2011 - 2012 No OGFICE Research Subject /試験研究助成テーマ一覧 大学名 University 研究テーマ Research Subject Preparation of Mesoporous ZSM5 and Its Application as Catalyst for Gas Conversion インドネシア大学 メソ多孔質 ZSM5 の調合とガス変換のための触媒としての応用 1 2 (UNIVERSTIAS INDONESIA) The Chlor-Alkaly Production by Electrolysis Plasma Process in Nacl Electrolyte Solution Dr. Ir. Nelson Saksono, MT 電解質 NaCl 溶液におけるプラズマ電解法による塩素・苛性ソ ーダ生産 Mitigation of Vapour Cloud Explosion Effects using Watermist System 3 研究者 Reseacher Dr. Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnadi Prof.Yuliano S.Nugroho,PhD 水の霧化システムを使用した蒸気雲爆発現象の緩和 No 大学名 University 1 2 バンドン工科大学 (INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG ) 研究テーマ Research Subject Rearing Method and Resistance Levels of Musca domestica from Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya to Pyrethroid and Carbamate Insecticides 研究者 Reseacher Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D ピレスロイド系とカーバメート系殺虫剤に対するジャカルタ、バ ンドン、ジョグジャカルタとスラバヤのイエバエの飼育方法と耐 性レベル Response to global warming:Evidence from Indonesian Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane, waters which exposed to the West Pacific and Indian M.Si, Ph.D. Ocean 地球温暖化への対応:西太平洋とインド洋にさらされるインドネ シア海域からの証拠 Performance Study on Integrated Production Well System of Gas Condensate Reservoir 3 Prof. Pudjo Sukarno, Ph.D. ガス井コンデンセート貯留層の一貫生産システムのパフォーマ ンスの研究 No 大学名 University 1 ボゴール農業大学 (INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR) 2 研究テーマ Research Subject Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Rice Farming System : Case Study at Lebakpicung Community 稲作システムにおける伝統的な環境保全の知識: (ルバックピチュン地域におけるケーススタディ) Introduction of OrganicVegetables Farming to Enhance Household Economy at Micro Hydro Energy Independent Community of Kampong Lebakpicung, Hegarmanah Village, Cibeber Sub-district, Lebak District,Banten Province 研究者 Reseacher Rais Sonaji,SP. MSi Nur Riana Rochimawati,STP Tovan Yulianto, SP Dr. Purnama Hidayat Dr. Hefni Effendi Ellyn K.Damayanti Ir. Edhi Sandra バンテン州ルバック県チべベル郡ヘガルマナ村ルバックピチュ ン集落のマイクロ水力発電によるエネルギ自立地域で、家庭の 経済を強化するための有機野菜農業の導入 3 Utilization of local energy resources to strengthen Energy Independent Village (case study at Energy Independent of Kampong Lebakpicung ,Lebak Regency , Banten Province ) (エネルギー自立の村をさらに強固にするための地域エネルギ ー 資 源 の 利 用 ( エ ネ ル ギ ー 自 立 の Banten 州 Kampong Lebakpicung、Lebak Regency のケーススタディ) 1 Dr. Y. Aris Purwanto Kukuh Murtilaksono Boedi Tjahjono Sri Malahayati 2011 - 2012 No OGFICE Research Subject /試験研究助成テーマ一覧 大学名 University 1 2 3 4 サワラク大学 (UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK) 研究テーマ Research Subject Modeling the Effect of High Product Mix on Factory Performances 研究者 Reseacher Mdm Shirley Johnathan Tanjong 工場生産性に関する高複合生産の影響のモデリング Ground Water and Surface Water Interaction Study at Pulau Salak Ms Nor Azalina Bt Rosli Pulau Salak における地下水と地表水の相互作用の研究 Analysis of Multi-Scale Microbial Fuel Cell for Simple Electrification in Rural Areas Mr. Mohamad Iskandar Jobli 田舎における簡易電化のためのマルチスケール微生物燃料 電池の解析 Absorption of Toxic Heavy Metals Ions by Using Agricultural Wastes in Sarawak Mr. Mohd Farid Atan サラワク州での農業廃棄物を用いた有害重金属イオンの吸収 5 Development of Direct Power Control Space Vector Modulation (DPC–SVM) for Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) Mr. Hazrul bin Mohamed Basri 二重給電誘導発電(DFIG)のためのダイレクトパワー制御空間 ベクトル変調(DPC-SVM)の開発 6 7 Improvements of Static and Dynamic Characteristics for Dr Mohd Danial Ibrahim High Performance Mobile Hard Disk Drives ハイパフォーマンス・モバイルハードディスクドライブの静的お よび動的特性の改善 Feasibility Study of Oil-Palm Waster-Derived Adsorbent for Removal of Pesticides from Water and Wastewater Dr Ivy Tan Ai Wei 水および廃水からの農薬除去のためのオイルパーム由来の吸 着剤についてのフィージビリティスタディ 8 Pelletisation of Agricultural Residues for Power Generation Mr. Nazeri Abdul Rahman 発電用の農業残渣のペレット化 9 10 Design of a Household Device Utilizing Bio Fuel (Pelletized Peat) Dr. Siti Noor Linda バイオ燃料(ペレット化した泥炭)を活用した家庭用装置の設 計 Thermophysical Properties of Oil Palm Fibre and Clam Ms. Siti Nor Ain Musa Shell Powder Reinforced in Thermoplastic Matrix Composite 熱可塑性複合材料に強化したアブラヤシの繊維と、クラム貝殻 粉末の熱物性 11 Improving Rice Milling Machine for Domestic Application Mdm Ervina Junaidi 国内用精米機の改善 12 Turning Agricultural By-Products into Solid Fuel for Energy Generation エネルギー生産用のため、農業副産物の固形燃料への転換 2 Dr. Onni Suhaiza Selaman 2911/70ど Z FINAL REPORT OSAKA GAS FOUNDATION OFINTERNATIONAL CULTURAL EXCHANGE ヽ Ⅶ AR 2011-2012 PШ PARATION OF MESOPOROUS ZSM-5 ANDITS APPLICAT10N AS CATALYST FOR GAS CONVERS10N P面 IldPal lnVesigator: Dr.Yulli I色 正syuttlingslL】 【」snandi Chemisty Deparment OfMathem甑 cs and Science Faculサ SCENCE AND TEC}[NOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER UttUVERSITY OF INDONESIA DEPOK 2012 Osaka Gas Founda■ o■ of lnteHla■ onal Cultural Exchange(OGFICE) Research Center for Science and TechDology― University of lndonesia P′ θ ∫θ,筋 イ 硝′ ′,,′ αttOヵ O/〃 ∫οpο /ο 夕dZttj,ヵ ′ Jr6 1pp/デ θαttο,?ιγ デο (夕 ,・ g斜 ♂οナ?ツ θ/6デ 0" Л,"β ノ」 卍 η?ο /ノ A.Rescarch Title PREPARAT10N OF ⅣIESOPOROUS ZSⅢ 子5 AND XTS APPLICAT10N AS CATALYST FOR GAS CONVERSION Be Abstract Mesoporous ZSM‐ 5 has becn synthesized using twO dfferent methods in order to obtain diffcrcnt active mesoporous structuresi sccOndary template methOd and alkalne treatllent.The secondary method has showllto provide higher mesoporosity compared to he alkaline treatment.Thus,he mattrial prcpared through secondary template using TPAOH and PDDA was used for prehmintty catalメ ic teSt.COba■ was ioaded using -5, Thc catalysts then are characte五 zed il■ pregnation mehod to the mesoporous ZSム 江 using various solid state characte五 zttion inethods such as BETラ XRD,TGA,TEM and SE"f.Cobalt contains are dete■ 11lined by AAS■ leaslェ rement.The catalysts were then used in application for partial oxidation of gaseous methane in batch rcactor.Atthis moment, preli■linary test shows hat mehanol was he nュ aln results as detemined by GC‐ FttD measurement aftcr thc product、 vas cxttactcd from thc zeolites. C.Introduction 正)irect mehane conversion to usenュ l chet五 cal products has long been one ofthe grcatcst challenges in hetcrogeneous catalysisっ due to the scvere thellllodynamic bttriers associatedコニ 血 htt reaction.P.P,Knops‐ Gerits,W.A,Goddard HI[1]reported catalytic oxidaion ofrnethane Ⅶ 血 N2C)uSing Fe―ZSM-5 and othcr Fc zeolite systems in order to optimize mehane conversion acu撹 サ.N20 gaS is raher dfflcult to handle,compared to molccular(Э 20r eVen alr.Therefore,perfolllling the rcaction using oxygen as Oxidant can be more attractivc and economicЛ .h wasrepoied htt Cu ZSM-5[2,3]and CO ZSM‐ 5 [4]were able to perfomi the mehane to oxygenttes rcaction,using Oxygen as o対 dant. Utilizing zeolite as catalyst somehow have several dra、 vbacks, such as he relaively smЛ l and sole micropores(0,5-2 1lm)in ZeOlites signncantly inauence the mass ttansport to and from he active sites iocated in価 cropores[5,6].Furtherinore,he sniall porcs can easily be cokcd by he product()r side products, such as in 41ethanol conversion on acid zeolite(H― ZSM‐ 5)catalyst[7].TheSe prOblems have caused he application ofzeolite catalysts become rcstricted. Recendy)Beznis et.al[8]reported Oxidation of mehane to mehanol and fokょ 1laldehyde ovcr Co ZSM-5 aggiomeratcs,The focus of hcir work was tllning he and selecti宙 サ by alkaline and acid treatments of he zeolite ZSM‐ 5 reacti宙 ty aggiomerates. The selective activation of rncthanc to、 vards mehanol and follllaldehyde over Co‐ ZSM-5 can be influenced by altering he■ 近cro― and meso― porosity ofthe zeolite mateial.Alkaline treatnent apphed to ZS卜 I-5 zeottte lnate五 als with an org劉 工c tcmplate inside he■ licropore stmcture resulted in the follllatiOn intercrystalline mesopores inside he zeolite agyomerttes and an incrcase ofhe cxtcmal surfacc area.Furthemore,Co― Na― ZSⅢ←5 samples wcre more selective towards mettlanolthan Co― H‐ ZSⅢ Iぃ 5. ht]五 s proposed rescarch夕 preparation of rnesoporous Co― ZSM‐ 5 using different approach will be conducted Two mehods reported by lnagaki et.al[9]and Wang et.al [10]are chOsen前 血 some modiication The irst method enquires convcntional ZS]M-5 zeolites as stttng mate五 al and cationic surfact〔 江lt aS meso― strllctllre direcing agent. りVhユ e the second mcthod use common al削 区五na and silica solュ rces as wen as organic templttes for synthesis.The Si/Alofhe ZSM-5 materials前 ■be varied,and the effect to Co― active sites M■ be investigated.The as― prepared inesoporOus ZSM-5 and Co― ZSM-5 2 P/υ α′ οИ OF"θ ∫οュ ′ο″d ZS豚―jα 刃″ 'ο '″ ・プ Л,ヵ αどRTο ァ θα″οηtt θ,″ lノ∫rノ♭ gtt θοηッθお γノ デ 'な '・ mateials will be characteized prior to he catalメ 'Oη ic teSt Of mchane to mehanol conversion in the presence ofrnolecular oxygen H.Conclusion From this thorouし。h investigation on synthesis and modincation of ZSM-5 、 vith various materials, it can be concluded that we are successftll in preparing ZSM-5 type of porosity,stalting from nlicroporous to hierachical ZSM-5 that possess both!Ⅵ icro― and mesopore systeins in one structure. Frolm three synthesis techniques, lve foLind that synthesis using double template medlod is the best technique to obtain hierarchical ZSyl― 5 having high rnesoporosity, PreliHlinary stlldy o】 ュeinptoying mesoporous Co/ZSM‐ 5 as catalyst in partial oxidation ofrnethane shows pronュ ising results.Frona this lvork,■ ve can learn that: 1,Mesoporous Co/ZSM-5 can be prepared frol粗 `template'free ZSM-5 that has already mesoporosity.So、 ve can offer alternative l■ atel・ ial froln commercia‖ y`templated' ZSM-5 2.The catalytic test shOws that the catalyst is considerably reactive in converting methane to lmet1lanol as results of the prese1lce of cobalt oxide species in the meso― challllel ofthe stl‐ し lctL】 re, 3.The regellerated catalyst could be rellsed for the sa】 ュ le reaction although its activity decreased, In conclと lsion, the 11lesoporous Co/ZSM‐ 5nldt is potential to be used as heterogeneOus catalyst for lnethane partial oxidation atthouし 。h the material was synthesized through differellt rotlte fl・ olll the OriginaHy alkaHne tl・ eatlnellt procedure on “template― うlled"ZsM_5 material. Ffttar Reρ orと Osaka Cas戸 ovnJatio′ ,oF′nterη arionar vre cv′ と Excr,ange Year 20TT/20T2 The Chlo卜 Alkali Production by Electrolysis Plasma Process h NaCI Elec社 olyte Solution ■日Ч L■ア a■v A Principal investigator: Neison Saksono Department of Chenlical Engineering Facuity of Engineering University ofindonesia 2012 1. Introduction Cmor AlkaL industry is one of the inost important industrial sectors in cheHlical industry,This sector becomes supporting oher sectorsbecause its products can bc used as raw materials in othё r industty. In Europe, CHor Alkali industry supported about 550/O of cheHical and pharilnaceutical industries which gave proits to 660 billion in 2009(Euro Chlor Co正 口五ttee, 2009) StiC Soda ①LOH),HypOCHortte,and Cmor Akali lndustty produces Cmorine,Hydrogen,C孤 ユ other derivttivcs of CHorineと om NaCl and wtter(H20)aS raW mtterials,Chiorhe(C12)and Caustic Soda(NaOH)are twO often chemical sllbstances which are produced he most and used as raw materials of other daily products, such as: Inedicinesぅ detergents, deodorants,plastics, herbicides,insecticides,disinfectants)etc.(Bommarttu,2010)。 Ch10r Alkali production needs much elcctrical energy to process the electrolysis 6f Alkali solution(NaCl)。 The cOst for electricity in hdustry can reach unti1 70° /O ofthe selling price of he products(SantOrelli,2009). Therefore,the effort to reduce the consumpion of clectrical energyin廿 近s industrial scctor is needed by doing rescarch to get lnore efflcient rnethod and technology. In convcntional electrolysis processフ NaCl and water(H20)Will prOduce Caustic Soda cTaoH)ラ H2, C12, and Other side products at certain condiions such asNaC10, Chlorate ions, etc. Convenional Electrolysis follows he Faraday Rllle where conversion gotten is iow、 vhile the the electrical energy consumtion is high.Key constraints on traditionalelectrolysis are the problem of bubbles and he siow difilsio1lratcs of produced hydrogen in hquids,sothese constrttnts are mi五 mized and Possibly abscnt inthe plasma hydrolysis(Chaffln,2006). The plasma electrolysis process is similar wlh elcc廿 olysis process,but tt is done witt hi帥 enough voltage until hc clecttic spark is fo■ 11lcd producing he plasma on he electrolyte solution. The plasma win produce reactive species such as radical H and OH on large amolnt ttLch are a∝ clerated by he sharppotcntial gradient and have enough kinetic energy to induce血 que chemical changcs in aqucous solutions,so it is able to increase he fo上 上 1lation of hydrogen and oxygen in KOH solution several more times than he Faraday electrolysis process(MizllnO, 2005i Saksono N,2010). The results of plasma electrolysis in KOH solution from previous researchers is enabled to be apphed in plasma electrolysis of NaCl solution, bccause KOH and NaCl solution have the simllar characteristic,hat boh of hem are strong electrolyte.On his researchぅ here胡 1l be a design of plasma electrolysis which include plasma generator aspect which able to produce DC voltage up to 400 V,plasma electrolysis rcactor which given a coolant and product separation system.Electrolyte solution used is NaCl and he products are Cmottne and Hydrogen gas,and NaOH solution. 7. CIosillg 7.l CollclusioI虫 Conclusions ofthe research arc as follo、 v: 1. This study has been able to prove he foHnaion of chiorine gas though Plasma clectrolysis]method. Plasュ ma is foklllCd yellowぃ browll from C卜 ions containcd in NaCl solution. 2. The incrcasc in voltage and NaCl concentration led to the greater glo、 ving plaslma fOnmed which increases the cmorinc gas production. 3. Thc largcr the surfacc area ofthe electrode in the solution,the electrical current generated is greater so that the chiorinc gas prOduced is also increase. 4. The best energy consumption generated is 284.51 kJ/■ lmol C12 which reaches up to 38 times bctter han electrolytic process in he same reactor conflgllration. 5. The Hgher the voltage,the flnal solution pH decrcascs, On the oher hand,、 矛hile lhe highcr the NaCl conccnttation,the l近 gher he pH ofthe final solution is generated、 vhich showed the prescnce ofNaOH is fonlled in solution. 6. The more hc dccrease of pr[of the flnal solution duc to advcrse reacions to follll productssuchasl子 (≧:怪 :甘 ζ n,chiOrate,and others. llei° 7.2 Futureヽ Vork Sever〔 工 important aspects needed for the next research in order to get optinllttn rcsutt Υc as followi l. Plasma reactor design for chlor‐ alkali productiOn can be optilnized by adding Protoll Exchange WIembrane which separates cathode and anode, Selective Membranc is intended hat the Nが ions mOve from the anode to he cahode though the membrane toward selcctive whilc OH‐ ions rem五 n in the cathOde chamber.It can optiEniZe the product NaOH generated so hat byproducts Of the reaction betwccn OH‐ due to he chlorine component can bc avoidedo WVih hc least side reactions, the production of chlorine gas can bc increased. 2. Binding mcttOd Of chiorine dioxide with KI solution is less than opimal because of the use of open systems.Tイ エs may cause some ofthe chiorinc gas off and not get caught by KI.The use of a closed bubbler systenl is tO avOid the escape of ch10rine gas. So hat productivity ofchiorine gas can be rnaxilnaly rneasurcd. 3, Process variables need to be added in Ordcr to sec the production paiem of chiorine gas productiOn and energy cOnsumpion to get the best operatiOnal conditiOn.One that can be done is tO increase the voltage(>500V)with 10w cOncentrations.In he research about production ofhydrogen using plasina electrolysis,proved that the higher voltage obtained beier energy efflciency, It can also occur in the application of plasma electtolysis technology in the ch10r― alkah production, ③ FINAL REPORT Osaka(3as Foundation ofinternationai Cuitural Exchange (OGFICE) Research Fund 2011/2012 Mitigation of Vapour CIoud Explosion Ettects using WateH■ ist System By Prof.Dr.I「 .Yulianto S Nugroho,MScH Department of Mechanical Engineettng SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH CENTRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA Engineering Centre Building Facuity of Engineering,University ofindonesia Kampus UI Depok 16424 2012 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1.Backgrouttnd Liq■letted pe廿 ole■ lm gas(LPG)has been h use as h()uschold Attl all over he world for several decades.Until the late 1980s,■ s use h thc develophg world was largely confmed to he economically well― o∬ strata of he socieサ but it has since spread over a much larger catchnent,The increashg use of LPG has enhanced and gcneralized ttle isk ofa Ctboiling hquid expanding vapor cxplosion"(BLEVE).Th偽 is evidencedと onl he reports tthcL appear now and then of a LPG cyhder hnvhg exploded in a householdぅ some wolkslЮ P,or on a bus,a trttn,and a boat[4-6].h fact some very mttOr ttagedies have been ttiggered by such cxplosions帝 hch also set orfres and cause sccondary accidents[4-5]. Flax4mability is hc capabiと ty of a substancc to iBШte easily,bllHl htcnscly 甑 d Spread rapidly[4-10]. Exttelne cauion should be taken when stottng and handlhgユ aIュ:Hlable mate五 Лs.Of hcユ ax― able and co五 bustible liquids and gases h llse,he most common are■ quid hydrogcn,liquefied petЮ lellm gas(LPG)and natural gas(methane).LPG is a dangerous fre孤 ld eXplosion hazard when released h air. Vapors may n。 、 v along surfaces for substantial distances,reach a sollrce of i」 工 tion and nash back.LPG is Лso an asPhyxiant。 ■ is heavler hanれ ,alld may acc― ulate ttits and ohcriow lyね g arcas whcre it may displace air[6]. An exPlosion is a suddcn,violent release of energy.It is usually accompれ ed by a loud noise and an exPanding pressure wavc of gas. The pressure of the gas decreases witt distanceと om he ottgh or epicentero Explosions resu■ itt from he i即 直 tion ofユ anmable mat前 als may also be accompaIュ ed by a hgh temperaire 缶 eball血 at can i♂ 工te combustbles h its Pah[4っ 5]. Wtter is an eFect市 e and widely used flre― aghthg agent due to ns supmor suppression capabilities,in the fo二 Hェ of bulk water,sprays,and ine ilist,The suppression mechanism for he fhe mist is latent heat of absorptiOn through evaporation and oxygen dilution over milll‐ second time scales.Thouと れwater has ttadiionally been sludied for fre suppression, numerous reports describe ■litigation of condensed― phase exPIosions, vapor 1 cloud explosions and ushg water mist,waterwalls,孤 ld aCt持 e and pass持 ewater deluge systems, The abiltt of a structte to absorb and renect blast energy is extremely imPortant h blast iIⅡ igation, Smctures hat can absorb and renect blast energy erettively前 ll ettciently dissゃ ate and dsperse he intensive pressl】 re pulse and protect皿 メhnglocated Lhld hem[14]. Ths study sttdies he characteitics of water mist spray and its htcraction witt shockと ont and how thc blast paiem l血 gh changeo ln amtion,血 s sttdy oxplores he]ν lach n―ber ofthe shoOk wave generated by he shock ttbe and he httact ofhe blast on he詞婢cent Ottect at v航 olls dittanceso The socieサ in general 胡 1l bencit from the results oftts studyと om the safety at work prespectivcs,Ths is ofscientiic and industti〔 址interest. 1.2 Research OtteCt市 es 獅 s rescarch〔 』ms to study he effect wateanist cwtttn on lhe blast Pattern and blast energy resultedと om a vapour cloud exPlosion. So far he experllnental sttdy and modclhg have been c[Hied outto study he aほ ngement ofmu■ i-1lozzles on watem道 st densttr and COVerage.Regardhg the vapollr clol遭 explosion sれ dy,an attuSinent has been considered,in ttHch a new shock血 be apparatlis was set― llp to と趙肛eo The selection develop blast erect representng the exPlosion test ofLPC}― aと ■ of a compressed‐ alr d五 ven shock tubeサpe iS due to simphcity of applicadon and wide sPread avttlabilⅢ Offacility[13,14]. A hgh speed宙 deo camcra of l,000 frames per second(fps)Was employed to record mportant sequences leadng to blast hμ ct to a Pl試e otteCt,SeverЛ paraine髄 c study mcluding he effect to otteCt dttancc havc been鍼 ed in thc cuコ ビ ent work.ふ /1easllrement of static presstlres along the tube enables calculaion of the speed ofblast wave and the esimation ofthe Mach nmbcr. Thc otteciveS Ofths wol・ ks are: a. To dcsign and constnlct a new shock tube apparams and water!:nist experiinental set― up. 2 bo To stildy he effect of llozzle arrangement om allx densⅢ of the w証 ∝面飩 clrtam. c.To charactα ise the newly developed shock ttbe apparatusっ hcludhg the Mach nmber,blatt energy andhe ttact ofblast onhe attaCent 6笥 ect. d.To sttdy the potential ofwatemst curtain on blast energy■ 工tittdon。 3 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUS10NS Charactettsics of density proile ofwater mist spray has been analyscd using unagc pЮ cesshg tech耐 que.田 results show hat hgher pressllre for a llozzle aFangement “ produce higher throw length ttHch can be represented by dens蜂 dispersion,Hi♪ er water pressllre also produce llmfo上 皿 diSpersion at lower distanceと om FЮ m hc shockれ bc expettments夕 nozzle中 . it is folttnd hat the supersodc region was acheved,郡正h he veloctty above l夕 00 Mach.h gener〔 工五 can be s五 d that he ncw ith apparatus work very well wlth the results lbund to be consistence、 Ⅲ Lower shock energy indcator is expected ationger dstanceと tlle literature. om the dp ofthe shock 籠be. The effect ofwateコ 匡工St On the面 igaion ofthe blast should be Iも コ趾℃r studied. 25 Research Report OSAKA GAS FOUNDATION of INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL EXCHANGE Rearing Method and Resistance Levels of Musca domesticafrom Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya to Pyrethroid and Carbamate Insecticides Principal Investigator: Intan Ahmad Academic Unit Management of Bio resources Research Group, School of Life Sciences and Technology INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG January 2014 1 I.Executive Summary: Title:Rearing Method and Resistance Levels of Musca domesticafrom Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta to Pyrethroid and Carbamate Insecticides Head of Research Team: Intan Ahmad Team Members: Silvi Susanti, Resti Rahayu, and Nova Hariani Offial Address: School of Life Sciences and Technology, ITB. Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia Extended abstract House flies (Musca domestica) is one of the common urban pest that caused health, economics, and aestetics problems. Some of the common diseases carried by this insect are cholera, typhus, anthrax, diarea, and dysentri. Furthermore, house flies are highly associated with the environment health condition. There are two common practices to control the population of house flies, i.e. to improve the sanitary condition and by using insecticide. The most commonly used insecticides to control population of house flies are pyrethroid and organophosphate. However, intensive used of insecticides and lack of knowledge on the appropriate methods of insecticide application has caused resistance of house flies to insecticide. This condition lead to instensive observation and research on status and mechanism of resistance to improve the effectiveness of insecticide application to house flies population. Effective application will reduce the amount of insecticide applied and in advance improve environment condition. Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge, in Indonesia, we do not have any information regarding the house flies resistance/susceptible to insecticide. We studied the resistance status and mechanisms of house flies to common insecticide applied in Indonesia. Based on the Topical application methods to find resistance status and PBO (Piperonyl Butoxide) to detect resistance mechanism of house flies. We found that the strain BDG has become resistant strains to permethrin with LD90 228.7 x 10-3 µ g/fly and RR90 133.7X while the most susceptible strain was YGY with the LD90 1.71 x 10-3. Strain SBY with LD90 62 771 x 10-3 µ g/fly and RR90 38.36X was the most resistant strain to propoxur, followed by BDG with LD90 29 821 x 10-3 µ g/fly, RR90 18.22X, and the most vulnerable is strain YGY with LD90 1636,27 x 10-3 µ g/fly. After the addition of PBO, all LD50value for permethrin YGY generally decreases with SR 1.35, BDG with SR 2.23, and SBY with SR 3.59. As for propoxur BDG with SR 4.07, JKT with SR 11.08 and SBY with SR 0. Based on this data, we conclude that the strain of BDG has experienced resistance to permethrin and propoxur, SBY only experiencing strains resistant to propoxur alone, and strains YGY is still 2 susceptible strains among the four strains of both types of insecticides. Addition of PBO lowered the value of LD of all strains, including the internationally standard susceptible strains from Denmark and Malaysia and indicating MFO play important role in the occurrence of resistance in resistant flies, although presumably other mechanisms also work together. As for the development of rearing methods we managed to develop a method using food and cow’s liver as media for house flies to deposit their eggs. After 24 hours, cow’s livers that already deposited with house flies’ eggs were moved to larval medium until pupal stage. About seven days after pupation, adults houseflies eclosed. 3 Research Report Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange (OGFICE) Response to global warming: Evidence from Indonesian waters whichexposed tothe West Pacific and Indian Ocean Principal Investigator Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane, M.Si, Ph.D. Academic Unit Research Division : Oceanography. Faculty/School : Earth Sciences and Technology. INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG December, 2013 1 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. TITLE OF RESEARCH :Response to Global Warming Evidence from Indonesia waters which exposed to the West Pacific and Indian Ocean 2. HEAD OF RESEARCH TEAM : Ivonne M. Radjawane, Ph.D 3. TEAM MEMBERS :Dr. Lamona I.Bernawis Apriansyah, S.Si Oties Suryaprakasa, S.Si Muhamad Fadli, S.Si 4. OFFICIAL ADDRESS : Labtek XI. 2nd floor Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 5. EXTENDED ABSTRACT : Physical Properties Surrounding the Indonesian Seas from Pacific Ocean to Indian Ocean Ivonne RADJAWANE1#+, Lamona BERNAWIS1, Oties SURYAPRAKASA1, Apriansyah APRIANSYAH1, Muhammad FADLI1, Bayu PRIYONO1 1 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia # Corresponding author: [email protected] +Presenter Indonesia has a unique location in the low latitude region that connected the tropical west Pacific and southeast Indian Oceans. We investigate the physical seawater properties of the surround area of Indonesian Seas in changing climate during 2000 -2011. The domain of the research was selected based on the availability of the Argo’s data as the main data i.e morthern part of Papua as a part of tropical west Pacific and southern part of Java and western part of Sumatra which part of Indian Ocean.The SST and mixed layer temperature, salinity and SSHA (sea surface height anomaly) tend to increases 0.5-1.5oC, 0.3-0.6psu and 0.73 cm/year, respectively in north of Papua waters. ENSO is much affected the water when the El Nino (La Nina) episodes happened then the upper themocline depth in this region decreases until 25-50m (increases up to 100-150m). West coast of Sumatra and south Java waters has the same rate of temperature and SSHA change but smaller compare with the north Papua waters i.e. 0.3-1 oC and 0.375 cm/year 4 6. LIST OF RESEARCH OUTPUT : No Ttitle Authors Publications Remark 1 Physical Seawater Properties of Indonesian Seas and the Forecast in Changing Climate Lamona I.Bernawis, Apriansyah, M. Fadli dan Ivonne M. Radjawane Poster presentation Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Singapore, 1316 August 2012 2 Karakteristik Massa Air Oties di Perairan Utara Suryaprakasa, Ivonne M. Papua Radjawane dan Lamona I. Bernawis Presented at Submitted to PIT ISOI IX, Jurnal Ilmu Mataram 2123 dan Teknologi October2012 Kelautan Tropis 3 Suhu dan Salinitas di Perairan Barat Sumatera dalam Iklim yang Berubah 4 Physical Properties Surrounding the Indonesian Seas from Pacific Ocean to Indian Ocean. 5 Temperature Variability Muhammad Fadli, Lamona I. Bernawis dan Ivonne M. Radjawane Ivonne M. Radjawane, L.I Bernawis, Oties Suryaprakasa, M. Fadli, Apriansyah and Bayu Priyono Ivonne M. in South Java Waters Radjawane, based on Argo Float Dayu Data in 2008-2010 Presented at PIT ISOI IX, Mataram 2123 October2012 Poster presentation at Asia Oceannia Geoscience Society (AOGS) Meeting, Brisbane, 2428 June 2013 International Submitted Seminar to and International G. Workshop Wibisono and Hydrography. M. Fadli Batam on Journal of Remote Islands Sensing and 27 -30 August Earth Sciences 2013. 6 Characteristics of Water Masses in the Raja Ampat Waters Fendry Mamengko, Y.S. International S. Conference Hadi and I. M. Hasanuddin Radjawane University, Makassar, 5 September 2013 7 Variabilitas Permukaan Suhu Laut PIT di ISOI Jakarta, Perairan Raja Ampat X, Paper 12-13 submitted November 2013 Jurnal to Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis II. TECHNICAL REPORT The research was going well. We can solve the problem. 6 Research Report 2011/2012 Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange (OGFICE) Research Title PERFORMANCE STUDY ON INTEGRATED PRODUCTION WELL SYSTEM OF GAS CONDENSATE RESERVOIR Principal Investigator: Prof. Pudjo Sukarno, Ph.D. Academic Unit Research Division : Drilling Engineering, Production, Oil & Gas Management Faculty/School . : FTTM INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG December 2013 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. TITLE OF RESEARCH : Performance Study on Integrated Production Well System of Gas Condensate Reservoir 2. HEAD OF RESEARCH TEAM : Pudjo Sukarno, Prof., Ph.D. 3. TEAM MEMBERS : a. Leksono Mucharam, Ir., Ph.D. b. Kuntjoro Adji Sidarto, Dr. c. Darmadi, Dr., MT d. Iskandar Fahmi, MT e. Ardin Fardiansyah, S.Si f. Dila Puspita, M.Si g. Nandia Primasari, S.Si h. Rudy Kusdiantara, M.Si 4. OFFICIAL ADDRESS i. Isti Rodiah, M.Si : Research Consortium – Optimization of Pipeline Network (OPPINET), Centre for Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (PPMS), ITB 5. EXTENDED ABSTRACT : Gas is nonrenewable natural resources other than petroleum, which plays an important role in the provision of industrial raw materials, energy needs, and generating substantial foreign exchange. More than 80% of national energy needs are using oil and natural gas. Current conditions indicate that the use of petroleum as source of energy accounted for 55% of the total national energy supply, while natural gas contributed 25%. Conversely, as viewed from the reserves, Indonesia has oil reserves of 8.68 billion barrels while gas reserves amounting to 159.63 tcf, which consists of 107.34 tcf of proven reserves and 52.29 tcf of potential reserves. If the reserves are produced at current production levels of approximately 3.0605 bcf (Reserve to production ratio), it will be able to provide for about 53 years. Prospects of reserves growth prove that gas reserves in the future are still optimistic considering the potential reserves are large enough, i.e. 52.29 tcf, besides the possibility of additional findings from the exploration of new reserves in the future. The main problem in the operation of gas field production is how to keep reservoir gas production in accordance to consumer demands within the plateau time. In this research we develop an integrated model for gas field deliverability, considering gas flow in tubing and pipeline, as well as separation conditions on surface. Although the reservoir initially produces gas flown over the tubing, due to pressure and temperature drops along the tubing and the flowline, condensate is formed later. The system considered in this research is a single well system from subsurface to surface as illustrated at the following figure. Figure: Subsurface and surface simple model The method used in this study generally consists of several things below. 1. Phase Identification The phase checking of flowing fluid traverse along tubing and pipeline is performed by phase envelope. To construct a two-phase envelope, there are several works to be done, i.e determination of critical point, bubble point pressure calculation, dew point pressure calculation, dew point temperature calculation. For these work we use Newton Raphson method. 2. Flash Calculation Flash calculations are required to know the amount of hydrocarbon liquid and gas coexisting in the pipeline at a given pressure and temperature. Furthermore, these calculations are also performed to determine the composition of the existing hydrocarbon phases that are needed to determine moles of the gas phase, moles of the liquid phase, composition of the liquid phase, and composition of the gas phase. Based on the calculatin then we can determine physical properties of gas-condensate. 3. Equation of State Equation of State is required to calculate equilibrium ratio, compressibility factor, and fugacity coefficient. In this study we use Equation of State of PengRobinson (PR) and Soave- Reidlich-Kwong (SRK). 4. Gas Reserves Estimation Gas reserves estimation can be conducted by determining the Initial Gas in Place (IGIP) for using volumetric method or material balance method. In volumetric method, geological data, rock and gas properties are required to determine reservoir pore volume and value of water saturation for calculating IGIP. If the production data in term of cumulative production is available, the gas reserves can be estimated using material balance equation. We use Hagoort and Vo et. al. method for calculating of two-phase Z-factor in material balance calculations of gas-condensate reservoir. 5. Gas Well Deliverability We need to calculate the flow capacity of gas well to plan the operation of a gas field. Deliverability expresses the relationship between decreasing of production rate with reservoir pressure as a result of depletion process. For gas-condensate well, standard dry gas deliverability equations have always been used to predict the Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) models. In reality, this approach is inadequate leading to erroneous results. In this research, we use an adequate, simple, and efficient scheme to obtain IPR curves for portraying gas-condensate well sustainability, represented by the concept of Archers IPR and Fetkovichs IPR. 6. Gas Flow Performance in Tubing Gas flow performance in tubing from the bottom hole to the well head is represented by pressure and temperature drop equation along the tubing as a function of gas flow rate. The tubing performance calculation is started from the bottom of well, where the wellhead pressure, wellhead temperature, and gas flow rate are obtained from gas well deliverability equation. The calculations are considered for single-phase and two-phase cases. or onephase, Cullender-Smith method is used. For condensate gas, there are four equations which can be used to deter- mine pressure drop in tubing. Those are Hagedorn-Brown, Peffer-Miller-Hill, Sutopo-Sukarno, and Gray correlation. the correlation used to determine the temperature profile is Shiu- Beggs correlation. 7. Gas Flow Performance in Flowline For estimating pressure drop in flowline for dry gas flow, we use Panhandle A, Panhandle B, Institute of Gas Technology (IGT), and Weymouth correlations. Meanwhile for estimating pressure drop in flowline for two-phase flow we use Beggs and Brill correlation. For estimating temperature drop in flowline for both dry gas and two-phase flow we use rigorous temperature drop model proposed by Hein. Three cases are simulated to test our model. The first is simulation of phase envelope, the second is simulation of gas-condensate flow in flowline, and the third is simulation of fluid flow in tubing. The results show that the model developed in this study can be used to : - generate phase envelope, - estimate pressure and temperature drop along flowline, and estiamte pressure and temperature drop along tubing. 6. LIST OF RESEARCH OUTPUT The following are outputs of the study: a. Model of Integrated Production Well System of Gas Condensate Reservoir. b. Method of gas condensate field production optimization. c. Prototype software of Integrated Production Well System of Gas Condensate Reservoir. The C,saka Cas Founddtion ofinterndtiongi CuIIural Exchange(OCFiCE) Research Crant FY 2011/2012 112111!26 Final Repo情 TrdditiondI Ecological Knowiedge in Rice FaH輛 ing System: Case SIudy ct Lebakpicung Community. Rdis Sonttit SP.MSi. Nur Riand Rochimcw市 ,STP Tovan Julianto, SP Centerfor Environmental Research… Bogo『 Agricuitural Universily Subnli‖ed lo: Centerfor Environmental Research Bogor Agricu‖ ural University f()r The Osaka Cos Foundation ofinternationci CuiturcI Exchamge(OCFiCE〕 October 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Leb(】 kpicung people is o sm(xH communily of 53 households(dotc】 in 2012,who ore descendonis oflhree sub― cornr1lunilies of Kosepuh(】 ni Corucub,Cikoret,c】 nd Cicemei. Livelihood of Lebokpicung people hos been cotegottzed io trodilionolfrom tthe poini of less occess io rrlodern technology. This study wos oinning c】 十discovettng tthe hisiory of fornn(】 lion of Lebokpicung corYlm∪ nity′ discovettng十「odilionQl knowiedge in ttce forrYling sylern Qtt Lebokpicung corYlr1lUnity′ ond io on(】 Leb(】 lyzing tthe inslilu」 on(】 l dynomics of sus十 oinc】 ble ttce forrning sytem ol kpicung commun‖ y, The siudy wos conducied o十 KompOng Lebokpicung′ Hegorrnon(】 h Sub― disittc十 ′LebQk Disl百 ct Vill(】 ge′ Cibeber Bonlen P「ovince, Sludy wos conducted from December 201l io Ociober 2012. The siudy wos conductted ihrough severcli visiis to Kompong Leb(】 kpicung. The moin methodology implementted in tthis reseorch wos deptth inierviewes ond focus g「oup discussions(FGD}. │lc(】 n K(】 be found f「 om this siudy lhQ十 lhere were 12 sic】 ges of ttce forrning system in mpong Lebokpicung, Eoch sic】 ge consisis of locol ecologicol knowiedge of educolion′ pr(】 clices′ nd iechnology(】 nd equipmenis used in ttce fc】 foith(】 rr1ling.│十 ken pl(】 ce in ttce f(労 re(】 l leosiア cusiorn ceremonies i《 】 olso noticed th(】 十lhereく 】 systemo These百 lu(】 Is ore os ihonksgiving ceremonies frottR cOrYttrYlUnity′ imporionce of b@│(】 nce′ 〕i「 n歩 ヲsS Ond hc】 阿泊 ony f《 OmOng corrlrr刊 ∪nitty′ nη is ∩ing which ieoch the Cod ond notture. Some imporionキ locol knowiedgesin ttce f(】 rrning sysiem in KompOng Lebokpicung ore: 1〕 .Educottion ond p「 oclices in preserving gerrttplQsrYl Of 10col百 ce v(】 百ettyf cycle of ttce forrr¬ ing′ 3,.Co10ng「 oyong(lndOnesion cullure in cooper(】 ng scheme omong workers′ 4).Using irOdttionol hoⅣ sh(】 百 on卜 on,,whiCh Ore「 eo‖ y helpful sociolly in shく 〕 百 ng es市 ng One yeOr 2す 。 lion,(】 nd prO呵 │ eq∪ ipmenis(etem Or ogttcul十 urol prod∪ cis omong forrYlerS′ 51.MoiniOining the gronory os o food「 eserye fo「 communily。 ,っ rθ Tr,力 すοИβrどて ′ 撤 οW力 鍵平 加 財 ∝ ,α =!て 閉′ αg9,0施 溌 ′)∫ ″ 釘 力 う,た 沢こ 即 Fて イ rMr′ ?=彰『惚,1,市 i肋 ″″μP′ οVlκ ? 膨 わβを P√ 翻 g Gο 胞招′ 11/,2多 gα ′ ″伽 βカ “ “ rrning sysiem in Regording the instilulionQl dyncxmics,genero‖ y lhe institulonol ttce f(引 Kompong Leb(】 kpicung hos noi been chonged signmc(】 ntlyo Chc】 nges onty occur when itt cOmes io(引 government iniroduction of chemicoi fertilizer usoge through BIMAS in 1973. Wh‖ e intttnsic volues clre sti‖ mointoned by tocOi CorYlr▼ lUnity of Kompong Leb(】 kpiCUng. gα rJη f印 ,カ TFt/,μ ι Юθ?F,′ ptrИ g勲『セ訂 ∬ 乙?う αを PJ斜 帽 Cο 閉 μ′ “ 鵡 で? 子惚 7,ザ ど ,g?,0う あ ″ )的 セ 4L?う ,た 沢?g?み叫 】と “ 'Pギ ■1 ,T,ど T′βtrJri。 `,ο 蝉 ミ ?=rgぞ Ю匈ツザ FИ The Osaka Cas FoundoMon ofintemationgi cuIlural Exchange(OcFICE〕 Reseorch(3ront FY 2011/2012 1121111〔 18 Final Repori Introduction of C)rganic VegetQbles Farming to Enhance HousehOld Economy α:AAicro Hydro Energy lndependent Cornmunity of Kcmpong Leb口 kpicung′ Hego「 rnanQh vi‖ Cibeber Sub‐ district′ Lebak District′ BOnten Province PurngmQ Hidayat EIIyn K.Dc】 mayanti Hefni Effendi EdhiSand「 o Centerfor EnvironmenIQI Research Bogor Agricu‖ u「 QI University Subnli‖ ed to: Centerfor EnvironmenicI Research Bogor AgricullurQ!University for The Osoka Cos Foundく ョ‖on ofinternctionQI Cuttural Exchonge(OCFICE) October 2012 age′ Executive Surれ rnary Kompong Lebokpic∪ ng is one of Kc】 sep∪ hon Cornmuniキ ies which people livelihood is cottegottzed lo l「 odittionol from lhe poini of less occess to rnodern lechnology. There Ore 51 ho∪ seholds(PLN & PPL日 ―IPB 2010)(】 nd o‖ ho∪ seholds eng(】 9e in ogttc∪ ││∪「① l (〕 producing ttce fors∪ bsisttence′ clivitties′ c】 キbolh d「y ond wei clgttc∪ Lebokpicun(フ peopl(〕 hove been procキ icing trodittionol Qgttc∪ prod∪ cl ond so f(〕 rs∪ fficiently │lu「 │lu「 QII(〕 nds. e. Rice is the mclin produced by culliV⑥ ling ttce once Q yeor.They hove olso been producing ttce seeds by lhen∩ selves,so lhol locol百 ce v⑪ 百elies ore conserved. However′ lhere hos beenless expettence ond knowledge on c∪ menttioned by HidQyol ond So百 in9 hottiC∪ ∪re′ incl∪ culliv① キ │十 people h⑪ ve been p∪ liiv① ling vegelobles. AS fOrrnersin Lebokpicung oreo、 vere notf(引 rnilior (2011)′ in ding ve9ettobles(】 nd fruiles. Therefore′ Leb(〕 kpic∪ ng rch(〕 sing ′ veget(】 bles fronR Olher vil oges. They ho` e lo spend lheir money fo「 十his, Meonwhile if tthey c∪ ivQle vegelobles by ttherliselves′ │十 lhey con sov(, money. wos(〕 imed ot enhoncing ho∪ sehold economics by inlroducing orgonic This si∪ dy vegeloble forrning by s∪ ch os or(〕 ()nic fe「‖lize「 s ond bio― IIヽ 甲os expecied lh(】 l ofler Lebokpic∪ ng people successf∪ l in perforitting pesiicides org(〕 nic ∪sing iocol resources′ vegeioble forrning′ lhey co∪ ld consume lhe ve(〕 elobles for s∪ bsistence o∩ d lhey con even gel(】 ddiキ ionolincome by selling lhe s∪「pl∪ s vegelobles ihey grew. The sttudy wos conducled ol Kompong Lebokpic∪ S∪ b― dis十 河 cl′ Leb(】 k Disl百 cl′ ng′ Hegclrrnonoh Villclge′ Cibeber Bonlen ProVince. The sludy wos cond∪ cled lhrough severol visils to Korrpong Lebokpicung. D∪ ring lhe visils′ (1)i∩ fOrrncllion bosed on Lebokpic∪ ng peopleis preferences wos co‖ ecled′ on veget(〕 ble vottelies (2)sui十 oble vc】 百Gキ ieS fo「 Lebokpicung so‖ clnd clirnoie wos discussed′ (3)exlenSiOn on how lo perforⅣ 刊or9onic forrtting′ i∩ ion′ pesl conlrol′ cludin(〕 lilloge′ n∪ rsery′ plonling′ ferliliz① キ ond horvesiing wos cond∪ cled′ (4)forrnersl gro∪ ps were es十 ①blished′ ond(5)exlenSiOn ond proctice on forrning rttonQgemenl′ includin9 colcuioHon of f(】 rrning inpul ond o∪ lpul′ plonning for nextt plc】 nling seoson were cond∪ ctted. The Foc∪ sC「oup Disc∪ ssion reveoled tthol十 he lhe conlm∪ nilyisnops beon′ beon′ Qnd biller go∪ fo‖ ow ng vegelobles were preferred by coisim′ lornoio′ c∪ cumber′ chili pepper′ sweel corn′ lon9 rd. Howeve「 ′bosed on some f(〕 「 「ner's expettences′ vegelobles o Hydro Energy CibeberSub― dis十 百ci′ lntroducttion of()「 9c】 nic Ve9et(〕 bles F(〕 rrnin(〕 to Enhonce Household Economy cltt Mic「 lndependeni Communily of K(】 mpon9 Lebokpicun9′ HegQrrY10nOh Vilc】 ge′ Leb(】 k Distttc十 ィBontten P「 ovince l tti lhQl s∪ │IQble wilh soil ond cllrnole in Lebokpic∪ peppe「 s′ sweet COrn′ long beon′ esi(〕 bliShed (】 ng were lomQloes′ cuc∪ mbers′ nd bil十 er go∪ rd. Three for「 Yn e「 si g「 Oups chili were ond p「 ovided wilh ve9eiclble seeds io proclice o「 9onic forrning. only /ed good resulls′ in terrYl Of COoperoキ ion omong 9ro∪ p merlぅ be「 s 「OUp l sho、 ハ (う ond vegelQble yield. FQil∪ res in plclnlir19 were Qlso expettenced by gro∪ p one os weHcls by the olher i、 マo9「 o∪ ps, Problelns of plonling co∪ ld be idenlified、vere:(1)rel∪ Cloni tto odopl orgonic fく 】rrning methOdS Which come from oulsido of lhe villoge′ leodership in lhe 9「 o∪ p′ 13)w‖ d bO(】「 Q十 1(】 cked vegettQble plonl(】 lion′ (2)no ond(4)long pettod of dry seoson. To conclude′ vegetoble′ f(】「rners in Leb(】 kpic∪ ng were hord to odopl o「 g(〕 nic forrning fo「 beccluse lhey were occ∪ siomed io proclice lrodiキ ionQI(】 gttc∪ │lures. Troditionol ogttcull∪ rcll proclices in Lebokpicung were less inlensive lhon orgc】 nic forrning rnelhods fronl oulside oftthe villoge. Httusehold economics co∪ ld nol be enhonced yel′ yei been(】 dopled by the f(】 rrne「 sin beco∪ se org(】 nic forr泊 ing hOs nOI LebQkpicung, 「oducttion of C)「 9onic Ve9elclbles F(〕「rning tto Enhonce Household Economy c】 十Mic「 o Hydro Energy lndependent com「 nunity of Kompong Let)okpicung′ He9(】「 「nonoh Viliclge′ Cibebe「 Sub_dis十 百cl′ Leb(】 k Disl百 ct′ Bontten P「 Ovince l iv In十 EC `13.2127 The Osaka Gas Foundation of IRternational Cultural Exchnnge(OGFICE) Research Grant FY 2011/2012 Final Report Utilttatio n oflocal energy resOurces to strengthen Energy lndependent Village(cを lSe study at Exlergy lndependent Village of Kampong LebЯ kpicung,Lebnk Regency, Banten Province) Y.Aris Pulwanto Kukuh Murtilaksono Boedi Tjahjono Sri凸/1alAhayati Center for ElⅣ irollmental Rescarch― IPB Sublnitted tO: Center for Environmental Research Bogor Agricultural University for The Osaka Gas Fourldation of lnternational Cultural Exchange(OGFICE) October 2012 he ;縄解紆 髯 隅 咽ユ 棚 織監1)駅 盈冗:咄士 4之甜 比 置 堵 濃 難 Υ 酔盈 器詢 Bante Districぅ Lebatticung There was idl tilization of iocal energy resources froln micro i想 熊晴瑠離?駕 評斌I♂ 寵 幣搬尊郵輔軽機:欄 憮 苺議路零 : :継 ぎ 郡 could the avai po、 ver plant. デ η θ ∫ ∫ σ チ rJじ り,じ ο 59θ ttο リ フrο Kり 翔つrゐ f'″ 99′ θ //99フ rο θ rc9ざ θ ,rg刀 9′謬 r9s。 夕 カ9,′ ο チ 力じ 11 ?◇ ,デ ー ⊇りど 113,1107 MSO/V.1.2010 一 こ Ao TaiukPrOJek PFげ ?0グlirJ? Ketua Penyelidik PFOJi?Cr L?α rr?F FakultЛ nstitut F,C′ 的 た4Srlir,ど ? Ahli Kumpulall Penyelidik 翼?J?rrFC力 T?17れ Л″杉コ肥b?rd B. Tarikh Geran Diluluskan RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS 佳1(テ ИS 跡 の 0ダ OSИ ′ 沢r GRИ ⅣTRZPORTSし吻 WIodehng thc Effect ofrligh Productい 正ix on Factory Perfonllanccs Shirley Johathan Tttong Faculサ OfEngincering Dr.Magdalcne Andrew Munot January 2012 prο フ α′Dα 惚 CFα И才 /戦 児 Tempoh Projek l Ycar PFげ?C′ D′ r,どliOИ Peruntukan Yg.Diluluskan RM6860 】,こ Jg?ど ИPP/ο フ?″ Perbelaniaan Terkini RⅢ f6846,70 βχPゼ η[Jlir′ F?TO■ Dα 惚 C. Pencapaian Keseluruhan ,力 彪フ Oフ ロ′ α〃Иて ?】 町?И ど Hur五 kan pcncap五 an berbanding otteHit hipOtesis settapcHnasalahan asal yang diselidi電 D9Jcr,b9肋 99c加 9ッ 9麗 9η ′ ル9島 カノ ∫肋 r9′ ,ガ οt tO ttθ Or7g7刀 α′ο i9σ ′ フο肋9∫ ね ,刀 ′r9∫ 9,′ σ乃 b′ 9胸 ∫ P/ο bυ . 。 . The initial proposed research prtteCt aims to model a whole wafer fabぅ 前血と Ψut factors in telllls ofproduct rnix and oher potential factors.The rnodel、 監s too large in data and simulaion ioglcs which cause data loss and lagging in simulation.Upon discussion前 h particlptting company,he simulation scale was reduced to only focus on he bottleneck workstation ofthe wafer fab.Neverheless,hei五 ial ottemve Ofhe prttect,i.e.to model and evЛ uate he effect ofhgh productrnix、 vas carried out and the data obtalned was sufflcient to support he original hypohesis ofhe prttect. D. Pencapaian Utama 駒 Fli“ trlittg♂ 1.CoHelation between hgh product m技 (10-100 types)at photolihography workstation and its throughput. 2.The crect ofincreasing number ofmanpowerto ttroughput and average waiing time when WIP is hgh product m故 . 2 `13.1〔 07 MSO/V.1.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS EM9 0F OSИ 五色4(ν S Gん4NTttPORTS5吻 沢r A. TaiukPrOJek Groundwater alld Surface Water lnteraction Study nt Pulau Salak PFOJi?Cr TlirJ? Ketuュ Pellyelidik : Nor Azalina Rosli PFO」 i?Cr L?α ι r?F FakultЛ nsdtut Fakulti Ktturuteraan FtTcИ J互 フ ガИざrirИ 佗 Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik 尺?♂ ?Irrc′ ,7をαη2 ЛИ杉 う?r♂ “ B. Tarikh Geran Diluluskaニ ュ αJDα ど ♂ Crα Иtttrο フ Tempoh Proiek Proi FJ Putuhella WIdHI Rosmina Ahmad Bustami Mr Mohd.Haflz ZA4ア awi January 2012 : l Year P/οJiTcrD′ rrrど ,ο ヵ Peruntukan Yg.DiluluskAn RM5,500 】ИrJ=grИPPrο フ♂′ Perbelanjaan Terkini RM5,500 どχr,?η ″ ′′?Tο ― Dα 彪 'ど C. Pencapaian Keseluruhall Oフ ?〉 rr〃 Иcr,J?フ g脇 ?И ど Huraikan pencapttan berbanding ottektit hpoteSiS ScAa pcrinasalahan asal yallg disclidiki ルg現 乃 乃g∫ ねα刀′/?∫ 9,/じ カ Dθ ∫ crわ 9肋 9α じ カテ 9ッ 9μ 9刀 府 テ 々 r9肋 ガοη′ ο肋90/Jg7η α′οりπナ ノフοチ P/ο b′ 9別 ∫ . The outcomc of his rcsearch indicatcd hat he grollndwater quality for all wells is poor and unit for direct consumpion. Thercfore, it was advisablc hat auttorities should monttor the ground、 vatcr contanlination to avoid any hazardous possibilities hat may affcct rcsidents of Pulau Salak.It is also suggested to build a sinlple、 vater tteatment for the 5 wells in Pulau Salak. Besides, he villagers can dig hc 、 vell deeper becausc hc study found hat he distancc of ground、 vatcr tablc and transition zone are very tar for the sea、 vater ilitmsion.By digging the、 vcll deeper,it prevellts hc wcll from dried during dry season.On he oher hand,tlュ e study revcals hatthe poor quality ofwater has already appeared atthe upstteal■ ofBatallg Scmttiang to Salak Hver whcre hc water quality fall undcr Class IV wllich is sli宮 且ly pollutcd.It indicates that hc river is suffering ttoni the non― degradable organic and inorganic contarninants as wen as the untreated or p劉五ally treated sewage and discharge from wastewater.There are some surrounding acivities spotted to be lhe reason of the river poユ ution such as mbbish littering from upstreain and even froni the corrmunity as、 ve■ ,quanfies and no proper sanitaion for the COElmllnities. Tllusラ the river water is not suitable for drinking consumption, isheries and recreational acivities,、 vhch are currently being heavily carried out by the residents of Pulau Salak on a daily basis]正 ence,■ is advisable hat auhorities take iIュ lmediatc action to monior and improve he r市 er quahけ 。 D. Pencaptlian Utama r?ノ Jテ豫″ittξ ざ The key inding of hね research is he、 vater from all we■ s in Pulau Salak is not in a good quality.Even hough some ofhe residence boiled he water before consumption,but hat action wlll only killed the rnicroorganisms and not removing oher contalninants, 2 fr 予 ャ ι ︲ 、 十 113(1107 MSO/Vl.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHR GERAN PENYELDIKAN OSAKA GAS 】んの OF ttkKた Cパ い郷透4沢 r GttTVORTSし A. TajukProjek PFO」 iじ Cど rttlc AN△ LYSIS OF MULTI― SCALE MICROBIAL FLア EL CELL FOR SI卜 IPLE ELECTRIFICATION Ketua Penyelidik MOIIAMAD ISKANDAR JOBЫ PrοデビCr Lgα ′gr FAkulti/1nstitut ,♂ 筋ガ? F,c′ ′ クガ′ DVARTⅣ [ENT OF ⅣIECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING,UNIヽ 嘔RSITI ALAYSIA Ⅲ生 SARAWAK, 94300 KOTA SAW眈 RAHAN,SARAWAK Ahli Kumpulan Penyendik 尺?♂ じrrrcrt reα そ2J班 をηab?x『 i. IR.DR ⅢliOm.sIIAIIRIL OSⅣ IAN DIANA KERTINI WIONIR △BANGヽ IOHAⅣ IMAD lヽ lIZAⅣ IBIN ABANG 五. 五 i。 KA卜は B. Tarikh Gerall Diluluskan (デ Fα 刀′Иr,r″ r。 フαJDα 惚 Tempoh Projek PFOJi♂ Cr D′ Fα ど力 η Perulltukan Yg.Diluluskan β′ど Jξ ?ど И″ FOフ ?汀 Perbelalliaan Terに ni E理?刀 ど力′′?Tο ―Dα 舵 C. JAlヽ l UDDIN lUARY 2012 ЧttAR RM 6500.00 Rド 生6400,00 Pencapaian Keseluruhan Oソ gFα 〃ИC力 滋フ?麗 ♂Иど Huraikan pencapaian berbanding ottektit hipOtesis setta permasalahan asЛ yang ttselidiki.. 乃9∫ なαη′r9∫ ?α rじ カ ル9ざ ,カノ οηrο 肋9 οrJgИ α′Obυ icじ ′ カデ 9ソ 9“ 9η お加 rg肋 ″ D9∫ cガ b9肋 gα じ フοチ prθ b′ 9阿 ∫ . A multi‐ configuration Biomass Fuel Cen has been developed throughout thc research.This has been made ssible tests of different cathode and anodc in a ttel cell envirolllnent. Selection Of Lquid biomass as the substrate also p lays a maJOr role ln F actors Of avail ablけ and location Of he power output Of a biolnass Of biomass have been taken into account W hile conducting he tests which ensure he feasibmty dete111lining the 血 el cell 魚el cell developed.h othcr words,the ttel cell can be constructed based On any available hquid biomass for any areas even to a place with no grid coverage. For power output ofhe hel cellぅ a relationship for electrode surface area of cOnductivity with its substrate has been inalizcd and an optirnum surface area ratio of anodc and cathode for Of he maximum power output has also been establishedo Last but not least,he sustainabiliサ 色el cell has been considered with respect to■ s electrode degradation and lttel resources. D, Pencapaian Utama 2gs F♂ノFli聰 肪′ io Madmum power output for different electtode settings for sustainable ttel cell has been established by manipulating the ratio of surface area bettcen anode and cathode ofthe adel ccll. 五. Liquid biomass used as substrate in the fuel ceu comes froni commOn clay soil which can be found easily and the resource is unlinited. 2 ′ T31T107 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA G▲ S 跡 り OF OSッ 4ra cИ ∫ Gん4ハ TREPORTSしゆa透 4Rr Absorption of toxic heavy metals ions by using A. Tajuk Projek agricuitural wastes in Sarawak PrttCCr ritic Ketua Penyelidik Mohd Farid Atan PFO」 i♂ Cr二 ?,Ir♂ / FakultЛ nstitut Fα c′ ど ガИ♂歳′舵 フ 互 Faculty ofEnginecring,1」 ふIIW[AS 1. Nazeri Abdul Rahnan Ahli Kumpulan Penychdik 随 2.Dr Shaliti Faridah Salleh(Replacc Norfal■ 1la Chc T?r7″2Л ″杉櫂う?κ ?ど VFて Mat) 3.Dr Rubiyah tt Bttni '力 B. Tarikh Geran Diluluskan 」anllary 2012 ● αηどИPPrο フα′Dα 佗 Tempoh Projek Prげ ?cr l Year DttFα r'OИ Perulltukan Yg.Diluluskall RW[3500 】Иを?rИPPrο フ ?′ Perbelanjaan Ter]は ni どχP?И 肪 ′F?TO―Dα ど ? C. RⅢ l:3269,30 Pencapaian Keseluruhan Oフ ?Fα 〃Иc力 ′ ?フ ?″ ηど Hllrttkan pcncap五 an berbanding ottcktit hipOtesis sena peHnasalahan asal yang diselidiki rわ 9チ カ 9 α σ カテ 9ッ 9ヌη 9η ′ η/ダ ″,Oη D9∫ じ ∫テ οb′ 9町 ∫ フ′ α rcカ 9弓 乃 チ ο肋9ο 河 η ο″9'テ フ ノ フο肋9∫ ねαηプr9∫ θ =テ '′ . This research focuses on the sttdy of an altemativc rnehod to remove heavy metals ions in thc cfユ uent from industties and a宜 五culturc act市 itics such as Pb(II),Hg,Cd(II),Zn(H),Cu(H)and etc. Scveral techniqucs to tllreat、 vaste have becn applied such as rcduction and precipitation, coaglllation,ユ otation,adsotttion,ion― exchange and rcseⅣ e osmosis or clectrodialysis and ctc (Gundogdu et al,2009).These mehods are incolwcnicllt because ttey call only absorb speciic metal and expcns抒 e due to he high operational and m五 1ltenancc cost(NaiyA et al,2009). An altemative mehod ttat is cheap,easy to use and doesn't have any reversible effccts on thc ecosystcm is required,Agricultural wastes,such as rice bran,rice husk,wlleat br孤 1,Wheat husk, sa、 v husk, dust of various plants,bark of the trees,groundnut shells,coconut shcns,black gral■ hazeinut shells,、 valnut shens,cotton seed hulls,waste tea leaves,Cassia istula lcaves,■ lalze com cob,jatropa deoiled cakes,sugarcane bagasse,applc,banalia)orange peels,soybean hulls, grape stalks,water hyacin血 )sugar beet pulp,sunユ owcr stalks,coffee beans,Tjun nuts,coion stalks and many more have been ttied and、 vcre found to have a signiicant xnetal sorption capacity,Findings on hc capability ofagricultural wastes as sorbents suggcst he potential ofhe rescarch in exPloring new types of agricultural、 vastcs availablc in Sara、 vak as sorbents。 In Sara、 vak,agricultural、 vastes like banana barks,sugarcane bagasse,banana pecls are among hc potential lnaterial to be developcd as sorbcllts for hcavy lnetal ions.These agriculture、 vastes contttn ccllulose and lig五 n,which show he potential of metal binding capacity.Furthe■ 11lorC, the basic components of he agriculture waste biomass includc herlicelluloscs, lignin, 、 vater hydrocttbons, starch containing variety of cxtracives, hpids, proteins, siln,lc sugarsぅ 角mctional groups hat facilitatcs metal con■plexation or precipitation alld which will assists hc heavy nietals sequesttation process. 鯖 隅 :と 総 響 守∬ 解 樹 既Ⅲr蠍 綴 靴 努 :猛 ξ僻 監 ぎ魂 剛 gi露 鷲 absorb Cd,Pb,Zn,Cu,Co,Ni and Au.Scveral treatmcnts、 vere ilmplcmentcd to remove ligr五 ns or en竹 五n scparation of structural linkage to decrease the dcgree of polymerization,reduce or rcmove hemicelluloscs or rcduce cellulose cristallinity by modifying its pH.Findings from his work shows hat he sorption capacity of sorbcnt can bc increased using a high concelltration of chemical hodiier such aこ sodiuln hydroxide,cittic acid. Thc ottect市 e Of his research is to develop a ncw mehod for remo宙 ng heavy metals ions presencc in the wastewatcr issucd from industry and ag五 culture activity.Thc investigation uscs agriculture wastes,whch are avalaiblc in Sara、 vak,to study hc feasibility of combining scveral type of sorbcnts to optimizc he absotttion of heavy mctals ions such as Pb(II),Hg,Cd(II), Zn(II),Cu(II)〔 nd etc,Study ofprocesscs to collvert hc potelltial sorbents into aじ sable follll for C0111lnerCialization、 vill also becomc all area to be invcstigatcd in■ lis ttlork. The work can be d市idcd into several stages wih otteCt抒 CS as follows9 1. To investigate the capabiliサ of agriculiral wastcs available in Sara、 vak to absorb heavy mctals ions such as Pb(II),Cd(II),Zn(II),Cu(II)alld etc. 2. To asscss hc effect of modincrs on the capaicty of sorption of thc heavy metals ions using the proposcd agricultural wastest 3.To invcstigatc he processing stages/instrulncntations/process conditions to convert he wastes into a usablc forln. 41 To l A M Yenenehi S Maitra,U isohcllュ /kinetics of abs Of metals ions ⅣIN E,Demerdashi Study on Bioso「 ptiOn of Heavy Metals by Modified Lignoce‖ ulosic VVaste,2010,Universiti Tekno Petronas 9る using the selected agricultural、 vastes, From hc problem statement and ottectiVe mentioncd above,his study has showll血 e potential 近cal moditter of using sugarcane bagasse and banana peels as biosorbents.FurtheHnore,che■ like tartaric acid and sodillm dodecyl sulfate(SDS)have been identhcd he most potential ofbisorbents. che■ 五cal rnodifler to be used in order to increase thc Do Pencapaian Utama Иg∫ F●ノFi附 ′′ This study shows he potential of using agicultural waste as bisorbent for hc removal ofheavy vastewater issued from he agriculture activities, In his study, metttt ions presence in the 、 sugarcane bagasse and banana peels havc been chosen becausc bo血 6f his agricultural、 vaste posses lignocellulosic which have a prope日 らr of iOn exchange capacity囁 芹hch are derivcd from is polymer and structure. Furthellllore, Sugarcane bagasse is idcnifled as the most efflcient biosorbent bccause it possesses more capacウ of SOrption han banana peels.■ has provcn by measllring he percentage of transllittance of he peak of O― H. Meanwhile, by adding he vith thc concenttation of cheHlical lnOdiflcr which are tartaric acid ttd sodiuln dodecyl sulphate、 0 12 mg/mL, thds study has proven hat it can lncrease signiflcantly he capac増 Of sorpion for ture activities the ln the wastewater lssued と metal lons the removal Of om 3 MSO/Vl.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS 揺 , ヽア m E脳 90F OMど 色4 GИ J 「 Gλ 4九 TREPORTSし ゆaを 4尺 / う 卜 A. TajukProjek Cr阿ど P′げ♂ J♂ Development ofDirect Po、 ver Control Space Vector W[odulation(DPC‐ SVM)for Doubly Fed lnduction Generator(DFIG). Ketua Penyelidik r Cr L?α ♂ ♂ Prげ θ Hazul Binい 正ohanied Bas五 FakultЛ llstitut Faculty ofEnginccing ? Γαc′ ′ ガИ♂rlir″ ど フ 互 Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik b?r♂ 買【 々 F♂ 17FCr,T♂ IrrT,Meη τ Kasumawai Blllti Lias Dr,Wall Azlall Wan Zttnal Abidin Assoc.PrOf Dr.Al― Kllalid Ohman Dr Thclaha H唯 Mas五 Asrani Lit B. Tarikh Gera】 l Diluluskan 」anuary 2012 CFα ИどえPPFOフ αJ Dα ″ TemPoh Projek l Ycar PFO」 i?Cr D″ rα ′οИ PeruntukAn Ygo Diluluskan RⅣ [4ぅ 000.00 r 】″′g?ど ИPPFOフ ♂ど Perbelattnan TerHni Dα ″ どxP?刀 ′ ″?Tο ― RM 3960,00 liど C. PencapaiAn Keseluruhan η2?刀 ど ?フ ♂ Oフ ?Fα 〃ИC力 ′ Hllrttkan pencap五 an berbanding ottekttt hipOtCSiS senapcrinasalahall asal yang disclidiki.. ο滋90/を 力,9フ 9削 9η 府 肋 /ダ αガο刀チ D9∫ cr,bg肋 9 ασ prο b′ 9/η d. α′ο″9cガ ν9弓 わクο肋9∫ な ,η ブr9∫ 9α rcカ 'η In this research project,the project member have manage to crente a new switching algorithm for a back to bAck power converter using tto control m ethod in pArallel which trol technique.The are Space Vector Modulation(SⅧ りteChnique and Direct Power Coニ ュ combination ofthese two techniques produced good dynamic performance especially in controllilig active alld reactive Power Of the I)FIG. D. PencaPaian Utama 【?ノ Fli確 ′littgs 1。 New hybrid switching topology technique for Back to Back power converter. 2. Modeling of Doubly Fed lnduction Generator. 2 X キ ゝ イ 13,1.c17 ⑥ MSO/V.1.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENW¶ LIDIKAN OSAKA GAS 91C4S fⅣD OF Oざ И′ Gえ 4NTttEPORTSし い口透4Rr A. Taiuk PrOJek PFOJi?じ どnとを e Improvements of Static alld]Dyllamic Characteristics for I【 igh Performance WIobile IIard]Disk Drives Dr ⅣIohd Danial lbrahim Ketun Penyelidik Prο」 ?′ i?cど 二?α ′ 五cal and WIanufacturing Engineering Dcpartment FakultЛ nstitut "Iech孤 FaCulty ofEngineering Frrc′ J笠 ノ ガИぎ妨〃舵 Ahli KumpulAn Penyelidik ,力 rerrμ Л 尺苺 ?α ′【 Fを う♂r♂ ina Junaidiラ Ir Dr Mohalnad Shahi1 0slnan,Prof "IrsAmir EⅣ Azain Khan Dr “ B. Tarikh Geran Diluluskan 」anuary 2012 ♂ CF,力 ιИPPrο フαJ Dα ′ Tempoh Projek l Year P′ ο igcど D′ F,ガ OИ 」 Peruntukall Yg.Diluユ uskan 9500 】〃IJgす ИPP/ο フ?″ Perbelattaan TerHni 9500 βχP?И IJlir′ ′?Tο ― D,ど ? C. Pencapaian Keseluruhan Oフ ?Fα 〃ИC力 彪フ ?И ?И r Hurttkan pencap五 all bcrbanding ottektit hわ OteSiS ScHa pcrinasalahan asal yang diselidiki. D9∫ θrわ っ筋 9,θ 力,9ッ 9別 9刀 府 prο ♭′ 9胸 ∫ . μダ ,ガ ο刀 ′ ο 肋 90rど g▼ 刀α′οbυ i9σ ナ ル 9弓 わ ク ο励 9∫ お ,η′ /9∫ 9,rcカ '力 The perfoHnance ofthe HDD was succcss点 ユ 1ly improved tlュ rough thc improvement design ofthe 珈 actuator design.The following indings were found; Four actuator arln models of(a)COnventiOnal wihout window design;(b)Small前 ndowed; (c)Largeコ indowed,and(d)S― Shaped windowed was designed and nllmerically investigated. Results showed that; 1. A windowed arln actuator can improve heat dissゃ atiOn to up to 8%compared to he ones 前hout whdows. 2. An S― shaped胡ndowed arm“ tuator has he capabiliサ tO improve heat dissゃ atiOn up to double,and 50%less五 r aow disturbance、 すhch can suppress unnecessary vibraionsぅ comp[red to he ones win type(c)Large胡 ndowed. 3. Decreasing he heat dissゎ aiOn OfHDDs to halt decreases trelnendously he cooling management load which simultaneously contributes towards solving the proble■ l ofheated up gigantic search engincs seⅣ ers no、 vadays, 4. Ths nllmerical analysis proved hat he modincation ofhe aero― dynamical characteristics has a big inauence to、 vards improving IIDDs'total perfolェ 1lance. Do PelicAPaian Utama /?ノ Fli7,′liη =♂ Aerodyna巨 工CS improvements of actuator劉 ぼn were a novel approach to improve overalll■ 正)D perfoHnance.The design should be patellted in near ttture。 2 11311107 MSO/Vl.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELDIKAN OSAKA GAS そξ ギ び ゴ ち ?′ ヤ H END OF OMム 望 〔泌S GRたんTREPORTSし ら 卜 attRr “ Ao TajukProjek Derived Adsorbent for Removal ofPesticides from Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study of Oil Palm Waste‐ Prο」 i?cr TlirJ? Ketua Pemyelidik Drlvy Tan Ai Wei P/0ノ ?Cr二 ?α 】g/ FakultЛ Hlstitut Fαじ′ど ′ ノガИJど lir′ r? Faculty ofEngineering Ahli Kumpulan Pellyelidik Dr Leonard Lim Lik Pueh 買?J【ァ ど 7/て ,「,T♂ α ″2』駆鞄ィ b♂ /J “ B. Tarikh Geran Diluluskan (デrα ttrノ January 2012 pFOフ α JDα 佗 均喝 Tempoh Projek l Year メ)FO」 iι Cr D′ ′αを 'OИ Peruntukan Yg.Diluluskan B′ 』 ?′ FrИ PP/ο フ 惣 6,000,00 Perbelanjaan TerHni 5,407.00 ∬χP?刀 ど ′κ Tο ‐ Dα ど じ i′ Co Pellcapaian Keseluruhall Oフ ?Fα 〃ИCカ カフ♂ β′ ″ r “ berbanding ottel(tit hipOttsis serta permasalahan asal yang diselidiki. Huraikan pencapaian D9∫ cttb9肋 99じ力9フ 9翔 9η ね 励 rダ αガο掏す ο肋9ο ′をデ 刀α′οbυ igじ テ ルg島 ゎ夕ο肋9∫ な ,η ブr9∫ 99/〔 テ カ prο bル 阿∫ . The proposed research aim to investigate the feasibility of developing iow_cOst adsorbent from oil and to evaluate the ofthe adsorbentin removal of from been achieved. Low‐ coSt adsorbent was succes sttlly derlved from oil for palin shell uslng physical and chemical treatlments The adsor bent deri ved was characterized Of he physical and chem ical properties. The adsorption perfoHnance Of he adsorbent ln removal The studies pesticides from aq ueous solutions 、vas deteコ 区五ned through b atch adsorption evaluatcd adsotttion lsoherms and kinetics Of pesticides On he adsorbent were successA11ly could smdies adsorption Column achieved. been have eCtiVes Overall, 9 0% Of he original O 笥 within flxed be to unable were which not be caried out due to eq uipment failure and breakdown 血 mre ln investigated he research d uration and budget a pproved. This scope will b e 色比her aqueous SOl utions has work. D. Pencapaian UtamA 【?ノ Fi72″ i72=♂ Low― coSt adSorbent was successfully dcrived frol■ oil palm shell using H2S04竹 eatHlent.The adsorbent der市 ed was characterized for the surface morphology and surface chemistry via scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and Fourier ttansfomlnfrared(FTIRl spccttOSCopy, respectively.Batch adsorption experilncntsヽ verc conducted to detellk遺 ne the effects of initial pesticide concentration,contact tilne,adsorbent dosage and sollltion pII on the adsorption uptake ofthe adsorbent for pesticide.Thc equilibrium data were well described by the Freundhch isohem model.Kinetic sttdies showed hatthe adsorption ofpesticide on the adsorbcnt fonowed the pseudo― second‐ order kinetic lnodel.Based on the experiFnental results,it was v― evident that the oil palni shcll― based adsorbent derived in this work might be employed as a lo、 cost adsorbent fbr removal ofpesticide fronl aqueous solutions, 2 j1311[07 MSO/V.1.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS 即 (テ A. TttukPrOJek OF O∫ИX:Z6じ 4S RИ ⅣTttPORTSし 吻 Agricultural biomass waste pellctisation for po、 ver Prοノ 9Cど T'lιc generaion Ketua Penyelidik Nazcri Abdul RttШ nan PFO」 i?Cr L?α rr?F FakultЛ llstitut s歳 ′佗 FIrc〃 韓 れ Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik ,力 買?♂ ?α ′て T♂ 17陶 Л″杉И ηb♂ F♂ B. TarikL Geran Diluluskan α J D,ど ? Crα И tttrο フ Tempoh Proiek Faculty ofEnginccring Dr Rubiyah珂 Bi五 卜liohd Farid Atan Norfamila Che Mat January 2012 l Year :οη P/ο」 i9crD″ ′αι Peruntukan Yg.Diluluskan RⅣ [6,000 ゼι r 】′ι rg?ど ИPPrο フ Perbelattaan TerHni RW[6,000 ZχP?И ガ 冴r?Tο iD,″ 'ど C, Pencapaitin Keseluruhan Oフ ?/α 〃Иcカ カフ?"?η ど Hur五 kall pencapttali berbanding ottemt hipOtesis senaperinasЛ ahan asal yang disclidiki.。 ル9島 カ ο筋9 οrygJ々 ,′ οbυ i9じ ナ 9ッ 9別 9刀 た /9肋 ガ0刀 ′ D9scr,b9肋 9,cカ テ ノフ0励 9Jね α刀ブ′9∫ 99rじ 乃 'η pr9b′ ?胸 ∫ . 沢/ ∫ ′ ο ν 乃 ″ 肋9ο り9cr,フ 9∫ ο ,フ 9α じ ク 助?∫ チ /ο ′ /肋 θr9ざ 9α rc力 α ゥ乃 , '9フ デ . ガ. α′力 /融 /9り αた 9 pο ′ 9所 テ 刀?肋 997た ガ r夕 r,′ ♭ οttα 郎 りα∫チ ′ ο力 と 9/別 テ 9′ う,ο 阿 9郎 wα ∫佗 α∫カ メ /Or Pο り9r解 刀gr″ 0/∫ 9′ 9じ ′ ′ 0所 ′θttPrp9J′ 9チ ,∫ 9チ '0輝 陶 'ο In addition,this study have proven the hypothcsis hat agricultural biomass in Sarawak could partially suppoi thc cnormous power need for SCOR正 〕development. D. Pencapaiall Utama r?ノ Π ИrJlirtg♂ Despite being ignorcd in S(〕 ORE devclopmcnt pla11, he study has proven qualitatively and quantitatively that biomass wastc gencrated from agricultural industry espccially palm oil, vak.Thc calculated paddy,coconut and sago have cnomous potential to be developed in Sara、 potential is more han 3 times he current installed capacity of 1315 MW in Sarawak.Mukah9 ⅢIiri and Billtulu arc the tllree divisions in Sarawak which have the highcst potcntial for cstablishing biomass po、 ver gcneration plttlt.C)ther divisions such as Betong,Sibu,Sa巨 rall孤 1, lτ Kuching and Sri An■ an also sho、 v somC pOtcntial in developing biomass powcr plant but in much smaller scale. Kapit division havc some compttable potential but duc to remoteness of localiけ ,celltralise biomass power gcneration would bc a challcnge.As such,it have bcen suggested ttat uis division, along with Lilnbang and Sarikei, to dcvelop pelletisation or briquctting industry in which、 vould supplcment oher divisions with higher potential of biomass powcr gencration. Thereforc, it can be concludcd that Sara、 vak has the potentiそ 工 to il■ plemeIItation biolnass po、 ver gcneration as the availability of biomass resources fl・ om owcver, further studies are sill requircd in order to eness ofimplemellting such伊 呵cCt in his vast state. determine he effect市 agricultural industry is enollllouS. 1■ The addition of sago starch into the pulverised ra、 v lnatcrial prior to pellctisation is obselwcd to the physical characteristics of pulvcrised EFB al■ d Pulveriscd EFB+incsocarp abre pencts.This、 vill undoubtedly redllce the breal(age and generation of incs during the handhng and tral■ sporting of pellets from production plttlt to po、 ver plant.This is also coni..1led by lhe inュ provc amount of ines expcrilnental testing in this study,Converscly,duc to highcr rnoisture content of sago starch uscd in his study,thc produced pellets with addition of sago st″ ch are found to have highcr moisture content in which all tte produccd pellets havc moistllre content higher than 10% (W‐ %Of dry basis)aS Specined by European Standttd for pcllct[6].As such,itis recommcnded hat the ra、 v lnaterial fbr pellctisation,as in this case]巳 FB and mcsocarp ibre,to bc sufflciently dricd prior to pelletisation as to col■ pensate the high rnoisture content in wct sago stτ rch in order provc the vith illtemational stalldard, Such measllre will also in■ to produce pcllcts comply 、 caloriic value ofthe produced pcnets as thc study found that highcr addition percentage of sago d that starch rcduces thc caloriic value of the produced pellets, Thercfore,it can be concludё addition of sago starch into the ra、 v pelletisation material will improve the physical structurc of thc produccd pellct.Howevcr,the optilnunl pcrcentagc of sago addition needs to bc dcterlnined prior to pellctisation process as cxcessive addition of sago starch incrcases pcllet moisturc contcnt,IIigh moisttlre content reduces the combustion characteristics of the pellets especially on the reduction of caloriic valuc alld the increase of ash contcnt. 命れ MSO/V.1.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKIIIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS 「D OF OSИ 泡 βハ G惣 ハTRTPORTSし 吻 64S 沢/ DESIGN OF A HOUSEHOLD DEVICE UTILIZING BIO FUEL(PELLETIZED PEAT) A. Tajuk Projek P′ ο じ r rttとc ゴι Ketua Penyelidik Dr.Siti Noor Linda Bt.Taib ?′ P′ ο igc′ L?α ′ 」 Fakulti/1nstitut ″ ざ胸′抱 ″ F,c″ ′ ノガ′ Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik 買?ぎ ?α rc力 T【 7r7〃 夕′ ИZ″ ,う ?x『 B. Tarikh Geran Diluluskan G隠 r均叩FOツ α′D″ ? Civil Engineeing Department,Faculty ofEngineering AS。 LnWIⅣ 【 EⅣ ina Bt,Junaidi WIahshuri Bt,Yusof 」 anuary 2012-]December 2012 “ Tempoh Projek l year 力И 力ο i9cど D′ rα ′ 」 C. Peruntukan Yg.Diluluskan 】Иど Jgg′ 豹叩′ οχ′ RⅣ【7000 Perbelanjaan Terkini ∬XP?η 加 ′κ Tο ― Dα ′ ? RⅣ [ 7000 PencaPaian】 (eseluruhan ′α〃Иcカ ルフ?μ ?η ど Oフ ゼ Huraikan pencapttan berbanding ottektit hipotesis seHapemasalahan asal yang diselidiki.. 別9ヵ ナ ∫デ 刀r9′ αttb刀 ′ οttg οrテ g筋 ブ οbυ i9θ ナ 9島 乃 D9∫ crデ b9肋 g αcttgッθ ノフο肋9誌 αηブrg∫ 9α rじ 力Prο b′ 9"∫ liソ Sara、 vak has he largest peat reserve in he country and its abundance could bring us positive impact if evaluated differently,Wtth the increasing demand on energy and inevitable depletion of fossil ttel in the fjture,Inany researchers are looking at possibility of hamessing altemative energy.Hence,the idea of investigating peat's Potential as an energy source comes into view,Its utilization as energy source has been appreciated in countries like lreland and Rusia. It is about tilne to investigate SarawakPeatasoneofthepossibleaituresourceofenergyandwaystoutilizeitconllnercially。 The ottect市 eS Ofthis prttect are: (1) tO dCSign and fabricate a household de宙 cc utilizing peat pellets,and (2)to asSess he suitability and practicality ofhe fabricated houschold device to he end users for further attuStments and improvements. Hcnce,his pro」 ect fOCuses on deslgning a device hat utilizes peat pellets as its source of energy. Research on potential ofpeat as an altemative fuel has been perfoHned by the research group.Several designs were reviewed and a rlnalized design、 vas fab五 cated and tested by the research team. Thc dcvice is a Pottable Stove/Cooking Device which utilizes peat pellets.Figurcs l and 2 show the concepmal design and the prototype ofthe dcvicc. Figure l Conceptual Design Figure 2 The Prototype in Use OtteCt市 es l and 2 have been achieved successfully in which he inalized design of he de宙 ce has becn fabricated and tested in which several suggestions were made for future improvements of the device. D. Pencapaian Utama 駒 Π れぬng♂ The research was pursued witt scveralimportant steps in order to achieve he requred otteCt市 es, The mttor stepS involvcd are: 2 勁 豫C?r,ど Иα′Daを ざ′ ?F″ /f Scとecど 力〃ο デ】賀ど《 “ Based on four conceptual designs,only the best design would be selected in order to be developed as he cnd product.Through A邁 omttic Design Process,Concept 4 is found applicable to be selected since all of its Functional Requirements were fulfllled. Concept 4 has several important features which allow tt to ttlill the functional requirements.Figures 3(a)― (d)ShOW he design Parameters of Concept 4 Portable peat stove.Table l shows he description ofhe satisied functional requirements which are labelcd in Figure 3(a)― (d)・ (a) (b) (C) (d) Figure 3(a)― (d)VieWOfDifferentSectionsofConcept4Design 3 Table l:Description ofthe Satisied Functional Requirements in Concept 4 DP12 Function Attustable height bumer base(handle section) Attusting he height ofthe peat combustion section in order to obtain various amout ofheat supply to the cooking section DP14 Function DP15 Function Attustable air inlet selector Allowing amount of air insen to the device Convertible Hood(ciosed) Attusting the height ofthe peat combustion section in order to obtain various amout ofheat supply to the cooking section DP22 Function DP31 Function DP33 Function DP34 Function DP42 Function Handle Easy forthe device to be ca∬ y Door Allowing the user to reflll peat and check on the combustion ofpeat Ash box conecting ash ofpeat combustion Extemal casing Improve he device durability Smoke ventilation Combustion of peat produce large amount of smoke,therefore a ventilation systern to channel the smoke out froln the device is required DPl Heating system Function Section which heat are generate for cooking purposes DPll Function DP13 Function Insulator Insulator、 vould rninirnize the heat ioss inside the system WIechanical fan(fan blade) Induce he air to he bumhg section in order to avoid the peat combustion extinguish DP42 Function DP35 Function Smoke ventilation Rernove smoke froln inslde ofthe devlce Removable grill plate 二 二 二disttibution ofheat and avoid the cooking pot to fall in to lhe Provide uniIも 二 heating section ∫′ ?2∫ /17佗 r力 ′∫?J〔,cr力 И Choosing the right rnaterial to be used in order to consttuct the product is also an important factor in designing process,For the development of portable peat stove several important characteristics such as heat conducti宙 サ,light Weight,durable and coHosion resistance would dcterknine best outcome for the proposed design of the portable stoveo Several rnaterials、vere considered with the characteristics 4 mcntioned above 膨?J∫ FIrbrた ″わ刀り切修PFOど 0′ノ P9 The prototype was fabricated using a cookware pot which been modifled in to the required shapeo ln order to ttansfoHn a cookware pot into he portable stove prototype,several processes were required such as drilling wih using different sizes of drill bit and joining process,which include welding, rivcting and adhesive bondingo Figure 4 sho、 vs the portable stove prototype. Fibre glass lnsulator Attustable height base bumer Smoke ventilation Air lnduction Fan Removable top grill Figure 4:The Prototype ガ″α 刀 ∫♂ ?Pイ ∫五班 力ηて βフ 'ノ "を "り Tests on the efflciency ofboth open ire FnChOd and Portable Peat Stove were perfolllled and Table 2 shows rnean efflciency for each rnethod. 5 Table 2:Avcrage efficiency for open flre rnchod and Ponable Peat Stove Pellets 3 5 7 Average efflclency Open Fire Method 2.840/0 3.97% 3.21% 3.340/0 12.79% 13.36% 13.22% 13,12% Portable Peat Stove 11■ provements of 13%were achieved for he Portable Peat Stove design wih increment of efflciency approxirnately 10%froln the open flre lnehod.The desigl ofPortable Peat Stove could be improved with better design of combustion chamber of portable peat stove. For example, including he convertible hood in the prototype dcsign ofthe Portable Peat Stove or using beier insulation system for he pottable stove Utilzing peat pellet at different operating conditions,produce different outcome for peat buming characteristic,From Tables 3 and 4,it could be obseⅣ ed hat using ive peat pellets are enough to boi1 300rnL water using he Portablc Peat Stove.This occurs due to enclosure compa■ ment of the Portable Peat Stove,、 vhich manages to preventlarge heatiost as the open ire rnehod. 6 MSO/Vl.2010 ︵ ∪ RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKⅡ IR GERAN PENYELⅡ )IKAN OSAKA GAS E内し 9 0F OM12 64ざ CVATREPOttTざ 卵 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF O!L PALM FIBRE AND CLAM SHELL POWDER REINFORCEDIN THERMOPLASTIC MATRIX COMPOSITE A. Tttuk PrOdek P/″ Cr Tli′ ′ ♂ Ketun Penyelidik P′ 4げ SITI NOR AIN WIUSA ゼ cど L♂ α 】♂ F Fakulti/1nstitut ENGINEERING Frrc′ 晦 江nsガ 肋″ Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik ,sゼ α 翼と rc力 7を 17″2脆 ″2bじ XS B. Tarikh GerAn Diluluskan Mahshuri Yusof EⅣ ha Jlinaidi Dr Siti Noor Linda tt Taib January 2012 Crr7η ど どJDα ″ 『 豹叩rο フ Teェ mpoh PFO」 i♂ Cど Prodek l Year D′ /α ι ′ ο刀 Peruntukan Ygo Dduluskan Rヽ1:5000.00 】刀ど Jξ♂ ′ИPPFο w′ Perbelattaan TerHni RM 5000.00 βχPη 滋 ″ ♂Tο _D,2 C. Pellcapaian Keseluruhan Oフ ♂′ ,〃 И』嚇タフ ♂〃夕 ど〃′ Hurttkan pencap洒 an bcrbanding ottCktit hipotesis sertapcmasalahan asal yang disclidiki αじ ッσ 肪σ 陶9刀 恋肋 r?肋 ガοη′ οrttσ οr″igttα ′οbプ i9じ r,ソ 鶴 乃 ノ フ0′ 乃郵ね,刀 ブr奮 9,rじ カ rテ bg rル D【 テ ♂ じ ざ P/ο bttη 夕 . T′ ,た srttcy/FOθ ttsSeJ Oη ど んθttyesと ,gati「 ,9ょ狗e rttermar ρ ορθπiθ S OF 3雨erθ 月どど /peS οFИ /asど θ ttarθ ttθ ,sデ 0〃 「 胴 Fibrett θratt stte〃 ρOyrcyer anJ bapana Fibres.D′ 股 口とど ρθ′ ec角 河々伊es Vere aρ ρ′ ,eJど ο ttθ asttrθ 」,脆 rettr "θ rん ertta′ ορeだ テ es, ρ 「 T'7e rttθ η ′ (ゴ 汀θ力eatr,7erttar cο βJttc,=呻 anJ rttθ ′ 阿ar /vere speθ ′ 「 9a′ propettes ttyesrigareJ tt rtte sど と Ji『伊S'手肖 ,TeSri「,9sッ θre COntrttθ ど eJ ttsわ gaが ,abatt θa,oritterer reθ 拘月,9Ve attJど ransね 月rん 。どN`fe ttθ とんoJ θど 00tt rettρ erarttre For spec,汀 cん eaと anJどんerttar cο ЛJttcttyり ρrορettes respecttye1/.Л レ Teattv拘 胞 ザ′ or rtte 「 yeど θ yi『と 〔 ′ iC)′ ,oFとん 阿わθど erttθ ′〔 ′ sデ rity,阿 aど ん θttθ ど ,car e9伊 θriO′ ,vyere aρ ρIFeJ,A〔 ザ ditionar1/的 θ (メ θ′ ο′と んe 'Sり sattρ ′ θvyas cyerer阿 ヵθJわ /ysわ gρ /,(月 οttere五 I′ r Do Pencapaian Utama r♂ノrけ ヵ機 s アカerttar prOρ θ′ せies oF o〃 ρar阿 触 ヵ rs vrere Fotrr,」 COttρ OS'絶 more suhabre ro be LrSeC'加 rttermOprasと ,c matrix , 力er力 erttOρ 力ysicar prope′ lies.Ttte ′′ or rtte ttaど eri9r serecriO月 O河 士 sfvJyた ,seFと ′ yrar vasres syC力 att Fibres,attJ SeaFoo」 ど vrar wasres rbanana anJ o〃 ρ′ as frott agrlcv′ vsage oF rtte naど 力c Open space or ′ ,(′ a掏 士vasre加 と 拘e abと ′ bureどo酌 e Jecreasc a阿 ov′ ,ど 0′ ど 7yθ sre rClatt s力 eり 阿a/cOn士 汀 ′ θttdfiti tt A〃araysね Ttte resL′ ′ ど S Frott rん た . 113,1,o7 MSO/V.12010 ヽ RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS (デ どⅣD OF O晟 4発 46し4S ′ 買ZNTREPORTS卵 買二 A. No.Projek P′ ο ゴ?じ rr嘔″ b?r “ TttukPrOJek Improving К ce"[ilhng Machinc for Domestic Prο」 i?cサ 町 Ic Application. KetuA Pe】 lyelidik 酵rOi?CrL?,扱 γ EⅣ ina Jun五 di FakultЛ nstitut FI「 c′ 的 痙■sどlir,ど ♂ Jabttan K筍 ― teraan Mekanikal dan Pcmbuttan, Fakulti Kttumteraan)ヒ「NIMAS. ALli Kumpulan Penyelidik Ir.Dr.ヽ Iohdo Shahril B,Oslnan 買?♂ ?rrrc力 免 ど 7И ル化Иう?r♂ Ⅲfahshllri lFusof Dr Sid Noor Linda Taib Abg MOhd Nizam Abg Kamaraudin Dr Mohd Daniallbrahim B. Tarikh Gerall Diluluskaェ CF,刀 ど ИPPrο フα′D'ど? l Tempoh Projek Januari 2012-December 2012 l tahun P/ο」 i?す D′ /17ど liθ 〃 Peruntukan Yg.Diluluskaェl 】′鍵平ど И口,rο フ ♂Ir RⅢ [5000 Perbelanjnan TerHni RⅣ 1 4651.90 βχP?И 力 ′′?Tο ― Dα ″ C. Pencapaian Keseluruhan Oフ ?Fα 〃ИC力 フ ♂ ?刀 ど “ berbanding ottektit hpotesis seiaperlnasalahan asЛ Hur五 kan pencapaian yang disclidiki.. D9∫ cr,b9筋 9,じカテ 9フ 9陶 9刀 チ ∫肋 r9′,万 ο刀′ ο肋9ο /ば 7刀 ,′ Obyi9,ル 9弓 わクο肋9∫ ね ,乃 ブrθ ∫9,rじ 乃 li♂ 9陶 ∫ Prο ♭′ . The sc of this stlld was to evaluate the effectiveness of the exi rlce machine used by hc paddy fanmers at Kota Salnarahan, Sarawak. In Kota Samarahan, Sarawak,paddy fa111重 ng activities are mo stly done at a small scale lcvel, mainly for hc famersl owll consumption.Currently,paddy fanners arc rcnting the rice milling machine nollllally owned by onc of the famers in heir villagc to prOcess he paddy into rice. The cxisting rice■ 111ling machines、vith flxed― setting used a combination lmethod/systcrl of a singlc step stcel hullcr to mill the paddy and、vinnowing tO removc/separate the husk frona thc rice,1,1近 s inchod/systcm results in problcms such as;(i)Shattercd milled rice m故 cd with husks,(li)addiiOnal 仕anspOrtation and operatiOnal cOsts,(iii)hmited mObihty,and(iV)pollution of slェ ∬olnding area from paddy waste/husks. Thercfore,thcre is a need to dcvelop an easy to usc,affordable and pottable rice milling machinc for local applications.The ottcct市 CS that were covered in his stlldy includc the f01lowings: 1)TO Study thc mechamsm involvcd in he e対 sting ice milling machne i.e.11lpllt chambcr, husking compartment,sieve systenl,winnowing systeni and etc. 2)To ideni身 血e altem航 市e cnergy used for opcrating he ricc milling machine. 3)To idCntitt he kcy improvcments in hc e逓 sting rice milling machine design for domcstic application. 4)To reduce hc perccntagc ofbroken kemels. The ovcrall achevements for this prO」 cct WCre surrma五 zed as follo、 vsi l)ThC prOpOsed rice milling machine was fabricated by fOcusing on he followings featuresi casy tO useぅ affordable and pottablc(igure l). HoolDer■ Rubber「 oHer■ H。 13rer 2 RLib be F「 o‖ er 2 HOpper 3 R(11つ Fc,I〔lable ber「 ●‖er 3 駐ュIteriれ ヒEh● ni」守 屹 chair う EI'In “ Figure l:PropOsed深 よce卜 Iilling e」 セョ v seFarato「 「 W【 achine 2)Thc steel h1ller used in prcviOus ice milling machinc was change tO rllbber huller to rcduce he breakage ofhc paddy kcmels(igure 2). 一 2:Rubber huller D. PencaPaian Utama 【?ノ Fi耽 ″littξ ぎ Based on thc findings from his rcsearch,thc results wcre suIュ ′ ,正 ウ を じ サ ο チ デ ツ 9糊 テ ′ ′ ,刀 g"∫ ′ ο r9ゥ α 】 ∫ ク /′ T9ナ テ ウダ,テ 刀 Table l shows hat for he rice the lmarized as followsi . was rccorded at 56.40/0 2 (fOr he three milling sets),柿 O milling scts produces 41.4%and one milling sets wi血 26.30/0. The average percentage of unhusked Paddy also decreases、 汀ith the increased number ofrnilling sets,The hghest percentagc is recorded at 58,9%(fOr One milling sets)follOWCd by 37.8%(for 柿 o milling sets)alld 19.8%(for hree milling sets).Ths ShOWS hat he repetit市 e milling affects the product yicld because ofthe increasing frequency of shear forcc exerted on the paddy grains thus removes the husk ofthe paddy. Table l:Average percelltage for repetitive milling on ttored paddy grains 、■ ning(s et) AverageRice (0/o) Avera ge Average tnhusked Paddv HuSk(0/0) ° く/0) 1 3 263 589 6_7 ■ 14 37_8 10_9 S6_4 198 14 Table 2 sho、 vs he comparison of pcrccntage of improvements betwcen he prcvious machines vrith the proposcd rice milhng rnachne,The comparisons τ rc Fnade in tc上 上 1lS Ofthc pcrcentage of rice,unhusked paddy and he husked produced by the proposcd machinc,The data shows an improvement of the rice produced whch is approxilnatcly l.50/O by using hc proposed ricc milling machine compared to he previous rice■ ■lling machnc,The amounts of rice produced are allnost silnilar but the alnount of husk and unhusked paddy produccd are slghuy differcnt. This is due toけ pes Of paddy uscd whichコ 11l have d近 漱〕 rent properties in terln of moistllre content and hardness. Table 2:Comparison ofpercentage ofmprovements for differe前 Riceド τilling ]、 Unhusked Husk Paddy Prod■iced 560 365 7.5 100 549 9.3 35.11 100 64 198 14 100 1.5 -10 -213 よice ′ rachine Hazrul,2009 types ofrice milling machine Total (°/0) EHurrudin. 20■ ■(O/0) AuthOr(O/O) Inproveェ ィ■ents _ヽ (0/0) 2,ガ//9じ チげ P,冴 ゥ ο刀 /'C9陶 ガ′肋 g胸 ,じ 乃肋 9P9r/ο r陶 ,刀 σ9 'r'9ブ Table 3 shows he weightioss ofthc paddy grains per 100 grams.The longcr dlェ ration of drying pciod produccd more 、 vcight loss. This is due to he loss of moisture content in the paddy grains.For paddy gr航 ns that had been dried for 30 41inutes,the weight ioss is l.2 grams.The sig五 icant ioss is because tt earlier timc,he paddy gr五 ns cont航n high pcrcentage ofmoistllre. As thc tilne increased fronl l hour to 2 hollrs,the weight ioss is reduced in a much sio、ver rate due to the oflnoist in the 0つ Table 3:Weigllt ofpaddy aner drying ‐ Dttng PeriOd IBitialヽVeight (10ur) 0 0.5 100 98,8 1.2 1 100 98,3 1,7 2 100 98,2 1.8 Final lヽ eight(9 ミ、ightLoss (9 Figure 3 shows thc cuⅣ e ofthe paddy weightioss over drying period.It shows a higher gradient dwing thc drying period fron1 0.5 hollrto l hour.Aier l hour,he gradient decrcases due to the depletion of moist in the paddy grttns, W,「 hen he drying peiod is increased to 3 hours, the gradicnt ofthe graph from 2 hours to 3 hollrs wl■ PaddVWeightlo3S OVerd岬 be salaller. '血 gperiod ︵劇 ︶ り切0 口一〓軸 中0とF 0.5 1 DryittgEoursω Figure 31 Paddy weightloss over drying pedod Table 4 shows the pecentage of lnilled rice produced increases from 61,20/Oto 64.10/O within 2 hours of drying.For the frst 30 minutes of drying,he milled rice produced is 56,7 grams,he amount of husk produced also increased 4.50/O and he percentage ofu=husked paddy decreases l.30/0,Further hcrement in the drying period will produced the Hlilled rice up to 57.4 grams and he husk produced hcreased by O,70/O while tte unhusked paddy reduced by l,9 percent.The 2 hours drying period produced milled rice of58.2 grams,increased he percentage ofhusk by l.20/O and reduction ofunhusked paddy by 2.5 percent. Table 41 Percentage ofmilled五 ce based on he drying period 4 Drying time Husk Produced Rice Produced (h) (g) Unhusked Percentage Paddy(g) Ricc(0/0) (g) 0.5 2 15.5 56.7 185 14.7 57.4 17.9 152 582 173 637 Figure 4 shows he percentage of rice produced over drying duraion,It shows that the percentage ofthe yield五 ce hcreases as he period of paddy dryhg increases.The percentage of umusked paddy shows some decrement and tte ainount of husk also increases relative to he hcrease of rice produced. The increases of rice produced for dried paddy are due to he bond betteen he husks and he rice grains has reduced due to he loss ofmoisttre on he paddy hat acts as a glue between he surface ofthe五 ce grains and he husks.コ 臣re is an optimum period for drying htt can be suttected tO he paddy grttnsto produce he highest kemel recovery.If he period of dryhg exceeds he opumuln period,he probabiliサ fOr he rice grains shatter or broken is very high. ゎ ” “ “ め 珀 n ︵ ユ8■落翫こ3争 J曲 ・ 魏 Ht[北 S 日 山 ihLtg tttに lPれ ddィ 正)r¨ よ■gP口 い ion■ と o..rれ Figure 4i Compamson ofrice yield Produced with different drying period duration Table 5 shows hat he highest amount of husked/milled rice was produced by he previous machine in 2009.The amount of husked produced was 68,70/0.The second highest is IIoln the proposed rice■ lilling machine with 58.20/O followed by the previous lnachhe in 201l wid1 39,8%.There tre a few factors that affect he inconsistency in he percentage of rice produced by he three machhes;milling pedod,types of paddy used,paddy moisttlre content,type of huller used and he dme taken for a single process.The proposed inachine is able to produce 584.3 8rams ofrice in 20 1ninutes compared to previous lnachine. Table 5:Percentages ofi=nprovement for lnilled rice rs) (■ 10■ ■ (Lo― s) H■ is(ed Ricc(‐ /。 ) (%) Hus(Proこ uccd(ツ 3) rOtal(。/。 ) 5 `1311!07 MSO/V.1.2010 RINGKASAN LAPORAN AKHIR GERAN PENYELIDIKAN OSAKA GAS くlrユ ) 跡 り OF O晟4ど a GRノ 4ハ「TttZPORTS[ガ 肋 A. TttukPr03ek Pr″ Cr Tlir′ ? Ketua Pellyelidik ?r PFげ じ CrL?,ど ′ FakultЛ llstitut ? F″ f′J夕だ 「Tざ 滋′ど TURNING AGRICULTURAL BY‐ PRODUCTSINTO SOLID FUEL FOR ENERGY GENERATION DR ONNISUHAIZA SELAⅣ IAN ENGINEERING 1,Siti Nor Ain Musa 2. Dr Abu Salch Ahned Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik 買?♂ ?IrFCr,T'I『 ″2脆 η2う ?/♂ B. Tarikh Ger21l Diluluskan pFOフ α どDα ど ? CFα Иr/均乳 cMs ИRr January 2012 Tempoh Projek PFげ ?CrD′ F,ど カカ l Year Peruntukan Yg.Diluluskan RM 6000.00 】,IJξ ?=蜘Prο フ?″ Perbelaninan Terkini _Dα ″ 駒 ?力 IJlirИ r?Tο C. 曲 1碗 oo,oo Pencapaitln Keseluruhan ♂粗?η ど Oフ ?rα 〃Иcカ カフ Hllrttkan pcncapttan berballding ottektit hipOtesis scHa pcrmasalahan asal yang diselidiki.. 9フ 9開 9η た 肋 D9∫ じr,b9肋 9,cカ テ 0肋 9ο /7g7刀 α′οけ 9す ル g島 r9′ α′ テ ο刀 ′ わ ″οttgs,dα 刀ブ r9∫9α rc乃 bJ?陶 ∫ P′ ο . The study invcstigated on hc fcasibility of turning agricultllre by‐ products into solid ttel for cnetty ttneration, Thc waste uscd in he study、 vas pincapplc, sago,nipall and coconut husk. The produced pe■ ets were tested for is moisture content,amount of flnes, ash content,caloriic value and FTIR analysis, vas detemlined hat in comparison to oher agro waste pellets,pineapple Fronl lhe tesing,五 、 penet produces the hghest energy value amounted to 14.56 MJ/kg.Ths value is shghtly lower han the caloriic value of wood penets outlined in European Standard of EN 14961‐ 2. Meanwhile 五pah waste produces he lo、 vest energy; 13.42 MJ/kg due to he hgh moisture content in the、 vastet On overa11,pineapple waste possesses a ligh potenial to be recycled as altemative feedstock in producing solid l近 el pellets. Do Pencapaiを in Utama F?ノ r功 町Jlittg♂ Out of folr agro waste useラ pineapple、 vaste has a great potential to be used as altemative feedstock for sohd ttel producdon. Al血 ough he energy produced is higher than oher agro waste, pineapple leaves he hghestユ y ash residue after burning. For ユy ash content, sago produced the lo、 vest ash conttnt fonowed by lupah.However,he energy released frona sago is lowi witt ody 13,78M」 of energy released per uttt of ttel.h conclusion,血 c study concluded hat pineapple、 vaste is feasible to be converted to soid ttel but futther study have to be ctty outto decrease the ash residue aier b面 ng. relat市 ely 2
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