Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE IT{TERIOR A}ID LOCAL GOVERNMENT A. Francisco Cold Condominium II, EDSA comer Mapagrnahal St., Diliman, QUEZON CITY Telephone Number 925.11.48 . 925.88.88 . 925.O3.32 JUL\ 24,2074 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 20r4-86 TO ALL GOVERNORS, CITY/MTINICIPAL MAYORS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT ENJOINING PARTICIPATION OF LOCAL OFFICIALS AND THEIR FIJNCTIONARIES IN THE FORUM ON ASEAN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: THE ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS The Department through the Local Government Academy (LGA) in pannership with the Leagues of Local Governments (Ut"{P, LPP, LCP, LMP), concemed National Government Agencies, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Local Governance Suppon Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED) will conduct a forurn on ASEAN Economic Integntion: The RoIe of LrcaI Govemmenee" on August 22 to 23,2014. The forurn intends to accelerate awareness of local governments on their role in helping the country in achieving its commitmen$ to support the building of an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. It also provides a venue for discussion on the current initiatives of the various sectors that support the integration process as well as development challenges and opponunities brought about by the economic integration. In this connection, all Local Officials and their functionaries are hereby enjoined to participate in the said forum on offrcial tirne. Travelling exPenses maybe authorized chargeable against local funds, subject to the availability thereof, and the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. For the information and guidance of all concerned. MAR Fi{ii"e'fff,#E FORUM ON ASEAN ICONOlllC INTEGRATION: 111[ RoLl] OF LoCAL CoVERNMENTS ''Thc Filipitlo Risirg os 0nei Alvanritilt Agendu /A the Inte!tdtion Thtullh Builtlinlt StukeltolrleNhip" Aueust 2 2-23, 2014 Provisional Profrram Dav 1 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:45 Registration Opening Prelminaracs Invocation (DllG Chorale) ' - Local Government Academy' Depanment of the lnterior !nd Welcome Ramark5 HON. AIFONSO UMAI-I, JR. Governor, Oriontal Mindoro and Ut P Prosidcnt ' Mcssages kom Partners STCRETARY MAR ROXAS Department of the Interiof and Local Governmenl (DlLGl - SECRETARY ALBERT F. DEL ROSARIO Dcpartmcnt of Forcign Affairs 9r45- lO:00 sECRETARY GREGORY L. DOMINGO l)epdrtrrent of Trade andlndu5try Forum Overview and Mcchanics DIRECTOR MARIVIL SACENDONCILTO 10:00 10:30 10:3011:15 1l rl5 12 00 Exccutiv(l Oirector. LGA BuildioE Onc ASEAN Community:Crcating No BoundJries Ior Intesralion Depaltment of roreign Affairs Thc ASEAN tconomic lntcgration: Understanding Department of Trade and Industry thc Conte)d and Defining lhc Competitive Fdte of rhc Phrrrpjrne lo.dr Govnmm.nts AFI The Rolo ol thc Bu5iness Sector in Bullding Competitivenossol Local Government9 Plenorv Phl ippine Chamber of Conrmerce and National Competitive Council 12r00 I:30 - rch greak - 1:30 3.00 AIC Situationcr The State of Readiflcs! of thc P|ilippines- Whcre arewe now? And Whalshall LedSuo of Provinces of the Philippincs, Talk Show Group 1 :Toufism D€velopment Natlonal,local, crouo z :Aeri- 3:00i:lO - 5:00 CroJp Department of Tourism lSharer: Eusiness Develooment I oJiine.s nendlv "id Compet'r'ver"s\ LGUs League ofCities Talk Showlsharer: Group 4: Human Resource Development oi Municipalities of the Philiooines. Deoa(ment of Asriculture League Business sector) ofthe Philippines Department of the Interjof and Local Governnrant, Dcp.rtment ol Tradc and Liga ng mRa Baransay (LnB) Commrssion on HrBher Educataon, Professional Reg!l;tory commission & TFSDA 8 l0 Oav 2 Iu.{Jo Sharing of Initiatives on the State of AIC Readiness Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines, National Econornic Development Authonty Ialk show 10:00 11 00 Local covernment as a pillar for Integration: AligninS of Initiataves and Modek Economic Transformalion Team . . 11r00 11130 SPARXEIZ SigninS of Pkldgc of Commitrnent AdvancinS tocal Aqenda for tconomic Intesrirtion 11:30 12:00 Forum 5ynthe5rs and InteBration Clo9ing Message USEC. AUs]ERE PANAOERO Undorsrcretary tor Local Government DcoJrtd'er)t of Interior and Loca Governii'eft Local Governance Support Program for Local tconomic Dr'vclopment l
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