IN LEU OF MSG FORM OPIM FROM TO HQ DG BSF DTO:06 UNCLAS SDG(EC′ ヽへ ′ C)′ NO R-32(2F し ALL FTR HQRs/ALL TRG INSTNS/ BStt AoADEMY 1/PU RttG(HQ)FHQ/ DlC(HQ)FHQ INF0 :ALL SHQRs/BNs(INCLIS DUTY)/ALL STCs/ STS BSF N/DELH/ALL CHslALLlryATER llV NGs′ CENヽⅣESTO/CSハ ИT T/PUR/NTCD/TSU′ BIDR T′ PUR/ Sい Ⅳ/SIG REGT/SROノ GTS NEい ノDELHI FROM PERS()UNCcT― CALL FOR CONSULTANT APPL CAT10NS― REG( AllHA(PMA CELL)HAS INVITED NOMlNAT10NS OF llV LLING AND E IGIBLE CANDIDATES FOR Tい yO FULL TIME CONSULTANCIES TRE TO SUPPORT_THttPLEMENTAT10ITS CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECTS RELATINS TO KIDNAPPING FOR AND BORDER SECURITY AT COUNTER TERRORlSM RAN c-e-rrlE con,tn,ta ur Hccrl rreo NATToNS cENTRE-TERRoRT sM CENTRE) COMMA NEW YORK 0 IN THIS CONNECTION COIVMA MHA ''(rs.vl sECTtoN) oM F.No.1i034/1i20'r0-tsvt(PT) DTD 30" DEC 2014 u ru SHOWiNG ELILIBILILTY CRITERIA & OTHER DETAILS IS UPLOADED IN THE IPP AS WELL AS BSF WEB SITE (.) FTR HO BSF ARE ELTGTBtLE AND FoRWARD NorvrNATIoNS ieoudsrro .WILLING OFFICERS AS PER THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA OF MHA BY 10-h JAN 2015 postlvEly(.) ENSURE TtI\4ELY col\ilPLIANCE == ro F‖ e oF No 4/02/2015-PERS/BSF (C D AGGAR` ´VAL) 1電 Fil● い‐ ■漱 バ[μ :1 ヽ Commandant (Pers) NT十 1 :な ど :F:A‖ Dtc:FiCrill'1「 7111.´ :ノ 1凛 Jシ[幸ri∫ :?819肌 :】 &:話li4′ losures is enclosed herevv th for ユ義レ 曽 ploading the same in BSF web site/lPP. reat it most urgent please MOST I No l1034'「 γ )1'IS VI(1)t): │││メ ヽ 、 1胤 ll‖ 選‖出 鼎F: ;i↑ ′ ͡ ″ ;z,Ci""-rr の (lS Vlヽ CC● On) q3-B.North tst$ck. 4/ Ne\ Delhi │≠ rtiご イ′ brconsdtantipphぉ itお ns_lcg ア タ) と fリ メ ille undersigned is directed to for、 vard here,vith a cppy of emoi dated 品 ∝ :uNCCT:C湖 l [キ 麒‐ 少 警 December 24′ 2014 recdved from Min stry Of External AffOls lCT CS&PP&R Division)'s on the above subject and seeking nominatiofis for,Project ヽ∼ Consultants as received from the UN Counter Terrorism Centr|, uNcct, t,lew 1ヽ Yo rk. 2. IB. NIA. candidates to i cntitr suitahlc for two lull time consultancies at the CenBa o support the BSF. CRPF and SSB are requested implcmcntation or"o ol its capacity luilding prtJccts rcltltih to kidnapping. ll" for ransom and border security. 1\-omination should be sent by 2014 Decem6cr, Encl as above (v.K Upldhyay) U lldor SecrO(aw(IS VI) Tヽ o23093829 イ 5 DG,SSB,R K Puram,NeW De:hi ゝ ′ ヽ゛ し外 鼻,精 ::器 出R』需∬IЫ 3//3a営 4 DS,CRPF,CCO Complex,New Delhi S!、 , ,′ く tゝ `て 1a--. y'ot '' - 吻 . =│ ` ′ )´ `:″ │ . DSCT <dscl@mea gov rn> Wednesday December 24. 2014 5:08 pnl O C 一︶ , [email protected] 一一 ﹄″ 一一一 一一・ “ 一 ´ ¨ ・ 一 F+/. UNCCTi Catl ior consultant appricair6r)s SuLl.{ t )1,!g [email protected] rn nl, Eぃ time vacanこ ies in respect of Proiect COnsu tants aζ closed are a couple offu‖ ― received f :he UN Counter Terrorism Centre, UNCCT, New York, As stated in the trailing mf il from our Mis n l.iew York, interested candidates may send their CV directly by e mail to: unc([email protected] bv )ecember 31st, 2014. You may Iike to have this notice transmjtied to i:otential.gandidates.. legards, \shok Warrier )s (cr) -roqr.{b: shek Srn!h ;eni: Friday December 12 201411:42PM rc: D RCT lcr US (UNP P) USUNP , tsunp@mea gov in . JS CT iubjcctr a\!d UNCCT C!llior c.,rsortanl applications 111「 r千 1ず \'( 、 i\\'l' ﹁ ︲ l m p n r ︲ d c l ︲ k ︲ rt t n ︲ ︲ e e お i h s h t s i t The United are seeking support the ransom and 据 np ︲印 p e 一 梵 山C a Dear Sir. │‖ l below refers 2.They have requested to circulate the attached Teims of Referenle to relevant and available experts. They have further informed that the qualified experts nlray submrt their CV and letter of inlent directly to UNCCT by e-mailing us at [email protected] no later than 31 December 20'14. 3.For information and actron as deemed appropriate at your end Peman€nt Miss;on of lndia to the UN :€\,1'646 292-71A4 ,ax +i 212 49A 9566 F First Secreiary ″ (Abhishek Singh) ・0 / ´ ︺ レ 患 r ヽ ´ , Regards, zks ngh un@9m4, con, - - "-- ;age : Fr.n. UIrik Ahnfeldt'Mgllerup <[email protected]> Ll:re'I n Dcc l2 2014 ai 10:50 AM SLrbpcl UNCCT Call for consullant applcatons Cc LINCCI [email protected]> Dear Counter-Tenorism Focal Points. I he Uniled Natiors Cou;ter-Tefforism Ceflre (UNCCT) is seeking to idenli6/ su laba candidaies for lwo fLrlll m€ kr slppart the implemenlalion oi two of ds capac ly building projeals relailng lo krdnapplng for ransom and border nsulianaies al lhe Cenlre' curity respeclivelv .. 1. ol.eLrror e.Jdoaveryg,ale'L.yorwoJocILLareilPa'laLleo'le'a\orRelP'Frcero e'"uanr,no .xiri: nay s!bnll lhe . CV a.rd !;lter .f,n1enl ,1!rccly lo LINCcT by e malllno us at unccl@un org no later than i!4aiy hanks io. you, s!pporl rn lhLs regard and best regards J t eruP utit Aれ nicldt‐ Mo‖ orup l ,Ⅲ К,■ ,,│■ ●(11'1 ■ 1 _Jヽ .,■ .)、 1,■ t,マ ●(UNCCT) ●●t● Ir● 口0ら 、 (■ ,、 、 `。 │ .t..: │。 (`1 、 ●。(て ヽ F。 、 、 lmP:● n cnt,tioo l■ 、 │■ .口 1● ■ .U● `)│、 「・ │● i,1● 、 u。 ■.│ヽ ation、 、 、●●:01 POI((● 1ハ :● ,● 1ヽ ,t on、 '1:F「 )('「 ]。 ・ │ │ `r● 1lA=o,DC■ ,862,ヽ cw Yo`k NY loo,7 ., 11,,2,6,,018 │ r",-, "in.r.*"." CONSULTANT (wirh a miDimum ol' L0 I yctrs ofetpedd.e) I l'nited \alior! Countcr-Terrorism ( enlrq (lJN( lJord(.r sccurit\ tnilirlivc Application deadline Jl December 201'1 I Ct, lhckground and Rnlionale rhe unicd Nations CounterTcrronsm lmplemChtatiOn Ta,k Forcc(CTH F)、 las eS blishcd b、 ′ the Sccretarv_ccncral in 2005 1t is tllc Unied Nalons designated enti,ld bring! one coherent framework the United Nations counter-tenorism policy and. cmanating from the (lcncral A.ssembl)- Sccuritv (i)uncil and relevant Unitcd Nations respon,cs ilh.r'irto cializecl agencies. l-he CTITr Ofiice, which supports the Task Forcc- is pan of the. De Political Alfairs (DPA) and is located al thc t,lnited Nilions Ilcadquarlcrs in New Yo 11 201l thc Unitcd Nations Sccretariat iau1lched t1lc U]1:tcd Nat,ons Countcr― crll rctr。 isn■ (UNCCT) within the C'IllF Officc, to promote irltlrrnationai counter-terrorjsm co Supp91t MCmbcr States in the implcmcntat'on ofthc Uitcd Nations Global COll t)a Cent● -Terrorism Straregl, Specificall1. tlNCCl' delivcrs capx!it)' building projects to Member. States and .onrrihurcs to improving internalional coopcration and. increasing access to good frra(ti(c\ in .', Lrlcr.,rl lir,.r i.m. I 1n 2013. UNCCI. rogether wilh the Llountcrjlerrorism Cohmittee f F-xecutir':e Dircclorate.. (C'l'ED) and thc Government ofthe Kingdorn of Morocco, co-oiganized a conferenci on 6orrier-' control cooperation in lhc Sahcl and tle Maghreb. in Rabal,lMorocco. llhe obje;tr\( !l th'! conference was to highlight the imporlance of ,,oo ination and cooperation amDnB the \arit)Lrs agencts hvolvcd ln border contd at thc na● onJ,regbnd a"lltCrrc」 OnJに v● s ls walast9 promQte dialogue and exchange of views and idcntifv commo, pr♀ ble,S ・ ld SO1ltiOni ', a major outcome, the conlerencc idcntified practical solutions and technical assislahc4 proi'e!ti to be irnplemented b), the relevant international oiganizatiolrs with the assiltance ofdon[rs. In.lul) 2014. UNCCTadopted its Third Progranrne of Work th]ch incluclcs thi. l{'Cl Ror'Oer Security Initiative. This project responds to lhc Irourth Revicw oflhe GIo.bal Countdr-l cr rorism Strategy. where Member Statcs rccognized the rolc of regional organization.s ir{ cornbarrng lerrorlrrn. antl cnc.)uraBcd therrr t,r.L,Isid.r usiii* piacii;cs in thcir iighl ig;rin[t teiL,r rt lhc Secletarr -(lenerel ll\o idcntiJicd lnse.uril\ in hn !r arces in rhr Slhel as,bein!.nn,lL,. '. to lhe expansior ol lcrrorisl nct\\'orks in h s I'rr.grcss I{eporl louard\ lhe. Lirri[st1 \llioris ir)lcgrarcd srratcqy lor rhc SthcL 1o rhc Securit\ ( ouncil.. I hc objcclivc oi this plljeci is to enhancc thc kn(,u lcdgc improving lhe securitr of spacc localed het$,een two or 11群:C:│││:│:│‖(111111:│・ :::ギ c"i:rrire oppudunilie. inr c\change and lea.nin!. 11 DUTItrS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Lnder lhe o\erall directron ^l lh( Drrc(lor L,l lh( ( llll ()ltlcc cnd | \('('1. artd in .close colsultation widr thc UNCCT Programme Officer. the consultanl will' impleflentation ofthe UNCCT Border Security lnitiative. The consultant . willi Manage and implcmeni the project. ldcnlヵ and adVζ e rclcvant local stよ choldcrs and commuhiり 'r(' lri. ad\ dnccd knJu ledje c I b,'rJir '(cr-in lCadcrs o● theト sis OF I Llsehis/herboftlcrsecurir)expertis€toidenlif\lri,,'ir\(\g.rpruswi:ll.i.-ood rr(rices ul horder rrrrrraEcr,rerrr r,, ..rrlriht.le I,, dr.rning.r slralegic l;alre)!orklloI cxpacil! t)ll|/'t,l:\,r!.,t., buildirrg ] I ,'rrlrroute lo .'Jp:r. il) t.illirg..Jli\ l(l(. ,'l ril(\Jrl .Lthul'llri. ol \1(lllo(- \liji' ' Lincluding rrniitrie>. I"order controlagchcir.. pol;cc. custl)m'. gendarmerie.tlc.). Ensurc coordination with olher ongoing border securit), proiecls ill the regiori ald aim to generale \) ncrgies. I tngagc $ irh nationol and regional aLrrh,,rit'.s:s $(ll as proj(cl panner to lacifrLaLe i[role,nentarian o lhc pro:c.I. I Plan arr.l ,'rgrnizc,,l- .rnLJ -(rninJr. collaouraLinr u ith paflic pntirf \lemher Sr.rc.lln{l ( tl I I cntrlre\ l,l(r,lil\ dnd cngd.e $rlh eloh:r lr'rJ(r \(Lr.rrr\ e\ce11' Draft detailed implemenlation plans including the travels to Member States. Pro!ide input and support on briefings to Nlember Siates on the various stages ' . . QL project and findings. Pro\.oe rnpur an\r -upnrrr lor reNn\ rrrd do(tIn.1rr. r(rJling r, Ihe pru]eit irrc ding. reports to the LlNCCT Advisory Boaid, Member States, and the donoi organiz tion Idcntify good praclices and recognized principlas as wellai assistance netdi o Member Strttes ifl the thematic area ofborder securil). r\n) (-\hcr rclalcd tasks as rcquesled b\ lhe ( [lT]: Oillcc or I l-NC( l ALII'l(lAl Educa!ion: tONS University degree (Masters or equivalent) in political science,- iliernatiorial traltrn,geOg● geograpny, rclations, ntcrnat onal ecOnomiOs、 law, publlc adminヽ admlntsllauon, poltcrng relatlons! rnternalronal economrcs. law,public lhy,pqliCi tleld. A bombination of relevant academic qualificptiops anil, , r rr,.,,.,ron..d un,r.r*,r; lrrJl,(r, e\1,<ricn.c rr.'1 bc a.!(Ptc.. crr other relevant <\lin.i\r d<;r(. 'n',.,, I I'ixperience: Arnin'num,f ren\car.,,l\<1. '".p,,..ii-t...p.l.n..s,llrar lcr- fi'< vears in counter-terrorism issues and/or border security- with signilicanr fielcl e\perienrc e\ferrencc in horJer'.erurir\ . requ l.anguages: English and . rcd French are the rvorking languagcs of the tjnited Natior s. Iror the.. consultancy ad\ertised. Ilucnct in oral and u,rittcn tlnglish and rcquirerl \\'orkiIg!i (,1 ,\ritri! ,lcrlrcJ CCヽ IPE「 ENCFtS PiiOirtrSlliONAi,lsMi Slrong xnalytical .aPacil',' 3nJ .ix.cllent srLbstaoii\. inUsLcrJ;' ,'1 counrcr te.rorisril and lao,l border secllrit). aornprehensivc kaowledge of and ein'x11r< n' co|rfilerin8 thc lr.liilcking ofrlruts. teaponsand peoFlc as \(ell as ccfiprchensi\'r'li[ov"]edgc o1' 6pera● ons of trro蒟 く and organレ cd c■ mlna brgamzat'ons,dcdlv ln the Sahl altl 10rn of Aliicn regions. Ccmprehersiie knouledge of a;d expcsure to a range of issue\lrclalid tD: couxtci-ier.or'isrn, ilrcluiling i'rom rhc i,.rnt"xt ol hum?n righls and lhc rtrlq ol r\\ knowに dge of and ex,osurc to a lan3e Ori■ lernalo■ ,l StiJIrdヽ 十truml.S, nreetranisrrs, aplrr.rches inrd good piatiices r.!evei! to bordtr securil), in patlicri4r as thosc :c ate to countcr tcri〕 13n Compreknsivc knowヽ dgo oF reに vⅢ t rcsolulonsioF ttl・ SeCurly ('ouncii aird ihc Gen€r:!l Assernbly. as vicll a! oi c:(istin3 UniteC Naticns svsicnl .'lrrltret rnl rhrir respidrve man.tatcs. pollire! alld iruioelrrcs. .s those rclale ro cotirlt,-rftern,rtn' l'ioilci(nc) iir d..i.fting alrd ibilil', nr prcl,lr'r 'o.ic1!. ,)irinions- stalemenl5 lnd (,rllf. \\ rL'irr Jnd loよ undCrと 、hini=3nd h sh― p口 ぃlatena s u口 dc.● nic pl、 srIじ ∴bl卜 'trヽ ヽ =ssu c l tt!ltiOn、 ・ mceい いol:dca``│「 =s Co nPrd〕 cn“ 、c I !rruclur,r. rrandales. pLrli!1.! aJr,l rolcs as irell as is reli'iionlrhips \tilh Rcgional drBanizatL,;ns, .,,ir ,,11,-, l,i'.rn.1i,i- | n-.'. " 1..;.,1,1. li l-'!1-,'lrit ir; .nn.lriir.l!nr t. llr' \ rr '. ershrir:cd in ihe t-ln:led Nati.ns Ch:llcr,.,s !',r:11 :rs to huxranitlrisn and hurran righll 'rrn.lritt-' (ih, r .,pfi:(ablr 'rr,... :n. lc/inc \\.cIi;iv , ^rtn',r l:e\oluli^r l.ri5 ?n \\'o,nch. P.'r. . .rl ,l ".rr Secu) i1),. I PL.ANNIt:C AN-D Okr'q\:1,/AllOl\: l\<!ilolt. .ler. :.i.1.. lirat Jr-' ., rr:i.lrrr ..,rh .r,r,rd stratrgics. Idenlille\ I'r..,rl..rJrr\i,rr. 1n- rsr!nr .,rr.. \dju.ts p,.oIlrr .''<r1ri.el rli..' rre' `,「 lc and icsoり rccs br comlに ln3‐ Ork Fo「 esct,r卜 kS and Fll` ` apPropria!. arnour'rt oFヽ 口 contingcnries ivhcn plar,nints. Iloirirors ind ldjrs,. Fl1n. rnd acl;.,ns a< nrce5.dD-lll.!r lirI. clllcientl_\ ,,,1 a-OIVIMUNICATICN: Speaks anC wriles cl.erly dnd eft-eclively. Listerrj tc other{ uorirctlr inlerprcls nressgges iom othefs lnd responds app.opriately. Asls quea,liorls. !) {llrif)'. rnJ exhibitj inlerest in h:rvin3, t*o-vray tcmm,Jnication. T^ilo$ lsrguage. tcoe. sqr'le 3nq tbrnlaT.t,) rratch ihc auci,:rrcc. D jm,)rrrl!'.riet ,ry:rttrtr:sr irr :hrrir,; irrlorrrl,_,riorr ur.l ir.'piir3 i,eortit inlir rncd. OTIIERT (lnpacil) lo g liarel llequ:ntl! a l.\RTING DA'[E: earl) (l on sho!l norce 2015 DUTY STATIONT New York, NY, I PLase scnl CV md statement ofヽ にre● 5y Plcatc clearly inark thc eJ〕 la suLiCCt ield. Nて ,Icil i,lv succcsslll cal〕 d(1そ ltcs.・ ill bc col ― ' *i reimsorr{eterence ;+i'. ., J I . │ I CoNSULTANT . (on Add ltssing and Preventing Kidnapping for Ransom ( KF R) lvilh'd inim um 7 ,tea6 I I o j ( \p(riunlc ) flniled NationsCounter-Tcrroris CcIl1re(tiNCCT.) Applirxtion deadline: 31 Decenber 2014 Background and rationale Over the pas! ) ears, kidnapping lbr ransom (Ki'R).has becn iecognized as an incleasinp trtnd in rcrr,,riv financing. The Cencral Assernbly in ils resolLrtion A/RES/68/276 of24 June 201'l exprejst,l toncern it the incrJase in incidents of kidnapping and hostage-taking comoiitted by terrorisf gfoupr. for ant ' 配 ∫ 、 1:‖ 議 電 ::│::Silll‖ :‖ :ま │:lle∬ 111:鶴 lillII11:l:ξ ]lli』 lキ lξ l:解 l::::T:::::iや to !oofcralc. ss eppropriatc. durirlg irci.lentl , conccssi,,ns anJ encouraged \lenrbcr Strlcs bl t.rrorisl groups comnritted laking hoslagc ki.lurpprng and In it5,est)ul on 2133(2014),tilC SCCtlr ty Cotu]ci c kid,8ppingそ l:ld 1lostagc― taking eonlnlittcd by tcrror 1 習 ょ 鰍」w肌識彙 ぶ‖ 亀漁 [ tふ b) Al-Qaida and itr'affiliated griurps itt"",oun.ilal.o"Rcto3nizel.llllt!n.c.lL,,conlinuc:-\perlJi\ctr\ston5onhiJnapflrnglorrant,,,r" i^ i.'ru.i.,.. cnd catllcdl upon Vembtr \talcs to contlntlc .uch rr\pen discussron. $ithi'l lhe Unrtcd n,,liri.a i,,ncc..ions. rn punr!JIar lhs in.rctsc irr kidnappi'rgt Natron. dnd orher rele\anl internllinncl and rcgional ortaniTati,,ns. inuluding the CC ltr- on dddiliohal \reDs lhe inrernarional communiry could takc to pre\ent k;dnappings and ho prerent.lenori.l\ lroh. r,"'ref'tinedirectltorindir(ctl)fronrus;ngki,]rrltnintslorriselurrdiorgairrptrliucalconcessror'.". Civen the risC in thc usc of KFR as a tcrrc● st taclc,tllcre is a g10wing need tO faminarize covernmcnt mCtt d9yり agenCに S,■ nal,響 hSttut On`,and■ c NCO scdor"■ ■ c thrc■ oF KF3■ 鯨 鳳 就 謬 [零 蹴 需 需 ぽ 覇 *ith ioi i l ha晰 :RI翼 ,p 串l黎 寧よ 串嘲lキ a panicular focus on.ciisling int€rralional goocl praoticbs. allonr*r natrolrl Kt and law enforcement bodies, regulated and semi-regulatpd na{ional finaniial. agencies counler-terrorism organi/3lio l\ .lrrJ lu .hare ir lormation belu een the re{er anr a, inr. ernnental InstitLtio,r. and non-gor p,"u"nrion, t{e financing ol preventing kidnapping for ransom incidenls prewnting ancl. including terrorist acts. lerrorists frorrr Through such capacity building, States would be better able to prevent and suppress 嗣 崚 引 〉価 mm、 m“ γ眠 ⅢⅢ Ⅲ S風 К中 Ⅲ at thc domcsti0 1cv “ 冨 選 器 2133(2014)「 “ he cOurscs Wn alsO t口 in iinanciarrcgulators … ぃ m嘔 器 ‖R wil, substantively contribute toward mccting Member Slalcs' resolve on combating lhe financiog of as provided in thc Unitcd Nations Glot revic,reso utiOns lhe pr● cct WHl COordllatc a06、 tcrroris i]・ be ng talticd ou(by CTITF cntitics D(lTIES AND RESPONSIBI1lTIES U〕 dCrthe overa l supervision(,「 the l)irecto「 0「 thc(」 l111'()lntc alld l,N(ll‐ l and tl]cd iect sl!)crヽ is(), olthe Senior Programme Officer, fl i]C■ On、 Capaciry Building Ljnit, the incumbent !vill perfdrnr l the follo\\inB I e\ent' fi,r rclc!.rnt authofrtie\ o1 Membcr Srates (including'ministries. regulaior) sgencre\. tlnancral intf'llr!entc llnits. nalir)n4 coordination committccs, rnembcrs of the iudicial and proseoutoridl branches.' privalc lcct(r' slakeholders. irnd non-Sovernmental organizations) on lamilia.izing ot)icials on (FR t)p"l"3 t' pre!cntion aspecls nnd idcntificalion, tlroLrgh anallring and nonitorins finarr!ia1 lranj.rLtrt'r . C'onvene workshops and capacil)'bttildints rraininEl L( . . identiry persons or entities that make fundsi financial assets or economic rqsourccs or financial or oln<r relrrcLl sL r\ rces u\ ailablc l', lerrori\1. Share her/his experlise with relevanl pq(ies on legal. policy and operational meas res to plcvtl11 terrcrists from benefiting frorn ransom payments ldcntify and share good practices such as th€ Clobal Counter-Terrciism. Fo n's':Alglcrs \4emorandDm among stalehnlders in goremmenls.. locll communrties. th private and. Ion-profit . . . . . . sectors. Contribute her/his crpedise on international cooleration. sharing (]1' rt,.nrratrcjlr and tra.king mone) flows, T)tsrsn and flnf l!airrin!1 llmdLrle. rnJ . rnriL r in t,,rr.rrltaLrurrr rrrth a ri,trcI ol crotrLs 0:● cp● cct悧 e pШ 、 い pⅢ dCは On v昴 Ous O,cS Ш d針 ■ 誂 お よ 協 tttltl: conduclng complcx inancial invcstigalons,KFR,pvestigatlo■ “ proseculions of suspected indi!idLrals and organizations thal carry oLrt Kf'R. rv-hich \rlLI d.livcr assistance !o all relevant recipients. Ilie consultant r\ ill also conducl his/hcr woik in ion.ultiltr, 'rl whh relevant enlilies of the Counter-Terrorism Inplenlentation Task Force (CTltF I . I Produce reports bascd on outcomes ofcvcnts. \ldlt\Jrl intfresled Nlcrih(r \\.ork rvirh i.NCC'I in publicizing lhe nrc uoi-trainingsoqrseslo their relevani cn{hies. Identil) rostered c\pcds tbr capacil), huildtnS lrainihg delivcry in rclL-Yanl llcldi I,ro\ idc polic) and technical suppo11 trjrards proJccl inipiernentation. inclu(liug through irr-(ltpih substantive research and analysis of issdes and events related to combating kidnapping fbi ransom and the financing of lerorism. '- D;velop background maleridls lbr rele!ant wo;kshops. scrninars. cnpJcrL\ ouilding aili\,Ue. irr lh . ficlo a〔 │、 icc ,o Facilirale the implementation oi rhc projecl lhrough thc provi.ion ol lech C l l l f I \aC l. $l ilc also deiling Nrlh rele\inl UniledNallon. enlilieq. .' 1:n'ure the.m0oLh inrplcrncrtaliortll'lhe rl l(!t irrLlLrtl rrg tlr,,Lr-lr ri.hnr..rl {rirlrnrs rir rlr. (l III F' Working Group on 'Iackling the I-rncnrllr-r ,,1 [crr!,n\m. highlighrin] nrogress .rrd lllnclage\. o Asiゞ and ad宙 sc UNCCT on hndf“ n3● 口 oま CS M“ kλ through rcgular dialogue alld cOnsu taions. eliOnt oricntm “ .r' .e..\nl< r, .rrd ollr(acL ..iri\ il:(. ll:‖ :ぶ 1』 ¶ よ∬語計 ‖:島 : I 。 Pcrfonn othcr dlltics as required QUAT,IFICATIONS I LLiucetion: Advanced llnrversiq Degruc (Mrsie15 or equr\ulqntl ru tp* .nf,rrieinenr. trnancrr ' intemational relations. economrcr or las. $rrh cmph4siq.r rpcrrctrzation in.internatitriirl law- international financial llns' or domc\uc financlal rcgulrtoil regirnes. A conrbiDrliol of relevanl academic qualiflcations and exteDsive practical cxpcrience may be'accepred rn . Iieu ofthc advanced universitv degrBc. .,\tleustT)car5olpro8rcssivcl\responsibl(;\nirienccrr!L;nccptualrzrnpl.d.i'rtlngr,,d dclivering counterlenorisnr capaci[y-building prograrnrning, especially ln the fie]d .ol AML/CI]T. Expcricnce in research and analysis relatcrl to the role ofthe private seclor In lhc tlght against terrorism. ihperjence in reicrrch and dnalysi\ of modps'operarrdi of rran5ndrioflal organi/ed group\ ard oflerrorisl and organi/ed crirninal grorhs'.uqe. ac\e,5 and transfer of funds. Experience in working with national finxnce and tr+sur) olftcialsi offices of the attomeys-general, judges, la$,ers. private se(tol cntitics, la enfnrcenicnl desirable. | oFficials and non-govcmmenlal organiralions ': . working knowlcdge o「 an addniona uN language LansuagCSi :lll」 さ、 :1la:ll;]:肝 。111:lilld CORE COIVIPETEヽ CIES PROFESS10NALISM:Thc candidate should have thc fonowing prOfcssi6nal, 輌 ∪ m Cdgeげ 帥 dp“ p面 cxpe“ 酬 ∝ ■ n¨ Ⅲ ぃ ics: In― depth OCw冨 h癬 tcrrorisin idca1lv in thc contcxt of kidnapping for ransα n, intcm● iona1 la … regulator) systems. Comprehensive knorvl;;BJon investigations and prosecutions; 群 盤 ‖ id€al[, in $e cunte\! ofthe financinE!oltcrrorisnr. Compichensi\,c knowl.dge ofand exposure to a range of legll and firtcnc i.rl issues relaled to counlcr{crrorism and thc llghl against transnational organized crime. jnciuding trom the .or)rc\t ol hurnil| righl! and lh. rul. c'l ln\. Cor)rprchcn\i\e lifowledre 01 irnd ..*p,*urf r,l ., ,rnr. international standards, instruments, good practices, mechanisms, approaches and issueslleievanl to lhe financial sector, in panicular as those relate to counter-terroJism. Comprehensiv! knowlehge ofrelevani resolutions of thc Security Council and the Ceneial As.embly, a\ $ell as on exisiing United.Nationi s) slen entities and their respective mandates. policies and guidelines, as those relate 10 5uppresstng,thE financing of terrorism- General expertise on the effective prevention and responsq d, kidnappings desirable. Strong analytical skills and ability to conduct compreheisive legal rcsearcltlon a range Ll issues. including those of a complex nature. Proliciency in drafting-apd ability to prcpaie lvell anrl under tirne preisurc brieli, opinions, statements and othcr written materials. dxperience h fund,raising actlv tles COMMtINICATION: Speaks and \a rites clearl) and effectively. Has thc abiliLy to produce a tarietl ,r' language,. tone, style and format tailored to match the audience. Maintains timely and qonf,istent flou ol. information with relevant colleagues and members ofthe CTITF Wo.king Group, other r{levanl cnt irie\ ご 市cU蔽 Nttms wmに y疏 em“ ∞J∝ ´市か mヽ Mcmttr,濡 soctty and “ acadcm● ,as nccessa,Dcmonstratcs opcnne,s h Ⅲannginform illお rned ald ab lil、 t● PLANNNG AND ORCANZA■ ON Skl sandaЫ ■y o c00rdnな e hc出 deadl nes and handlc mullplc cOncurcnt pr● ectsi good tll dcrstandin3 0r DUTY STAT10N: STARTING DATE: earl) 2015 Please scnd CV and \tatcnleni ol interest bv -l1 l)ecelnber Irleasc !learlv mark the e rrail sublecr Applcarion: lielj L|:olq: Onl) successful ∬ 需 十 :∬ 繁 bu d and nldi[■ ain enecti、 c panilcrships candiclates will be contacted 無:lll淵 ‖ Ncw York,NY uSA 20l.l lo rrccl:aun ,1r!, * tiFn con.iultai' i 躍 [咄 よ ‖ .
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