Application - Arlington Public Schools

Commonwealth Circle Incorporated
Scholarship Application Requirements
*niors rvtro plan to Ensue a caacer in
connmmity or prblic ran'icc. Our orgrnizarion wil scbct cafuE fiom s@ondsry ichoob io roeivc
thc rcholer*ip.
Tbe Commonreahh Circle is
a scholuship to worthy
A rniairnrnr of orne sc,boler$ip of mt lcss tbrn S2,000 will bc anardcd" Thc nurnbcr and ttc amounr
lhc schhr$ip mey be iacrcared bs$d on funds nisod
Tbc folhwiog
chr*.li* ii
prcvi&d to tclp frcili8ta rhig pmccss:
.Applic{Dt mrut domondre finarcial
of hir or bor rmdary deation.
Applicad nus ba h tb fin+l
Applic&t mu$ hav€ I minimum
'carcumuhivc unu,qighcd QPA of 3.0 onatl.0 sah
ABplicau m\r* bc a citim of tb Unid Stdos.
Applicanl nurt plan b puraro m odpatioo tbat foctucs in ommuaity or prblic:cnicc.
Applicoat nud rubmit an csay cnlidod *Ylhy My Community Ie Inportrnt lio tt'ic." Thc csray
stmuld be betneen 300 to 500 words. Inclde in the esmy whx specific carecr pEtr trr
applicrnt plrns to sady rad ho'w it will
tb coenrudty.
Applicaat mls *rbmit rn official hiih schml hNlrcript.
Applicant mus bavo tro lct€e of rtsomddiotr ftom higb edool tcachcrr or cqrn:clon
Applicant alro will bc judged oo aanounicular and €mnunity srvfuc activiti€s.
Subtrlit thc @npletad applicetioobyAgil 17,2015 withall rcquicd a4put docuncmand
tbe eey to your high
f.omplcfiod applicationr will bc mloetad by a ConmnwealthCirrlo rcarcrontativc from cach
participating high school. Affer reviewiry all complced ryliccionq the Commonrulth Circle
Scholer*ip Commitrc will notiry cach triloiog applicant of his or hBr sclcction by Mey &
R€eipicnts will be Fcsaobd tbs
at a Coomonweallh Cirub
nccting hcld oo May
payment will bc nadc dL€dly b tbo funsial aid offioe at tho collegc thr sfirfut
to thc st$t of tbc rcbool year,
Commonwealth Circle Community and Public Seruice
Thoroughly answer all applicetion guestions. Umit any single enswer to no more
than :100 words. You mey attach additional pager if you need more spac€ than
provided on the application. ln addition to this application provide character
refurences from two high school teachers or coun$elors, a high school transcript,
and a 3ff) to 5ffi word essay on why your community is important to you.
1. Name
2. Phone Number
3. Address
4, Are you e U. 5. Citizen
5. Social Security Number
6. Place and date of birth
7. Mother's Name and Occupation
8. FatheF s Name and Occupation
9. Name of college you will be attending or applied to
10. What areas will yrlu be studying in college
11. Describe recent employment
1?. Extre-curricular activities
13. Describe your involvement with the community throughout your time in high
14. Pleare indicate why you need financial assistance.
Applient hereby certifies that the above information is correct and complete"
Applimnt's Signature:
Submit the completed applietion by April 17, 2015 to your high school counselor
with required documentation and a 3fi}to 5ffi word essay "Why My Community
ls lmportant To Me.*
lncomplete applications will not be considered.