd and approvcd by the PSC and PAC respcctively. vi) Prcliminary Dcsign, I')nginccring and Projcct Managcmcnt' sclection ol' agcncies for preparation ol' bid documcnts and 'l'he 'l'ender transparcncy Act ntlrtns procLrrcmcnt procedurc to appoint various contractors. arc to be followed in sclectiot't of the contractors/vendors' vii) Assist the SPVs in viii) Assist the SPV in achieving financial closure. ix) Molitor thc irnplementation and submit periodical progress rcports to thc PMC, SPCII and Mo'l'. x)'l'o liaisc with the Statc Govemments to resolvc statc-rclated problcms. xi) linsurc tinicly complction of projcct(s) as fixcd by thc PAC' xii) 'l'he pMA will not bc pcrmitted to work as a contractor in thc implemcntation of'thc prqect. Ilowcvcr, the PMA can act as thc O&M agcncy afterexecutiou of the project bytlic conlractors. 'l'he SpV shall enter into an agrcelnenl with the PMA only after obtaining thc approval of MOT'. I'hc Fcc for the PMA scrviccs shall bc borne by thc SPV this will bc thc part of the lrroject cost and would be restricted to III SPI]CIAL PURPOSE 5o/o ol'the cost ol'thc Project. VEHICI,!] (SPV) SIrVs would bc tlie lbcal points lbr implcmentation ol'the Schetnc, playing thc lbllor'i'ing rolc: i) 'fhc SPV would conccptualizc, lbrmulatc, achicvc financial closurc, implctncnt and rnallage thc infrastructurc. ii)'l'hc SPV woul{ procurc land, cost of which would not be built into thc project cost. iii) SpV would also facilitate securing bank finance rcquired for sctting up units in I'l'P. iv) SpV would be responsible for maintaining thc utilities and infrastructurc crcatcd lbr processing park by collccting scrvice and user chargcs. v) 'l'hc SPV has to be so structurcd as to bc sclf-sustaining with a positivc rcvcnuc strcant' vi) spv would appoint contractors/PMA/O&M Agcncy in a fair and transparent tnanncr' Iu perfbnnancc order to cnsurc timcly complction of thc projcct, SPV will obtain appropriatc guarantcc fiom PMA/contractors. pcrmits vii) T'hc SpV will be responsiblc for obtaining and maintaining statutory liccnses and rcquircd lbr the various facilitics. IV S'TATII GOVERNMEN'I'l'hc rolc ol thc State Govcmmcut is cnvisagcd in thc lollowing arcas: i) providing all thc rcquisitc clearanccs, whcrcvcr nccdcd, for scttitlg up thc Park and providing 1he neccssary assistance l'or Powcr, Water and othcr utilitics 1o the Park. ii) Assist in idcntification iii) 'flic and procurelnellt o1- suitable land. likc Infrastructurc/Industry I)evclopmcnt Corporations may also parlicipate in the projccts by way o1'subscribing to thc cquity oI SIrV or by provicling grants for an maximutn value of 25% of thc Project cost. State Govcrnment agcncics and conducivc labour cnvironmcnt and considcr spccial Iacilitics like excniption olstamp duty ctc. for the units locatcd in thc ITP. iv) providing flcxiblc v) Dovctailing of othcr rclatcd schcmcs lbr ovcrall cffcctivcncss and cfficicncy ol thc projcct. 'l'hc Statc Govcmmcnt shall appoint a nodal agcllcy lor this pulposc. 'l'hc projcct proposal/Dctailcd Projcct l{cport (DPlt) must havc thc rccommcndation ol thc Statc pollution Control Board / PMC and also thc consent to establish aud Consent to o1'rcratc thc Cl'l'l'I']. Outlct norllls Ibr the industry shall be prcscribcd by SPCB in Consent as a ncccssary conditiol. SPCBs shall also cusurc that thc outlct paramcters for thc individual industry and inlct paramcters for Clr'l'P arc in synergy. V I'ROJECT SCRUTINY COMMITIEI! (I'SC): 'I'hc proicct proposals as submittcd by PMCs shall be considercd and appraiscd by thc 'l'cxtilcs' projcct Scrutiny Committce (PSC) hcaded by the Joint Secrctary, Ministr-v of The other members of the Project Scrutiny committee shall be as follows: (1) Adviser(Industryf, Planning Commission or his nominee (2) Joint secretary(PF-Il), Department of Expenditure or his nominee (3)JointSecretary(Infrastructure),DepartmentofCommerceof his nominee (a) Joint secretary (IIUS), Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion or his nominee (5) Joint secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests or his nominee(6f Textile Commissioner, Mumbai (7) Economic Advisor, Ministry of Textile (8) Director/Deputy Secretary, IFW, Ministry of Textile (9) Director (SITP/ IPDS), Ministry of Textiles l,roicct Scrutiny Committce will appraisc all thc proposal submittcd by PMCs in tcrms of the project componcnts, viability, fcasibility and timc lines of cach project' I'he & Committce shall look into thc utility of the projects in terms of modcrnization to intcgration of suppty and managcmcnt chain, and make thc linal rccommcndations llmpowcrcd Committcc. \/I PROJIICT APPROVAI, COMMI'TTTIE (PAC) There shall be a Project Approval committee to consider and approve the recommendations of Project Scrutiny committee headed by secretary (Textiles), Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser, Ministry of Textiles and Joint secretary, Ministry of Textiles in charge of IPDS. The PAc will also be vested with discretionary and interpretational powers' Vll O&NL\CENC\' l. 'l'hc O&M agcncy would bc rcsponsiblc for evaluation of pcrlormancc guarantcc runs of the water ancl cfflucnt trcatmcnt plants to be dcmonstratcd by thc rcspcctivc IIPCI contractors as per thcir contracts with thc SPC and takcovcr of thc facilitics thcrcaftcr. 'l'he O&M agency will bc rcsponsible right from the commissioning of thc lacilities to ensure smooth takeover of the facility. The agency will ensurc rectification of dcfects if any by thc L,PC Contractor bcforc taking ovcr of the facilitics. O&M for a minimunr pcrlod o1' 15 years and manner to cnsurc optimum pcrlbtmancc prolessional a shall maintain the assets in 'l'he be responsible lbr rcltrbishments aud will agency throughout the O&M period. technology up-gradalion, if required, during tlie O&M tcnurc' 'l'he O&M agcncy will be rcsponsible tbr lV V Vl 'l'hc O&M agcncy shall bc rcsponsiblc for compliancc of inlct quality and flow fiom thc contributing industries and shall provide status of non-cornplying units to SPCB fbr action on rnonthly basis. 'l'hc O&M agcncy shall monitor spccificd quality outlct paramctcrs and flow ratc on daily basis and submit thc monitoring data to thc SPCB on rcgular basis. Paramctcrs to bc specific<l by SPCB shall be monitorcd by thc agcnay onlinc at outlct of Cli't'I'} ancl I'l' bascd linkagc shall bc proviclcd by to thc SPCB. l'hc SPCB shall cnsurc that contintrous 24hour data is displayed on its websitc. 'lhc agency shall maintaiu statutory authoritics. nccessary operational records/ logs for inspccticln by Technology ec andじ and Component ompon wise Break-u p 。 S.N Item Technology Option !River Discharge Activated Sludge Process Option ll- Annexure-ll Marine Discharge Without Water Recovery Activated Sludge Process with marine discharge pipeline VVith VVater Recovery Activated Sludge Process followed by tertiary filtration and Reverse Osmosis system for water recovery and Advanced Oxidation for treatment of rejects discharge to sea. Option‖ :¨ ZLD ZLD based Brine Reuse Technology along with Crystallization of salts: Activated Sludge Process followed by tertiary filtration and Reverse Osmosis system for water recovery and management of R.O rejects through reuse of treated brine along with Evaporation & crystallization of salts. Colleclon& tank Collection & equalization tank Collection & equalization tank Collection & equalization tank 2 Aeration tank Aeration tank Aeration tank Aeration tank 3. Secondary Clarifier Secondary clarrier Secondary clanler Secondary Clarifier 4. Sludge Thickener Sludge Thickener Sludge Thickener Sludge Thickener 5. Filter Press Finer Press Filter Press Filter Press equalization Components Resin) Tertiary Filtration (Quartz, UF, Decolourant Resin, Softener RO System RO System 丁ertiary Filtration (QuartZ,UF, Decolourant 6. 7. 8 9 Marine Discharge Pipeline ( for Advanced Oxidation Treatment System Marine Discharge Pipeline (For RO Filter) MVR Evaporator Brine Treatment System 。 S.N :tem Option lRiver Option ll- Marine Discharge 100% treated effluent): On Land Kms - 10 Option‖ :‥ ZLD reject 15%); On land - 10 Kms OnSea-2Kms OnSea-2Kms 10. Mu‖ iple effect evaporator Adiabatic Chiller i2 13. for Crystallization of Glauber's salt Centrifuge Solar pan Annexure lll Components of Proposal lllustrative list of various components in the proposal is given as under: A. Details on oroposed CETP 1. Location: Location of CETP should ideally be close to the existing processing cluster / Textile Park. Location of the project should be based on diagnostic study of the requirement of CETP in a particular location. 0乙 3 Technology Selection: Technology may be selected as per local requirement. Proposed technology should be based on Best Available Technology (BAT) and should have proven track record. Approval form State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)/ or an independent agency appointed by it for effectiveness of technology, its compliance with environmental standard, cost ,energy and water efficiency of the selected technology etc . 4 Capacity 5. Cost efficiency of Technology (i) (ii) (iii) : Capital cost Operational cost per hour /per MLD Maintenance cost per year 6. Water B of CETP with justification efficiency of technology: Waste water reclamation and reuse 7. Management of waste sludge / salt generated from the system with special emphasis on recovery and reuse of industrial waste. 8. Online monitoring mechanism by SpCB. Details of SPV 0 Net worth of SPV: Net worth of SpV/ SpV members should be 1.S times of the investment proposed by them in CETp, Captive power plant and R&D activities. Details of SPV member's alongwith their individual cA certified networth and ITR of last financial year. C Service agreement with spV members for contribute towards o&M cost for CETP and Power plant D' Captive Power Plant with qreen technoloqv: Detailed action plan with time lines for setting up dedicated power plant for CETP E' R&D Centre for GETP : Detailed action plan for R&D centre including source of funding for centre. F. Revenue Generation Model of SpV : Cost of the proiect Technology ( Capital cost : Break r.rp for Common infrastructure i.e captive power generation plants preferably with green technology, Roads, water etc Common Facility such as testing labs, R&D centers Annualmaintenance cost Administrative and miscellaneous for CETp Annexure-lV Pre-requisite and Evatuation criteria for setting up of processing parks under lntegrated Processing Development scheme (IPDS) Scheme of Ministry of Textiles uisite Criteria S. No. 1 2 3. 4 Criteria ln-Principle approval from the state Government for contribution ol2s% of the project cost of the proposed CETP/ZLD A Board resolution from SPV and individual letter from the SpV members to contribute towards the O&M and other recurring cost. Net worth of individual SPV members should be 1.25 time of the investments proposed by them in the project and O&M. The proposal must be located in an existing textile cluster/Textile park. Evaluation Criteria S. No. 2 3 Criteria Weightage Number of processing units attached with proposed 40 CETP and total volume of effluent generated by these units. Operation & Maintenance (O&M) State Pollution Control Board approval for technology 30 30 Note : The proposal which will not meet the Pre-requisite Criteria will not be evaluated.
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