:N LIEU OF Msc FORM PRIORITY FROM ■0 DTO:10 HQ DG BSF t, UNCLAS C° MMAN助 服漁 跳鸞ξ ξ 呂 馨き 書 )コ高以 NO.R/32 f€ NTPc LIMITED HAS INVITED NOMINAT10NS OFヽ ヘ ノ ILLING AND ELIGIBLE iい 0′ │^_― ^ _ _ _ rps oFFToERS WHo ARE SERVTNG AS ADDL oC THE CENTRE FoR rHE posr oF cHtEF sEcuRtrytsrnirlriJreve L nr oei[iittc r-ever_l lN NTpc LTMTTED ON DEPUTATION BASIS (.) cor, rVHn cerncurnn 、 ‐ ‐ NO.t-21_17 t05t201l_tps.I t dtd 3orh JAN 2015 ALON',CWrrrt ris ir.rzLosuREs REGARDING FILLING UP OF CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER rr.r r.IrPT rrr,,rrrEO ON DEPUTATION BASIS BEING UPLOADED IN BSF WEB EIIPP TOR pERUSAL (.)FORWARD NAMEs OF WtLLtNG AND ELtctBi; rps or.rcens (IG LEVEL) ALONGWITH THEIR BIO,DATA ON PRESCRIBED PNOTONT.,/IA COIV]MA WILLINGNESS AND DISCA,/IG]LANCE CTENNNTVCi CEATIFICATE so As ro REAcH THts oFFlcE By 25rH FEB, zors poslitver_v FoR ouR FURTHER ACTION // S FN01/12/2015 Pers/BsF/ ゾ (C DAG AL) COMMANDANT(PERS, O ′ Copv to■ FEB,2015 ο,sヽ to DG BSF AIDtes FHQ DCoT Wing ), FHQ - ■ i _ ■′ ││` い ″﹂ ×4^ 拠あ 」 for info alongwith copy of advertrsement dld 3OrH Jan 2015 and its enclosures ror uploading the same in BSF Web Sile/lpp immedialety, ptease F・ ・ │■ 1 マ °frlce研 │%場 吋 BSF fλ … 獣 路 ‰ a叫 臨 淵 │■ 11瑚 │ … 'Z`生 ■■1ツ 11、ほ→ ン 肥部盤肌 ■ :‐ ‐ ■ ― ギ Noレ lo17/o5″ ol■ P釧 ‖ fH° me AfFaitt Daoこ 1′ _:° .¨ C` D“ >馨 To 〆 で負 棉 :1稽 (Except Arunachal Pradesh,Goa,MizOram&uTs) I1121よ[:;:鷺 Subject: Filling up Of chieF Security o輌 つ cerin NTPc Limited on deputatiOn basis. Sir, bbemm計 綿ど 品」 脇躙珊躊1鴇 ξ 朧 r誕 ::‖ Spop∝ ed 踏肝£鮮明 器櫛 搬輔騨蘊 レγ : yoursl faithfu Ity, . (Mur""n$tn",, Under Secretary to the Go(. of lndia Tet No. 23094038 Copv tO■ D撃 釧 缶 8:椒 rmmanduTs を ‰ 1][1鷲 1ゞ lり ]%│:坪iT」:糖 「 昔 ち ::駄、 ♪│ `『 "!グ ″ 5]an 」KumalSingh An‖ ● ― rtto /t7.sf p5 :lち :;ifま:γ `も "■ 」O:NT G"瑞 に同 "べ RY 0 tr/lr0、 〃tr 鵠留叫 、tpl、 鵡 DO.No.8/1/2015-Th.t ゴ 衡赫 -1l oo01 NEW DELHl_1loo01 Dear Sir, The post of Ciief.S_ecurity Officer in NTPC has faflen vacant after shri Anand selection of 'i, oor*r o,;l;;; rhe post Security Offcer has ':^"^-,YL!:,ilav. or chier been qeated in NTpC to ,i,i""li. of a servins ofiicer of the tndian porice service (tps). rne said *"" .il * i;;";;:-#;i:r'*s pr"nr",ii;;;;d;;:,'",ff :,[#nA;T, iff ::: ffirT",X"1fl :IJ ["-,1-r.r Jpc in ro, m" po"t or ir,i.i's:ffi1"#E:i51"#l"jillzations our country rne;oo prorrre 2. EarrieL shriAnand Kuma( rps (up:88) was appointed as chief s."u,ny in NTPC on O3t16t2o11ror. init"r prriool-/ffiTJ#' om*, anorher 2 years as per ooert "n next one year, which was supposed s,iaeiiies;;JL:;:#,lJHiT#:l:::"T# to be completed b;;2; Kumar-rps, +r;eisec,rity omc-er, "i;;; "J,.*,jarior r. rn the meanwhire, e ou nt2oii;;;:i'i'il; ili; J,o,TT ",l,lJi'il"",""fli i#,;,iil ;;li Kumar has been released rrom "=, - ,;;;"H[;ili:nd .N"3ss NIPC on zz.',zz,iro ,i i.rL -C .r\L\('- 4. The post ., _- \ \.$)' c7.\rat-' ShriAnani w{il of chief security officer is arready -depuration-i;;,#;r:"J exempted trom the rure of rmmediate absorption for the purpose-of t8(6)/200 j{m-sr-77 dated 28.12 "- per DpE Guidetines No. 2oo5.Ann"r._1,,i' " \\ . ". u^ 5. ) r.x\ 1,"*' "; ilil;:, H"":"J";I::;i;:,:tu: Ii3:j:,H,il""flrT'fl1i"15,J1; -\l ln vrew of the \l \_ty' f J'. :"! NTeC Limited on depL,tation ,._*"j"ilr"];;;i,;l rr*""" ,"n"r, With regards Encr; Asabove -|r+{;.1, t^,r (Anil Kumar Singh) ●自ワ Shri l\4. copal Reddy, Joint Secretary (policel), L4inistry of Home Affairs, Government of lndia Room No.11O, North Btock. Nodh Btock, New Dethi RIGHT To INFORMAT10N ri― ● ‐― ‐ vI ・ こ POST :cli n,II siiCUlミ :1,r()rri(111く LEVEL :LXI,CUTIVl:1)1lRl]く ` 1く )iヽ (11り ) COヽ lPANIY PROFILE NTPC LirEited was incorl$ratcd undc, tle Coml'anies Act, 1956 with the objectivc to dcvclop and providcd tcliat l(: P()w(:r rclakd Pr'otr'.ls nlrd s(lrviccs at (DlPctitivc pliccs, irlt('llrnting multiPle encrlry s()u(('s willr irrrt\';rljve nrd oco fricndly tcchnololly and c()itfbuting to th(! Pt$Pl(:s Prol',r'r'ss l( is a'Mirh ritra" ISE irr Porvcr Sec.lor urnlcr the administiativc controi of lr'l hristry o( Powt'r' I NTIIC Lirnit({ is 43.128 MW (inctudinS JVs) with stalioi,7joint vcnturcs 17 urirl l,'rst'tl antl 7 1ys ttsr.l stations arc coal bas&l an(l 7 rct)cwabk' t'ncr11y proit't1s' 1ht' company has sct a target to have an installcd Powcr gQncrating c4patity of 1,23,000 UW Uy *," ZOaZ The capacity wiil have a diveEiJied 76% Gas,7L% Nuclear By 2032, NTPC's ^on tuelE comPrising 56% coal, ald 17% Renewable Energy Sources.(RE$) including hydro' fossil fuel based g€neration ciPacity shall make pordolio. NT"C -uP nearly 28% oI has been oPerating its Plants at hiSh clficiency levels' Atthough, the company has 77.73% ot the bral rlslional caliacity, it contributcs i5.91% of totul por^/"r Senet"ating due to its focus on high efficiericy. The Registered and CorPorate Offices are in New The Share holding of t}te @I in $IPC is Delhi 75% .. Importance of Security SecuFity aspects of Power Plant installations and related actii'ities are of uknost the continuous threat from terrorist SrouPs oPerated in various areas in the country and also attemPts from miscreants to dismpt and pilfer importance in view.of in course of hansportation in Power stations. In sbme of the Projects Limite4 the MGR system for coal kanspoitation is sPread which entail responsibfity o′ CSO へ′ to ertsure safety and secu of NTPC across more than 90 Krns rity of its Property. サ │` ● ● Key Fllnで t10ns _ Compliance lvith the directivc --' rs securitv mafters. '/ guidcLnes issued Liais"orr il,irh A4JtA, CISF llQr ,,,8,r,,r,n8 (.rsr, ,,..,,,,." . .;.,*) ,. 1 ,,r, r r r r, ,r rt l , r I x , | | \ .rrr r)J:ir)i, j., , ,*.,,,,,,.,.^,.,,,,,i - (i i, 'rDl)ri.r rr(-(, r)r so( Lrrit,r' "_.;;, z.r,.,t 7 y_.., ,,i .r, ri,r,1r,, \, L'|\,.,r1,,,,'!, .,n.,"",,,:Ic''hrrr"rlr;'r'l''t rlorrLLs an.r S.. uriry 11n"nrrnr -r"-*,."", Security audit of projects. t''""""' "1.,"::1"* Achonr on rn.r-d\ed Ihr,..rt ij.r. !.fiju,s i!ovjde Secul.itJ adrice tu tlte MaJ arransemeniarcc li選 1ldent tldvice/sugges● 。ns 'lrDr('Ias' c'cnrro. Resionar Hes & lu pru\iJr .Lj,prl aJ\i.e io M - *r !. rYranagcmertt orr the security. ― TO suggest medlQdζ I,i,, iinrf,,rs l,)r fr,(lrk,,)rr fo' streng / *rorr r-;;:"',ent ― TO study and givO ildepl・ i,, ,,.rv' ts A{ivico oI coi}rnri,rl}r"r on /\1'rrr'rrl(rr)(1r1.( l,,r rcning or sr.urill, mattcrs relaring to on case■ ,casc basis for strengtllellLlg ule security measurさ s ュlT:苫 ilil:lili:星 :: lilil::illiielilitl:ili:ミ ∬ じ認 :篭 ulrittrITttt/助 Public authOlities al■ (l IB a]ltt sub∬ apPmisal 逝t a - Io analyzc the Securitl arr(,,rr,rri1ents appraisc thc nunagem.Il. at .・ 。/“ a rl・ on , **,, / (,\lldrscs CoUrLJrnrriL,r) ^4Op ',,,'':lr;: ,;,',r -,r,,,,,, ,,,..;.: r,, ,r,np(,1\r)rn(ivar.r.()usorhrr.r.ssrl..',,.1r' li\Jrnol()llicnl up8lada6on oI 1", b, MHA ,/ Ad並 Ⅲ針 ∝′ POrt 10 tlle ヽ(anageinent“lttr CC,/ RHes,/pr.oiects leave and r 4 .,[ lob Profile IliSibi]itY ,t,","i,g lro ′ . deenled aPProPri'llc 一 子 ^ I\'l( ll rrrlr's5r! \ i!s/ I'jIt IIIIIIiIII\ 1"r"1 r\ 'n.t\ ArtI)' Polr" \\jtir Liiris(nr llitl '\r ct(' rl lrllrrrl l,' \l\1rril\'/ itrlt r'sl\x15il'rlilr(s (ttrlrirt / An)' otlu'r tirrt(: t() lrtlr(' lr.nn (sl rt')/lr 5'1 r'l'rr) l.\('l((i'itLrl) A(i'1l t)irNlor C"'tr'rl lrrdirr Iroli'!' StNicl'' Pcri()d of DePutation 3 ycnrs, Lu h'r extendatrle uPto 5 years' Paclage ConrPcnsation --',u",,,.";lo"lrt ln inrc - l it'illl DOPI ON'l he rnedical faciliries - lle willbe ln. o[ tho Pircrll orgd isrtru\ ill be entitte'i for Pay arrd Pcrks 17 06 2010' No 6/8/2009-Estt (l'>a} ll) dattd i! ill bc as Per the of !' 9 lt'vcl' entitled for conPanv vehicle u,.rb.nrlrdll hr d'rP( llv rePor tirig lo Drr ' " ror t I ll)i '...........'....'.' 、│,k,CS() borroh'irlll otganisation rulcs ur ′ i\\\\(s Ⅷ お 驚か ヽ 』拙 糧糧鳳 … な N。 3:SIン2o14_AVD■ 1 D・ 象狗 馳 И″ 2池 げ″ &″ ィ″α ″′続 "妨 グ `〃 器 概 I盟 拙 器 湿 ょ ● d鮪 篭 f古 乱 盤 覧胃 ●4 αらぶ “ c/oぁ 牝 OM Nに 誠∝ ″ “ "。 2稜 ∝4Ⅵ 繭 ご 獄Fぉ 1楡 c蝋識 驚 壽 t蠍I北 鳥賛 譜 寵l.鶴 cttt 趣鰯職ド ` Cel‐ ioi_ 1跳 」:島 撻 権 轟 1■ 1 ,│'PS :3ム s(S■ 'DIJS(Vis II,`ROrCド Und″ St∝ こ り。 he C● u 1マ , ,( 0,IIcE卜 』EMORANDl・ - D■ (lc′ │1裏 ,c‖:ltサ ill ´ L― 千 PERSg毅 :I:l,1lcIES (d)lmmediate Absttp● On/Deputa● On 8. DPE/Cuidetines4l(d)ig Depu ra tio n of C o r.ern m en r Officers to posts iD The undersi-gned is directed to refer ro rhi< and o M Ni &;,;;;_;il;i:;; pu Ulic sector u n.^.-*^-.._ ndertakings _ Reviex of policr,. li$"#r.i,"ffi"iilfybi:: f:, p';,i.t."l,"ii,i!,*r;::iFi:;:;l'ffi'; *".' i:'Tl[::Sil'#*,i'"ti1"".],t":ilq-Fver) ;:111a*f:,?,,.:.^:!tlT:,:;i depurarion of Govemmenr orrrcers rncludins rhose belonsin in cenrrar ::l:Jl.rji, ig,q$ :き 1:胸 gl ar: ;TJ**;#i#: :i.,..",#H:"i:,,.;i"', i毬 漁 」配 Ⅷ 宙 CWCdthC ttty a測 :;#rtr:i,i'*im:**, d“ &h hc歯 ∫ 彙 晩n olldcttmmぉ “ 3 HO、 vcvcr,dcputatiOn may bc pcmitted in thc 10110、 ving cascs. 、 (ii)POsts of ChicF Vigilancc ofllccrs in CPSEs l:││」 il:lsifChiCfSCCuriり 震1為 tth:風 oF「 ccrs and O■ crs in sccurity sct up of cPsEs,,uttCCt to thc 6。 Futtl絆 :智 8島 1:糊%呉 『 C:ら HOwing 輌 u nu bC mkcn On dcputton whttc■ c ぜ 難 il:1営 1キ [11!li?路 tittiltCTCnt 2′ に1,Scctl「 t卜 Pcr、 Onncl takじ l: I PIl nl● │`1,,│`,`,13nl_ ぃ│=′d,。 J。 (1● l1011(lc‐ P[liati()n■ Onl spゞ ●:a ∠ ぜdl)「 cご s、 vill nO[1〕 l esI「●,`.● ●●│夕J,cl`lQ ch2● │。 J● ,1■ i● cd中 ()ycd!I,tllc lo2● = ,: 、 ' ′ ′ r に ゆ ぅrょ OadⅢ iiStraぃ c OtllCCSOIthCrcidcninacas OfCPSEs l多 3d λNI留 ‖ 蓮∫ 『滞 驚 譜』 1ぜ 1:編露 ヽど1織讐 旨 滞 郡 節 麒耐 Of RailWttS 8 Thc abOVC dCC`iOIIS tOuld apply tO an,PSEs thCluding tl10Sc undcr thC Minist● :::Llξ il:キI[:lllll魚 )iic rcquienlCnts ::::1::li:ttll:よ :ξ lli6'al of ACC,n,ay evolVC,uitablC suidclincs fOr ir:器 黒省 篤 :淵 譜 識 1淵 高 1詰 昌 ボ 鯖 ∵ ff‖ 翼uギ lilR継 all concemed. (N0 18(6)/2001-G:ヽ 1-Gl′ -771atedthe2SthDecelllber,2o05) 栞贅 0
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