'F′ .r′ ;墨 ― r, i ‐ ‐ ・ 1,… :三 ・・ : ・… _ ・ ・_● 、3‐ ・ ‐1■ ,,′ │:. ‐ ・● =● ・ :│:・ ==::,:■ 1■ :':11・ ■_=:‐ ,コ ・ : ・ :・ :_:■ _・ 1● :・ = ・ := :^: ・ =:: ・ =:` ・ =・ ル Janu■ r1994 - Cソ 94/195.Cソ 94/225:」 =こ =:‐ :二 = W MrJ R Ho:m.e Corporate Secre町 Telsm cOrponion L直 38th Hoor.242 Exhibition S應 Ⅵ C 3000 MELBO― t Dcar Mr Holocs ∼ I rcceived cooglains Aom 6rec of thc 'COT Cascs', Mr Grahao Schorcr, Mr Alaa Smith aad lvfs Aaa Garos, cooccraiag TELECOMs haodling of thcir applicatioas undcr tbc Frecdoa oflnformation Act (FOI AcO of 24 Novcabcr 1993 a\dZL 1993 rcspcctivcty .Deceabcr I tpv6 srrmmrriscd Mr Smith s conplaint as ,llcging th'r TELECOM unreasooably has deci&d to aprply cbargcs to his FOI request and tbat thc chargcs will bc coasi&rablc' Mr Schore/s cooplaint is &at TELECOM uorcasonably rcfuscd to remit thc agplicatioa fec aad is proposing to iopose proccssing chargcs. $G Garns also has coaplaiocd that IELECOM uareasonably is imposing chargas' All tbrec asscrt that tb.y rquitr thc inforoarion to.suppott tb& submissions to tbc io.oiueat rcview ia accoraaacc wi& the Fast Tracli Scalcocnt Proposal (FISP) aggeed bctweco TELECOM srd AUSTEI. aod eadorscd by thc-thca rclcvast Ministcr' I undcrstand that thc FTSP provides a basis for a Prcposcd Arbitratioo Proccdure that may bc applied as a dispurc rcsolutioo process additioaal to thc Telecom'ounications Iadustry bmbudsmaa scUcme. I also utrde6taod that TELECOM acknowlcdges that thc coT cascs proposal has assisad IELECOM to clarify its vicws about dispute ruolution proccsscs suiublc for small busiocss in thc futurc. Clcarly it is imPonant that the FTSP Lrc given cvery opportrnity to achicvc its objcctives. esilausc 2(c) stipulares rhai the rcvicw will bc primarily bascd on thu cach party will have acccss to thc othcr documcnts aid writtcn suUmilions "na party's submissions aaa Uvc rfrc otportuairy rc respona, feleCOM should facilitatc access by tbe panies to retevant iniormation. Furrhcrnore. it is imporrant that TELECOM bc seca to bc co-operating as far as is rcasonablc' ノ″ 才 ユ■ρ `´ 日● “ = fis":fffi qfi:i,i:lffitrJ ffiHl+S,#,i: l.#,ff[" rffi tf#H:it:ifif iifll;gt:T,rjfi [tr*.l;,S*[i. *aire p.n oi,lr;;d;ffi; thc FOI applicatioos. AIso, TELECOM'should thar *larcs o thc informarion which is rcquired to.oabr",r" rq!s_r"d prescnt rhcir cascs under the FTSp. "ppii"oiri i*-t I shou-ld arso draw your accndon ro scction 14 of r&e FoI Act which states: Nbthing ia this Act is intendcd to prcvent or rriscourage Ministers and agcncies from publishing or grving access ro docu'eo* (iacluliag .re.p, do"rE";;i'' otherwisc thaa as rc.quired by this Act, wberc thcy cao propcrry do so or are rcquired by law to do so. In vLw oftheimpo熙 電ce ofthe FTSP,I think'h壼 .TEL ECOtWI shOuld release to the applicants an ofthe infomatiOn“ qutred by them in connecti。 口with presentation of ふ ^:_^_^^^^_^= ttcir cascs to thc ヽ 面。 n which “ ●●●_=:_^_・ ^___J__^● ‐ 轟 罵ぶξ議品ここ 憔話 温:諾 ,rJ.;J*,,-i"i,r, an applicatioo TELECOMお itp馬 ‐ ^‐ ● __ ‐― to thc applicaats if you would dcscribc rbcm so ttrar thcy oay make :._"tj-ITIPry ' a! Luormcd Judgelrcat al o whcther o pursuc rcccss through the FOI Acr I should be grarcftI for your early cooarcaB oa my vicws. 9lould your officcrs wish to discuss any of the forcgoing &cy courd coatact Job! Yours siaccrcly n(> '.r Philippa Soith Commonwcalth Oobudsaan. ― ` 01 17:03 十ん ´ ど 03 勧 ん﹂ 28′ ● 01 ● ヽLO ムLLLし 0こ ■tSム ・ ・ 132 333● ● ● bLACム 融 .c6*t 't!8?6 μ ″ `で 口 ` rO/.“ . _ 232t€ COMHONW=ALTH thx. &ect - z'ts?.!'| Ln Ka'rnccPz''a''t'|zra? “ c'4e tfi'h I e '+a?e ● 001 田 1 0EP[NCC FoRC[ t.udGnrrlt Euttding. cnr Loodon circuir !. univ"rtiw Av€nuo. canbcrr! ciry GFO Bor aa2, Crnber.. A'CT. l!Ot, Aun..ti. T.l: 106, 276 0lll; FrE (061 2a9 ?829; lnl. Fer: + 51 6 2€ 7823 . b1994 こ ― (ン ,4/195.Cソ 94′ 22r CE0 M● :b.OfflCe 遺 F BIount 強 Lmltive Ottca TelmcOrpora■ ion T" 38thFloo■ 242'マ hibi■ on Stu試 へ_く VIC 3000 -30呻 mヽ な BIount ノ On 20 Janu9 1994ニ ュ1面腱 卜│『 Holm6 thatI Littdtt coplains魚 狐 the of the COTは '。 遺 ― msぬ Ц 遺 山 Smith ndい Ana Qms,oon― lng MS han山 。 theFedom ofLねm壼 飩 Act oOI f慟 山 appL… l― あ゛ Act) 薇 of 24 記蔽 Novaobcr 1993 面2t Dcccobcr 1993轟respectivcly. … “ 藁 asd ミ l馬 … I iufqoed Mr Holocs thrt it is ruy opinioo tbat Tclccoo shortd relcasc to tbc participurs of thc FestTr.cEsctlcomthqpos.l (FTSP), &cc of cbarga &c iafaaetioo rcquircd by thco ia cooocaioa with prcscotrdo of thpir crscs to thc assq536 13d rhqr sucb relcrsc should bc ousi& tbc prwisioas of lbc FOI Act I .bo suggesscd that Tclccosr sbould wrivc thc rpplicuiou fccs payablc by thosc pardcipasr wbo bd rpplicd fc iaforroatioo udcr tbc FOI AEt .!d rlso w.ivc rhrr put of tbc chtgcs wLich rcletcl to tbo iafcarioo rcqucccd whicfi ir slquiscd ao eoiblc tbc applicrots to prcscnt thcir crsa udcr tlc FTSP. Mr BhcL rcplid o 9 Fdnng, 1994 agrcciog to povi& ccraio bfcoerioa to thc paticigaotr withoqt coditioos. I hrvc cncloecd copics of tbc conespoodcnco fo your convcoicoce. Oo 15 February 199{. I rcccivcd r conpl8iot ftsm Mr l[aqeco Gllao dlcging that Tclccom brd not tEspoBdcd to .! FOI rpplicetio shc bad lodSpd tith Tclccoa oa 7 Doceabct 1994. Your o6ccrs inforod us that Talccoo hrs ao record of Ms Gillar's FOI rcquc$, brrthar Tctccom cxtcods to l& Cilhs tbc samc ofictna& to Mrs Gtor Mr Schorcr aad Mr Soilh rs daeiled ia Tcbcm's lcccr to o! 9 Fcbruary 1994. Gitlro's FoI rE$rc.t w.l rcat to Tclccoo os 16 e I@iAMs IUrEb 010 '94 0580月 1994. My o6ccrr cccivrd a aumbcr of siureca thrt docoocots utcro bciry rcot o thc four rpplicras fioa Eid Febnrrry 199{, but L uodcrsoul r'.r thcrc still arc oeoy deurocor which ese bciag witbbckl by Tclcconr }lE4lgstsilLh.3 .dvi6cd ttr.t bc still ewdtrueay docrJo ots. M$ GerEs rdviscd ?hrr rhe hrs receivcd ody .bout 7(m of thc l55m doc,'-r,r'rtr idratificd by Telccom as fdliry within hcr FOI c4uest rad Ms Gilleo utd Mr &hrcr dvis.d tb$ tigy hrvc not rcccivcd aoy doouacou rirc tbc offcr of 9 Fcbnrery 1994. tF '\ D03718 f23 庶 Tc.tccoo h8 frranlly dccided not o rcbrsc !o tEovlde !o lt[r Sr!ilh Ecc of c!.s8e. rL *-ai rios ao.o@t a'946:― h hrd poarircd bc rcle.scd wi6io e cottptc of drye &c( Mrtrlpectlr virit o yor ofEcc oo l0 Mrlch 1994, I took ao futhct rctioo oo tbc coopliios. lt oow rgpcerr trtTelccom doo. aot btlod tslc$i3g thc docnrr"s Io rbc cxpcctrtioo tbFr tbc docuroE would util thc paticipurs $rtcoot o rekese uy idqoetiou il rs o whctrr it is Tclccoo, c tbc docuncos' r' thc o6cr prrticiPaots, wto brve I oadc rcno ioquirics bc.! .lclrybg tic Esliserioo of tbc Ag,o.@EL Mr Werf,,icf Spith rad Mr Brrttca infomed tt tha the dday"witT BsrlcGLtcol7trfucb ― ― to n 1994. As litlc Eogrcss bs bco oedcbyTelccom ir poccsliag ecFOl qplicaior lbarc Occidoa il jtu ahisha pdority o iavcstigdilg tbc cooplriatr As e 6rst rup.I should lile-b rptEitl yor of ry pclioiarry ri.s,E ea thlr Pdt of tbc cotrgleias whicb relrrc o dchys h prot'idiag doc@Gots. Dcddmsudcrtt trOlAct hsofrr rs Tctcco's acrioos rclrrc o d*irlcos o tbc vdid FOI rgplicrtioos ' Mr Soitht rad Mrr Gaas' - ir ir ay viclw rh:r &trying tclclsc of ttta doqta or to Ml saith !!d Mtr c.rEs is urcrsorbh b erms of rcaioa t5 0f thc oabudsora arr 19,6. 一 ͡ ヽ Tbc staotoqr ti'rc liEits r/|ithi! shich FoI qptic$ioDs aust bc proc.csrcd hetl uot boco oa rod oo cx$rurioos fctbc &bys bavc bcca provi@ o Mn Garos or Mr sEi6. I shouldncotiou 6et tbac is oo ptovision ia 6. FOt A€t x,ticb Grublca Telccm O &by gnmiu lcccl3 to lnfmatiou wbilc Tclccoo vttc thc iaft,raatior io aoticiPatio of tbc-usc !o uticb tDc ryplicrotr r"ight Pur ftc idolorrioo" IBd'c4 scaioa O) of tu FOI A([ $e$ "Subjcct !o tltb Act, a Pccoa'r dtbt of accart is lot .ffactd h/: (e) oy tcrsos thp petsoa ghrer for 3€.LiEg sca$ or ll (b)tbcr$ocysortrrt*cestaurasorrharr:hirorherrcesonrfcsccliag acccs*' Nor is tbc dctry b Srratias rcccss o rhs iafcoetioo sitf,ia thc spirit of Tclccom s gudcrakbg, givco L respoose o -y lcocr of 20 Jen,a' 1991. to G'baec ccdli! iafqorrio outsi& ttc Eovisios of thl FOI AEG I sbouHbcgrlrfutif yor worldiafooB vidriu:crEodryr' of lte reaso- :,b-y th' na orac dccisioar o tbc FOI rplicdor Erdt by aurbsiscd Telccon omctr M$ Garas.!dMrSnith tr c whcr[cr 6cre is aay iopcdiocat to I $odd bo gnr.firl dso if yor world inforn Tclccoo iGcdilcly retcrsiag eo$ doqlE olt for which crcoptionr hrvc lot bGcE ctdrld. ta &ir cotcr. t uodscrad rbrr ell der.eos herc bc.o arthE?d lod dccisioar os tcc.33 heve bcca mrdc- 003?2a / a'946:OIR4 ぼ h view ofthel薇 Of"g口XS by Telecoロ by tt SmiththaTacOm was… 躍 搬 織 織 淵 dO鳳 oc― ne │ mmeoftL FOIJぶ Your om_inf_edttW卿 此 thatthe sutt ofthe ercise of"Viding ヽ出脳蹴出偉概1訳躙Ъaplimim耐 @i'fcc iiffi;fi; ͡ ヽ d山 patd“ “ erbitntio proccsl orurccs o participarc io rcccss o ux'st of trc fris"rio: rc u"t i ""ria.lerc"iou ad hc h.' bc'o graatcd &ca Eohas aot gdd dra dcpcit fw thc otbcr docuocats l0 Mrrch ;"l"d.d tt lisiol rcqrrcst" Your o6ccn idqEcd !''r w1rorcL' oa uatil Mr Smith igCa. rD"fdr."t wiit oot retcrsc ttc rcoeioing ttc doauocots rcbtcd o tho FTSP (tha Agregear)' whiclr *as thco bciog !t ;;;;; 、 &vElop.d. - faoo. did uot thcn bavc an FoI rut iiii- from Ms Gillen' Your redy to dcssc cstrindocuocnts to rpli=ioa ;6*rt i"f"tUtWyrr"f ,UrTclccqis ft{"Ciffto, f*of chargc, oa 6c rarabesir rl rhcoftrto thc othcrthsa pudcipaDs. - Sho brs e velid FoI rplbetioa Your o6ccrs idorocd Mrs,yarcl aad thcre rrc a auabct ther e substantirl ouabcr of docr:drE lrvc bccr tdc'lcd of otbcr docrrmts bciag corcidctcd for rplprsc' . i[-c;* otrccr: iof-o@d Mr E','!'ck that tbctc is concco thrr ioforoadoo i"t odios rlc rqnaiDh; docu;llrr bccrlsc of tb'b *5i55,nr ght rcsrlt in cmncot ia rbc ocdie which VorofAccn dso advb.d thrrrbcAgrccocoLehicb.was .. fir.li*4 cmuirpa Aurscs vhich requircd &rr tU FTSP Prnicip'il! Lc€Pdl Driag disctssions oo l0 !'Iarch 1994, your ^a.r.i ;ffiL-;;;btil.md; i, io*of.Uio. .t-J Yono6cc6idoroedlfrT','Erckthsttleyc'rpcctcd prescotad to tbc panicipaua m 15 or t6 lvlarch l99t'' *orB bc rtc lgf".tncot iofo *ioo.*iiA*U.f. ͡ ゝ that oot &layiag the rclcasc Yotu ofEccrs asst!?d Mt wFucl. howcrcr. 6at Tclccom^wrs FO^I Act' Ttcy s'iA fut6'y. to Mrs GanBt of tlc doctrcor sbc rcqucstcd un&rtbc Caused OfTel_m… む 赫 t €(c cogccrord at tlc PublicitY rod -relcasc of by餃 む ェ re― of CC― 回 Oma..ュ 話 歳 満 an( tochCk doctlmentS Was due to the ntt fOr Tel● ●n 賢 ■ ■ Ⅲ l「 苺 i: tha Tdecom isalato the p● siL mmim“ 。f rnsltiVe infOm潤 山己 Your orl∝ 為 黒轟轟 覇 議 橘 面商 轟 面 理 璽 亜 亜 亜塁 muld山 “ ′ only e couplc of drYs. ::P^,*,t* oo 3 r r.our,, l99a Mr BbcL. rclcrrcd r numbcr of rtodrocors.P_Y r':-=and o(EuIrEBrs rYsE Otn dOCuments W“ 動 3… ti8t to@ otDaf of ofthaむ that &L that30me in leter ir aalcccr dfl"Y re"i""rca raa *oufa bc p,rovidrd to hio sbo$ly. lrfr Soitb id-sE … 腱峰 Bhck told him Ltt Mherdocumen`硼 media口 顔 b“ / ,V , “ 0● to-brvc bcco a rcrctio to to Tclccom by tlet ncaie-report Plcasc edvisc whctbcr sni& .Dd Mr Bllcr-r dccirioo rppar ;t*;tllt i"*i".rii"* "-'.a D03719 ●● ′● ● 0■ ●●●● じ υ●● ●●●● 隠 a'9468- Mr ALs sufib .bo iafcocd oy ofaccs rr.t rr, arr* irrt-.a hin thet Telccoo l99l rad Urs tost, or dcstroy€4 a ouobcr of 6ls relUiog to his coouar pior to Iuac pcslon frhs girca to Tclccoo h 1992. Ptcsc infco oc of thc stepo dso felcco UL rrlca b loctr thc 6lcr 6 to cooEtn rh'r llcy sttl dcatr'oycd" i; IeDonddo(cadidoEi os rdcsc of docuncuts Telccom I udcrtrkiag in r*posc O oy bttcr of 20 laa[rry 1990 is uacoudifiood rad 彙緊 gi― L tt howledgethrthe Cot Oい peoPlehad dped aFment to toノ Pmi… Lし r=、 PI It Was un― o38ble fOrTd― tO― tbe mmnces acoyiog fuFniciprlE mab… thc oppctuaity havc iodudcd in thc AglccoGEL く o coosidcttisrulcs thar Tdccomwirhcdto Tbcrc is oo provisioa ia tbc FOI Act rhich unrld pcrrdt Tcbcoo o impcc och coadnioos m ryplicaos priq o raailg .cc.s !o docolocols - accc.ss udcr tbc FoI ttcwi&stalOag rtrtTclecoo! udcraliag ro oc ory have Acr ir 1nrb& bcar ti provi& rcccsrouuidctlcFOtAct itwrs oa& la 6ccoatcr of cooplrias to G$. a..lo,irtelccoo'rprocc*riogof{glicrtioosu8&rtbFOIArL AEcordi!8ly.itis ry vic* rhrt il ras uscrsoatb ftr Tdeoo to iIDP@ 6c cooditio' I do aot rcccpr rtr rhc rctioa by Mr AI.! SEi& i! di$tTilt to tbc Tedie ud to tic eFP. soocirifoatioo rElc.scdby TelEc@ purruear O iU uadrrt*iag to g1!t &cc eccccs, pcovi&t jrstifcetioo for tbc iryositioa of a coodiaion lh" tlc PmiciPros urst si& tlc egtlcur€Et bcfoe rcccss o dotolots wiU bc ctrcctcd' ilds Etcrsiry inforoatioo rc MrSEith. ME Grso$ MtScboscr r&tMs Oiltaob rccqdaoac sitbthc uodctuliag ia MrBleck's subscgu'otly leuct to \& Sctonr dacd ? Jaaurry t'994 (cogy 't"h'd) 'od RrEbl'e' rd Mt Blr.t o nv ofEcen bv Mr Plcasc iafrrarewbc&ccTclm costrroje6'Gffi ヽ ͡ I $,ill trric to yqr scpuatcly o iaforo yor of o]' Gadbgs oa othcr aspccrs of lba compleiors. wbca I blvc coclgdcd oy invcstiguioo Ttr' o15cr E"1t ts i'cludc &3 b.sis for 5oD GxsoPtiotts cl'i*d, ric rdcquacy ed octhod of po"t{'g giyrs fc cxEoptilg-omrocmr tp csto,lqr of chr4cs fc rcccss u!d.r 6c FOI AcL ttq5 :\S\-: \.-s\ Yoxs siocctcly Philip,peSmirh Commouvoaltl C]obudsuea. D03721 / :σ. ‐ _雀 COMMONWEALTH● ,∼ 面 J BJ● “ ●● 市 ぼけ絨 喝 船 鰐 SP0 3● ぉ犠 殿 離 ",C"bnd● Tel:`06}2700111:「 ‐ "10o2407120,:飩 8=● 1102407119 「 もMay t994 MLFn― ― c/911t95{Vt a. : ,tllo &la&. t ave ome Lte taaorp> fra 6r1te1r cw cn" *> TdsLCoTcaum醜 “ 38■ b′ ″ 動 輸 瞳 mBOURNE VIC 3000 ヽ ' DErC“ CE a fg!) BIount "漱 I refer to previous corespcUene concerntng cornphtnE I Eceftrcd frornl,feesrl Schorer and Smi0r ailt rc e,srEu md Mr Gillen about Telecorr'c hendling of their rcgests under the of Infomradqr Act6OIAct). Mosl In my moet recrrt letter, daEd 25 Mar& 199S I rppriscd 1ou of ury preliminary views on that part of the compldnta that rdaEd to ddays in providing docuanants, md lnvitcd yoru comrltrrtc 6t s€verd maft€ss Black replicd cr your behalI on 31 lvtarch 1991, but hir tete addressed only some of the mattere I raised" Mr BLck stated th.t Ms RUE&le '..would give Mr Wynack a fuIl update on tre olrent status of all applications next Tuesday. A furt&er written respoue wlll be provided atthis frmebased on a btal statrrs radew.' I have not yet received the promised written responsa I& つ I ehould be gratefirl if you would now rtspond to theoutotrnding matters raisedinmy lctE of 2ti lvlardr 199{te 1. Comment on my viewe that . fit was unreassrable for Tdecom to impose a conditior for release of [certain documenb that the partidpanb mal<e furtlrer asstuances that; [they wtllparEdpate hthe FISP; urd o it was unreasorublc fior Tdecon to require trc parddpantr b make tlrc as$rancco wtrlleTdecomwas corstdertrg the egreecrant relaH to the FISP (the Agreemo0 ard ther$y darying the parddpanS ttu 0 00?'l r ノ c― 9pp.$+.ry.beqdderthcruhrthetTdeaogrwbhcdtohrvc,/ indudcdin&eAgrust *-L Provide inforsration ebort 8re eEpr Telecom har hlcn b locrE 6l€s conalnlng hformaflon rctadrg b Mr Smith'r cqracta prlor O lune 1991 and the persuul Alee whlch dlegdly wec deotoyed" I hrve dcddd b pr?arc rql.raE forul rqrortr prsuent b recfion 15 of tta OsrbtrdrurenAct 1976 oneadr of ltr outplehtllreceived &out Ms Garzu, Mr Gilltsr rnd }Ieasrl Schsts arrd Smlltt At I luyc comurened peparing tb r€Por!, I thould be greteful lf 1lou wottld provt& r rubotandvc reryclse to rnylcilE of 25l{rdt l99lby 13 Mey 7r%. ^.-.-a - My reporg will cmtain oplrdone cddcal of cefihTelecul.c6stt ut{ in'acc&aanccwl&rccdoiEg)of theOsrbudscranActlg6,Iwfllgtve youanopportrm ybmrkcarbunlsdonstndidmtothot€actmr. I shonld abo lrft,rnryou thet,tncouplience with 3ecdon EOA)G) of the Ocibudsrun Act 176,.I hrve tnforsred trc lvfrtlsu lhet I rn investigating ihc couplatrtr. Yours sincercly -!\-S-t-*q み二̀ ζ/気 ― θ a句 て Phitip,pa Surirh \ Comsronwealtr Ombudsarun 4・ イ/ヽ ノ ^l ハ `● Cご C´ 、 ` ,t 000122- .,・ / ノ ノメl‐ ね輛載.1窪 凛 勲餞 助 面 銀 … … … i ‖ 38haoGttmHdm轟 1鷲 ¨ 珈 1 細 出 m螂 … 障 遺 m "争 暉 出ぼ 島鑽 “ 管 躙 ぶ鵠認磁盤FbhISn . 出喝 I…“ わ よ自口由由 餞 and呻甲 い … 2a3,gl Tebmdat'nc{rhhtdmstrthsrbTelecmbrlfr … Srhlo tllg2hrdbcca'dertnoyrd ah. : Tdecm ungeumati& teerrd to gtr rry irdh€r doc[a6 bttSolltL Itdm hrc bt c delqoyd a nuabcr o66h! ldrtngE tst PdBwlthTd.s46ctorgn. aneray T― 蹴 継 鐵 le翻 鵠 掘dbccrdon … SoUr lud tdtt ldr }rrlcoh ers. … rda..d eu ruuerrcirabli CgecA'htcsuga tos dmrrrrntc Tdcm urucrrotrrtsli d€!d!d I& Sflt rcrar tp'{ltl do(tr!\cnl*oeussr tleo SJ.ri d u.r^ga riir r5r9r &6 Mc scrtth b Mr ul.& TdecmunnasanablyddrylryprwldlngrcEEsstomxy docrroeflB ′ 一 4-― T― dudO_bLha“ .0-■ 鮨島場 anda . D2 R・L-1む 出 「 朧 a_" ・ 畿 岬 簿 d― nd籠 い 躍 /de凛 臨 Ⅲ 懺 熙岬 "山 “ L剛 中 " 鷹麗F響 鶴 ││││││││lilllllllllllllll lcuer b lvrr Eenhnh &cd ?.f Og{ s€6il). 26f03{ feedo Umec[v ltured Mi SdEt Eret lLlrcodH mt havoln th:& pc@on'-an[',dtre mu &a rrd rrofittg PtP€st to do q{th thr Br[ Croada brtlnc ild scaosL' 7t1.94 Telecoat.trrereoiuUyn&sato provtde te'3 淵 熙 酬 課 … 甲 中 中 L● 8朧 麟 融 由 /QPe 1聯 讐 :鱗 er g€dod 2 rune 1999b 6 l,lu& 19gL I ltdnkltE rbove ts coptlhcnstvqh$'Ihlti rettt r'copy to tvfs sEd& {ird ffitsd-hltrr' to app'dJe ar of rry d Erlr-htet co4lleb nrds wldr! t aay.trave oodsrd hadvcnedy. Ywrrdncely ● 一 D― ば … ① he tur
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