LETTERS TO NATURE Genetic linkage of Werner's SyndrOme to five markers on chromosome 8 Makoto Goto*,Mark Rubenstein十 Kathryn WoodsS&Dennis Drayna† ,James Weberや ││ , 十Departments of rMolecular Biology and s scientific Computing, Genentech inc,460 Point San Bruno Boulevard′ South San Francisco′ California 94080,USA 米Department of Rheumatology,TOkyo Metropolitan Otsuka Hospital′ 2_8-l Minami_Otsuka,Tokyo 170,」 apan Medical Research,1000 N Oak Street, キMarshfield Foundation for「 Marshfield,Wisconsin 54449,USA ‖TO WhOm cOrrespondence should be addressed 亀 盟 罪 学 鑑 児 縄 協 艦 円 溜 謂 船 コ縦 跳 掛 撚 品 r鞘 翌 器 normal ageing indicates that these two conditions may have pathogenetic コ mechanisms in conl】 “on3-5.The WS mutation has PleiOtroPiC efFects,and Patients and their cells show many difFeren‐ ces compared with normalsS.DesPite extensive study of the clinical and biochemical features of this disorder, the pril■ ary genetic defect remains unknown.We have undertaken a genetic linkage study in an efFort to identify the locus of the primary defect6.Here we report close genetic linkage of the WS mutation to a grouP of markers on chromosome 8. WC Studied 21 Japanese faェ 111les7-16.Thcse Falnilies originated in 16 difFercnt prefectures,and apart froHl an increased preva― lence in lbaragi and its ncighbouring prefectures,were widely distributed throughout Japan.Thirtccn of thcse faェ 11lies con― taincd cOnsanguineous lnarriages(mostly flrst cousins),and two others were suspected to be consanguineous. Eleven of the 卜とてく 崎0卜り的Q 0 ヽ的り的Q Recombination units FIG l Results of LINKMAP analysis of Werner's syndrome gene location, The locaHons of the marker ioci were fixed as followsi D8S87← 10 units→ ‐5 units→D8S■65,with the D86871ocus set as zero The distances Дttκ ユく between marker loci are those obtained from three_point iLINK analysis (analysing the marker loci only)in our werner's syndrome two_generation families SimHarly,the marker order was the mostllkely given by three point iLINK`But the most ilkely order of D3S8/一 月NK■―D8S工65 was onty three times that of the second mostlikely order D8S87-D8S165-Attκ 立.The lod score was evaluated in 10 increments perinterval Analysis exctuded families represented by only a single inbred affected individual NATURE ・ VOL 355 。 20 FEBRUARY■ 992 735 LETTERS TO NATURE fanlilics consisted of a single gcncration,nine had two gener― ations,and one had three gcncrations.Seven falnllics containcd several afFected siblings.The sample consisted of 63 individuals, 31 of which were afeゃ ted(for detalls of the pedigrees,see Supplementary lnformation).Hcparinized venous blood was obtained fron■all individuals with inforincd conscnt.Perlnanent cell lines、 vcre established by Epstein―Barr transforIIlation of _ lymphocytes17,。 r by sllnian virus-40 transforlnation of abr。 TABLE■ Locus Chromosome 8 markerioci Marker A‖elestt ANκ 立 ankyrin D8S87 Mfd39 D8S165 ヽ lfdl17 107 ■■3 145 生49 15■ 153 ■55 142 146 148 ■50 ■52 154 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 ■26 128 130 ■32 134 165 167 171 173 175 189 19■ 193 195 197 199 blasts18. ° cr謎 :か 靴 況 穐:ittintttttn盟 ,S瑞 ∬ 酬 3活「 棚 stature;(2)premature senesccncc;(3)sclerOderma― like skin changes,and(4)cndocrinc abnorlmalities.Atleastthrcc ofthcsc four mttOr signs wcrc required for thc diagnosis.Diagnosis was 紺 :紺s2地 d撒艦縦lhttp鮮 拠鮒品sttn熊 粧 blasts in 20 individuals18,21. Individuals wcre assigned as unaFected only if they werc lnore than 30 years old. Thc markcr ioci uscd in our prirnary survey of the human D8S166 Mfd159 gciomc cOnsistcd predorninantly of cytosine一 adeninc_repcat Hlicrosatellite lnarkers22,。 f which 128 wcrc from the WIarshfleld collcction22 and a further 23 werc from thelitcrature.In addition, the marker set also included a few trinucleotide(研 A―repeat) and tctranucleotide (TTTA_ and TCTA― repeat)markers. 臣生 arkers wcrc typed by polymerase chain rcaction(PCR)fol― lowed by polyacrylanlide gcl resolution of the PCR products22. We tested a total of 156 polymorphic lnarkers for linkage to Werner's syndrome.These markcrs wcre distributed on a1l of the autOsOmcs, with a median hctcrozygosity of 65° /O in the Japanese population.These markers had a 90° /。probability of dctecting linkagc(at 10 Ccntimorgans or less)tO∼ 60°/。of the autosomal component ofthe human gcnome. our arst indication of linkage appcarcd when we noted that two chromsome-8 markers, D8S87(Mfd39)and ANKF (ankyrin), showed increascd homozygosity among attected individuals from inbrcd falnllles.Such incrcases in homozygos― ity arc predicted fOr rnarkers that lic close to a rare autosomal locus23.Traditional maxilnum likelihood calculations using data froln all the farnilics conarmcd linkagc for these two loci and also revealcd linkagc to several other nearby markcrs. Thc ,EnarkCrs and thcir charactcristics in the Japanese population are listcd in Tablc l;the genotypcs in the WS farnilics are avallable as Supplementary lnforlnatiOn. Signincantly pOSitive two_point lod scores、verc obtaincd for linkage between WS and avc locithatlic on chromosome 8(refs 24,25).The two― point scores at several difFcrcnt values of θ are listed in Table 2.Therc、 vas evidcncc for close linkage bctwccn WS andthctwo lnarkers D8S』 7and ANKア .Evidcnce forlinkage 、 vas also obtaincd fOr three apparently more distant inarkers, D8SF55,D8Srび びand D8srび 4,although the pairwise lod scorcs for thesc linkagcs varicd considcrably.LPL(1lpoprotein lipase), Mfd104 063 037 023 00■ 0.57 006 0■ 3 028 0.57 0.01 001 009 0104 0.02 0.02 0.32 003 0.01 0.06 0.17 016 007 0.04 0.07 0103 0.29 005 009 008 012 004 022 0.02 0.02 0.01 006 0.45 060 0.57 087 米Alleles are the size in nucleotides of the predominant PCR product 十Allele frequencies and the observed heterozygOsity were determined in 50 unrelated」 apanese individuals anothcr markcr on 8p,showcd no linkage to WS in our data set.Iterative two_point calculations using the障 ILINK program26 gave θ max Values for these six markers as listed in Table 2. Although none ofthc pair、 vise lod scores excceded 5,Inulti― 撤選 :n艦 撒i樹為松譜 帽:・ 縦鵠幣 堺桃群 嵐 D8S87 NS一 Aハ r」 (r was 7.69. Finally, using thc data sct that excluded farllilics represcntedbyjustasinglc aFecte 、 ve obtained a four_point lod scorc for the Order D8S87-り ИS― MARKER FIG 2 Genotypes of recombinant inbred WS individuals individuals are offspring Of first_cousin 8 pter marriages Numbers beneath each individual are 'denotes the とPと the alleles of the markers iisted;“ レ ,′ allele containing the mutation at the VVerner′ s D86∂ ア syndrome locus For each individual, the arrows indicate the intervalin which a recombination has occurred at a melosis somewhere between the affected individual and his or her parents'common 刀Nて , ancestor. Solid lines denote portions of the chromosomes that are homozygOusi dashed tines D36765 denote portions which′ as a resuit of recombina_ tion′ are heterozygOus とPL lies distal to AM立 DθSアδδ (ref 33)、These individuals support an order of: pter―とPL―(D8S3ろ NS)―Attκ立―D85立 65-D8Sttσ 693S7644 D8S立 64_cen Observed Frequency十 h e t e r o z y g O s i t y 十 5802 4601 4701 1231123 123,123 123,123 123,123 123,127 151,151 151,151 151,151 155,155 155,155 町町 明町 町〃 !・ (― 町町 既W 107,107 107,107 107,107 107,113 107,107 146,146 146,146 142,146 152,154 146,146 126,126 116,126 116,124 114,126 128,128 1651173 191,199 191,199 165,175 191,191 8 cen 736 NATURE ・ VOL 355 ・ 20 FEBRUARY 1992 LETTERS TO NATURE TABLE 2 Lod scores Pairwise lod scores米 Marker 98S87 Дttκ 工 D8SIσ 5 D8Sユ σ6 D8Sユ σ4 とFL 5.1 29 ■. 5 2.5 -4.6 -2.9 Recombination fraction(θ) 005 00 Maximum pairwise lod scores十 Marker レ ,6-98S87 怖6弘 川κ立 婚 の益 立衛 NS―D8Sttσσ Ns_Dgs立 6ィ NS―とPL θ 01050 0058 011 012 028 050 4.8 27 19 35 -16 -16 41 2.3 1.8 3.5 -0.37 -092 3.3 1.9 15 31 019 -0.56 015 020 0.10 2.5 ■4 12 24 039 -0.34 0.25 1.8 1.0 0.81 1,9 0.39 -Ot21 030 1.2 0.64 046 13 028 -0.12 0,35 0.63 034 0.18 075 013 -007 023 012 0.02 0.31 0.01 -0.03 040 045 Lod 514 2.89 191 357 045 000 *Lod scores obtained in two_point analysis,using the MLINK program of the LINKAGE v5.l program package,Obtained from the Utah anonymous ftp sit rcorona med.utah edu'26 run On a VAX 9000 computer′ rounded to two significant figures Values are obtained after breaking loops in the consanguineOus families.The values for markerioci D3Sユ 6イand D8S■66 were obtained on an lBM_PC computer using LINKAGE v5.03 from」 Ott(Columbia University)run on individual families and then added The data for these two markers were analysed using Only the alleles observed in eachplus family′ an additional a‖ele that represented the collective frequency of aH alleles that did not occur in that family The allele frequencies used were those in the normal」 apanese population, 十Maximum pairwise lod scores obtained as already des6ribed,using recombination increments of 0 001 units, ANKr_D8sFび 5 oF9.92.We also cxalnincd thc support fOr gene ordcrin our data set.Using three― point analysis,the lnost likely order of the three c10sely linked loci was D8S87 NS― ANKF. But this Order was only 2.19 tilnes lmore likely than thc second most likely Order of NS_D8S87-ANKF, and 7.6 tilnes morc likely than the ordcr NS_ANKF_D8S8Z We alsO used the program LINKMAP(ref.26)to dctcrmine the rl10st likcly 10cation of the gcnc for WS in this reglon.This analysis shows that the most likcly 10cation oF the 手 ルS iocus lies bctwecn DJS87 and Ajヽ 「 Kr, rOughly ttve recombination units from each.(Fig.1).Sevcral other points in this region givc lod scorcs within l 10d OF the maxllnunl, and thus thc 900/。 conndence lilnits Ofthis 10catiOn are broadly based on this data. MIorc data on the order ofthese 10ci、 vere obtaincd by exarnin― ation of the gcnotypcs of attected individuals from con‐ sanguincous rnarriagcs.In thcse individuals,homozygosity con_ siderations allowcd us tO exarnine the genotypes of thc )[き 碁 il匿 具i,品欲 試!:ξ 1貿 F監 8韓 rilド 告亀 ;壇 皆 嵐甘 岳8碍 Stts艦 33暑霊 that the order ofthese 10ciis 8ptcr― LPと 一(D8S8ろ NS)一 ANKF一 D8srび j_D8sFび び―正 )8SFび4-cen.It is notcwOrthy that six inbred aFected individuals(individuals 1701,4601,4801,6001,6701 and 6801)are hcterOzygous for either ANKF or D8S87 Ho、vcver,no inbrcd aFecteds are heterozygous for both.This result suppOrts thc idea that thesc two marker loci flank thc locus fOr WS. This orderis supported by results fronl othcrs who have found the order 8pter―D8S』 み ANKF-8cen(ref.27)and 8pter_D8S87D8SFび 5-D8SFび び_D8Srび 4_8cen(J.W.,unpublished rcsult).Al― though cvidence forthc order oftheヽ ルS10cus is notlargc,these results suggest the ordcr of loci in this reglon is 8pter― LpL_ D8S87 NS_ANKF_D8SFび 5_D8Srび び_D8sFび 4-8ccn. Werner's syndrome is a clinically complcx disease, in that virtually all tissucs ofthc body seem to be aFcctcd.The genetics of this disOrder,howevcr,argue for a relativcly sllnple,single gene mutation as the cause of thcsc diverse symptoms. For cxample, thc diseasc is rare and displays a clear autosomal rccessivc modc Ofinhcritancc3,7.In addition,Werner'ssyndrome is highly penetrant,and the WS phenotype is quite consistcnt among the affectcd individuals. Our linkages clustered on chromOsOme 8 are in agreemcnt with thc idea of a mutation at a single locus as the cause of this disease. NATURE ・ VOL 355 ・ 20 FEBRUARY 1992 The closest marker,D8SJz is knOWn to bc tightly linked to the genc for tissue plasllinogen activator,which lies On chromo― somc 8,band p12(ref.28)。 Another apparcntly close marker, ANKF,has been indcpendcntly localized to thc same chromo― somal region,8pll.1_21.1(rcfs 24,29).Although the other markers havc been physically localized only to chromosome 8 (J.W.,unpublished results),these data strongly suggest that the WS rnutation lies close to or within the region 8p12 Wcrncr's syndrome has bcen reported worldwidel'3,30-32,and although the clinical phcnotype ofヽVerner's syndrome is siinllar in all populatlons,itis conceivablc thatthe WS phenotypc could be conferrcd by diFcrent mutations in other, non_Japancsc populations.This possibllity can now bc quickly evaluatcd using these c10sely linked markers. These markers can be used for presymptOmatic,prenatal and carricr diagnosis in WS falnilies of Japanese and perhaps Other ancestries. They may also be useful to evaluatc the hypothcsis that other progeroid syn― dromes, such as HutchinsOn_Gulllford progeria and Roth― mund― ThompsOn syndrome,may be due to diFerent rnutations at this samc locus2,5.The Closest markcrs also provide a starting point for eFOrts to clone the gene that is defective in WS.It is possible that IIlore detailed analysis of thc Werner's syndrome mutation may lead to a greatcr understanding of thc factor or factors that dcter■ line the characteristic lifespan in man. □ R e c e i v e d 5 A u g u s t a c c 9e 9p 1t e d 6 D e c e m b e r ■ ■ W e r n e r , o t h eK si e sl9 ,(0 U■ 4 n) 巾 2 Thannhauser,S」 Ann lr74 A4ed 23,559(■945) , 3 Epstein,C」 ,Marttn,GM,Schuitz,A L&Motuisky′ AGん イ θJrc力 θ45,177-22■ (■ 966) 4 Salk,D用 口印 Cettθ と62,■-15(1982) tter's SypJrο 5 И/θ tte an」打り 仰a,力巨ing(eds Sa kァD,Fujiwara,Y&Marun,GM)(剛 enum,New York,1985) 6 Botstein,D,Wh te,R,Skoin ck,M&Davis,RA何 立わり 何 Cenet 32,3■ 4-33■ (■ 989) 7 Goto,M,Tanimoto,K Hor uchi,Y&Sasazuki,T Clrr7 6θ ,θ4■9,8-■5(■98■) 8 Matsunagaァ │,wata,S&Yoshida,T ttβ立Opわ紛,169,743(■975) 9 Chi′K θをつた,4/esiヵβ立つθ″"ai 50,824-827(1988) ■O Aok,R &Gon,H 力 , 立筋ed 77,125(■ 988) ■■ Mo高,S eralヵ ,ュ 6e的,425,486490(■ 988) ■2 Fujisawa,A,Shoji,」 ,Terada,H&Khano,Sヵ 幻サOp力的a13■,6785-689(■ 989) ■3 Mashiyama,S,Mizoi,K,TakahashL A,Suzuki′ J&Sako,T ttβ サNeurOsυrg■6,75-78(1988) ■4 Hayash,N,K ura,Y,Aoiki,M &Tamak,T フ ο リ,ユ θrrん ρ 3■,■87■一生873(■985) 15 0kuno,N er al Draberes 33,179(■ 990) 16 Shndo′ Y,Akiyama,」 ァ Matsumoto,K,Takaser Y&Hashimoto,Tユ De拘竹at■3,396-398(■ 986) 17 Thottey_Lawsoni D A,Chess,L &Strorninger,」 L ノexp ル修d■ 46.495-508(1977) 18 Matsumura,T,Nagataァ M,KOn sh,R &Goto,M nス びvancesわ gxperlmenta′んイ θ」lcわ θanJ B′ 0′ og/!‖をrr7θ /sS/p」 rome a,び Hり用θtt Aき 嘔 V0 190(eds Salk,D,Fujiwara,Y &Martn, G M)313-330(Plenurn,New York,1985) 737 LETTERS TO NATURE Bostonl■987) ,θ ουS DISeases(ed Gomez,MR)242-246(ButterwOrths′ 19 Goto,M in Nθ uroo2:動 20 Goto,M&Murata,K Clrr7て 力加 ムθra 85,■0■―■06(1978) ′ ,e/sS/ndrome anび Og/iИゎ 竹Jrcゎ θanびaro′ ya,cθs lr7 EXperrmentarん 21 Hanaokar F θr arin tt」 FuJwara,Y&Marun,GM)439-457(Plenum,New York,1985) 出uma,ス きngvOI■ 90(eds Salk,D′ わutt Cenei 44,388-396(1989) 22 Weberi」 L&May,PE Amサ ■570(1987) 23 Lander,ES&Botstein,D Scrence 236,1567… ,e9,4S7&8M,i9w4a-′ 9 5 ( 1 9 8 8 ) 仰 2 4 K k a t a n , M " C h i y o , H , O z a k , MS "H Sり h i6 kθ 8,4038(1990) 25 Weber,」 L′Kwitek,AE,May,PE′ Patterson,D&Drabkin,H rVuclercスcrJs F7es■ ― 向 6θ,θi 36,460-465(■ 984) M 湾何 ユかυ 26 Lathrop,GM&Lalouel,」 27 Blanton,S H θ :a16enθ ttrcs■■,857-869(■ 99■) i cel1 69,o440,784(■985) 28 Yang,Fengr T に,Opdenakke「,G"Voickaert,G&Francke,U Cy:οger7θ s■ 9,969(199■ ) l′ C R /Vuclerc Acrds R● 29 Po ymeropOulos,M H,Rath,DS,Ziao,H&Mer高 30 Aram′ H&Fatourechi,V θ υrls■4,2■5…218(1974) 3■ Cettmeler D er al ttwm cenθt 62,25-30(1982) 筋9 a 7 , 3 0 9 - 3 1 ■ 3 2 S a m a n t r a y , S K , S a m a n t r aSy,′」 o h n s o n , S C & B h a k t a v i z i a mA′A w s t t t Z サ (1977) cs■,■38-■44(1987)t 33 Sparkes,R S eral ce,θ 何′ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMAT10N Requests should be addressed to the LondOn edttoHal ottice of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by Genentechinc,by the Human Science FoundaHon, Japan,and by a grant from the NIH(JW)We thank K Nishセ awa and」 Tomfohrde for techttcal assistancei the many ndividuals from families attected with Werners SyndrOmei the Japanese一 Amettcan biood donorsi the oligonucieoddes synthesis grOup T Tada,K Okumurar K Nishioka,Y Mizushima′ D Botstein and R Whte for encouragement and the es famiい physicians and sc enttsts in Japan who assisted in the collecHon of samples from affected 738 at Genentechi S Aotsuka,V NATURE Hottuchi, VOL 355 ・ 20 FEBRUARY 1992
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