Welcome January' 3 I /Februarl, 0l , 201 5 Rer'. David H. Young, Pastor Deacon Jim Dccker Deacon Carlton N{over St. Peter ( ltt63) 9 Pastoral Associate Bookkeeper Faith Formation F.rcilities Manager Parish Ntrrse Michc'lle. Stone I{on l-oynd Martha Ilebar Storm Smole Mary'Tillotson Mike Courtright Clustodian I)trttnl;w' l, t|t I I)t'ar .lIaunttt (5t, litrtttl ^5:t. ( dc: I)atrJ wwrv. stolafschurch. org . ,*x'ir'(t'ar This Weekend Uffi , l' ,' , .ls tltc.sc;r.r()tt o/'tht'rt'lt'ltntritut til'rntr I.ryvlis rrirtit'r'I"l'ilrzircs, it is rxr l)t;tt'(t'tlnl Jrttt atxl l.rttt assrx'i;tk'.s n'ill rt't-t'it't' a s1x't'ial lilt'.s.sirrg'/irnn rtt ltll;h. ,l;;,,,,rr ru";4r;r iltat Grxl nill corttiultL' to lic,ss 1ou litr olx'ditnrt'nt ,\tir tt't'r'tl-t'. .t( )t r ].' r t/' t tt t t' .\'r tn I t Kt ftuffiw#t r.s;ty t t t cigl t I tt tt'.s r nccd for ;r special blcssing t(') come frrrs',1s4 for the Sache standing at the ,foot of Iti.:altr;tl,sals|e:.s.sit1gttlst'c(}csrl's.!utttrlr.ultttiltrr''|ott.Ttrk olili"'tri{itrtu( f tiitt. ;t.s I lis <'hihlrcn -,u't'rrtxrkl trctt ltar"c ;r t e inr,itc ail thosc cxpcriencing rament of thc Anointing of the Sick. Fr. David u,.ill )l;l'l'ailsh). t Anoinringof rhesicl< Grrl lfa,w* I rr';ut{ to I}m* yul;ilNt in nx'tnttc'rs ot'Jttur *ng1c:,gi}titltt/iu.itcwulnrkt/ti7hattl;'ryrrury1IJn.sk<:t......l tr St. Vincent de Paul: 360-779-9980 F.mergencies : 350-7 10-4324 360-779 -4291 kt .. St. Olaf ( 1968) Caldart Are. NE. Poulsbo Saturday at 4:30pm at St. Peter Saturday at 6:30pm at St. Olaf (en Espanol) Sunday at 8:00am at St. Olaf Sund.ry at 10:45am at St. Olaf .l11 n'i/i'and (I h l ll9+3 Weekend Mass Schedule I'arish Office: Sharing ()ootl Nen's \\'c ltct'cir-c<l 0 .South Street. Suquarnish ext.113 ext.119 ext. 105 ext. 121 ext.114 ext. 103 Office: Wednesclays, Thursdal's Partial Day on Fridays I Icrc's Artotlrcr Lcltcr 1 ) Bulletin Advertisers (^) r ths rcversc sitle of the bulletin are clis\-/ played the ctintpanies that supprlrt the pub- lication costs fur our weekly bulletin. We ask that all readers of the bulletin farniliarize themselves u'ith the olfbrings display'ed there. Please keep these husinessc-s in mind whcn you'rc nraking plans firr y'oursel{'and your lamily or household. Thank 1'ou. advertisers. firr your support of our ueekll'bulletin. Anyone interestcd in exploring this option is encoura-ucd to contact the Catholic Frintery. Thcir phone number is also on the rcvcrsc. w'ritten l'erticalll'. thr alterr,ste ps n,irh ble ssed oil frorn the qarhcelral. Simpll'cnnlc fr;nr.arcl. either bcforc or rftcr lnlass. The strndlrd procedurc is ftrr Fr. Ilarid r() plitcc his hand on 1'trur head for a fen,scconds, in silqnce. Hc thcn places somc of the blcssed tril on your forehead ancl on the palms of 1,our hancls r.r'hile gcntly sar.ing a special healing praycr. }'ou thcn return to )'our scar in thc congrqgatitrn (or go forth, if your comc for n.ard after lrfarss) I 'W'e'lll,rffer this blcssing rhis u,cckenrl ancl ncxt rveekend, to ensrlrc tl.r;rt all in ncccl h;tve an oppor tunity ttr cclebrate rhis .sacramcnr. \\]c'll erlso do our bcst ttr cnsurc th.rt .rll our pi.rrishitlncrs in illarrfiirc: I{ru1,', A.forrtclcrir, and Libcrr-t,Shorcs rcccivc a visit ;rt some point during thc rnonrh of Fchruarr' As irlu'ays, r.r,e ask our cntirc comrnunitl' to hclp us all remember our homebound parishioncrs, so that \\-e c;rn continuc to rcach out to the m;-rs ri'cll. Also This Weekcnd -l-h. Knights o[ Colr,rmhus .rrc I sponsoring ;-rnt-rthcr of thcir rvoncle rful P curcalic Br-cclcfcrsrs in rhe Pirrish Hall. Plc;rsc comc ;rncl enio\,! take this special opportlrnity once again to thank everyone for your birthday and Christmas cards and gifts over the last couple of months. As always, I deeply appreciate your kind thoughtfulness and generosity. With gratitude Fr. Dut,id Onsoine Adult Education Series "Itnmigratiott" tlhis 'nvinter our Adult Education Series is focusing on I the subject of immigration. Please join together as rve consider topics including: The history and catlses of immigration St. Catherine's dUilO Hello Ladies! We'll have our monthly -^^^{-llleeLll rL:- ^^*:-llll lB, U ll5 LUI Thursday, February 5th 1:00pm in the Religious Education Building. The current situation Catholic theologl' and imrnigration The US bishop's framervork for addressing immigration Potential roles for an individual Catholic response. Looking forward to seeing you there. just begun, and there's plentl' of time remaining fbr I'our participation. \\re meet on Sessions have only Wednesdal'er-enings, after the stairs of the Gallagher Centcr. evening Matss, 7:Sopm,for Youth Group Neuls in the up- We oft'er our thanks to ser-eral people for making this series available to us. The original inspiration comes from members of our Imni.gratiort Cornmittee, rvho presented the idea of a class on this timell' subject. The moderator of the series is David Graves, clf our Spirituul Life Comnittee. Some of the video materietls come to tts b1'r,va1' of the .Iust-Faith rninistry'. Thank you to all. W'ednesdanl euenings ctt lE, sLt uteeks. AII are uelcome. Blessings for Cecilia. and a Schedule Change ecilia Hobbs. our Parish Secrc-tary. has acccpted a posi()pponunity ttl r,r'tlrk froln horne lvhile raising he'r baby daughter. We u'ish her every blessing as she begins this new' adventure with her family. /^1 lr.-, tion which gircs hcr grcatL'r As a practical result, our officc schedule will be slightly reduced for awhile. We'll be open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and the rniddle of Fridays, Thanks for yclur consideration as we enter this 'in-betlveen" phase of our Parish Office operations. Next uleeKend the H'gh School fouth Group ujill be Focusing on the 10 comrnandments, specifically . . "fJonor . four Father and Mother" Parents are invited and encouraged to attend this fouth Group session. This cross-generational event ulill taKe a fun and genuine looK at themes ulithin the relationship of youth and their parents, from both perspectives. fi/e've been studying morality, choices, and conscience formation. Notrt it's time to apply Uhat lde've learned, and gain deeper insights into the nature oF this important dimension of love. Book Group From thc St. \'inccnt dc P;rul Socict)' u't ulcl likc to thank thc p.rrish e invite an\'one interestecl in particillating in our Bttok Club \ tr /c V V ioncrs th;rt clon.rtecl lltl Thanks to givc N1arv Tillotson a c.rll at 160-697-2540. \Ve tnt'ct at giving Beskcts, and 8tl Christntrs Brts Nanc'r' Roqcr's home in Potrlsbo at 7:00pm, antl lte\\' tnetrtbt'rs are kcts. -.-rA big th.rnk 1'ou for all thc prrish vol .rlu'at's u'clc'otnc. untecrs. th.rt helped carr;', lo;rci rtncl clc Hcre arc a {cu' of'our upcominq titles . . . livcrcd all thosc br.rskets. (Ft'bruar) 2l) Prttcticing Ilis Presence,bt'Br. [.aurence (March 30th1 The Forqotten Garden (April 27th7 Iscttriot, bvTbsca Lee- Hopc to Scclou thcrcl ,llor)'Tillotson Januarv' 3l-Februarl' 01, 2015 Page 2 \Iay God Blcss all thc parishioncrs ancl vrrlunteers for cirring ancl sh;rrir-rg u'ith the less fortunate families in our commll n it1,. \\'c hope ;'t'ru hacl a holy Christmrrs. Home Our Porish Refrigerotor Door t t' ./.:",. l.; n, IJ lr' t ,1 ,i r i .: i ';{ lt; -i ,n :'* \** ,. . IL"r,"d " i t; | 4q .t ':, 'T I -41*' '''t i i j | i;'' l r'1 -; 't ; I F{ :t{ Li i ,llt'j Jr, ;'d"': 2., ii 1 l :, t-, ! ' I ,..-.,...?'Y*- Agc: llll RAISI]\|G -T. 7 FAI-t-H Januarl' 31-Februar\' 01, 2015 Page 3 /'s
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