Chtl,tcri Chat4| tt]lil CaitittttitY ii I:Lt\t i\si!1 Emperor Kangxi Views His World y'2, Kangxi, SELF-PORTRNT ln l(r(rl a sevcn_year-olcl bol becan,c the scconcl Qing enrpcror altcr theduring as his rcign nanrc Karrgxi' 'rlrd *.."i a*, n" f,rther. Shtrnzhi' Hc ttxrkcrushc<l the last vcstiges.f Ming resishe 1722, until ii, i""n *ior, "'nt"h lastccl sl'stcnr' t^".", i,t,li"A China! bortlcrs' rcvitalizecl the civil service cxarnination cthnic Chi. ttnex_ .",r"-rf," betrveco ri"1r1r,r., of China s sch(tlar-{)fflcials' casetl tcnsiorrs nert vigor and tlirection to the otse and thcir Manchu c()nquerors. :rncl trrctrght crafts_ pocts' scholars' artiscs' rr-ritcrs' g()vernnrent. A genc )us supportcr of "rnd (irnfistudiecl Hc of clistinctiorl rvritcr antl schttlat lr",r, Kr,rg*i hi,',rs a srrlrr rrf .i."i,*' r.,i,l' n,rrrsic, nrathematics' :rnr] scierrcc arxl teft behin<l a rich lctters' r.ririrTgs, inclu<ling pclrt, cssays' aphorisms' and on thcse rvritings and staterncnts <lrcw SJrtncc hisrrri'.rn ,t't" t,'t tgZ'1 Jtrnarhan cxccrpts' rhc empenrt firlkrrving t'f thr: cmpcror' In thc t,r."*pif" a scll-portr,rit .*oressesl,isvicwsooiusritc'guvcrnrrlerrtrrdnrinistr.ttirln'andEuxlpcar,rs'u,irh *h,r', Chin.,' r.ln,i,,rrr ,r"rs'rrrr''l tlurins hi' rcigrr' ' (pigc 9l)' thc most ;" "*",,rple Vrices ll: Asiar, Vcu s of Christianiqr' 4, ",*"a E.,rop"an visit,'rs t. China rvere mcrnbers of the &rico .f Jcsus' a o';;;;;;". bv imprcssL..r,"ri. ..rig,r.,. ,rrdcr, *,ho soughr t. make crxrterts r, Chrisrianiry and nrathcmarics arrd rr[ asrrurornl .I'hcy hatl hccn rT'elcrnred ar -*-rt. Cfri,l"* clite rvith thcir knon'lcrlgc architects thlir skills as cirrtogra;rhcrs' artists. and gatb' learned C,hinese' and ,fr" i,r.p"";^f ."u., ln l3eijin3, 'vhcrc they trrrc Chirrcse s{)ltlc 2(X) courr ofllp^ia ft,rrnr*. to the ernlxtor"'l'hev irlso nrirnaged t() c{xlvcrt mis'i.n in lirt., *h,, i,, k."p;ng with a grlic,v initiatecl b1'tlrc fiuncler ofthcJesuit in htxrot ccrcmonics n_aclitional Chioa, Matteo l{i..i, rr'.". pcrrnittecl r() c()nrinue Kaogxi h'ad an avid anccstors and ol-lcr public holral;c ro Confucius "i-J".-**f ;,...o..i"Vcstcrrrlerrrnirrg.:rntlnrl(:g2hcgrantedtheJcsrritspcr.rrrissiorrt.' centu''v' as rnanl as -100'(X)o Chif."^.f, "",ria" Bciiing. By rhe ear:tr cightcenrh nese mal havc been lL;nran Catholics' a f-atal ln rhe earl1 t700s, hot'clcr' the Catholic nrissirxrtrv efforr expericncetl tr()nl fresh ortlcrs' ,ahirnr. M"-b.-r. of thc Franciscan rrn<l Donrinican religious tht. Jesuit pllsitilrr .h.i" ......."f.,1 rnissi.lnarl, elf<lrts in the Phil;PPifies. attackcd XI &) their Poillt ofvic'\'r' ln 1706 on Confrrcian dtcs and rvon over I'ope Clcnrerrc not civil' ritcs and rcligious' ncrc tl:t""""l;tt ,fr. f,rp" a".r""a that Conftrciarr (ii1!lr1]tics. An rngry Kangxi rclirr chincsc prohi[.ricccl t."l.r"*r, u,ould bc ass'ault on Chrisri'rniry sponJcd wirh a ban on Christian ptcachilrg, an<l the Qirrg l()st their lleiiing' was under war'. llnder Kanlixi's sr'rccessor rhcJestlits ..J .i. ,lni"'.,*,..e of contact bctucen the inpcrial court anrl thc intcllcctual n'orld o[ the Vest disaPPcared' 4q 212 AWotl ol 7i,nsfonuariot aru{ Tratlitiorr DEALINC WITH E( IROPEANS 'fht rdre can become commoo. as with rhe lions and other animals thar foreign lmbassadors iike to give LN and my childreo tre now i(cusaomed ro;... Vesrern skills arc a case in poinr: in the late Ming Dyna-sry, wl'ten chc \0esrerr,ers finr brought thc gnornon fsundiall, rhc Chincse rholtght ir a rarc tteasure unlil they trnderstood irs use. Aod when the Enrperor Slrunzlri got a small chiming chck in 16)3, lTe kept ic als'ays near hinrl btrt norv rve have learttcd to b:rlancc rhc springs and to illjrrst rhe chirnes and fimrlly co rnake chc *lrole clock, so that my childreo can havc teo chiming clocks each to Irlay rvirh, iI thcy want rhem. Siarilariy, we lcarned in a short time to make to that mrJe in the 'West, and our lacquet would be lretter than rheirs, too, were it noc that their wer se-a climare gives a Lxatrr shern chan rhe dry irnd rlttsq Ohincse ,glassware rhac is superior elio,ate evrr could. . . . I renlizcd. too, drat \0estern nTathcm-.rcics Ilas its uses. . I ordered rheJcsrrits Thomas, Gerbillon, ancl Bouver ro study Manclru also, anci to compose treatiscs il rhat language oo $Uestern arithmetic anci the geometty ofEuclid.'lo the early l(r90's I often workctl several hours a day wirh them. !fitlr Verbicsr I l'ud examined cach stage of the firrgiug of cannons. and matle him lruilJ a w.rrrr fr-,urrcain rh,rr <4'trar..l rn t'r'njun{' iiur with an organ, and erecr a rviodmill in tlre court; with che new group . . I worked oo cltrks and mechdnics. Percira taught mc to play the ttrte, "P'n-ytt-L:lt /' on the harpsichorcl and rhe strLrcturc of the eight-nore scalc, Ptdriti taught my sons musi(al rhcorn and Gherarclini h. nn.irnt Gre.k oath(drati.iln *lb livl r.ound ](x) rc r a larl dre ioundarion ti,rrhc srurL- oigd,nerr): lone or rlic Clalsi(s, rh< un! ,l Chtttts l,vlrs ! $,ork ol divinat;o thar tliecl on rhe anrlvsrs oI rrilrralns and ''l 'i 1,,r,,, ;s J(rv(.] lrom tltr Aril'tr wui lA/r,,/,. ti:ng\i ir rhrt Lhirrr hrJ .r hrng rc'tl'rn 'rt nchi€vlmenr in {l5etJri. 8a:metrr" nrcl trigonometry datios DYnrsY ("21)6 B.c-r.-221)( li)bd.k ar lensr d lir rs rh( wltn lu;rttd i)orrraits ar the Coutt. I dso learnecl rrr calcularc the weight and voltrme of spheres' cul.lcs, urd cdles, and to Deasure distances and ul rrrrr ll'rnks' on rnsl'ctrr,rr rours elrr 'rrr5tr later I trsed ahese \festcrn mcthods ro show my officids how to make nrore accurrare calculatioos I showed rvhen planning cl'teir rivcr rvorks. . rhem how to calruirtc circumterences ancl assess rhe area ol a plot r,fland, even if ics borders were a. 1"g2-rd as J,rgs rerth. Jrrrving diagrams lirt rhcm on ti'le.ground witll an arrowl and calculated the t-lorv of river warer thnrugh a lock gate by multiplying the volumc rhar flowed in a fiw seconds () ge. a tlgurc lirr the whole day . . . Bor I was carefirl not co refcr to tl'tese \festerners as 'Great Oflicials.' . Ior eveo though s,)mr rr'the Vr:tern mcrh<*ls .rrr fi'rnr oLrr o\vn, and may evrn be an improvcmert, rhcre is litrle tboua rhem rhar is ne\\'. The princlples of mltthemarics all <ierive from tl'te Bu,k r'l' Changer.' aml thc \(/estern merho<ls arr A-erh chu Chinese in origin: rlris algebra And word." from dn Eirsterll springs p{-erh rhough - it was indeetl rhc \X'rstetners who showed us some!hing our aocieot calendar * nanrely how to calcr,rlate this hrrr shows rhe angle of the northern pole lris inat through thc rruth wlut Zhu Xi- arrived cxpcrrs did not know vesrigation of things: rhe earrh is like the yolk within ao egg. On the question of rhe Clrinese Rites that miSht be ptacticed b1'the Western oissionaries' de Tr;urnon* rvould not spcak' though I sent mes sages '7-hu ti(i to him re;,eareclly. I had agreed wirh the Xi( ll J0-12(x) I r-I l 6mo(s .ool6entit'r o' Gn_ s, w.s Chnr.s l$irns yhilosophcr tritr rhe clrssical iStc;nr,.J. Tuui n { l66ri-t? ro) rerr a prynlenvov seot ro Io.ii. ind (lhlnr ro ov$see C'lholiL m;ssnnrs' His demand rhlr Ch,nts( Chlis(i.fls nhandon rmdirj(Dal lles wt's deePlr (lr Prisun' ,nlinsrve ro Kanrxr' llrt cml,cror trclereJ lr;nr whtre he Jic.l in l;lo. I Il.! ,i Chayte r fbrmulation the Beiiiog lathcrs hacl drawn up in I700: that Confucius was I'ronored by the Chinese as !r master, bur his name lvas not invoked in pr.ryer fot rlrr purpose of gaining hu;'1'j6g'iq. rank, or wealth; rhat'ivorship ofancestors was an expression of krve and filial remembrance, noc inten<led to bring protection to the worshiPer; and rhat there rvas no idca when an ancescral / Chary,e and Cottittrtitf in East Asia 2'li trine, yct with superficial knowledge Maigrot discussed Clrinese sanctity- - . . Since I discovered on thc Southero Tour of 170i thar tberc wcre missionaries wan.lering at rvill over China, I had grown cautious and derer- ancestor mined co control them olore tightly: ro bunci rhem in the larger ciries and io SrouPs rhxr in_ tltrJr.l rnrn liom sevcral drflirenr courrtrrr.. to de Tournon didn't reply, tlTe Catholic Bishop Maigrote did, . . . relling me tluc Heaven catalogue their names and residences, and to lxrmit no nerv establishments withor'rt mv cxPtess coblet rvas crected, that thc sorrl of'tlrc dwclr in that tablec. . . . If marerial ching and shoukl nor be worshiped, aocl thar one should invoke only the namc Lrftl of Heaven" ro sl,ow the ProPel reverence M..rigrot wasn t merely ignor.rnr ofChinese litera_ rure, he couldn't even .ecognize the simPlesr is a Chinese characrers; yet he chose to discuss rhe ralsicy o[rhr Clrirrc.;r morcl systcm . . . Even lictle animals tnourn rheir rlead morhers tbr many days; chese lTescerncrs who want (o rrerr their dead with inclillerence are not even equal to aoimals. Horv corrltl they be comPared rvirh ChineseT \i(e venerate Confucius because of his d<rrrines of respc(t fbr virtue, his sysrcm ot- pelnrission.... I made all missionaries who rvanrecl to stay on in China sign a cerrificace, srarioll rlrat tlrey wor.rld .eorain here fbr lile and lollorv Ricci on tltt Rites. Forry or fif'ty who re- *ere uiled co Guaogzhou; de Tournoo was sent to Macao,r" lris secrerary, Appiani, we kepc fused in prison io Beijing. Despite these sterner rcstricrions, th( Westerners cortioued to cau-se me anxiery Or.rr ships rvere being sold ovetseas: reporrs canre of iroo- rvood fbr kcel blocks bcing shipped out of rrion, hrs incultario'r t,t lovr for srrperi,.,rs ,rnd ancestors. \Xlestertters veneratc their own Grrangclong; Luzoo aod Batavia'r became haveos for Chinese outlaws; and rhe Dutch were stro[g in tlre Soutlrero Seas. I ordered a general irrtluiry dmong residenrs of Beiiing who lrad once lived \arnrs brLlu\. ot rheir .r.'tions. Thcy parnt 1'rr rures of meo wiclr rvings and say, "Tbese reprelent heaveoly spirits, swifi as if they had wings, rhough in realiry chere are no men rvirh wings." I .!o not t'lnd it appropriate to clispute this doc- on rhe coasr. ancl called a conferenae of thc , olrt.rl govrrnorr-g<ncr.rl. I ti'ar thar 'r'mc rimt irr the firrure Clrina is Soinli co get irrto difllcultjes with these various Vestern aoLlntries"' I said. "That is my predictior." Lhirles Mnisrot (165.1-lri0) \lrtr th( trosroli. ro rrluzon s'rs thc nnjor islind of dre qranidLntled i'hil'Ppines: Brrrxvid vns rhc Durth ntme for the ishml oi Java in "drr, _ )h!io wd tte ttuling se(lemeor ncrr GudDgzhou :, rm6rial ordc ll/esrern m(r(hans Ne.t F.'n;atl whcre to do
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